Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1201: :satisfaction

Xiahe Shenyou is preparing for his own breakthrough. Now that there are signs of breakthrough, he is not in a hurry, and he continues to let his mind follow Shenhuofeiya everywhere.

Yinyan City.

The loss of the empire began to be greater than the forces of the magic god. Although the casualties of soldiers are still small, the loss of robots is more and more every day.

If the quantity provided by Xiahe is not enough, other nobles have contributed a lot. At this rate of loss, the royal family looked worried.

The magic dragon seems to be evolving, its defense is getting stronger and stronger, and it often jumps to the top of the city.

Regardless of the production of Xiahe, fortunately, other alchemy factories bought the drawings of the cyclops and quickly added this piece. After buying the drawings, Xiahe sold all the equipment and molds.

The function of the cyclops is the same as that of the Flame Demon, but the attributes are not as good as the Flame Demon, but it is cheaper and suitable for defending the city.

But on the Xiahe side, the defender will also use the flame demon, after all, the attack power is stronger.

If you really need a cyclops, the demon will evolve itself into a cyclops.

The demon is mainly to replace the modular tower robot. The modular tower itself is not a weapon in the official establishment.

Muses is still an indifferent posture. His army, who frequently participates in battles and rotates frequently, will become veterans after blood baptism.

The presence of high-level angels in the forces of the God of Magic is a problem. Empire warships have to be frequently launched. The loss in this area is expensive energy.

In the last month, the amount of magical rough stones consumed in the war even caused slight fluctuations in the market. The empire's magic rough market has been stable, and it has been similar for thousands of years.

Princess Angelina looked at the map, which marked the direction of the magic **** troops. All troops moved closer to Yinyan City.

Although the location of Yinyan City is good, it is not close to the Ninth University College. The former second-level college was cleaned up by Xiahe again and was seriously injured.

The forces of the Magic God only need to bypass some important noble towns.

I don't know how many troops are converging toward Yinyan City. It seems to exhaust everything and eat Yinyan City at all costs.

Eight other colleges besides Juno College, each simply made a Void Magic Tablet and sent it to Yinyan City. Within the entire Yinyan City, the Imperial Mage is absolutely unconstrained.

Everyone also wants to understand, aren't you going to fight Yinyan City, you can't block the airspace, and Yinyan City is full of capital and capital, I will strengthen the defense, see what you can do.

Nine Void Magic Tablets mean that they can hold thirty-six and a half gods and move freely here.

Of course, these Void Magic Tablets are mainly for the help of legends. The empire cannot come with so many demigods, but the number of legends will definitely be broken.

Hundreds of legends, I see how you fight.

The major forces now have some regrets. I have long known that the law changes so quickly. Before that, we should concentrate on the strong and remove all the forces of the magic god.

Everyone didn't pay attention to it before, but the **** of magic has gained more and more power through constant sacrifices. Powerful divine magic creatures are created as if they didn't need money at all, which is logically impossible. God, do you sacrifice to yourself?

So, every family has a demigod, and if they think about it carefully, they come to the same conclusion as Xiahe.

The mage of the green forest has broken himself. This **** of magic, afraid they were summoned from the depths of the universe, disguised as a newly born god, is now completely out of control.

Okay, it's impossible to ignore it again, but how do you value it?

Attacking the extreme north? How many people will die, who will go first?

The cracks inside the empire have always existed, and now they are extremely dazzling. No one wants to make a head bird, there may be only one exception.


However, Muses did not come forward at this time. He was waiting for the major forces of the empire. He could no longer bear it, was injured, and even the Yinyan City was broken. At this time, he stood up again to support , And attacking the extreme north, you can get a lot of things.

He doesn't need all the technology, but he can sell it to the Lord God.

In the city of Yinyan, Muses always invested in five battalions. Five battalions were on the battlefield. They were almost fighting. When the loss was more than 10%, they replaced another five battalions.

His troops have higher battle damage than others, and they are also the most desperate to fight.

With a large magic contract, the soldiers had to sell their lives.

The Son of Law does not need to gather people's hearts, naturally there is a way to control your ability.

This is like what the novel says, things are going in the direction of collapse, but no one wants to stand up and stop. With the power of the empire, go all out to kill the **** of magic, can it be done? of course can.

This is also the reason why Xiahe is disappointed with this world, or that the world has fallen and the soul is no longer so perfect.

Taiyin Xianfu World can already be replaced.

There is little talk about the matter here, in the magic web of the Duke, in a local magic web, the people of the Lieyang Magic Legion are all talking about new weapons.

"The Trojan is gone. It feels so bad that it can't be a cavalry."

"That's right, now if you want to get on the road, if you don't have a tank, you have to ride a spider, it's so perverted!"

"What's so good about a Trojan horse, it hurts to ride a butt."

"That's because your **** is too tender."

"Hahahaha ..."

"Who is laughing, come out to Lao Tzu!"


Xiahe looked at it and laughed. The Demon Spider was still a relatively successful high-metal robot. Do n’t look at walking with thin legs. It has super carrying capacity and is almost catching up with a small chariot.

When necessary, the two wounded can be arranged on it. The number of guardians is not so much. If there are too many wounded soldiers and the flying warship can't catch up, the demon spider can also serve as a tool to transport the wounded. This is good.

Moreover, the material of the spider silk is very reliable. In addition to fighting, it can also spray a little material around the body of the demon spider to form a huge air bag. In this way, the demon spider can be used as a crossing equipment, and when there is no boat, it can take a lot of people to cross the river.

If this thing falls from a height, it can still spray parachute.

Of course, if it is just a cliff, the demon spider can go down with spider silk.

During the melee, the enemy was sprayed with a cobweb and almost finished. There is a lack of long-range weapons, but it does not matter. The reason why the demon spider gave up long-range is to use its powerful transport capabilities and melee capabilities. For long-range mechanical units, attacks are more energy-intensive unless you use a technology gun.

The launching medicament of a technological musket can be manufactured without the need of magical means. The cost advantage is obvious.

Most of the time, the power of magic muskets is excessive, and it is more cost-effective to use technology muskets. And the technology gun itself has the ability to consume magic protection.

The mage armor is a relatively common magic. All-round protection. If it is attacked by a technology musket, each attack is a process of weakening the mage armor. If it is shot by a robot musket, basically the mage is dead.

"I like the vampire model."

"The voter model is the best. It looks the same as an old friend."

"Don't you like angels?"


The questioner is despised. In the hearts of the imperial people, angels are fighting weapons. Not artistic.

The soldiers at the bottom did not know that the general-purpose high-metal robots that had been prepared for mass production were now replaced by demon robots.

Dyeing robots, if they are not modified, the properties are similar to the original high-metal robots. Considering that Dyeing has a better computing core, the price is the same. In fact, Dyeing Robot is cheaper.

But everyone did not pay attention to the demon, the current demon robot, just like the high-metal robot originally designed, can not see the peculiarities.

The six-armed snake demon is not normally equipped unless it is a special space or underwater battle.

Flore is a reconnaissance equipment, looks like a birdman, looks fierce.

However, these two are not as high-level as the Flame Demon received. The flame demon, as the main weapon in the robot, is a vivid and vivid effect. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

After reading it, Xiahe knew that the soldiers' acceptance of the new equipment was quite high.

For example, the technological muskets used by robots reduce the ammunition capacity and increase their power. Soldiers like it. The original muskets often lacked the power of attack, which made people depressed, and they could only win by quantity. Now the attack power is improved, which can shorten the combat time.

Even in the future, this kind of musket is too powerful for the battle in the lower world, and it is no big deal.

The Duke's empire cannot produce cheaper weapons.

In fact, for the main world, the power of this technological musket is also great. Without magic equipment, it can't resist. Ordinary steel armor was worn in just one shot.

Everyone also likes the change of the magic gun.

The main reason is that the barrel is shorter, the power is not reduced, and the gun is more convenient to carry and use.

As for melee, the Duke's leader provided only two melee weapons in addition to the weapons he carried privately. One is the magic straight knife, and the other is the magic short spear.

Sturdy, broken magic, sharpness, strength, fighting strength increase, and a solid spirit.

There are a total of six kinds of solidification attributes. On the magic straight knife, all soldiers like this kind of weapon that everyone has and looks very ordinary.

As for the magic short spear, it belongs to cheap equipment. After a battle, it is basically useless. Normally sealed, taken out during the battle, the soldiers themselves activate the above runes, and then the magic short spear will show combat effectiveness.

Magic short spear can provide reliable piercing ability in a battle, can provide power attribute, block attribute, crit attribute.

That's right, the real-world crit attribute magnifies the damage at the moment it causes damage.

Even if it is rubbed a little, as long as the protection disappears, it may cause crit damage.

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