Daomen Invasion

Chapter 124: :parting

"Open your mouth!" Xiahe turned suddenly, a gold coin flew out, Freya opened her mouth, and contained it in her mouth.

Woo ...

The white divine light spread out from above Freya's head, and the divine power swept across it instantly, and when he encountered the white light, he bypassed like a lightning, and did not probe on Freya.

Xiahe had shed cold sweat. Fortunately, he asked for a real gold coin from Dawn, which was prepared by the Lord of Dawn for his beloved.

If you use wealth gold coins, Freya is now dead.

Freya escaped from the desperate situation of death, tears in her eyes, looking at the battlefield outside the city. Nothing was left. The undead, the children of the law, were decaying rapidly, and the armor and equipment on them were the same.

Long's face was a bit ugly, and the might of Shenwei passed through him without politeness, although it did not cause any harm, but was seen by the deity from the inside out, as if he had been undressed.

Although the gods did not want to kill him, causing trouble, but there was no respect.

If the **** kills him for no reason, it will inevitably cause the anger of the empire. Even the magic tower of Green Forest Big 6 will join the war to clean up the believer of this **** in the world.

But the gods are dealing with alien monsters, and by the way check if there is a fish that missed the net. This can only make him feel humiliated, but not enough for the emperor to fight.

Xiahe also understands Long's feelings. There is no **** of magic or **** of truth in this world. There may be a **** of machinery or technology, but it also fell with the destruction of goblins.

The magician believes in truth and knowledge, but does not believe in gods.

"Master Long, let's go back." Xiahe glanced at the distant port, the fire was still burning, the market was completely destroyed, and all the merchants might have been killed, as well as the sailors and their families living there.

If this is caused by the goddess of wealth, do you still want to cooperate with her?

"Well, let's go back, Count Asla, are you ready to leave?"

"Give me two days, a lot of people died this time."

"Okay, come out in two days." Long was seen through the body by the deity, and actually didn't want to stay at Storm Point for a minute. But the Emperor's life was in his hands, and he could not really force the Blood Mage to leave immediately.

Xiahe was also depressed, and went directly back to the magic tower.

He had nothing to explain, but he had to wait for Ovilla to come back, and Cotton Jack.

To enclose the Cotton Jack as a magic knight and stay in Stormwind City, Ovilla will follow him to the Olympian Empire, and his and Freya's equipment must be further refined, and they must add the Divine Fire Raven Rune.

I also got an epic cannon that was cut in two, and re-refined it with my original damaged magic cannon, which is also a good epic weapon.

Before leaving, I had to go to the Temple of Wealth and ask clearly.

Xia He let Freya and Medieri deal with post-war affairs. He spent a whole day in the Magic Tower, and he personally built equipment with Austin, and he did not hesitate to use the family of four element pools.

The armor of the Great Wilderness is indeed risky. There are too many powerful people in this world, and the gods will come to the will without moving. There is no reason to speak. What Xiahe had to deal with was the spoils of the war, but nothing else. Although the cut gourd he got was fake, the Taoist palace had nothing in it.

Ta Ling's will is full, and Xiahe analyzes the secret of the gourd. After Xiahe gives his ideas, it now takes almost a year or two to calculate the internal structure of the cut gourd.

Xiahe gave up his research and left the gourd to Austin to let him continue.

Xiahe came alone and came to the Temple of Wealth. The temple collapsed halfway, but the statue of the Goddess of Wealth was intact. Xiahe saw that someone was repairing the temple. Abigail personally commanded it.

Abigail looked back at Xiahe, his expression somewhat bleak.

"Asla, are you here?"

"Yes, what about them?" Xiahe asked Abigail's students.

Abigail's eyes were suddenly bloodshot, and she tried to use a cold tone: "The battle is dead."

"All dead ?!" Xiahe was surprised. In the Temple of Wealth, Abigail might not be afraid of even a strong man like Long. The strength of the temple was still on the magic tower. Because this is the only temple of the goddess of wealth, Abigail is her most important believer in the world.

Although Abigail is only a regional bishop, on the side of the goddess of wealth, it is already equivalent to the status of the pope.

"Well, what are you looking for from me?" Abigail pulled out and led Xiahe to her room.

"Some words, want to ask the goddess."

"The goddess is asleep."

Abigail's words made Xia He even more surprised, and he tentatively asked, "Which of the coming will existed the day before yesterday?"

"I don't know, he didn't make contact with the goddess, but at least he was a **** with a powerful divine level."

"That temple now ..."

"The money is enough. I got a copy for you. The wharf was cleaned by strange monsters. In fact, all the wealth was divided up. The idea of ​​Bloody Mary."

Xia He frowned and said, "I don't want the money, you keep it all."

"Asla, money is innocent." Abigail sat on her bed, and Xiahe was standing in the room, although not far away, there seemed to be a distance between the two.

Seeing that Xiahe did n’t speak, Abigail said, "I will use it to help the people of Ovilla, and your magic tower also has a group of soldiers dead, right? You're gone. Cotton Jack is going to recruit people again." , Do you want him to pay this money? "

"Abigail, can you stop mentioning money?"

"What's that? You're leaving, take Ovilla, and I can't talk to you anymore."

"I will return."

"When you come back, it is estimated that your children will run away."

Xiahe didn't know how to answer this, Abigail shook her legs on the bed, a pair of crystal shoes shimmered.

"Look, you didn't come here to find me, just came to my room because the goddess was asleep." Abigail complained, she didn't blame Xiahe, but she died a few disciples, and she was in a bad mood .

"It is indeed a matter of course, and it's the same as you said." Xiahe is unwilling to take Abigail's words, and he should be complaining now. Who let them pinch their feet?

"Master Count, just talk about the business." Abigail kicked his shoes angrily, rolled up his legs, covered it with a skirt, and shrunk inside the bed.

"Linch will come back to Stormwind Point after a while, and the temple will support him."

"Why?" Abigail's tone hardened.

"I invested in him, he will open up the territory like me."

"His value is not as high as yours," Abigail said sarcastically.

"No, his value is very high, and he refuses to believe in any gods, the temple can deal with him fairly."

"anything else?"

"And ..." Xiahe walked to the bed and said in a low voice: "I know the secret islands of Bloody Mary, but I'm leaving and I can't deal with it."

Abigail's golden amber eyes brightened, and then said coldly: "The goddess is asleep, and now I dare not provoke the **** Mary."

"It's a long-term thing, and I'm not in a hurry."

Abigail was about to bite his teeth, and the blood mage refused to say anything gentle. Knowing this already, it would be better to let Ovilla die, how can Freya not start a little heavier?

"But ... I went to the Olympic empire, can I talk directly to Stormwind?"

Abigail nodded slowly, and said, "It's a magical skill, and it's not expensive, just ..."

"Just not be known by others?"

"Well." Abigail looked at Xiahe very seriously.

"A lot of things, I can't hide Freya." Xia He also looked back sincerely.

"That's good, take out your book of wealth." Abigail was serious.

She shrunk in the bed, and Xiahe had to lean against the bed and handed over the book of wealth. This wealth secretary is also very precious. Xiahe has seen the battle of Abigail. This book can be used as a weapon, and it seems that he is not afraid of any damage at all.

Abigail opened the book of her wealth and posted the two books together. Then she forced a drop of amber blood on her fingertips and penetrated into the place where the two books were attached. Xiahe sensed the flow of her divine power. The blood was drawn by the divine power, and a divine pattern was drawn on the middle page of the two books.

After finishing this, Abigail seemed a little happier. She returned the book of wealth to Xiahe and said: "This can't talk or transfer images. You can only transfer text for a certain period of time every day. Remember later Write me often on this. "

"Okay." Xiahe immediately agreed to come down. With this thing, he could monitor everything that Stormwind had at any time.

"The **** Mary, you told me in the book of wealth, don't mention it now."

Abigail rubbed to the bed. UU read www.uukanshu.com to look at his bare feet. Xiahe hurried to pick up the crystal shoes she had kicked off. Abigail lifted her legs, Xia He smiled, squatted down, and put Abigail on a pair of crystal shoes.

"We go out for a walk."

Xiahe originally wanted to refuse, but he felt that he was fine now, so why not make Abigail unhappy. He followed Abigail out of the temple and walked all the way to the beach.

The wind was a bit cold, and Abigail shrunk, asking, "Astra, you said Lynch and Irene, can we be together in the end?"

Xia He was stunned for a long time before saying: "Unless Lynch can get the respect of the Lord of Dawn."

"That's it." Abigail sat down, the rock she sat on was small, and there was no place for Xiahe.

"What's wrong with this?"

Abigail thought for a while and said, "There seems to be nothing wrong, but that would have to wait a long time."

"Then you can only blame the gods, why do you want all the believers."

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