Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1149: : Chaos

Xia He thought for a while, he had enough power left on the icefield, if he added more troops, the Lao's side would not be strong enough, and he immediately issued an order to let Smith leave only one legion in the dungeon, and the rest Everyone is back.

There is enough legion in the dungeon. If you do n’t fight back, you will endure.

And there are more underground forces that can be mobilized there than Mithril City.

As for Mithril City, it does not add any troops, the royal legion is there as a dead ghost.

After thinking for a while, Xiahe still didn't move the army fighting in the half-elf empire. Instead, he mobilized a legion from Rhode Island and went to the imperial continent, the original main city of the Duke of Zhesu, to strengthen the defense.

Then Xiahe let Little Sun City build his own life, contact the King of Snowvis, and make the overall defense arrangement.

The territory of the county of King Snoopes is far away, still south of the city of Juno, but he is also on this side, and there are some territories that Xiahe gave him. In addition, it was the territory that he gathered around those rebellious nobles.

Xiahe is like this, in order to be able to connect with the territory of Snowvis.

Now, Snowvis can't give up, so he has to release the army to defend with him.

Don't think about counterattack at this time. The army of the magic god, that is, the locust crossing, you chase and fight, and there is no good result.

As Xiahe arranged, he was thinking about the issue of mobile troops.

On the island of Kirishima, the Medelly Knights can't move, what else can they move?

Bering Flying Corps?

After thinking about it, the number of people is insufficient. After all, there is no single person on the New World. It is already the lowest limit. And because there are so many nobles under his own hands, don't you care?

Mobile forces must be kept under their own hands. Even in this way, they dare not guarantee safety and can only take orders from their destiny.

However, his nobles, influenced by himself, began to do industry, expand cities, and reduce the rural population. What he has done in recent years is still very good.

But the nobles under their own hands, building the city, all sent their own people to help.

On the surface, there is not much effort, but in fact all have a good defense system. At least there are huge underground fortifications, and when necessary, it is relatively easy to move people in.

The prince of the Duke tossed here and there, and all the imperial nobles were like enemies.

After making a good relationship with the Ninth College, I took advantage of the unsealing of the Ninth College and turned to the door.

However, after all, some people were too late. Soon, the news spread. Not a few million, but a army of tens of millions of magical gods, divided into dozens of regions and sent to the empire.

And it looks like this is just the first batch.

Almost all the troops are concentrated in the west of the central empire, where the population is dense. Speaking of which, the eastern part of the empire has never been prosperous, and the prosperous place is the west.

Xiahe was not in vain. An army of about 4 million people appeared on the west side of his empire. It seems that we are going to attack Duke Zhesu's main city.

The huge convoy was desperately trying to transport people in various villages. Nothing was needed. Take the people back to the city first.

Fortunately, in recent years, Xiahe's construction on the local territory is good. Although many villages do not recognize his rule, his character has been accepted.

Anyway, Duke Asra did not lie, one was one, and the other was two.

The Duke said that the army of magical gods invaded, and there were all kinds of outsiders. These farmers really left their homes and got into the car led by the Duke, and then fled to the city.

The army of magical gods, after being delivered, immediately spread out and rearranged the camp tactics without immediately attacking. This is afraid of being beaten by space-based weapons, and fear of being beaten again.

Xiahe just had time to retreat and emptied the villages in his own territory.

It's still summer now, and it's time to retreat before harvest time, the loss is not small, but is there any way?

A Lieyang Magic Army, plus the Changling Army, built a defense line on the other side of the main city. Anyway, the army of magic gods cannot be swaggered into the territory in this direction.

War broke out in this way.

Xiahe is also reviewing himself. He thought that the **** of magic really wanted to figure it out slowly. He would get to the underground world first. Now think about it, the war in the underground world is only practiced by the **** of magic.

He is not very skilled in throwing troops.

After the proficiency of the delivery force was proficient, the **** of magic directly sent a huge army to the empire, and set off a **** storm in the empire.

The more than 4 million troops in the west did not directly attack the main city at all, but slowly swept the countryside.

The nobles around were all well connected with Xiahe, but they could only watch them die.

At least fifty little nobles, who dragged their families with their mouths, fled towards the Xiahe territory. A few of them also had the nobles of the territory. They simply used their own airships to bring up the wealth they could bring.

Fortunately, the army of the God of Magic did not pursue in the air, otherwise none would survive.

"Teacher." Smith, who returned from the icefield, immediately came to see Xiahe.

"It's just back. I'm worried that something happened to Kirishima. You go to Kirishima immediately, and you don't need to come back for a while."

"Kirishima? Isn't there a knight there?"

"The Knights are not demigods, and they are too important over there. Like Austin in Storms Point, Anduzias over Little Sun City, and me over here, the icefield Medieri."

"Okay, let me go." Smith agreed.

"Medi Li came back soon, she had to go to the New World to sit in the town. I still have not enough people at hand."

"The ice field?"

"The three goddesses still have to contribute, and I can't always let me stand. Since the ice goddess has been created, they are given the opportunity to go to the ground. If the **** of magic, really sent the demigod past, it can't let Medelli stand . "

"But if Sister Leaving, then Li Anna ..."

"It must be sure that Dian Rose is honest, you can rest assured that Li Anna is also my heir."

"Teacher, I'm not partial ..." Smith embarrassed.

"I am." Xiahe Road.

"Teacher, you are really direct!"

"If I'm not partial, why do you follow me. The hard work, the final treatment is not good for outsiders? Those people, I spent money to get them back to the city, and I have to think about it and compensate them for this time. Losses in the war. But the losses in this war were not caused by me. "

"Or are you a teacher." Smith sighed.

"You are grown up, forget how I beat you back?" Xia He stared.

"The teacher hasn't beat me a few times, I was still very good." Smith smiled.

"Are you very good? You destroyed more things than all my students combined. Forget it, you are really grown up now, and you haven't ruined things much in recent years."

Smith blushed, and asked the teacher what to pay attention to after going to Kirishima, and then handed over the supplies and re-acquired the weapons and equipment needed to go to Kirishima before leaving.

Xiahe is a headache, and it is very troublesome to cross the continent, so he must have a demigod in every important place.

Kirishima is Smith, Storm Point is Austin, and there is Anduzias in the Little Sun City. If he is in Rhode Island and the New World, he can only give it to Medieri.

Well, it would be nice if I had two more gods on my side.

However, the most important place is the world of Taiyin Xianfu, Freya cannot come back to help.

Two more gods?

Perhaps the nine universities have this kind of heritage, they are still too young, even if they have the knowledge of the Taoist palace, if they want to get a demise, they have to accumulate time.

Or, should I recruit demigods directly?

Forget it, the food you buy is not as good as the one you planted yourself.

The army of magic gods swept through the countryside and slowly approached Xiahe's territory on the mainland. Xiahe evacuated the peasants in the countryside, but things were not taken away. When the people were almost evacuated, they sent robots to collect materials everywhere. Take everything you can.

Speaking of which, the disaster created by the God of Magic does not seem to have the trouble of the Demon Race. First of all, the number is small, and secondly there is no pollution method like the Devil Race.

However, the Demon Races are all a bit chaotic, and Hu Chong fights around and dies in the face of the cannon. The troops of the God of Magic are now accustomed to artillery bombardment, and the formation is quite reasonable. In case of shelling, they all lie down and wait for the end. If a bunker is found, the possibility of being directly killed may decrease linearly.

Xiahe has so many field artillery, if you want to bomb, you still have to fly the fleet and carry alchemy bombs, the problem is too expensive. Dispatching infantry to block, a small number of flying fleets to assist, Xiahe even had to start the old production line, and began to engage in six-pointed star airship.

On the Western Front, a unit of two hundred people, under the authority of Snowvis, is fighting in a canyon against the army of the God of Magic. There are more than three thousand people over there.

Of the four squadrons in Snowows, there are only more than 500 robots left at www.wuxiaspot.com. But guarding a narrow place, there was a chariot jammed, and a force of more than 3,000 people could not break through the defense line for a while.

A huge fireball flew in the distance, and four magical structures shot at the same time.


The fireball landed danglingly, but on the ground, a mutant constructed and hit the fireball accurately with a magic gun. Bring frost magic projectiles to decompose the fireball.

"Adult, this is too tired, we can't stand it."

Behind a stone wall, the young magician said to a captain. He and his colleagues have been particularly tired, and now even the spells to dispel the enemy must be left to the construction.

The captain is not a magician, but an archer of more than thirty levels.

He did n’t use bows and arrows now, which was too exhausting. He held a special magic gun and stared coldly at the distance. He said: "Ca n’t retreat, the arming has n’t been completed yet. If he retreats, the enemy will drive in and around All three small cities will be washed down. "

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