Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1134: :Evaluation

In addition to the giant beetle, there are thick-skinned dragon beasts, or giant spiders, all like the chariot, charging and the infantry are behind.

This kind of warfare is of course very bad, but if you can't kill those huge creatures, let them come to the position, the destructive power is not small at all.

How can large, low-level creatures be used this way?

Li Anna made the calculation and found that the cost of these large creatures can be much lower than that of her own chariot.

In addition to the poor range, the melee lethality is not small at all. It is possible to create twenty such creatures, which is equivalent to a lower-level armored combat vehicle.

If it wasn't for the Duke's leader to quickly develop a space bubble gun, he would have to use heavy artillery to destroy this large creature.

For the Duke's collar, the technical artillery is nothing more than unrestricted materials, and there is no technical difficulty in production, but the cost is not low.

Magic cannon, magic artillery, magic ballista, these things, when manufacturing, will require some special materials.

Especially for vehicle-mounted and ship-mounted models, in order to reduce the size, the materials are even more refined.

Many times, the materials extracted from the starry sky worm are used, which is not something that can be mined by mining.

Fortunately, Li Anna's strength has increased. In the otherworld legion, the magic configuration is only a smaller number of the commander series, and there are still balancer configurations. The number is no different from the main legion.

Equipped with a balancer, it can reach a maximum level of 35, and a special magic musket can also be driven.

Li Anna simply went to the Void Magic Tablet and looked at the surrounding combat situation. It was late at night, and now it was no longer snowing, the sky was clear, the blue moonlight was shining on the snow, and there was an indescribable desertion.

A ray of red fire flew from afar, toward the direction of the Void Magic Tablet.

The quasi-head is not good, but there are a lot of ice fortresses and artillery positions around the Void Magic Monument. If you hit anything, you won't lose anything. Besides, the firelight itself is a huge fireball. After landing, it will continue to burn for a long time.

The people of Li Anna had to intercept these fireballs, because apart from the ice fortress, the fortifications close to the surface, the Tibetan military caves, were all made of ice.

Letting the magical flame fall is very destructive.

Fortunately, the magic ballista itself also has a small hand-controlled, magic musket, which can also change the magic projectile attributes.

Discrete magic bullets are considered to be the most common demolition projectiles, and they have a good effect against large fireballs. It's just that the hard work is not what Li Anna wants to see.

But those creatures that fired fireballs are separated by more than a dozen miles. Do they want to kill their positions and not charge the positions of the **** of magic?

If the enemy is a normal country, it doesn't matter if this is a fight. Is the enemy a **** of magic?

Just kidding, the gods are the most stingy and the most extravagant guys.

How did these millions of troops get transferred? What price did you pay?

The King Kong Mountain has already been calculated, and the battlefield data is passed back, and only a slight analysis will come to a conclusion. The **** of magic may have sacrificed a small parallel space and gained the power to transfer millions of troops.

Yes, the **** of magic paid a price, but the price was so light and parallel to the space.

The gods are cautious and stingy, cruel and extravagant.

If humans find a space that can be controlled, it must be developed in the long run. But the **** of magic can be used to sacrifice, just a divine skill.

Xiahe is now handing over the command power to the life structure, but he is also paying attention to the battlefield, and after getting the information, he is also a little bored.

A parallel space, just sacrificed?

God of Magic, you are really a loser.

However, if you don't do this, the God of Magic can no longer quickly release so many troops. The group that I killed myself may be the longest army prepared by the **** of magic. Originally, I had to rely on this army to break into the underground world and complete the layout.

After being destroyed by himself, maybe the **** of magic felt that it was impossible to obtain a breakthrough in that direction, so he immediately recruited a second army and made a breakthrough from the direction of Mithril City.

While the Royal Legion is here, the God of Magic intends to kill the Royal Legion before taking the next step.

Fortunately, the Duke's leader did not invest much here, a dozen-mile-wide defense line, more than 30,000 people, less than 500,000 robots.

If you give up the robot, retreating is also very easy.

Xiahe could not give any advice, let Li Anna stay there, anyway, there was a royal corps on it, no matter how much toss, Li Anna would not be in the limelight.

However, Li Anna's pressure is increasing, and the magic god's army, I don't know why, on her defense line, she invested a lot of troops.

It may be her defense line, and the Ice Great Wall of the Royal Legion, formed a T shape, attacking the Ice Great Wall, she can attack on the flanks. But she had no plans to support the Royal Legion. The troops of the God of Magic, still the former servants, put their forces on her defense line.

Li Anna had to make her own shot to relieve the pressure on the defense line.

She let out dozens of sword spirits, wandering inside the defense line, and at the same time let the sword pocket forage.

At this time, Jianxiu's horror manifested itself. The 18 sword qi released by Li Anna was stored in the first sword pocket. These sword qi have been accumulated through thousands of efforts, and they were accumulated when she practiced the sword in the mirror in the past. They are huge in number, and they are freely released 18 times, each of which can be used for a long time.

And without encountering enemies, there is almost no power loss.

These sword qi, fighting each other in her sword bag, but without loss, but a kind of grinding. Now let it go, I hope it will be much more pure when stored, and the power will become quite huge.

Hundreds of assassins were cut out of space bubbles by this sword gas.

As for the second sword pocket, there is also sword spirit in it, which is strange, and Li Anna will not let it out. Not only does it have sword spirit, but she will occasionally build some swords with her own hands, and they will be thrown into the sword pocket.

These things are part of the teeth inside the sword pocket.

No matter what is swallowed into the sword pocket, it will suffer an extremely intensive blow.

The swallowed enemies, no matter what they have, will eventually decompose, and then used as materials to feed the various swords in the sword pocket.

Many of the strong men of the magical **** who rushed into the tunnel were swallowed by this sword pocket, twisted casually, and turned into powder.

This sword pocket is just a weapon for Daomen. The magician's equipment does not have this kind of thinking at all, and it is impossible to invest so much in making a weapon.

Li Anna's strike effect is excellent, but the result is the army of the magic god, which increased the blow to her position.

Li Anna wants to cry without tears, she doesn't care about fighting, but why?

You just go to fight with the Royal Corps, I am here, hiding underground, very suffocating, okay?

The most direct loss is the robot part. The troops of the Magic God attacked the scattered lines, although they did not do their best, but some people could find the Tibetan soldier cave and find the tunnel. After approaching, it is a close fight, and the use of muskets becomes smaller.

Duke soldiers who do not care about the sacrifice of magic gods, the duke can only let the robots defend.

In three days of effort, the robots repaired and repaired, and replaced parts with each other, and lost tens of thousands. In fact, this is equivalent to the loss of tens of thousands of soldiers. The robot level is not low, and the cost is not as cheap as expected. Said that the cost of robots is low, it is at the expense of no pension.

And unless the robot is seriously damaged, the parts can still be reused. Even if it is completely destroyed, the metal material of the robot itself is not worthless and can be recycled.

But how can a robot with an average level close to level 10 be cheap?

Not to mention the alien army, the main army, the average rank of the soldiers is not close to the tenth level.

In just three days, tens of thousands of robots were lost, and they were completely lost. There is no repair value, which makes it difficult for Li Anna to accept.

"Tenth, I want to go out and make a vote." Li Anna returned to the half magic tower that day and said fiercely to Tenth.

"But ... what if I am sacrificed?"

"You sacrificed?"

"Yeah, if you go, it will definitely cause huge damage. The enemy will not let you go. There will be a lot of legends to siege you. I will have to help and then lead to a stronger presence. There are still some creatures of level 60. Come on three or two, I will be finished. I am still very young and don't want to die. "No. 10 cried with a sad face.

"You're so afraid of death, it's very different from the 18th!"

"The eighteenth is a lunatic, I am not."

"Can the construction be crazy?"

"Why not, you haven't seen No. 17 ..." No. 10 obviously remembered something bad, and his face was particularly ugly.

"Unfortunately, it was you who came here, alas ..."

"City Lord, you should be fortunate to be me. If you come over on the 17th ... you might have been dragged into the extreme north. By then, maybe the Lord Duke personally shot, and you can't save you."

"How did the 17th live to today?" Li Anna did not believe it.

"He won't protect you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He just needs to do it himself."

"So ... really crazy?"

"The seventeenth and twenty-fourth had the best relationship. When the twenty-fourth was destroyed, he was crazy. If he remained loyal to the duke, he might have been destroyed by humanity."

"You have great opinions?"

"Nonsense, he almost killed me!" On the 10th, he almost swears, considering Li Anna is his boss and a woman, barely holding back.

"If I almost killed you ..."

"You are a sir, he is not, the difference is too great. Besides, you are not a harmful person, I know." No. 10 said with disapproval.

"I still have this evaluation?" Li Anna was surprised. (https: //) Daomen Invasion only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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