Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1184: : United Metatron (1)

The Changling Line of Defense is the area that has suffered the most attacks from the forces of the God of Magic. Other places of the Duke's leadership have no war at all. [随 _ 梦] ā

Xiahe now put a Lieyang Magic Legion in the Changling Defensive Circle, allowing the Changling Legion to dare to mobilize manpower to attack.

A lot of old equipment is also taken over and used. The old equipment is calculated according to the degree of depreciation. There is a detailed division in the entire military system of the Duke. For example, the loss of a set of short pterosaurs is definitely not as much loss as before. If a set of short pterosaurs were damaged before, the merits of that squadron might be offset.

Xiacheng ...

Xiahe is drawing a magic pattern that is not a magic pattern, using the natural texture of biological materials to form the effect of a magic pattern.

In the illusion, in front of him, is the brain of a biochemical robot.

The inside is like a honeycomb structure, and the outside is wrapped with bio-glue. It is that kind of honeycomb structure, which is essentially a magic labyrinth. This magic labyrinth has an ever-changing cryptographic structure. Unless you know the underlying key of the Duke's collar, you can't decipher this password.

Correspondingly, the people of the duke can use their badges to command these biochemical robots.

When biochemical robots execute commands, they have a first-level key input, which can determine who can command them.

In addition, even if the level reaches a certain level, you can also use the badge to command biochemical robots.

In most cases, it is a biochemical robot, which will be fixed in some troops and commanded by fixed soldiers.

Xiahe is modifying the key magic pattern inside to increase the protection strength. After all, this kind of robot has more autonomy, and if it is invaded, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xiahe can now determine that if he is a demigod-level strongman, he can invade these robots, and after the invasion, the only means of counterattack for these robots is the pre-determined self-destruction, and it cannot succeed immediately. Professionals in the demigod realm, if they control these biochemical robots, can control them for more than fifteen minutes, and the robot's self-destruction device will achieve the purpose of destruction little by little.

The computing core of the biochemical robot is not expensive and expensive in the design of the underlying magic pattern.

The patent is Xiahe, so he has the final say on how much this thing costs.

The biochemical robot has an emotional design. Although it is not a real emotion, the directivity is very accurate. On the battlefield, if they die in battle with the same robe, these robots will have sadness and anger, which will infect each other. For robots, it makes no sense, but for human soldiers, it will form an emotional resonance.

Xiahe nodded his finger. In the illusion, the brain of this biochemical robot was first covered by the skull, then the outer skin, hair and other structures, and finally put on a helmet.

Then Xiahe released a 20-level serial warhammer and controlled his power to medium.

On the helmet, the magic pattern flickered, and nine warhammers fell in a row. The helmet cracked after seven attacks. Then the eighth and ninth hammers hit the robot's head.

The hair withstood the impact and struck it twice without cracking in the skull.

The buffer design is very good. The bio-gel inside is rebuffered. The brain's computing core has not been damaged by this attack.

This is a level 10 biochemical robot, which resists the magic attack of level 20, or Xiahe's classic magic.

Xiahe feels okay. Adding something else is over-defense.

However, the skull design of the robot is so good, the helmet can be improved in structure to increase the protection ability.

The computing core of the biochemical robot is not like a high-metal robot in the head. The head is just a relatively concentrated location of the collector. Biochemical robots, the collector is quite scattered, and the head is the computing center.

In the chest of the robot, there are two heart batteries. Behind the heart battery, there is a small computing core. When the head is destroyed, this small computing core allows the biochemical robot to at least act like a high-metal robot.

Inside the abdominal cavity, there is a small space without space expansion.

Carrying a spare battery, some special ammunition, and some easily damaged parts, this biochemical robot can save itself when necessary.

Then each robot is also equipped with three injections, which are nano repair fluids.

This is started directly in the abdominal cavity, and injection repair is performed internally when needed.

Nano repair fluid is relatively expensive, but it can be injected during battle. Biochemical robots are not low in their own value. Of course, Xiahe has to consider the battlefield situation.

Biochemical robots can use special magic muskets.

Magic muskets can have many attributes, depending on the projectile.

Moreover, the combat skills of biochemical robots are much stronger than that of high-metal robots. The complex computing core allows biochemical robots to perform incredible close combat.

Robots, with advanced computing cores, are like being known in life.

Although it is not cheap, it can be counted.

A complete set of molds for a skeleton of a robot, that is, two thousand gold coins, is not worth it if you only make a robot. But this set of molds can be used more than 50,000 times. Evenly distributed, the cost is lower.

Biochemical bones look tough, and their properties exceed that of steel. However, the manufacturing method is the common means of liquid infusion and solidification. Of course, it is necessary to use magic to modify the subtle attributes in the mold. However, it is a large-scale factory production, the way to spread energy.

So the most valuable thing for robots is the computing core, plus three batteries.

What kind of bones, artificial muscle fibers, skin, hair and the like, the material is not rare, just look at the refining method.

Robots can reach the legendary level, and the world's suppression of legends is mainly reflected in the soul. This is interesting. In the future, the 20th level robot will be decentralized to the squad, the 30th level will be decentralized to the squadron. As for the legendary level, the brigade level is there.

Xiahe is satisfied, no matter what secrets he doesn't know behind this world, but his preparations have been quite adequate.

Dig deep into the hole to accumulate food and become king.

Everlasting truth, and that Muses, trying to become a prince of strange names? It's a deadly expert.

Xiahe completed the last task, and all the bottom magic pattern designs no longer have problems. He opened the map and looked at the current war trend of the empire.

The army of magic gods dared not attack Juno City.

The city of Juno was unable to fight back, allowing the army to go south. Princess Angelina, unnoticed, is still fighting in the half-elf empire. Most of the half-elf empire has fallen. So no one can say anything about her.

The martial arts of the princess has already surpassed the emperors of all generations.

The army invaded by the God of Magic faced nine colleges and local nobles.

Many of the nobles were integrated by Muses and taken away, leaving a blank space. But above the earl and below the duke, many are unable to go, and dare not go.

These have to face the army of magic gods.

On the map, on the west of the Changling Line of Defense, approximately two thousand miles away, there are more than four million troops of magic gods. They are still the original troops. Unlike the new army, these troops have not long life. Fighting is crazy.

Many nobles have been smashed by this army and run away.

Because of the counterattack of the nobility, this unit appeared many flying warships and giant artillery, and began to be reduced to zero to carry out small-scale operations. The main force is concentrated in the fortresses. It seems that they intend to use their lives to kill the army of the empire.

The army that invaded the Changling defense line came from here.

Xiahe searched on the map and found a nice place. At this location, there are hundreds of miles of hills, and there are rivers running from north to south. Of course, it is winter now, and the north is frozen, and the river cannot be used for defense.

However, the location of the hills is good, and it is possible to build a fortress at a high place, arrange some troops, and occupy a high position to accurately attack the magical **** troops passing nearby.

The empire has flying warships. Of course, the troops of the God of Magic are now suppressed by legends. Air power is not enough, and they can be dealt with by airships.

If the forces of the God of Magic dispatched a small force, it would be a good choice to send airships and airdrop troops from this place.

However, here must be arranged demigod defense, to establish a void magic monument.

Xiahe thought about it and did it himself, and it was not necessary to contact Metatlin on his own initiative.

Metatlin heard this and gladly promised, but he didn't want to cooperate with Xiahe alone. He wanted to bring Snowvis' troops, which involved the royal family.

The purpose of Xiahe is to test new weapons. This position is right to face a small-scale war.

So Metatlin ’s request ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He agreed, and Snowows is also an ally anyway.

The three parties quickly negotiated, and Metatlin sent a group of people to build a fortress on the top of the mountain at the designated location of Xiahe. The main purpose is to set up the Void Magic Tablet. There are demigods sitting there, and the forces of the Magic God cannot attack here.

In addition to dispatching the Mage regiment, Metatelin also dispatched an academy regiment, a battalion size, with a standard of six thousand people.

On the Xiahe side, a flying corps was dispatched, three standard corps of battalions, and Snowvis dispatched two standard corps of battalions.

At this time, in order to obtain technical support from Xiahe, Snowvis took out his magical original stone and traded many new robots.

Metatelin is much more powerful than Snowvis. People have their own robot system, and they don't need Xiahe's technology at all. Although the demigod can't go around, but Metatlin's legend already has self-defense equipment. I have also communicated with Xiahe, the level is roughly equivalent to the ring of laws.


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