Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1150: : Reinforcement

Dozens of people, leaning against the edge of the canyon, hunched over to run, holding a shield in their hands, trying to force a wave.

Because there is a chariot outside the canyon, the chariot cannon is still more brutal. The forces of the God of Magic do not want to charge on a larger scale.

However, in the central area, there was still a summoned giant beetle, waving with eight feet, running wildly forward.

Seeing this, the captain had another headache.

The giant beetle can definitely be killed by tank guns, but it may not be necessary for a while. If you are not dead, you have to come again. The tank guns carry more than 100 shells. There are only twenty or so left now, most of which are still burst bombs to deal with the group charge.

To deal with this giant beetle, the effect of the burst bomb is not good, and it will definitely not blow up in one shot.

In desperation, he could only put down the magic musket, take off the longbow, and pulled out a magic arrow from the quiver behind. The archer of more than 30 levels can not shoot the giant beetle of less than 20 levels. Isn't it too high, that is, the consumption will not be too small.

Giant creatures have strong vitality.

He had a large team of 500 people, fought for many days, and had more than half of his deaths and injuries. Now there are exactly two hundred people left, and they are all very tired, as is his captain.

The wounded retreated, but no recruits were added. How to fight this battle?

But still have to fight. The troops of the God of Magic also seem to have human beings, but in essence, they are all divine magic creatures. There are too many aliens in it. I heard that the middle of the empire appeared, and thousands of people died.

Although this is not the core territory of the county king, it is not easy to operate.

The ideology of the empire is still much more advanced than that of Green Forest. Those who are soldiers are willing to protect the people. You can't give up the people you rule, just run away?

This is not the main arterial road, but there are tens of thousands of troops to pass through the canyon, and the striker is also in his early thirties.

His dissatisfied brigade was transferred to stop it.

If these tens of thousands of people are allowed to pass by, there will be three towns in the back. Because the arming is not completed and the army is not in place, they will definitely be rushed in, and then the spirits will be painted.

The captain bent his bow and took the arrow. He heard a loud noise. The feather arrow he shot burned. The next moment, he penetrated the shell of the giant beetle. The whole arrow burned at the midline of the body of the giant beetle.

The giant beetle rolled forward and made a huge impact sound, but after a few rolls, it slowly lost its ability to move, leaving only its limbs twitching.

"The fifth team, the sixth team is on top!"


The two teams, with robots, turned over the fortifications and rushed towards the enemies attacking on both sides. Ordinary muskets can't penetrate the enemy's shields, but the magic projectiles have not been supplemented by logistics for three days. The number is getting smaller and smaller and cannot be used on these miscellaneous soldiers.

The magician and the power of magical construction are all being used sparingly. If the enemy attacks magically, they must quickly disperse, defend, or offset.

The construction will not be exhausted, just the magic stone.

However, there will also be wear and tear on the construction, which has been playing for many days. Most of the construction has not been maintained.


Under the corpse of the giant beetle, a giant black snake rushed out of the mud and flicked forward. The captain in the heart was frightened, and he only had time to bend his bow and shoot an arrow in the air. The feather arrow, which had been condensed by the fighting spirit, was blown away by the black snake's breath.

"Heavy infantry!"

Two warriors wearing magic heavy armor jumped forward, trying to block. But the body of the huge black snake twisted and suddenly swept its tail. The shields of the two warriors were blocked. The volley flew and flew more than 100 meters away.

Two well-prepared magicians shot this time.

Deep freezing!

Magic beheading!

The black giant snake's body was cut into a seven-inch position by a circular arc-shaped magic blade, and even the bone was cut off.

The two magicians endured the headache and drank a potion.

"Captain, if we drink again, neither of us will be." The magician smiled bitterly.

Two heavy magic warriors rolled in the distance, climbed up desperately, and rushed forward again. No one on the position can do it. They were not injured, at that time they could not resist the mighty power of the giant snake.

The people of the county of Snowvis are also desperate. In fact, the main noble army of the entire empire is desperate. Otherwise, the last disaster created by the Demon Race was enough to destroy the country.

Fighting is not a comparison of forces, it is enough. When one side's morale collapses, it may only die a few percent of the troops, and then it is all over.

At first, the Demon Race raged, and later the space division was a particularly serious matter.

Imperial soldiers, who fought in large numbers until the last soldier and one soldier, collapsed relatively rarely.

This time too, this brigade killed more than one hundred and injured more than two hundred. Without supplementation, it was still under the attack of more than three thousand people, and had been defending for a long time.

Killing the giant snake, the two magicians have exhausted their mental energy, and they have to take **** potions, otherwise they will be finished on the spot.

Their medicines are all good, but this is the last bottle, even if supplemented, do not take it again within half a month to avoid serious consequences.

The captain of the brigade was irritated, and suddenly a flash of fire flew from the air, shooting towards the canyon in the distance.


Everyone, under this order, closed the helmet and lay on the ground. Then there was the sound of a huge explosion, and the whole canyon was shaking.

The captain was covered with dirt when he got up.

Looking at the distance, a few miles away, the more than three thousand people of the God of Magic were blown up in flesh and blood.

"It's a pity." The captain grunted. This was caused by the old-fashioned magic ballista. It looked magnificent, but the real killing range was not so amazing. The surrounding shock wave range was not small.

If you are now full of troops, you will definitely hit a wave and can take a lot of people.

In the sky, a battleship flew, and its speed suddenly dropped, hovering over an open space outside the canyon.

"Don't mess up, yourself."

In fact, there is no need to remind the captain that neither the robot nor the structure have attacked, and they must be their own. The patterns on the battleship were also mottled, but a badge was still eye-catching.

Three-legged fire crow.

The battleship of the Duke of Asla, Six Mans.

The battleship dropped a huge metal cabin directly, then turned and flew away. The metal cabin opens automatically, and a heavily armed soldier comes out of it.

The captain waited patiently, and soon the soldiers were all lined up, plus the officers, a total of fifty people.

The captain was still in tears, because the robot and the configuration were still going out. He knows the main force led by the Duke of Asla, a squadron, there are more than six hundred robots, and nearly twenty magical structures. Sure enough, there was an iron horse, a horse, and a tank.

The squadron leader came over and paid a military salute to the commander of the county king and said, "The Fourth Magic Legion of Lieyang, the captain of the first squadron of the seventh battalion of the 15th Battalion, Bai Kai. Ordered to support!"

"John." The captain also returned a military salute, and then said: "We didn't get any supplements ..."

"The Duke knows it, so send me here. I will be here, uniting with you, and holding for more than 36 hours. The materials I brought are enough for us to fight so long, let your magician go to rest, I There is a medical configuration here that can help you repair the robotic and magical configuration. After about six hours, your men will recover their combat power. "

"Thank you so much." John looked up and glanced at the sky where Liu Mang disappeared.

Bai Kai explained, saying: "Liu Mang's combat ability is weak, mainly for transporting soldiers and supplies. After that attack, the stored weapons were also used up, leaving only two magic crossbows for self-defense. Cannon. The Duke's side is also quite nervous. "

John's more than two hundred people, led by the mutant, hurried into the metal cabin.

Inside the metal pod, there is a rest room, as well as a medical cabin, the important thing is to have a magically driven toilet.

John saw this brand new model, and quickly let the magician step forward to debug, without knowing how to use it, he already knew how to use it. The bathroom is large, and five people at a time is not a problem. Not so particular about it, throwing the soldiers in, the magic mist filled with a spray device above, and a purification device below.

A soldier, in thirty seconds, is actually a magic device that saves more than cleaning.

The important thing is that the water mist can penetrate into the skin, with therapeutic ingredients, which can make people fall asleep quickly. These are all battlefield applications, and the Duke's collar is not available in any army. It must be carried in a large metal pod, which usually does not have this benefit.

It takes an average of five or two hundred people a minute, and it takes forty minutes.

But everyone still has something to do, everyone ’s armor has to be dealt with, and it ’s handed over to the maintenance robot or guardian in the pod to construct ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Bai Kai took the team members and the robot and took over directly John's defensive mission.

Over 3,000 people were killed for more than half of the Magic God. Although most of them were injured and not killed, their strength was seriously damaged. They all rushed up, not enough for Bai Kai ’s people to cut.

The offensive suddenly slowed down, and Bai Kai calmly let the robots arrange their positions.

Combat is lackluster, with new technological artillery, repair equipment and robots, and the army of the God of Magic, if you want to pass in a narrow area, you can only slowly use the infantry to charge.

It is not a good idea to use infantry life to consume enemy ammunition and move forward.

But the chariot brought by Bai Kai has a powerful air defense effect. In addition to this squadron, there are 13 combat mage, which is quite elite, it is difficult for flying creatures to achieve the goal of breakthrough.

Throughout the entire map, the reinforcements led by the Duke of Asla dropped one by one on the loopholes of the Snoopy defense line to make up for these loopholes. Sometimes, I really don't care about gains and losses.

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