Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1185: : United Metatron (2)

The content of this part involves the core of each technology and cannot be exchanged, but the surface attributes, Metatlyn and Rhode Island still communicate. ◢ 随 * 梦 * 小 ◢.1a

Metatron was also amazed at Rhode Island ’s technology.

After all, the other party's time to make a fortune is too short, and it's possible to come up with this technology to make Metatlin look at it.

As for the Void Magic Stele, Metatrin came up with a universal type, which has protection for human demigods, but the protection of Metatrin family is more profound.

This is the embodiment of Metatron's technology. Xiahe doesn't care because he won't be stationed in the demigod. So I didn't go to build a void magic monument alone. He also took the Metatron family to save costs.

And Metaline, also need a place to test their new technology, new products.

The demigods sent by Metatron this time were still acquaintances, and Xiahe had long known.

Joy, Metatlin's executive vice-school, seeing him this time, Xia He realized that he had gone blind. Joey has long been a legend, otherwise it is impossible to achieve demigod today.

Is this Metatlyn showing himself strength?

At the top of the mountain, the prototype took shape on the first day. Xiahe and Joey met, and both laughed.

Joey said, "Duke, the Little Sun City, is fake."

"I didn't plan to hide you. But at first, I really thought you were an epic mage."

"In the beginning, you were in a low state, and you didn't see through it. I think you have this ability now, so that people can't see you through."

"Don't say this, you are the executive vice school. Why did you come here? Is it important here?"

"There are more than four million magic **** troops here, and fighting in a small unit, Metatlin happens to have a batch of new equipment that needs to be tested. This is quite important. You have a lot of things to test on your side. ? "

"I was mainly to relieve the pressure. The Changling Line of Defense was annoying day and night. It was annoying. A small town was broken and thousands of refugees died."

"Thousands of people, that's really hateful." Joey immediately understood.

If the empire can be retreated if the village is attacked, it usually means the loss of dozens of people and thousands of people. It is not easy for a duke to accept. Although it is not its own people, but the enemy penetrates the defense line, it is a face-slap.

In the arcane empire, the nobles have not been so corrupted, and they usually understand that it is their responsibility to defend the earth.

While the soldiers of the empire died in battle, it was easier for people to accept, but the civilians suffered and the nobles' faces were dull.

Xiahe took a look at Joey's layout. He chose four symmetrical hilltops. In the middle of the depression, he built a six-pointed star castle. In the center of the castle is the Void Magic Monument.

The four hills are flattened and have a height of more than 500 meters, all under the protection of the demigod.

The top of the mountain is mainly to place flying warships and airships, and then use these airdropped troops directly to find small units of the enemy to fight.

The fortress is very large, and it can accommodate many people at the top of the mountain.

Xiahe felt very satisfied, and stayed with him to discuss the future battle plan with Joey.

Joey set up a phantom array and showed Xiahe the equipment that Metatlin was about to mobilize.

After Xiahe watched it, he also admired Metat's ability.

The first is the flying warships. These warships clearly have the ability to enter the starry sky. Although they cannot be voyaged, they are definitely of the starship level.

Then there is the construction, which is not much different from his own. Looking at the shape, it is almost the same as controlling the cost.

In terms of robots, there is also a legendary level, the lower limit of the level is ten.

Metatron's understanding of the composition of the military is very similar to his own. Otherwise, the design of the robot will not be like this.

Xiahe also used the illusion to demonstrate the weapons and equipment he was about to send over.

Joey had some technical exchanges with Xiahe on the spot. In low-level equipment, the two sides do not have any technical secrecy. But to tell the other party, the other party needs to be rewarded.

But Xiahe didn't stay. After chatting with Joey for half a day, he went back to Xiacheng.

Sishancheng, the name is not important, anyway, this is equivalent to a laboratory. Metatelin will not want this place, and will leave it to Xiahe in the future. If Xiahe goes west, it will also be a stronghold.

Xiahe's flying unit arrived soon, and then Xiahe was in Xiacheng and could watch a live broadcast through a star warship among the flying units.

Xiahe locks in a joint squadron, fifty-man size, two Rhode Island squads, two Metatrons, and the King of Snowvis is a squad. The squadron leader is Metatlin, a very young mage, the real level is more than 20, less than 26.

After all, it is remote viewing, Xiahe did not use the demi-god power to peep from the bottom, just a rough idea.

It's snowing. This squadron is a long-range patrol mission. The squadron leader has a magic communication device that can receive alarms. If a team nearby cannot complete the mission, it will call for patrols like him.

Such patrol lines have not yet been fixed, and the United Army has not yet explored the nearby geographical location. Although there are precise maps, the natural environment will change. These patrol teams also have the task of perfecting the map.

Metatron's squad has a thirty-level magic configuration and a thirty-level robot. Four twenty-level robots, one hundred five-to-ten-level combat robots. Then there was a heavy tank, a medical tank, and a logistics tank. There are also twenty logistics robots.

The two teams on Xiahe's side have no squadron equipment. Each team has two 20-level biochemical robots, fifty high-metal robots, one mutant and one guardian. These two configurations, the level has been lowered again, mainly to save costs, anyway, not the main fighting power. Then there is each team, a shuttle patrol chariot.

The squad of Snowvis was also equipped with some things from Rhode Island, as well as royal robot soldiers.

In short, all three are experimenting with new things.

This time the main tester was Metatelin. When the sky was still dark, they chose a slightly higher leeward location and arranged the camp.

The magician, construct, arrange the ice and snow camp walls, logistic robots, dig tunnels around the camp walls, and mechanically consolidate the reserved ways.

The five teams are just five tents. Because of the winter environment, the ice and snow are abundant, the temperature is very low, and the resting place of the robots uses ice and snow to build the barracks.

It is the easiest thing to have a team of magicians and build an ice camp.

However, Xiahe saw that when Metterlin's mages performed tasks in strict accordance with the standards, released ice and snow magic, set up camp walls, and built domes, the magic power should always remain on a safe line. That is to be able to carry out a difficult magical battle at any time without being dragged down by work.

The rules and regulations on Xiahe's side are to maintain more than 70% of the magic power. Metatelin, should it be similar?

However, the magician just builds a thin ice wall, which saves the magic power, and has enough strength to be easily penetrated by magic. Then there is the robot, which piles up the snow and quickly forms a thick wall. The robot heats up the snow and freezes quickly in this environment, which is very hard.

The barracks of the robots form a protective circle around the human barracks.

Then, Xiahe saw Metatlin's young way, took out a wooden sign more than one meter long from the space equipment, and stood in the middle of the camp.

The simplified version of the Void Magic Tablet can increase the strength of the wizard in the camp. The most important role is not a gain, but to avoid negative effects and give a stable casting environment.

Xiahe noticed that the wooden sign was very thick, but in fact its shape was similar to a small stone tablet.

The place where the wooden sign stands is the stone base on which the magician condenses.

Metatron, even the patrol team is equipped with this stuff, it is really a local tyrant.

Around the camp, twelve icicles were erected, depending on the position of the six-pointed star. The top of the icicle. A squad leader of Metaline, let people take out tiny reconnaissance robots from the tank and activate them. The robot will automatically climb to the top of the icicle.

Then, Xiahe saw that a robot took twelve magic balloons and tied them to the icicles. The magic balloon floats in the air and swings in the wind.

This thing, the way to sound an alarm, is to explode.

There are huge lights and sounds, but it has no deterrent effect on its own soldiers.

When all the vigilance around him was settled, Xiahe felt that Metatlin was too cautious. It's just an experiment. I understand that some things may be doomed to waste, but they must be done in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Between the five tents are various chariots carried by the team. At the main entrance of the camp, there is a separate ice and snow barracks, and robots are making food.

That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Metatling's robot is built with recipes.

Xiahe's robots also make dishes, but that is a recipe that is customized in strict accordance with the requirements of the march, not a recipe like Metat, which has countless combinations.

In this room, there are blankets on the benches, and there are decoration and advanced robots on the periphery, so the soldiers can have a unified meal.

All sat down. The Master of Metametrin raised his glass and said, "Now is the time to carry out the task. I can't drink alcohol. If there is water here, I wish you all ... peace and health."

People outside Metaline, did not know Metaline's habits, but still toasted.

"Everyone is more casual. Today, because we have probed around, there are no problems. There are too many high-level robots patrolling, and no one is on guard. It is not very standard, just leave for you. In fact, there is no guard. People are here, I do n’t sleep well. "

Everyone laughed. The sir told the joke, but he still had to laugh.


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