Daomen Invasion

Chapter 123: : Nima, blasted!

In the eyes of many people, the word big picture is quite disgusting, because there must be some people who enjoy the results, and those who die are just dead. Ω 』Ω『 E Novel WwánW. 』1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Xiahe is doing such disgusting things. Most soldiers will die, and he is still encouraging morale and giving them hope.

Because the city wall can give the greatest damage to the undead, thinking of this, Xiahe ’s wand waved, a dozen glass beads shot from the hidden metal tube behind the city wall, exploded, and the silver-white brightness permeated the entire city head.


The soldier shouted and gave himself a breath. A dead man knocked behind the zombie's brain with a claw hammer. The zombie biting the soldier's neck was shattered before he could tear it.

"He was poisoned by a corpse!"

"I haven't! You see!" The soldier's panic excuse, if he was bitten through his neck, it would turn into a zombie. He listened to what others said.

The companion next to him was frightened, with a spear against the soldier's heart, close to the observation. Sure enough, where the zombie bit, the outer wallet was pierced, but the inner layer of metal was only slightly recessed.

Frightened, more undead rushed to the head of the city, a spear in the back row, and the soldiers in the front were smashed with a hammer. This tactic can only be said to be unsatisfactory. However, the flash dust lasted for a long time, the undead were manic and chaotic, the attack was unruly, and they were only stabbed by the spear to wield paws in vain. .

Seeing that there were casualties in the city's head, Long waved his hands in the distance, and the flames re-drilled out of the scorched earth, and sprayed into the sky. The passing army of undead was unprepared and burned to pieces.

Xiahe also came to the edge of the city wall. A golden tornado first cleared the surrounding undead, then released four broken hells one after another under the city. Xiahe was released normally, and the Broken Fire Hell also had a range of 50 meters. The four Broken Fire Hells fell a few meters apart. The undead rushed across the Hell without fear, and his body was stained with fuchsia flames.

The flames in the **** seemed to be torn off and wrapped around the undead. After being taken out of the hell, they began to use the undead as fuel and burned more fiercely.

The city's undead had no support behind him, and was quickly pushed back.

The Broken Fire Hell burned for a few minutes before extinguishing. Thousands of undead already burned to ashes. Long's magic blocked the army in the distance, and the attack was contained by the magic of two people.

The children of the law were a little overwhelmed. Although the undead army was still coming out of the door of the undead, the magician of Stormwind was simply incredible, even interrupting the attack of the undead army. As long as the soldiers in the city have such a rest, they can support for a long time.

The undead are endless, but the opening time of the undead gate is limited.

If the undead army is blocked by the city walls, everyone has to attack the magic tower by themselves, which will kill many, many people.

"How many prisoners are there, all sacrificed." Next to the door of the undead, a young magician said fiercely.

"It's almost done." A golden young man said with a melancholy face, he was fair-skinned, wearing a luxurious dress, slender figure, and wearing white gloves.

"I don't care, I just keep the gate of the undead." A small warrior with a battle axe leaned on the ground and said boringly.

"I knew that if it were a simple task, it would be impossible to dispatch so many a-class teams." The young magician bit his teeth, anxious. The magician at the head of the city has a power close to the s-class. He will die without a fight alone, so he dare not attack the city gate by himself, and can only wait for the undead army to drown Stormwind.

As for other teams, who is not selfish?

The second attack of the Undead Legion soon arrived, and Medieri wanted to try again, and was stopped by Xiahe.

"Medi Lili, the door of the undead can be opened for a long time, which is almost enough to release three undead legions. The number of undead legions of each undead legion is 180,000. The number of undeads we have just killed is less than one. Wan. That means ... "

Medierly understood that the battle had not really begun.

Three undead legions, close to 600,000 undead? There are only more than a thousand soldiers in the city head, with magicians, backed by magic towers, occupying the geographical location, how long can they persist?

"Just don't let the undead pull the line of defense."

"Yes." Medierli was a little depressed. She didn't expect that such a strong Stormwind City would be vulnerable to death. Without Lord Long, the first attack would be difficult to defend against.

After finishing this, Xia He was also pondering. There is a loophole in Storm Point, and he is very clear, but this loophole is definitely not caused for no reason. For so many years, I have not heard that the Son of Law is raging here until ...

Until the emergence of the goddess of wealth!

The Goddess of Wealth also came from outside the world. Certain special methods must be used to keep the gods from paying attention to the storm angle. There are more than one or two loopholes in this world, but the Goddess of Fortune must be a very big loophole, maybe the son of the law is brought by her, and the gods will mistakenly think that the loophole on the side of Stormwind is that Caused by the unknown god.

Xiahe never believed in the spirit of the gods, he soon wanted to understand this.

But knowing this, he had to invest in the temple at first, but he didn't waste money to build a magic tower. Now the magic tower has its accumulated wealth, four element pools, it is impossible to give up like this.

The goddess of wealth, Abigail ...

When Xiahe thought of Abigail, he didn't want to think about it again. He cheered up and started the second wave of defense. This time he began to assist the soldiers at the head of the city, releasing the endless shadow arrows. This classic magic can gather power in the shadow, divided into two, and divided into four, until it can't get more power, it will be eliminated.

The Son of Law was nervously waiting for the opportunity, and Xiahe and Long interrupted the attacking rhythm of the undead army with magic every once in a while.

The soldiers in the city began to suffer deaths and injuries, and the number of people quickly declined. Even Martin has to join the battle. His profession is not very effective against undead, and there is no group attack.

The soldier's panic was short-lived and soon became numb. Xiahe's magic fire flying crow symbol was used, and only three pieces remained, and he refused to use it again. These three magic fire flying ravens can allow him to escape from the epic strongman, and can also bring Freya.

"Count Asla." Long's figure appeared in front of Xiahe.

"Master Long?"

"If you need time to retreat, I can make a strategic blockade, and those demons can't keep up."

"Persevere for a while." Xiahe calculated silently in his heart. There were still more than 450 survivors, and there were only 310 people left for those recruits. Fortunately, the undead did not choose to attack from both sides. The terrain there was complicated, and it was not suitable for the undead legion to push flat. With a small range of magic, the road ahead could be blocked.

There is no blood on the ground. Ron doesn't like the blood on his feet and will clean it with magic.

The clean city is now solemn, the flames of the wilderness in the distance are extinguished, and the army of undead gathers again, tirelessly.

"At most two attacks, I will retreat." Long reluctantly agreed to Xiahe's request. He needs to maintain combat power. There are five monsters in the epic realm outside. If the combat power is lost by more than half, he can't deal with it.


In the distance, there was an explosion of shaking mountains, the walls of Stormwind shook violently, the soldiers rolled all over the place, and Xiahe looked at the distance in amazement. The door of the undead parallel to the earth exploded!

Within a thousand kilometers of the surrounding area, strong spatial fluctuations tore the children of the law into pieces, and the powerful three epic realms escaped, but they could not save others. Two of the closest epics were ripped into the ripples of space and crushed to death.

The three epic strongmen escaped hundreds of meters, and the force of space tearing left the dwarf warrior, the charmer and the young man of the golden body shattered one after another, and finally escaped.

These two people wanted to cry without tears, and their team had to be near the door of the undead to ensure that they would not be attacked by the undead, but no one expected that the door of the undead would blow up. There has never been such intelligence in the clan of countless reincarnations.

"Adult!" Freya was excited, so many children of the law died outside, and countless undead fragments of soul fire were discarded in the wilderness. If she collected them, it would be enough to make up for the loss of the armor of the Great Desolation. The materials used to make the armor of the great waste could have been used to make magic soldiers, but Freya wasted it in order to remove the problem in the soul, and it can only be used as a powerful personal weapon.

So many souls are delicious now!

In the sky, the pure black sky curtain was suddenly pulled apart, and the mighty divine power poured down. On that day, the curtain collapsed and the ripples of the divine power spread like www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mighty divine power came and bombarded there. On the exploded door of the undead, another distant world came a horrible voice. The voice is mixed with countless negative emotions, as if it were a vicious creature that has existed since ancient times, cursing everything in the world.

The pale golden ripples of power gathered inwards, silently suppressing the curse back. Shenwei spread along the ground, everything seemed to be silent. The sons of the law, the undead, fell silently, their souls scattered.

Freya's face is like earth, and her and Xiahe's souls have already fit into this world. As long as the gods are not the body coming here, they will not be abnormal.

But she had just refined the armor of the Great Desolation, which was the means of the Emperor Daomen, purely possessed by alien spirits.

Xiahe gave her a colorful human skin, and she hadn't had time to make it into a cloak to cover the armor of the great waste.

If the divine power comes, she will disappear into this world like the sons of the law, and will never be born.

Shenwei swept toward the walls of Stormwind City, which seemed slow, and immediately went under the wall.

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