Daomen Invasion

Chapter 121: : Grinding Gun

Xiahe didn't expect Martin to say such a thing, and he could see this truth. EΔ Novels WWW W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Most people do not know what to do when they lose their lives when they see big things, and forget their lives when they see small profits.

"Martin, since you want to understand, the task given to you this time is to assassinate your counterparts from outside world monsters. I have met a group of outside world monsters before this, and there is a thing. On them, there will be Vocational skills book. "

Martin heard Xiahe's words, and his breath was quick.

His skills are limited and his strength is limited. If he can have more practical skills, he will play his role under Asla. Martin doesn't want to be a useless person, he wants to be glorious.

"You can learn the skill book you acquired." Xiahe's words made Martin completely at ease.

Xiahe has a bit of a sense of training Martin. Whether he can use him well depends on his own means. Now that there is no time, let him hang him with the skill book first. In the future, he will need someone like Martin. In addition, recruitment may not be reliable.

Martin knelt down on one knee, expressing surrender.

The soldiers of Stormwind City were transferred to the city wall, and Long's spiritual power was covered, and he was still satisfied. The army on the Blood Mage side is basically built temporarily. It is very good to have such a spirit, and the equipment is unexpectedly good.

This time Xiahe arranged enchanted armor, cut-resistant gloves, and protective face masks for all soldiers.

Originally designed according to the protection of soldiers in the world of Shenzhou, it is mainly afraid of toxin attacks, and now it is just right to deal with the undead. To deal with the undead, ordinary bows and arrows do not make much sense. The soldiers ’weapons are all spears, and their secondary weapons are replaced with hammers, without using swords or the like.

Xiahe gave each dead person a skin bag, and Austin was making flash dust. Taling can control large-scale alchemy equipment, making low-level magic items extremely fast. Xiahe doesn't care about the loss of money, but unfortunately the material is not too much.

The children of the law patiently waited for the formation to be completed, and Xiahe's city could calmly defend.

The soldiers arranged properly, and the city defense weapons also piled up at the head of the city. Then Xiahe called Medelly over.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

"Leave the matter to Andre."

"He's afraid it won't work.", Medirelli raised objections.

"In the beginning, it was just the undead that attacked the city. No commanding skills were needed. Just don't be timid. When the demon himself was dispatched, the city wall might not be able to hold it."

Mediril raised her sword and didn't speak.

"Fighting battles, the simpler the skills, the better. Keep your physical strength. Don't use fighting spirit if you don't have to. I have six strokes here. Now I will teach you one."

Long listened in the distance and was also surprised.

Learn from the gun?

However, Medirley took it for granted and took the sword aside. Xiahe took a big gun from the Dragon and Tiger Dao, nearly four meters in length. There are more than two feet in the head of the gun, and the gun barrel is circled with magic lines, but it looks simple and clean. Medelly took the gun in his hand and shook it gently, and there was a bang at the tip of the gun, and there was cold light.

Although she learns swordsmanship, she can master all kinds of weapons and has a solid foundation.

It's just that she is short and her arms are too long, which makes her look funny.

Xiahe released magic-a melancholy porcelain doll.

"Try it with a shot." Xiahe said to Medirel.

Medirelli nodded, the lance took a clip toward the rib, the body of the gun retracted, and then an arrow struck toward the porcelain figure, the lance shot out. This gun drove the wind and the air seemed to explode.


The porcelain doll raised his arm, and Medillary's spirit poured into the gun's head, just a tremor, and the tip of the gun accurately pierced the porcelain doll's arm. The tip of the gun seemed to hit a metal-cast object, exploding a flame.

Medirelli closed the gun and looked at Xiahe in astonishment. The porcelain doll's arm was poked out by her, about two centimeters deep.

She is a master, this porcelain figure has a caster level of only 19, and it can be broken with just one shot.

"Give me." Xiahe reached out, and Medirly turned the spear upside down and gave it to Xiahe.

Xiahe's hand was at the end of the spear, the barrel was level with the ground, and in the eyes of Medierli, the lord's temperament changed dramatically at this moment. He is no longer a blood mage, but a warrior who has worked hard.

Medirley saw a force burst from the foot of the Lord Lord and stretched up the spine to the arm and the barrel of the gun. The Lord Lord stepped forward, and the spear pierced silently, like a dragon shaking his body.


The arms of the porcelain doll were penetrated by a spear, and the spear was incessant. It was pierced in the chest of the porcelain doll and stabbed the heart through a hole.

Porcelain puppets as hard as metal look like rotten wood in front of the lord.

"This is the shooting method of the battle array. You can also integrate it in swordsmanship." Xia He threw the big gun to Medillian. Medillary held the gun barrel and stood on the head of the city. Details of each action. Unconsciously, her posture adjusted to Xiahe's appearance, while sensing the ground under her feet.

Lord Lord's strength comes from his feet.

Long just glanced at it and lost interest. The practice of blood mage is not bizarre. Many mage will study the skills of warriors, but it is still above magic.

"Sir, they are here!" Austin appeared in the magic tower, and the magic circle in the distance had been transformed into a huge portal, parallel to the ground. The air of death surged out, and hundreds of thousands of low-level undead were killed.

The most weird thing is that the opponent does not have a Necromancer. These undeads, ignoring those strange demons, came straight to Stormwind City.

Xiahe went through the loot, and the three magicians all had space equipment and magic scrolls.

Especially for the old black robe, there are more than one hundred scrolls, three of which are epic scrolls, and the rest have passed the 20th level. Xiahe took out the scrolls and used the lucky identification technique to identify them one by one to improve their attributes. It is a pity that none of the three epic scrolls is a group attack magic, and has limited effect in the face of a large number of undead.

"They have three monsters in the epic realm, guarding the door of the undead." Long said as he spoke, and a dark red fireball appeared in his hand. The fireball was only the size of an eyeball and had a spider-web-like pattern on it.

Xia He understood that this was telling him that the opponent's defense was very tight, and it was impossible for Long to destroy the door of the undead.

"Sir, I'm going to try it out."

"Yes, if there is a danger, use any door scroll to come back." Xiahe didn't take back the two scrolls, and both remained on Medirelli.

Medirelli performed a salute, untied her robe and threw it on the head of the city, then jumped with a gun and jumped from the wall more than ten meters high.

Long shook his hand, and a fireball the size of his eyes flew into the sky, flying nearly a thousand kilometers away, and suddenly expanded in the air. Its diameter reached more than 200 meters in an instant, and it fell down.

In the vanguard of the undead army, the fireball exploded and stretched to a diameter of more than 500 meters in an instant.

The fire spread and quickly expanded to a kilometer range. The undead forward troops stumbled out of the sea of ​​fire, and they fell to the ground without going far.

Xiahe shook his head.

This is an epic magic, range attack, but the damage is great, the first batch of undead come out, the most below the fifth level, a wave of cleaning is meaningless.

The sea of ​​fire quickly extinguished, the earth was black, and the flames of the dead souls quickly shrank and automatically extinguished.

Medirelli stood with a gun on her back and leaned against the city wall. She didn't learn from Xiahe, and she fell into the encirclement. She didn't want to waste the scroll the lord lent her.

Stepping on the ground, Medieri's understanding of Xiahe's shot was deeper. The power under her feet is endless, coming from the depths of the earth, but she can only borrow a little, and like the lord, it can explode on the gun less. That's the power of the law, even if there is only one point, it is enough to increase her attack ability several times.

If the adults did not choose the magician's path, they would have been masters of martial arts, right?

However, ordinary martial arts masters are not opponents of Lord Lord. The adult said that he had six types of marksmanship, but he only saw this type and felt that kendo had improved a lot. What about the remaining five types?

Medirelli yearned for it, and unconsciously placed Xiahe on the same position as her teacher.

After Ron released a large-scale magic, he didn't shoot again. He also only tested the effect of the magic tower on his spell power. It was clearer that the final solution of this battle came from the sea.

Bloody Mary will not sit back and watch her pirates be slaughtered clean.

The demon at the port is dead, so I dare to give it a go. If I use the legendary scroll now and ruin the gate of the undead, all hope can only be placed on others.

Freya changed a bow and put a glass bead on the bow string ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the undead army rushed to a distance of more than 200 meters, the bow string loosened, and the glass marbles flew more than 300 Mi Yuan exploded at high altitude. The snow-white light enveloped the radius of 20 meters, and the dust shining like stars floated in the air.

Ordinary skeleton pikemen fell to the ground in pain. The bone shield swordmen smoked on their bodies and moved forward. Even two or three black samurai soldiers slowed down. The knight urged the skeleton warhorse to charge forward, knocking down dozens of lower-level skeletons.

"Fine." Xiahe stopped Freya, and the flash dust could not kill a few undeads. The biggest effect was to create chaos. It seems that the black warriors up to level 20 will be affected.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of heavy footsteps came from a distance. A 14-meter-high undead came from a distance. The undead was covered with gray bone armor, and he carried a huge meteor hammer in his hand. On the off-white bone armor, there is a purple anti-magic spell.

Medirley saw the huge monster coming, eager to try, a white light emitted from the city's head, and fell on the bone mask of the huge undead.

Elemental punishment of Lord Lord!

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