Daomen Invasion

Chapter 114: : Heavenly Emperor

Xiahe returned to the magic tower, somewhat dazed. Freya was confined to the top floor by him, and other people could not give him any substantive advice.

All of a sudden, a thousand thoughts.

Xiahe greeted Austin and asked Taring to rearrange the magic tower to prepare for his departure. He wanted to go to Abigail for some more wine, but he could bear it. He sent Medieri to the barracks, assigned her the most recent task, and returned to the room by herself.

Xiahe just sat down, and the faint pain came from his soul.


Xiahe gave Freya an opportunity, but did not expect Freya to use such a fierce method to directly extract those negative emotions and various dark seeds from the soul. We must know that Freya is not a human being. The spirit of the gods is ten thousand times stronger than human beings, and the pain will be more profound.

Xiahe and Freya have no soul connection, but the induction between the Taoist priest and the deity has already caused Xiahe to have pain. Over Freya, Xiahe can no longer imagine.

This thing started, there was no way to stop it. Xia He thought about it, let go of his consciousness, and actively accepted these pains.

Similar pain, he tried it once.

In order to invest in the Dragon and Tiger Palace, the master separated his soul from the front line, and that short moment made Xiahe unforgettable forever. And Freya is doing more horrible things at this time.

Xiahe's perception has entered Freya's world.

Is surrounded by darkness, silence, no time, no space, no sense of contrast, and the self becomes so awkward. The beating of the heart, the sound of the blood flowing, the breathing of the lung lobes, all this became louder and louder, until it was deafening and maddening.

This is the cruelest question, because there is no answer.

Past, present, Future.

Where do I come from, who am I, and where do I go?

Xiahe cultivated the Yang God, and now the Yang God body is still hidden in the Taiyin mirror, and the soul is just a ray of differentiation of the original Yang God. Xiahe only felt sorrow coming from the torture again and could not be cut off.

He was a posthumous son. When his father was killed, Kunlun Dao Palace was not aware of his mother's existence.

Master found himself one step earlier and took himself away from the world of Shenzhou. The Kunlun Dao Palace killed the Taiyin Xianfu, and was the last Taoist of the Taiyin Xianfu.


In the soul, a ray of emotion was drawn out, Xiahe's mind was interrupted, and in the darkness, there was a trace of light. The light is so weak, far away, out of reach.


Freya didn't know what emotion she had drawn, Xiahe felt her eyes were digged. Losing the position of both eyes, I feel like a phantom limb, as if the thing is still moving in my eyes.

But under such circumstances, he saw a lot.

He saw Freya's despair and the oppression of this world law.

If it is repeated, I do n’t know how long after that, the surrounding light is getting stronger and stronger. That light is not the imaginary warmth, but cold and cruel. After the light, a pair of eyes are hidden.

Xiahe suddenly awakened from the nightmare, and found himself covered with sweat, and in the sweat, there was blood.

How long?

Xiahe's eyes fell on the magic clock and found that four days and three nights had passed.

Xiahe waved and released a water mirror in front of him. In the water mirror, the young magician's face was pale, as if he were seriously ill, with only one pair of eyes, as bright as stars.

That is the only warmth in Freya's soul world.

Xiahe got off the bed, pushed open the door, and went straight to the element pool. In the center of the four elemental pools, Freya sat cross-legged, only wearing a skirt. Xiahe's eyes fell on her arm, and Freya's left arm was covered with a layer of armor. This armor is silky and silky, with bright colors.

On the armor, the lines are clear, and the pattern of the four beasts seems to be born.

Chaos, singularity, 杼 杌, gluttonous.

Even Xia He glanced at it, and felt that he suddenly inspired an extremely brutal and ugly thought in his heart.

Freya saw Xiahe appearing and fell to the ground with her forehead against the ground.

Her long black hair spread out, blocking the strange armor, and Xiahe's heartbeat returned to normal.

The armor of the wild, the emperor's fierce soldier!

"Freya, how are you ... how is it?" Xia He reached out to Freya, his emotions were extremely complicated. He knew that Freya was okay, and now it's fine, but his previous experience was another extremely long nightmare. This nightmare has an end, as long as Freya's practice reaches the level equivalent to Taoist Yangshen.

But the nightmare will not be forgotten, it will become part of the soul.

Freya straightened up and smiled enchantingly. The armor on her left arm was a little vague, only to see the gorgeous colors swirling like smoke, in front of her left hand, sharp long horns, curved claws, soft beast At the end, thunder, clouds, flames, and frost are constantly changing.

"Adult, I'm fine, but it's a pity that the resources you gave, could have built a hundred soldiers."

Xiahe was also a little sorry, but he no longer wanted to see if it was worth it. Freya was just fine. She didn't need to obliterate her old memories, or turn her into a cold war machine.

"Adult, I feel that there is an unevenness in your chest." Freya did not stand up, but raised her head and looked at Xiahe. She leaned back and sat on her lap.

Xiahe scratched his head, looking from top to bottom, Freya had not grown up yet ...

"It's nothing, just spent 300,000 gold coins and bought a lesson."

"Hate, is it an imperial envoy?"

"Can't beat, don't want to fight." Xiahe's gaze had a warning meaning. He and Freya joined forces to make use of the magic tower, which could indeed give Long a heavy blow, but he did not have the confidence to kill it.

And why kill him, in the future, Longhui will be a backer of his own.

300,000 gold coins, it is worth the cost.

Freya bent over and picked up the two dragons and tigers on the ground. She first put herself on her left hand, and the terrifying breath that escaped from the armor of the great waste was suddenly covered.

Xiahe reached out and asked Freya to put the Dragon and Tiger Dao back on him again.

"God is spirited, did you do it?" Xiahe sensed the change of the Dragon and Tiger Dao, Freya's method became powerful and delicate, handled the internal space, and integrated more space equipment. The function of the Taolu itself has been further strengthened. These are not the key points, the key point is that there is a new sense between the two people.

"Adult did not achieve Yin Shen?" Freya asked in surprise.

"It's still a bit of trouble. In my shrine, there is the original Yang God. My soul must not only conform to the laws of this world, but also have to take care of the original things. But it won't take long, one or two years Get it done. "

"Adult, although my problem disappeared ..."

"Then what?" Xiahe asked nervously.

"I still have jealousy now." Freya lingered Xiahe's eyes, her eyes were soft, but she could not be cut off.

Xiahe was relieved. This was nothing. The Taoist gates of the world around Shenzhou and the direction of spiritual practice had never been utterly outspoken. By cutting off emotions as a means to keep your heart free from outside influences, this practice is an evil way.

Is immortal, is it just to become a stone?

"You put on your clothes." Xiahe did not look away.

"You have to test this weapon, the clothes on hand can't bear its power."

Look around Xiahe. The location surrounded by the element pool is the strongest place of the magic tower. The magic array at the foot can also be transformed into a Daomen formation at any time.

"Don't be too intense."

"Good!" Freya's hand flapped on the ground, and the magic array instantly turned into a boxy door, Zhu Yin. She bounced into the air and flung into Xiahe's arms. In front of her left hand, a sharp tooth appeared.

The surrounding space changes, surrounded by mountains, thousands of miles of snow, and thick ice at the foot. Under the ice, the magic patterns spread without end, weaving the laws of the world of gods, and above the sky, the boxy door Zhu Yin hung high, replacing the sun.

Freya's Heavenly Emperor's soldiers attacked at the moment, the skirt on her body could not support it, and slammed into butterflies all over the sky.

What Xiahe felt was behind the sharp teeth, as if there was a throat swallowing the world.

His right hand was clenched into a fist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was a blow down.

A lotus warhammer that was only one circle larger than his fist appeared, and magic was instantaneous. There are no spells, no guidance, and no equipment to assist. This is the characteristic of achievement of Yin God, but Xiahe is not really a fourth grade Taoist. This simulated magic has not reached the 20th level.


The Lotus Warhammer was bitten by the sharp teeth, and Xiahe's figure shrank backwards, and the azure ice cone more than one meter long was stabbed.

The teeth in front of Freya's palm disappeared, a long tail swept across, and a huge ice cone shot upward.

Then the tail made a hooked movement, Freya's figure fluttered forward in the air, and the tail in front of the palm became a sharp unicorn.

Xiahe's fingertips popped a golden light, and the golden light had clear lines on it, which instantly condensed and fell to a sharp unicorn.

With the sound of Qiang, the gold symbol breaks down, and Xiahe uses this power to feather backwards. At the same time, nine fireballs suddenly appear in front of Xiahe, running like a star, blocking the Freya's attack line on. No matter how she changes the angle, the nine fireballs seem to have gravity and automatically block all directions.

The sharp corner in front of Freya's palm turned into a vague mouth, just one, and swallowed nine fireballs. Instead, she attacked faster, seeing Xiahe.

Mobius ring of fire!

The red ring of fire expanded in an instant, and it looked like it was hitting Freya at every angle.

Swallowed vaguely one big mouth, Xiahe body was ejected backwards, flew by force, Mobius fire ring was swallowed hard, Freya chased up again.

Her limbs were twisted into strange angles, like a goblin, the ice field, and her skin was not fair.

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