Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1200: :Satisfy

Xiahe looked back and found that he was wrong. If the enemy can't solve it with the ballista of the intermediate battleship, then apply for the advanced battleship.

The actions of a single battalion are usually in a different world.

In the main world, the operation of a battalion usually does not leave the area of ​​the legion too far. When needed, within two hours, you can get the support of the flight battalion.

Isn't it necessary to arrange such outrageous weapons in the flying brigade?

The battalion-level flying brigade, the existing ballista, is almost the same, and those designed by Grasse are several times more powerful than the existing ones. Each has its own shortcomings, one is high maintenance costs, some are high in use costs, and some have certain requirements for the environment, which are not suitable for all combat situations.

There is a ballista that is as powerful as Asra's Fury. The manufacturing cost is only a few hundred gold coins. However, once launched, it is also a few hundred gold coins cost.

Calculating it carefully is not appropriate.

Asra's fury, the least powerful launch method, can kill the legend, but it needs at least one squadron size to play a role, otherwise, the air has theoretical attack power. If the number reaches a certain level, these ice cones will form a low-temperature field when they are launched.

However, Xiahe immediately thought of a way, anyway, the flying warship is pursuing air fire suppression ...

Just when he wanted to say something, he saw the magic network's file library, and Glass submitted another file, which was approved by himself.

Lesser magic ballista, air hammer.

In appearance, it is similar to Asra's Fury. They are all magic pedestals, dual-tube mode, but there is no space ammo box. The cost is high, and the anger of Asra, without the traditional crossbow body of the magic ballista, is a structure that condenses ice cones on the spot with magic liquid.

The ammunition box of the Air Warhammer has no spatial attributes. The box is as big as it is in shape. However, this ammunition box with no space attribute can be opened at any time to add ammunition to it.

The Air Warhammer has two attack modes, which are borne by two barrels, one for high power and one for rapid fire suppression mode, or scrubbing mode.

The ballista body of the high-power mode is like a long shuttle, still pursuing speed. After launching, it will produce a hot flame, like a deformed fireball, and the body itself, after launch, is near the target Can form a strong gravitation.

Don't underestimate this kind of gravity. In some flying operations, a little gravity will deform and even be attracted to the projectile.

Like the combination of magic arrows and flame burst stars, the power is not as big as the flame burst stars. After all, it is a single shot, but it has the penetration attribute that the flame burst stars do not have.

The barrel on the right fires a wooden magic projectile, like a wooden stick. When launched, it will form a powerful gravitational blow.

This design is good, although the power is not as great as those strange ballistas, but it is also much stronger than the current one. The cost is also under control, and large-scale hunting can be carried out.

The number of secondary battleships is much higher than that of main battleships, and the cost is also much lower.

The fleets before Xiahe haven't formed a scale yet, and the flying regiments are empty. Otherwise, with so many battles, a large number of flying warships have already been dispatched to participate in the war. This thing was created, not for viewing. The main reason is that warship weapons are not designed well, so they will definitely not be installed on a large scale.

Now all warship weapons have been matched, and there are various alternative versions. If there is a problem, the hull will not be redesigned.

But Xiahe was still on the sidelines and didn't come out to talk about this with life construction.

The life configuration only responded at night, indicating that the manufacturing of the battleship can be accelerated.

A main corps in Xiahe is twenty-five battalions, and six battalions. The total number of legions is 150,000. Compared with the previous 350,000 legions, the size seems to be smaller. Actually counting the robots, I don't know how much the scale has expanded.

In the current division, a legion is a heavy battalion, where the battalion is located, the equipment is the best, it can fight alone, and there is no fixed number of robots. In short, there are many. The flying battalion of the heavy battalion is directly the best flying warship. It also has an independent transportation system. It can also fight independently from the flying battalion of the legion.

Then there are four flying battalions and twenty standard battalions. Each flight battalion is responsible for the support of five standard battalions. The flight battalion also has transportation tasks, such as standard battalion equipment, not all of which can be carried by themselves. Sometimes it needs the support of the flight battalion.

With this configuration, a single legion can undertake any kind of independent combat mission.

The order of life configuration is to get the Lieyang Magic Legion first and then get it done. The Lieyang Magic Legion should be formed as soon as possible, while the other legions should come slowly. Within three to five years, the changes may not be completely completed. It's even possible that even the staff can't get together.

Of course, these cannot affect some independent legions, such as the Bering Flying Legion, the Fire Raven Legion, and even the small-scale legion such as the Mithril Legion.

Xiahe has seen it for so long and knows where his country is. The duke is a large collective. Some people are responsible for food production and some are responsible for collecting energy. The people inside are able to operate without gold coins. This is the wartime mode.

The Duke of Asla is a military machine.

The military machine is a military machine. Anyway, the people who are led by the Duke are still alive.

The changes on the main battleship and the secondary battleships are actually not too big. The alchemy factory led by the Duke, now regardless of the tasks outside, is making equipment for the Lieyang Magic Corps.

Many robots now have to be placed on the New World side. Rhode Island and Stormwind's alchemy plants, as well as Kirishima, have all started explosively.

The life configuration is the same as Xiahe ’s idea. Despite any conspiracy behind you, I first armed myself with enough food and water to repair my fortress. Big deal, it doesn't matter if we stay for decades.

The legions that Qiu Xuanji brought to the half-elf empire had all withdrawn their numbers and came back to reorganize them, leaving only the guardian legion. It's a hodgepodge, everyone has it. Although the combat effectiveness is ok, Xiahe will not put those people into his core team.

Xiahe continued his wandering, this time going to the Red Steel Fortress, Rhode Island, he was not too worried.

The **** of machinery, built the red steel fortress well, he also collected all kinds of data, and did a lot of design work, all related to the robot.

Mainly the high-metal robot. In addition to the flame demon, six-armed demon, and devil, the **** of machinery also designed the demon spider, demon, and sharp devil.

On the side of biochemical robots, the gods of machinery designed blood robots and angel robots.

Xia He looked at it, and it all met his own needs.

In addition to melee combat, the demon spider can also be used as a mount, which is much better than a trojan. The trojan is now fully sold to the outside. Xiahe has no longer continued to manufacture trojans.

The demon spider can ride, can enter any terrain, and has the ability to breathe spider webs in close combat. It is a very good control type mechanical warrior.

The demon is actually a mechanical core that can be assembled, similar to the immature modular tower before. The demon robot is modified by itself, a bit of evolutionary taste. According to different combat environments, the demon can assemble different forms.

The sharp blade demon is a small flying robot, usually only the size of a fist. When needed, it can be deformed by throwing in the air and take off directly. This gadget's ability to resist strikes is ordinary, because of energy constraints, it is impossible to form any strong force field protection.

This gadget has an electromagnetic energy field. When attacked, the force can be relieved, but the size of the battery is limited. When the Blade Devil is attacked, it cannot withstand too much blows and will quickly drain the battery. The best way to face an attack is to dodge.

But this thing is a metal sheet that emits highly toxic metal. There is a metal blade that can eject more than one foot long on the body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is usually rolled up. This gadget's attack power is okay, but if you attack it a few times, the blade will be broken.

Then it's not bad to use it as a bomb. This thing is even several times cheaper than all the bombs of the same level.

Good things, direct explosion, and some more toxic metal fragments, very penetrating.

As for the biochemical vampire, although it is a flying unit, it is also a melee arm, and it is extremely fast. The biochemical mechanical angel, using the judgment scepter designed by the **** of machinery, can emit a powerful binding current and has the effect of breaking the magic. However, the attack distance is only about 100 meters.

Before, Xiahe's robotic forces used a lot of plasma weapons, which later proved to be a failed work.

Because that thing is too energy-intensive, often the battery runs out before a battle is over.

This Judgment Scepter, the attack distance is okay, the power consumption is lower than the plasma weapon, and it can break the magic. In addition, the scepter itself is still a heavy weapon that can be used in close combat and used as a mace.

The feather of the biochemical mechanical angel is a defense layer combined with the energy field. Of course, it is a bit troublesome to repair, but it consumes less energy, so that the mechanical angel can use the judgment scepter at will.

The wings that can fly and protect, of course, will be troublesome to fix. However, the squadron-level guardian configuration can almost be solved, as long as you have the materials and tools on hand.

The squadron is now the smallest combat unit. At least in the field, a team is definitely not enough.

Xiahe went to Kirishima again to see the production of battleships, no problem.

Then go to the New Continent and look at the cotton jack of Tongtian Tower, and then turn around in major cities, and then there is a feeling of satisfaction. There is a vague sign of breakthrough on the side of Taiyin Xianfu.

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