Daomen Invasion

Chapter 122: : Morale and overall situation

As soon as the huge undead appeared, the rhythm of the undead army returned to normal. Its footsteps sounded like war drums, and the flashing dust was still floating, but the undead ignored the faint damage, and the frequency of footsteps began to synchronize. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Xiahe's elemental punishment fell on the mask of the huge undead. The bone mask cracked, and with a click, the next layer of bone was peeled off and fell towards the ground. The undead were endless, striding toward the walls of Stormwind. Its head is higher than the wall, and if it is close, the meteor hammer sweeps, and it can fly a piece.

Freya pulled out a feather arrow, and the clusters of arrows shone with five colors of light.

"Freya, let Medirelli try."

Freya shrugged, put away the feather arrow, and replaced it with a normal wooden arrow. This feather arrow has hundreds of gold coins, and she is not willing to use them.

The dead at the end of the city will just be gone, and the recruits recruited will look like everybody. If it were not for fear of vomiting in the mask, many people would have been unable to bear it.

The rotten smell came from far away, even if it was filtered by the mask, it made people feel bored.

The huge undead is the fastest. It has already passed the army of undead and is at the forefront.

Medelly clipped the rifle, bent down, pressed his legs, and rushed away. Her legs sensed the power of the earth. When she was running, she was like a female leopard, each muscle was jumping,

The soldiers' eyes were attracted by Medieri. The figure of the grown-up knight formed a strong contrast with the undead. The soldiers held their breath and began to forget the smell of the undead, and their heartbeat could not be restrained.

The undead looked down, looking at the bugs on the ground, thinking about it, and raised his foot to step down.

The foot was fast and accurate, and there was a roar in the mouth of Medirelli. The spear under the rib turned over and became a one-handed grip. She felt that the power of the earth was coming up from the bottom. At this moment, I suddenly figured out a lot of joints, and the power was passed up the legs, extended from the spine, and sent out from the arm.


Medirelli couldn't control this power, and even took the gun through the undead's instep, and the long gun was stuck in the abdomen of the undead. The tip of the gun penetrated silently, one meter deep. The undead roared, and patted Medillary on his belly with his left hand.

Medelly's spear was stuck, and the dead slap with the sound of air tearing, as long as it was shot, it was crushed.

Medirelli lifted her feet off the ground, unable to borrow power, and had to explode, pulling the gun and flicking her body. The rifle was pulled to the point where the bow was full, and the undead's big hand swiped over Medelly's body. The rifle bounced back, and Medelly pulled it out.

Without waiting for the body to land, Medirelli flicked the lance back, and the gunpoint exploded on the tip of the gun, cutting off a finger of the dead. This time she used the familiar swordsmanship.

The meteor hammer of the undead's right hand swayed, and Medieri felt a cold. If this gesture fell, he would hit the meteor hammer. The diameter of the hammer is more than one meter. No matter how he explodes, he will be smashed to death. Not to mention that the gas of death on the meteor hammer is condensed, and his long sword does not dare to come hard.

Undead instinct!

This hammer drop point is fine, and Medieri feels bound to be hit. The surroundings were empty, with no borrowing, and the rifle could not reach anywhere.

If she used a sword, she would not be so embarrassed.


The purple arc flashed, and a huge blue ice cone hit the chain of the meteor hammer and clicked inside. The attack line of the Meteor Hammer changed dramatically, and the strange power came immediately from Medillie's landing.

Medirelli still had a straight thorn, her figure sliding on the ground, learning Xiahe's appearance. The gun accurately hit the undead's ankle. After the gun's tip penetrated, it flickered and quickly pulled out. The wound of the undead's ankle made a bang, and the huge body fell sideways.

Medirley glanced at the point of the gun, which was already covered in gray, and the sharp blade began to corrode.

No, you can fight again, this weapon can't bear it anymore.

Although the spear is enchanted, it is also made of ordinary materials. Xiahe made it purely for the soldiers, not for the master of battle like Medierli.

Medierli knew that not only did she try to shoot, but the main purpose was to encourage morale.

Suddenly remembering that the lord had given himself a long sword before, Meidi Li put the gun away and took the strange long sword out of the Dao bracelet.

This sword was not the first one Xiahe sent, nor was it Lynch, but the spoils Xiahe had just snatched from the epic swordsman. Medelly drew his sword in his hand, feeling that the sword was full of energy, and he shook it with his hand. The sword light soared three feet long, and turned into a long dragon in a blink of an eye.

The smelly mist spewed out from under the bone mask of the undead, facing Medelly, and Medelly snarled with light, ignoring such an attack, and ran over from the face of the undead.

The bone mask cracked silently, revealing the face of the undead. There was no normal facial features on this face. A mouth was erected on the cheek. The fangs were beautiful, and there was a one-eyed, dim color on the mouth. Then they were all rotted muscles, black and purple dead muscles crisscrossing each other.

Looking closely, the whole face does not know how many pieces of material are put together to make up. After Jian Qi broke the bone mask, the mouth wriggled twice, and a muscle split next to it.

The undead stumbled and fell, rotting muscles rolling on the ground, twisting like leeches.

Medirley's sword slashed back, like a dragon flicking its tail. The head of the undead was cut off by this sword and rolled to the side.


The Meteor Hammer twisted twice on the ground, and was dragged by the undead's hand again, smashing towards Medirelli.

Xiahe took Asla to slay the devil's mallet and pointed to the undead in the distance. The pure white elemental brilliance exploded in the back of the undead, and the bone armor was blown out of a bright red cross on the landing point.

Armor bone spirit!

The soul fire of ordinary undead are in the eye sockets, and the armor bone spirit is on the bone armor.

Too far away, elemental punishment could not kill the armored bone spirit, but Medielli already knew what to do, her figure twisted strangely on the ground, like a loach, bypassing the swept meteor hammer, Jianguang flew up and down, hitting the bright red cross.

In the bone armor, the hidden soul fire extinguished silently, and Medillary's palm was already shocked.

This sword was fierce and instantly killed Gu Ling, but it also came at a price. The sword energy of her body collapsed. She only felt a dizziness in her mind, and she didn't know when she took a breath of poison gas.

I am the Lord Knight of Lord Xi, I can't show my fatigue!

Medierli thought of this, with a scream in his mouth, a sword in his backhand, the sword light was six meters away, and he cut the armor bone spirit lying on the ground with a sword.

The dead soldiers of the city heads are gone, and the recruits cheered immediately. They saw the elder knight dragging the huge head, step by step toward the wall, completely ignoring the surging army of undead behind him.

Xiahe's magic wand was connected, releasing toxins on Medieri to disperse, Void Feather.

Only after taking a breath, Medirelli stepped on the city wall and stepped up to the head of the city step by step, let go of the huge head, and gave a salute to Xiahe.

The rotten flesh in that head is still falling out, revealing some of the bones inside, all very small, with hands and feet, to crawl out.

Xiahe released a ray of elemental fire, which sealed the armor bone helmet, and the creaking sound in the helmet sounded like howling. In the elemental fire, the lines of the runes wrapped in the door, the soul and flesh that were put together, could not die for a moment and a half, and this voice spread throughout the city.

Medirelli took the long sword handed over by Xiahe, Xiahe said: "You have a rest, a fight after a while, it doesn't have to be this way."

"Yes." Medieri felt that there was a bottle in her hand, and she retreated behind Xiahe, swallowing the poison medicine.

Medirley returned home after victory, but the army of undead had approached the city wall. At a distance of two hundred meters, a skeleton archer tried to shoot.

This dose of cardiotonic agent will not last long, but if you do not do such a thing, I am afraid that the first wave of undead attacks will make the soldiers collapse.

In the sky, two burning stone **** flew by, ejected from the city, and fell into the army of undead. The hollow stone ball more than two meters in diameter sprayed flames and rolled forward, traversing a gap of more than one hundred meters among the army of undead, and then stopped.


The army of undead crashed against the city walls, and the two stone **** seemed to be laughed at, meaningless.

The undead climbed on the city wall, with metal shelves on the head of the city, burning logs on it, and soldiers prying the levers behind. The huge logs rolled down with flames and smashed some unknown skeletons. But the undead were fearless, stomping their companions, moving forward, towards the storm city.

With a clatter, a black warrior knocked open the burning log, rolled over the city wall, and kicked the metal shelf with a kick.

Three spears stabbed in the back row, and the black warrior brandished his sword and blocked the spear grid.

Elemental punishment!

Xiahe is the closest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A white light was shot into the black warrior's eye socket. The black warrior's body roared sternly. When he moved slowly, he was stabbed by three other spears, one of which was shot. The spear pierced straight into its eye socket.

Long and Xiahe saw the undead turning over the city walls, but still resisted not shooting.


Uh ...

A recruit was prying the log, and a zombie was thrown beside him, holding his neck and biting down.

"Adult!" Medicilli couldn't help it, why didn't the Lord Lord take action?

Xiahe does not move, and the undead under the city walls are still not dense enough. Now, when you do it, the magic effect is too bad. The side of Stormwind City is not conducive to attack, it does not mean that the undead will not turn. If the front is difficult to break through, and the undead goes to the side, there is no shortage of manpower. There are only two magicians here, and there are three directions to take care of.

Sometimes, the role of soldiers is to sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation.

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