Daomen Invasion

Chapter 125: :Front row

Why do the gods want all the believers? Xiahe asked Abigail. E-fiction WWW W. ┡1XIAOSHUO. COM

Abigail smiled, she said softly: "That's because human beings are too fickle."

In the far port, St. Odin is busy. Sailors were cleaning the deck, folding sails, and maintaining weapons.

It was Ovilla's boat, and Abigail looked at it and felt sorrowful, regretting why he came to the beach.

"Abigail, after I leave, there will be nobles of the Arcane Empire to take over the affairs of Stormwind City, and Cotton Jack will stay to manage the magic tower." Xiahe didn't want to continue the previous topic, and told Abigail that he would go Things.

Abigail sighed, but he still listened carefully to Xiahe, occasionally asking two words, and Xiahe explained to him patiently.

"That's it. If your temple equipment needs to be updated, go to Austin, he can use the power of the element pool."

"You will leave tomorrow?" Abigail was reluctant to end the conversation. The disciple's death light hit her a lot, and now she hopes someone will stay with her. The goddess was asleep, and Asla was leaving again, which felt terrible.

"Yeah, the envoy did not want to wait any longer."

"I heard you gave Ovilla a dragon skin?"

Xia He smiled and took a pendant out. It was originally Freya, but Freya now has a new dawn gold coin. The gold coins sealed in this pendant are of little use.

Abigail grabbed the pendant and hummed in his nose and asked, "I remember Freya wearing this."

"I got it in the Temple of Dawn, the thing of the Lord of Dawn."

"It's very useful." Abigail's eyes finally ceased to be scattered. She stared at the gold coin sealed in the pendant and instantly came up with hundreds of ways to deal with it.

"It's better not to provoke the Lord of Morning Dawn. The spirits of the storm coming this time are not willing to provoke him."

"I'll be careful. By the way, Asra, if the goddess wakes up, I will inform you that you can have a conversation with her, but choose a safe place. On the side of the arcane empire, I don't seem to like magicians. Communicate with gods. "

"That's the best." Xiahe must make it clear to the Goddess of Wealth how the disaster in Stormwind was caused.

"Go back, you still have things to do." Abigail held out his hand, Xiahe helped her up, Abigail grabbed Xiahe's hand without letting go, and the two left together. She knew that someone was watching on the St. Odin.

Xiahe returned to the Magic Tower, and the Dharma King waited for him for a while in the parlor on the first floor.

Xiahe quickly apologized to the Dharma King and said that he was going to the temple to deliver some things, so he came back so late.

"You are now the Count of the Empire, you don't have to be polite." The King of France sat in his black robe, his eyes as deep as Gujing, and a polite expression on his face. Xiahe felt that the old man was too far away, as if he was in another world, and what he saw was just a projection.

"Is there any advice from Master Pharaoh?"

"Alas ... I have followed my queen in my life and have been drifting in the southern waters. Sometimes, I am also thinking, what would it look like if I were a mage of Omori 6 or an arcane empire?"

"It doesn't make any difference, there may be a magic tower, there will be a lot of exchange meetings, but also to deal with the emperor and colleagues, there may be a family to support."

"Then you went to the empire for these reasons?" The King looked at Xiahe, and a black ripple rolled in his eyes.

"Surely not, I will be back sooner or later."

"At that time, I was an elementary student in the Yanluo Empire of Lumori. When I went to sea, I saw that Her Majesty was hunting a devil, and she asked me if I would go further to see the outside world. I was bored in the magic tower, so I went with her, and I never returned to Green Forest in this walk. "

Xia He was silent, and the Dharma King said: "I have been watching outside for many years. The teacher thought I was taken away, and my parents thought I was dead, so I can't go back. Asla, have you thought about it, your life What do you want? "

"Your Majesty, let you ask me?"


Xia He smiled and said, "Human, how can there be end?"

"It turns out this way." The French King nodded.

"Is there anything the Queen wants me to do?"

"That's not true, it's just a small thing. You can help if you don't need it."

"Lord King, please."

"At that time, the queen owed her affection. The man was a little noble of the Arcane Empire. It is estimated that he had died for two hundred years. See if he has any descendants alive, and if so, help. "

"How can you help me?"

"If you need to pay anything, just mention it to the queen."

Xiahe thought of the horrible figure of Bloody Mary on the bloodsail battleship, and quickly stopped his lion's intention to speak.

"Any clues?"

"This is a document sorted by the Queen." The Pharaoh took out some information and gave it to Xiahe, as if this was really a less important thing, and did not ask Xiahe to promise anything.

Xiahe received the document and said, "Your Excellency, your student Silver Demon ..."

"Has he caused you trouble?"

"No, our relationship is very harmonious, but I promised to make a complete set of magic books for him, but unfortunately the urge on the other side of the empire was too tight. It will be made for him when he returns. "

The Dharma King left with doubt, and Xiahe was also confused. Is Bloody Mary making love with herself?

It is absolutely unnecessary, and he is not an emperor, and the little count is not in the eyes of **** Mary.

Xiahe didn't have time to think so much, he returned to the top of the magic tower, and Freya also came back. The two men finally studied the issue of Freya equipment and carried out the final refining overnight. Too.

Ovilla came to the Magic Tower early. She came to Xiahe and said directly to Xiahe: "Asla, people on my side, are not willing to go to the Arcane Empire, maybe I am the only one to follow."

"Then they are willing to stay at Storm Point?"

Ovilla shook his head, and Xiahe didn't care. Those pirates had ordinary qualifications, and they were pretty good helpers, but they didn't need such people in a few years.

"What help do they need?" Xiahe still had to do his best. On the entire St. Odin, two talents were pulled to his side, and the rest were abandoned.

"They want to set up a caravan."

"Let Cotton Jack do it, according to his own standards, the fee is halved."

"Asla ..."


"I still want to see the half-elf empire."

Xia He frowned, O'Ville's opinion in Asia-Pacific, this thought moved, he could not stop. A few days ago I confessed myself, but the result was disturbed by the coming of the Son of Law. Although Ovilla was not angry or opposed, she could not agree. Listening to her now, is to part ways with yourself?

"Aren't you going to be a navy minister for me?" Xiahe asked tentatively.

"Yeah, but I can't even have a holiday, right? Besides, you haven't opened up territory, and my minister has nothing, only time, right?"

Xia He was asked dumbly, yeah, he wanted Ovilla to work, but did not make specific arrangements. It was like cheating on free labor. He accidentally obtained the title of Earl, in fact, he can register five Lords, instead of two knights, but because he did not want Oville to become his own subject, so he dragged this matter.

"Well, Asra, the nobles will have political advisers, so let me do this."

"Government consultants are trivial things, why should you ..."

"You will give me money every month, won't you be reluctant?" Ovilla blinked.

Xiahe hates this irrelevant relationship. Ovilla wants to keep a distance and work with herself. The relationship cannot be alienated or too close.

Well, the only good news is that for the time being, she won't go to the half-elf empire by herself.

"Won't be reluctant." Xiahe replied dryly.

"That's good, prepare documents for me." Ovilla asked for the appointment letter, and Xiahe figured it out.

It ’s better to stay by the side than to stay in the storm.

In the early morning of the next day, the Xiahe side basically finished the important things. Ovilla went to the St. Odin to check the ship for the last time and was ready to set sail. Long had already handed over all documents with Xiahe, and the officials appointed by the empire were all in place. The female magician Gulizzana temporarily took the position of the Lord of Stormwind City.

Xiahe brought Freya, Medirelli, Ovilla and Martin, and the count could have a hundred troops with him. It was not a problem to take the emperor to the capital. Xiahe ordered two hundred dead men, one hundred of whom were ready to send Go to Rhode Island, the increased enclave given to him by the Arcane Emperor.

At the earliest Xiahe wanted to bring two magic apprentices ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now there are no talents, and with Medierli, it takes a lot of time to give instructions, Xiahe gave up this plan.

Anyway, I have a territory and a knighthood. If I want to find a suitable student in the Arcane Empire, I have enough conditions.

Long's envoys came to 18 people, leaving 16 left, and only one followed Long back to the empire.

Xia He had no problem with this. The management of a magic tower by Cotton Jack was a problem. There was an imperial bureaucrat to deal with it. Stormwind would at least thrive.

The weather was good and the wind was not too strong. The St. Odin slipped out of the port and slowly increased.

On the back deck, Xiahe was holding a book and lying on a chair to read. With a spear in hand, Medirelli practiced the gunfire taught by Xiahe on the deck. Xiahe's gun skills originated from Dao martial arts. In terms of martial arts, he is best at hammering, then spears, and then swordsmanship.

The Xiahe Hammer method is a boy's skill, and the fist can be used to hit the sledgehammer. The Taoist body protection of the same state can be defeated by him. However, gun skills were learned from the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace, and they were specifically taught to war priests. If you ca n’t use Taoism in a different world, you can also pretend to be a warrior.

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