Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1133: :deliver

What shocked Doron was that he had been patiently observing that all the legendary mages who transported goods did not feel insulted, and they were willing.

There are even a few magicians who are all over level 60 and are still doing the crudest job.

It ’s definitely not reluctant to change to yourself, and it is impossible to accept such a task.

Duke Asra, what a trouble ...

The royal order on the Duke's side is huge, and the variety is too complicated. That is, the Dukes have a powerful computing core, and multi-level computing cores separately process these information. So it can be done, so that every piece of goods is not wrong and sent to the place where it should be sent.

The royal family ordered the magic fortress cannon. At this level, unless the technology is upgraded to a very high level, the magic fortress can not be replaced. Because of the emphasis on power, ordinary technology guns want to be so brutal, at least once every five minutes or more.

The magic fortress cannon can be fired once a minute.

This is still considering the cost, everything is simple, if not, the magic fortress can even be delivered in a few seconds.

Then there is the giant magic ballista, which can fire seven or eight meters long magic ballista.

The royal family also ordered a large number of tanks, iron horses or something. Especially the iron horse configuration, which specifically provides requirements. At first glance, it is necessary to add an additional magic array to it.

The royal family's food is prepared by themselves, but a large number of Shirimaru are ordered.

The duke even had to transfer his inventory of Tokamaru to the royal legion, so as not to supply it.

There are many orders for aircraft, but they are all three-tier aircraft, which is the first class of floating fish.

Li Anna is also strange, because the royal family can make a lot of things, and it is still buying at a high price with the Duke. Number 10 is still smart this time and sees why.

These ordered things are usually things that are rarely produced.

When war is needed, it must be built in advance. Excess inventory is useless. Li Anna thought so, it was true.

These things bought by the royal family are also temporarily produced by the duke leader. The inventory is also because of the need to arm the foreign army, and there is a part of the demand. On the side of the main force, in fact, in addition to magic projectiles, there is not much inventory of other things.

Li Anna thinks more because she is not familiar with the production process of the duke.

On the 10th, she explained to her that if the Duke's leader encountered large-scale production, he would use the computing core to distribute the production tasks of the alchemy plant, and would never waste a minute of time.

The alchemy factory led by the Duke is usually the lowest load operation, to ensure that the workers and magicians have something to do, and the skills will not be rusty. When it is really needed, by virtue of reasonable collocation, powerful production capacity can burst. The Duke-led alchemy factory was prepared for his own, and the Duke-led army was not many, so the total production capacity was fully supplied.

"You mean, Doron is researching our production capacity?"

"Of course not. The contract between us clearly states that many things can be replaced by second-hand refurbished goods. The royal family does not pursue new equipment. In fact, many of the used equipment led by the Duke is better than the new ones. It has been tested and is very reliable. "

The royal family began to attack. On the side of Li Anna, she also increased her strength to four battalions. The army of the underground world added a little bit to 12,000 people, which was considered to make up for the previous loss.

Of the four battalions of Li Anna, only one battalion is the main corps, and the remaining three battalions are all alien corps.

Moreover, only one battalion of the foreign army was trained according to the standards of the main world, and the other two battalions were still being trained, and they were transferred by Li Anna.

In this way, Li Anna also had more than 30,000 people.

The royal family had so many armies, and it was to fight against the **** of magic in preparation for the invasion of the extreme north. But Li Anna just guarded this position, and there were more than 30,000 people.

The harassment of the God of Magic has never stopped. Li Anna estimates that there is a arsenal surrounded by the God of Magic, which specializes in making all kinds of strange creatures. However, she cannot find it everywhere. The Royal Corps did not go looking for it. Why did she waste this power.

It was not only her who was harassed, but the damage caused by the harassment day and night was not small on the royal side.

The space bubble technology, the royal family obviously has a solution. However, although the assassin can be quickly discovered, it is at the moment when the assassin broke out.

If the assassins do not attack too powerful people and target them as intermediate officers, the royals still have no good solution.

Because the stall is too large, even if the Marshal is over 70, he can't take care of everyone.

The Duolun's army, with millions of advancements, marched toward the west.

In fact, Li Anna also knows that in addition to fighting against the **** of magic, the royal family still hopes to dive into the underground world. In the northern part of the underground world, there are dungeon-led dungeons. Although there are not many people, it is a real control area. , Including the underground islands outside the underground city, is now considered the site of the duke.

Li Anna is not worried, she just pays attention to intelligence every day.

When the Royal Million Army was on the road, she received the news on the fourth day and Smith succeeded.

The Duke led the army and blocked the huge army of the God of Magic in the north. A fierce battle came down and blocked the army of the Magic God from going south.

The army of magical gods is increasing one after another, and the strong are like clouds. However, every strong man who came to the battle line was slashed by Smith.

Smith is more than ten meters tall, wearing the image of a heavy armor and a huge sword, which has already gained popularity.

I don't know how many legends, he was beheaded with a sword.

Later, the legend of the God of Magic did not try to use his personal power to break through the defense line. In the four days of kung fu, the army of the God of Magic expanded by millions, and was destroyed by a wave of space-based weapons.

However, at the same time as the destruction of the army of magical gods, in the extreme north, a divine force rose into the sky and flew into the near-Earth orbit, destroying the space-based weapons arranged by Xiahe in one fell swoop.

Space-based weapons were not originally protected, and now the starry flagship is not there, and they have no ability to evade them.

However, this exchange still earned.

After being attacked by space-based weapons, the army of gods of magic was killed and injured, but countless loot was left. Many legends have not escaped this wave of blows, and the survivors have also been successfully cleared by Smith with the Knights.

Smith didn't protect the space-based weapons, he could stop the power, but the **** of wrathful magic must definitely destroy the space-based weapons. It is impossible for me to stay in the sky day and night, and the defensive slag-based space-based weapon, not to mention the **** of magic, as long as it is a powerful legend, dare to fly up and destroy it.

You can't hold it by yourself, and you will expose your demigod level.

After Li Anna got the news, she was determined. Smith's army can turn around to deal with the army of magic gods in the underground world.

When she felt that the overall situation had been decided, an army of magic gods suddenly appeared in the east of the defense line.

Even Duolun was shocked by the generosity of the God of Magic. I do n’t know how the space technology used by the God of Magic transferred more than three million troops directly to the location.

After this army arrived, the attack was launched immediately without waiting for everyone to react.

To her surprise, Li Anna took the correct measures against her defensive line, the forces of the God of Magic.

A small number of chariot-like creatures, accompanied by infantry, scattered towards their defense line. Throwing weapons have extremely long range and carry poison.

The soldiers who had just cleared the position had not yet come up. For the time being, the robot was only responsible for defense. In a flash, the first line of defense was breached.

The attacking enemies will never get together, and powerful weapons are meaningless.

The robot warrior, with the technology gun, the lethality is temporarily okay, but Li Anna feels that soon, the **** of magic will find a way to deal with the technology gun.

The **** of magic, instead of throwing power to Smith's side, instead throws it to the royal army.

After Duolun heard the information, he was depressed.

This is equivalent to being dragged by the army of the God of Magic, and then the army of the Duke of Asla can be arranged calmly, waiting for himself to solve the army of the God of Magic, the Duke of Asla, fearing that it has caused the trouble of invading the underground world Solved it.

However, he had no way to solve this problem. The army of magic gods had already entangled him.

His camp was very scattered. The troops of the God of Magic did not hesitate to consume and cut his camp. If he did not fight hard, he would be eaten up by many troops.

Fortunately, the supplies are in place, and all camps and combat supplies are already quite adequate.

Li Anna also can't understand the operation of the magic god, anyway, it is beneficial to the duke.

The three giant beetles ran swiftly through the snow, rushing to the line of defense of the duke's collar. In front is an ice fortress. The thickness of the ice layer is already five meters, and the internal space is only more than seven meters.

The robot has dozens of consecutive shots on the giant beetle's carapace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just flew a string of Mars.

A mutant builds and uses a magical musket to make a blast, but it just makes a hole in the carapace. The giant beetle crashed into the ice fortress and rammed the ice fortress into a pit more than half a meter deep.

Outside the Void Magic Monument, on a huge ice fortress, there was a structure that raised a magical musket, aimed at a giant beetle a few miles away, and pulled the trigger. The magic projectile arrived in the space bubble instantly.

The projectile penetrated the shell of the giant beetle and tore all the way back in the position of the brain, rolling, and the metal projectile exploded.

The giant beetle was badly hit, but the structure of the body was different from that of ordinary creatures. It had no brain. The neurons were distributed all over the body. It was obviously a fatal injury, and it could not die for a while. thump.

However, the soldiers who followed him around, the troops of the God of Magic, also killed a dozen people with its claws waving wildly. (https: //) Daomen Invasion only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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