Daomen Invasion

Chapter 126: : City of Juneau

Xiahe taught Medierli's marksmanship to be a dragon and a tiger, only six types, piercing, blocking, entanglement, splitting, taking, and collapsing. E┡ Novels www. Δ1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Mortal warriors have more tactics, but they only refine this method and grow out of the way.

Medirelli is now the chief of Xiahe's knight. In the future, he will command the most elite knights. Xiahe intends to own his knights, not at all in accordance with the standards of this world.

It must be the same magical rune equipment, the mount must be equipped with a war figure, and the knight starts at 20th level.

Freya also admired her next. Medelly wanted to learn swords, and adults told her how to shoot. She was still very happy to play. It is estimated that with the eloquence of an adult, that is, let her learn magic, and Medillian will also be excited?

The ability of an adult to deceive a child is still very powerful!

It may be that the previous bad luck was concentrated, and there was no risk along the way. The St. Odin went to the northern harbour of the Arcane Empire-Neather.

This port is west of Bingfengda 6, where two large vessels can only be docked in the deep water, and only two or thirty meters of boats can be anchored in the remaining positions. Because it is not an unfrozen port and the seabed environment is complex, the Arcane Empire did not spend any effort to artificially transform and expand the size of the port.

If you want a good deep-water unfrozen port, then you have to go to the east coast of the empire, bypass the south end of Da-6, away from the half-elf empire, and walk many days.

Even so, Neather is still a prosperous city, and the area is very huge. In Neather City, there is one of the nine Imperial Colleges of Magic, Neather College. Neather City is named after this college.

St. Odin appeared, a magical warning came from the port ’s fort, and a small boat came over. After the heavily armed soldiers boarded the ship, they checked Rong ’s badges and documents. This allowed St. Odin to put down the boat but was not allowed to enter the port. . There are already two warships at rest where they can dock the St. Odin.

"Master Long, do you want to visit the local nobles?" After Xiahe landed on the bank, he asked Long for advice.

"Your Majesty let you go directly to the Imperial Capital."

"I see." Xia He knew that this was to make sure that he was a famous emperor. He didn't need to see anyone until the entire Big 6 political landscape was unclear.

The port also sent small boats to take the two hundred soldiers of Xiahe to the shore. When the news came from the administrative court of Neisser City, he immediately sent someone to arrange the residence of so many people in Xiahe. It is impossible to go at once. There is more than a thousand miles from the imperial capital, so you have to take a car.

Xiahe only noticed the person Long Long took. This person looked like he was in his forties. There was no special place in his body. He handled everything.

Handover of characters, inspection of documents, and communication of officials are very fast and concise.

St. Odin arrived at three or four in the afternoon. When it was dark, the pedestrian Xiahe was arranged in a manor in the east of the city. The manor was originally idle, but when Xiahe lived in, he had enough manpower to prepare more than two hundred people to eat, drink and stay.

You need such a person by your side, otherwise your daily affairs will be annoying.

Neather City prepared vehicles overnight and tuned two hundred horses. The war horses of the Arcane Empire are all half-Warcraft blood, mainly reflected in endurance and weight bearing.

Because Xiahe took the army with him, Nesser City did not arrange guards.

After sleeping for the night and going on the road, Xiahe was considered as a passenger and did not even visit Neisser College.

The imperial capital of the arcane empire is located north of Bingfengda 6, near the Gro River, on a small plain. It is said that this is where the arcane empire rises, and the first magic academy of the arcane empire is also here.

The Gro River made a bend in the small plains, and it impacted a lot of sand every year, blocking the river. After the empire was established, a hundred-mile long **** was built on the south bank of the Gro River. There is a long **** first, and then there is the imperial capital, this is the conclusion. Without this dyke, the Gro River flooded year after year, and it could not become the political center of the empire.

The embankment was built for hundreds of years before and after the empire sent out magicians to dredge the river, so that the Gro River was not so fierce.

To enter the plain from the west, you need to pass through a canyon, where a pass is built. However, the pass is close to the Gro River, and the terrain is very high. A avenue passes through the dangerous pass. Outside this defensive city, there is a long wooden paved bridge next to the river valley. Ordinary business travelers have to cross the bridge, like the Xiahe army, they have to cross the pass.

Behind the pass, there is the rich plain, the imperial capital of the empire, although millions of people, can rely on this plain to be self-sufficient.

Xiahe's team has complete procedures, and the emperor signed the documents. Xiahe also obtained documents and tokens for customs clearance on the side of Neisser City, and the anonymous pass was successfully passed.

Seeing the autumn, the wheat on the plains has grown very high. Xiahe looked out from the car and saw a lot of puppets in the field weeding and killing insects.

However, Xiahe observed himself on another wagon, and suddenly saw a huge airship in the distance taking water from the river, spraying it in the air, and irrigating the farmland. This is too much. Such a huge airship is only used for watering, which is too expensive. Besides, it is next to the Gro River, and it is entirely possible to dig ditches and draw water for irrigation.

Yes, in the city of Juno, the capital of the Arcane Empire, there are eight magical academies. There are a large number of magic apprentices. It is estimated that these are the homework of the students.

This is because the college has money to be so wasted.

All these things must be improved, and students must control their magical abilities in detail before they can go to more dangerous places to practice. If you think of it this way, although it is very expensive for the students of the Magic Academy to farm, it is cheaper to compare with the opening of relics and even special planes as a trial site.

Driving heavier machinery, developing fertilizer formulas, and cultivating new seeds can all enhance the magician's understanding of the law.

This is also a trial method caused by environmental factors. I heard that in the southern empire, the students of Merlin College usually try to enter the forest to find the half-elven empire.

The imperial capital is considered to be the safest place in the empire. The students of Juno College want to take real risks and go to the north of the empire in the deep winter. It used to be the kingdom of the frost giant. After the extinction of the giant, there are still strange and strange Warcraft survival there.

What I saw in front of me was just the daily routine of the college.

Xiahe no longer looks at it. The emperor wants him to apply for a lecturer in the college. He will enter this system sooner or later. Naturally, he will have a deeper understanding. Now, he can't see too many mysteries.

There is a town west of the city of Juno, more than thirty miles away from the imperial capital. The soldiers of the Xiahe belt were left here, although in theory he could bring a hundred people into the city, but it was not necessary. Xiahe had no real estate in the city of Juno, and the soldiers could not arrange it, so they were simply left in Xizhen.

A few horse-drawn carriages, traveling lightly, went straight to the city of Juno. Xiahe opened the window in front of the car and saw the city of Juno from afar.

The city of Juno is like a ring of gear machinery, with the middle raised. The city surrounds the mountain in the middle, and every layer seems to be spinning. The gears bite each other, making Xiahe's heart seem to hear a click.

It's just a visual illusion, using the effect of light and shadow magic, but magnified countless times.

However, Xiahe knew that this huge city was powerful.

The magic of Juno Gear is named after Juno, the demigod mage. This is a powerful time magic, and the casting level is very low, only ten levels ahead.

This demigod mage is also the man who established the status of the arcane empire.

In front of Juno Gear, everyone ’s magic is eclipsed. The gods have been infiltrating into Bingfeng Big 6, but in the era of Juno, such infiltration stopped abruptly. The hidden believers in the empire were cleaned up, and the counterattacks of the gods were quickly eliminated.

The Arcane Empire does not need a temple. This sentence was the first one Juno said.

The city of Juno is itself a magical formation of Juno gear. In this city, the emperor of the arcane empire can control the time, even the big prophecy will be invalid.

There is also the Juno College directly under the Royal Family, and eight other small magic schools, which are also inclined to the Royal Family.

No matter how the nobles fight for power, in the city of Juno, the royal family has absolute authority.

Put it in the world of God Week, this is also a great city.

However, the emperor who owns such a city cannot completely influence the ideas of the aristocratic mages. There are only two Imperial Colleges on the royal side.

This question, I must ask the emperor in person.

It is estimated that the intelligence was submitted to the Imperial Capital long ago. When the carriage of Xiahe arrived, someone would pick it up and take Xiahe to an independent villa. Long's carriage didn't stop and left directly. Xiahe and others were left in the villa, and suddenly there was a tense atmosphere.

This villa is not as good as the manor outside of Neisser ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are no servants, no cooks, and no grain of rice in the warehouse.

Fortunately, Xiahe's space equipment is getting larger and larger, and the quantity is enough. He habitually stores food. He restrains everyone from going out and walking around. He simply stays in this villa, cooks fire and cleans the hall.

Xiahe has classic magical melancholy porcelain dolls that can do many things.

Martin searched the entire villa and found nothing special. Of course, if his emperor was under surveillance, he would not have to use this method.

It was dark and Xiahe was not hungry. He stood in the courtyard and took a deep breath. Under the power of true energy, the external force was transformed by the slightest extraction. Xiahe was shocked!

This power is not the so-called world vitality, or vitality, nor the aura, but the deep space energy that world priests like in the week of God likes, which comes from the depths of the universe.

However, he did not draw any energy from the deep sky. This is the city of Juno. Any strange things may be discovered.

This power of deep space is simply drawn from the courtyard.

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