Daomen Invasion

Chapter 115: : Final troubles

The blood-red magic robe on the half of Xiahe made the sound of the wind blowing the flag, and the hunting sounded. His palms stood up, and in front of him, a huge ice shield condensed.

The scale armor on this ice shield appeared, exuding a faint dragon power.

The magical illusion of the magic tower draws on the means of goblin relics, and in this space, the power of Xiahe can be released to the maximum extent. This phase of the frost dragon shield has a taste of master magic.


In Freya's palm, a huge fierce beast roared and slammed into the phased frost dragon shield.

The dragon shield shattered, and Xiahe's palm thundered.

Sacrifice **** thunder!

The light of the thunder fell on the head of the fierce beast, and the fierce beast was destroyed by a blow from the **** thunder. After the disillusionment, Freya's palm burst into flames, like a dragon, Xiahe's figure was enveloped by fire, and the skin surface shone with a soft luster.

Phantom flashes!

The sacrificial **** thunder turned out to be performed by a phantom. Freya flicked one leg backwards, and the spring appeared.

This foot went straight to Xiahe, who shone behind her, and the instep of the foot was straight, like a big gun stabbing.

Withered thorns!

Xiahe seduce his fingers, and grew gray thorns from the void, wrapped around Freya's ankle. The thorns of the thorns pierced into it, making a rattling sound, and shattered.

Xiahe's body fell straight, saying, "No more, your state is higher."

Freya's legs shrank and her body straightened, forming a ninety degree angle with the ground, and fell down rapidly.

Poof, her feet stuck in the snow, her face fluttering.

The speed at which Xiahe fell was much slower than her. He smiled when he saw Freya's expression.

"Very good, this great wild armor is very comprehensive, suitable for your identity." Xia He said to Freya, while recalling just his own fight. The sacrifice of Thunder is really smooth. If you can show it before, you will not be controlled by Rong, and you will have the opportunity to escape.

But if there is no one to support, he will be immediately controlled by Long again.

Unless he really achieves Yin Shen, otherwise he has no hope of escaping in front of a person like Long.

"Sir, are you going to find the messenger in trouble?" Freya waved her hand and removed the illusion. The two returned to the center of the four elemental pools, and the door of the foot, Zhu Yin, disappeared and became the magic circle of this world.

All the secrets of the two people have already matched up with this world, and they are in perfect harmony.

"No more, I have to make you fit clothes. This will happen in the future if you can't fight."

"Don't adults like it?"


Freya smiled and took out her dress from her dragon and tiger 箓 and wore it generously in front of Xiahe.

It's a very common thing to explode clothes after a battle. If Ovilla didn't have the right armor, after turning into a dragon, and then returning to the body, it must be smooth.

Some mad warriors, beastly warriors, have faced such troubles.

"Freya, you have to solve this matter yourself." Xiahe said, and took out a colorful human skin and handed it to Freya.

Freya just knew what it was by just touching it.

"Adult, I don't want to wear human skin ..."

"What is the difference between this and Warcraft Leather?"

"It turns out that adults like Warcraft!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you can use this to refine a transforming cloak, this material is special, there are not many things that can withstand the power of the Great Waste Armor, you will do it. If you don't use it, I will use it myself."

Freya listened to Xia He and immediately grabbed her skin in her hands. She didn't want adults to wear a piece of Ovilla's skin all day long.

"You remember to give Dragon Skin to Ovilla and apologize to her, she is almost awake."

Freya frowned and said reluctantly: "Adult, I don't understand, why did you take Ovilla. Her boat, those people, are not worth anything."

"I like her a little bit, and that's what I agree with this world. I can't do anything against my heart. When faced with her, I can be natural, and in the eyes of others, I'm normal. Freya, We have to live in this world and live on. You are a **** and you have to understand this. "

"Do you want to let it go?"

"Yes, by the way, if she likes me, that would be best."

"I do not like her."

"Do you like Abigail?"

Freya shook her head.

"What about Medirelli?"

"She's still a kid!"

"Actually who I like, you are all unhappy, Freya ..."

"Speaking of it, it's not unhappy, just think they don't deserve you."

"Okay, you go to apologize to Ovilla, and then send 300,000 gold coins to the envoy, and Abigail, you have to send 150,000. These are all things you provoke, go for yourself Get rid of."

"Well, other things are arranged in the Dragon and Tiger Dao, I will watch." Freya finally stopped resisting.

Xiahe was relieved now that Freya's problem was not solved perfectly, but she would definitely not make serious mistakes again. For myself, this is enough.

Thinking of this, Xiahe reached out and rubbed Freya's hair.

"I have seen all your sufferings, in the future ..."

"I will know the weight later." Freya lowered her head.

"No, I mean, pay attention to protecting yourself later, war weapons, I can make them separately."

Freya agreed in a low voice, put away the colorful human skin, bid farewell to Xiahe, and went to Ovilla. Xiahe watched Freya go, and then lifted the restrictions on Austin, summoning him to the top of the magic tower.

"Master Blood Master, Freya, is she okay?" Austin said with some fear.

Because before this, he understood one thing, besides Asra, Freya can control him and decide his life and death, which is terrible.

Great Austin, how can you give fate to a woman?

"Austin, Freya and I will both leave Stormwind for a few years. This magic tower will be given to Jack for the time being."

"How do you do! Master, Jack is an outsider!" Austin wanted to roll on the ground, but remembered Freya's cold eyes, decided to control her behavior.

"Jack is not an outsider, let alone the ultimate control of the Magic Tower is in your hands."

Austin was just happy now, and he asked, "Sir, how should I face after you leave ..."

"On the fifth floor of the magic tower, no one is allowed to come up, and the rest will be handed over to Jack. I will give you drawings to make you build a body that can walk outside, and you pretend to be an apprentice in the magic tower.

"Nothing?" Austin was greatly disappointed.

"What do you want to control?"

"Of course it is the entire Stormwind City!"

"Austin, you think too much. The people brought by the ambassadors this time, there are administrative officials, it is estimated that they will take over the affairs of Stormwind. You will help me deal with the drawings and make some special parts. Before I come back, you want There are many tasks completed. "Xia He said, and took some drawings to Austin.

Xiahe hopes that the size of his future knighthood will reach 500, and needs 500 mounts, all of which are to construct war figures.

The war figure he designed, some parts are manufactured very slowly and require metal to grow on its own.

"The element pool needs to be used sparingly, and from now on, there is no need to control the entire Stormwind City."

"I get it." Austin bowed his head in frustration. He thought that after Xiahe left, he would be able to dominate the storm. Unexpectedly, the Arcane Empire still has to be left to manage, and the Magic Tower was also handed over to Cotton Jack. After doing it for a long time, he was the one who mixed the blood mage.

Xiahe also does not intend to comfort Austin, this guy has the stubbornness of the goblin and must be controlled.

Sent Austin, and Xiahe turned to Medirley again.

Medi Li saw that Xiahe's desk was piled up, and Lord Lord was playing with a small badge. The blue flame is still burning in the hands of adults, and the badge flips in the flames, with complicated and mysterious lines.

"Medi Li, how many people do you have?"

"Not counting those who did not return, there are 612 people."

"The emperor of the arcane empire, enshrined me as the earl, and even the family tree has been made for me. The earl can have three thousand troops, and if I am outside, I can have a hundred armor. Give up, want to leave most people, and only take a hundred people to the empire ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Medierli thought for a while, said: "If it is a hundred-year plan, adults can fully cultivate their hearts . "

"Oh? Do you know this too?"

"Recently reading a book, the magician has a famous saying: master the knowledge, and master the world."

"Yes, I really want to re-cultivate my heart and soul, and I can't believe these deceased. I'll leave it to you to do it, with a 25-year deadline."

"Leave it to me?" Medieri was surprised, he was a disciple of the sword king, although he would not betray the lord, after all, he had this relationship in it.

"Is it weird? As a lord, in terms of hiring, it is impossible to train them all by yourself."

Medi Li did not refute, he wanted to learn the sword with the lord, that is half a student. With this relationship, even if you return to your original environment, no one will trust yourself anymore.

"I think about it. It is not difficult to deal with the future. There is a problem right now. If I don't solve it, I can't worry about leaving."

"Ghost Eye Mage?" Medierli had the keenness of the swordsman.

"It's him, I'm not afraid to tell you that the ghost-eye mage is not a person in this world. So you go and say to the king, if he doesn't solve this matter, I will find the temple to solve it. If the temple intervenes, he will face the invasion of the outside world. Or, if he stood idly by, he turned out to be clear. "

"Sir, would you like to ask my teacher for help?" Medieri tentatively asked, she was worried about the lord's enthusiasm.

"Let the king try first."

Medi Li thought this is the same reason. The ghost-eye mage is the man of the magic king. If something happens, the teacher should not come forward. Besides, if it is not resolved, the Dharma King will definitely throw the black pot to the teacher.

Is still thoughtful of Lord Lord.

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