Daomen Invasion

Chapter 127: : 3rd

Xiahe was taken aback, forced to terminate his practice, but nothing unusual. He then used the power of the consciousness to carefully sense it, and now it is not his mistake, but the entire city, drawing power from the deep space of the universe. Δ 』』 』E Novel W『 W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

The huge Juno City, this magic circle, is maintained by the power of deep space.

Xiahe mistakenly thought that he had returned to Shenzhou. In Shenzhou, this technology had already spread to the countryside and was very mature. The Juno City is purely primitive, so it will have the power of deep space to escape and be absorbed by Xiahe accidentally.

Although it is very primitive, with the research attitude of the Arcane Empire, it may take less than 10,000 years. This technology will be developed to a higher level, and the magician will have the real capital to fight the gods. Fortunately, he came early, otherwise the city of Juno is a small palace, which is even more difficult to deal with than the gods.

Gods cannot come directly, they can only rely on believers to govern the world. But magicians are different. If they learn to draw the power of deep space, a powerful magician is as terrible as a god.

In Dao Palace, there are a lot of Dixian and Tianxian, and even Jinxian may fall into the world.

No wonder the magicians of the Arcane Empire dare to exterminate the temple. This is not arrogance, but they see the possibility of replacing gods.

Overnight, without words, on the second day, a dozen or so magicians from the House of Lords came to the villa and asked Xiahe to pass by.

These magicians are not high-level. They are in their thirties, only a dozen levels, and wear imperial robe of nobility. It is a magician of level 25 or so for one person, but he is also in his 60s or 70s. His breath is not as stable as Cotton Jack, and the magic control on his body is unsatisfactory.

"Count Asla, I ’m Baron Karolaka in the Secretary ’s Office of the Empire."

"Baron." Xiahe nodded slightly. The nobleman of the magician looked old. Although he still had a life span of several decades, he could not become a legend in this life. He could only concentrate on this kind of government affairs.

"I want to invite Lord Earl to come over, verify the documents, keep the files and fix the salary."

"Fixed salary?" Xiahe unexpectedly didn't expect to have a salary.

Baron Karolaka smiled and said, "Let us in the House of Lords, others call us blood nobles."

Xiahe suddenly realized that the aristocracy of the arcane empire was different from other empires, and the upper and lower houses were in charge. The nobles of the House of Lords, reckoned forward, were all the descendants of the merits that helped the royal family to establish the country. The people in the House of Commons are outstanding talents promoted in various industries.

The term bloodline noble has a somewhat ironic taste, meaning that your status today depends on the ancestor, not how strong you are.

The reason for this irony is naturally because the House of Lords has more power. Although the House of Commons is in charge of the bureaucracy, it is difficult to intervene in major national affairs. Really implemented in the country.

This bloodline noble has a salary, even if he does not hold an empire position.

Xiahe is enshrined as an earl, and he can get 3,000 gold coins every month. This is not a small amount. Xiahe can raise three or five hundred elite cavalry.

The empire has strict control of the nobility. On the Rhode Island side of the Xiahe River, bureaucrats sent by the empire have gone to govern it, and taxes have to be paid in part. So these three thousand gold coins are not real, but the royal family made magic coins, similar to white bars, used to deduct the tax paid on the territory.

Some people are miserable and do n’t have much tax to pay, and this magic coin will rot in their hands. Then 60% of the big nobles will be bought to deduct their own taxes.

Xiahe figured it out, and just smiled.

He has a map of Rhode Island, although it is a little barren, but the area is not small, and if it is managed well, it will not lose money. He did not expect these three thousand gold coins to feed his family.

The carriage of the House of Lords was parked outside the door, inlaid with gold and silver.

This is the obvious pendulum, because let Xiahe pass by without so much manpower. Xiahe couldn't help crying and laughing, but he didn't expect the magistrate and nobleman to have this kind of flashy.

Karolaka accompanied Xiahe in a carriage, and sat down opposite. Xiahe said: "Baron, I am not very familiar with the emperor. Please advise me on some things."

"Dare not, Lord Earl." Karolaka has the cunning of small people, even if this Asra has no real power, he is respectful.

"Before I came, I heard that there were people in the emperor who said something to me?"

"Master Earl, our **** nobles, there will always be people who are jealous. Don't listen to such gossip."

"What if someone talks in person?"

"How is this possible? They no longer have a noble face?" Karolaka was a little excited. Xiahe estimated that he had also been sprayed before, so he was so filled with indignation, and it was definitely not for his own injustice.

"The aristocracy does not say that some people are not necessarily." Xiahe knew that the laws of the empire, the aristocracy killed civilians, the crime was reduced to one level, but it is not something that can be settled by spending money.

Karolaka is a little embarrassed. He is a **** nobleman, but he is not very qualified. After relying on family resources and becoming a master of magic, he has no further progress and can only care for the elderly in the House.

There are many times when people are laughed at, even in the face of irony.

The secretary room of the House of Lords has a lot of responsibilities, so a huge magical building was built for this purpose. When he entered the gate of the House, La Loraka became nervous, and he ordered his men to go to work, taking Xiahe to the metal elevator to the top of the building.

Xiahe looked at the golden door and stood a dozen soldiers, feeling nervous.

"The earl is here, let him in." There was a voice inside the door, very clean and calm, let Xiahe sound the powerful priests of the world of Shenzhou.

The door opened automatically, silently, there was nothing in it, and I could not see clearly when I stood outside.

Xiahe was unprepared and could only walk in daringly.

The room is large and can easily accommodate hundreds of people. A glass window on the whole wall, the sunlight shining in, spread on the table. At first glance, this table feels extremely thick, and it is full of documents and drawings.

The tall man looking down at the drawings should be the emperor.

He wore a black robe with dark gold background patterns, very concise. When Xiahe came in, the emperor looked up at him, his eyes calm and calm, without any leakage of spirit and spirit, making him look like an ordinary middle-aged man. However, according to the standards of the Shenzhou World, this middle-aged man looks majestic. The whole person stands there, very different from all beings, and has the appearance of an emperor.

It was such an ordinary emperor that gave Xiahe the feeling that the danger was beyond the Pope Dawn.

"Asla, did you sleep last night?"

Xia He recalled carefully that the emperor of the arcane empire in front of him was Juno III, who had reigned for thirty years and his real age was only over fifty. He became a demigod in his fifties? This degree of spiritual practice is also outstanding in the world of Shenzhou.

The so-called demigod is probably equivalent to the ninth-order Taoist priest and human fairy.

"The minister has seen His Majesty and slept last night. The residence is relatively secluded." Xiahe went to the Master Ceremony, feeling that the Emperor did not put pressure on himself, and he was a lot easier.

"Come and see." Juno III greeted Xiahe to the table. Xiahe agreed, bypassing the large table, and came to the emperor's side and looked down.

On the table is a magic map.

Dozens of layers of magic lines make Xiahe dizzy and have to release the power of the consciousness to sweep. Judging from the outline, the map is the entire Bingfengda 6, where Juno III looks, and it is the part of the half-elf empire below the map.

This part is not as complete and clear as above, the magic lines are only seven or eight floors, and some places are still blank.

The part close to the arcane empire is the most clear, with very detailed drawings, forests, mountains, rivers, cities. Looking deeper, you can see the geological structure under the earth, the direction of the veins, the dark river and the like are marked, and the veins of the ore veins are also very detailed.

Then there is the part on the ground, the magic lines also draw the air flow in the air, the annual temperature change, the concentration of various elements and so on.

If this is a map prepared for war, it is already detailed enough.

"His Majesty?"

"Asla, I heard that at the storm corner, the will of a **** is coming, you tell me."

Xiahe did not dare to neglect, first took out a page of the book of light, and said: "Chen ..."

"You don't have to be so restrained, Long is in front of me, and in colloquialism, you have to get used to your identity."

Your identity? Xiahe suddenly understood that he was a close minister and a knight who had obtained a treasure. The knight was somewhat unclear, and the identity was forged by the emperor.

"Your Majesty, before that, I got a page of the book of light, which started from the side of the Temple of Dawn."

Juno III glanced at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with little interest.

"At the time of Lv Mori 6, I met a friend who fell in love with a female priest in the Temple of Dawn. At that time, I took an adventure in Lumori and was involved in the conflict between the Temple of Dawn and the Temple of Light. I saw the Temple of Dawn. pope."

"Have you seen him?" Juno III was surprised. Asla was too weak to see such a character.

"The Pope Chenxi is very powerful. His great prophecy instantly killed the Pope of the Temple of Light, a strongest legend. But I feel that Pope Chenxi is a little bit worse than His Majesty."

"Then you said, what's the difference between him and me?" The emperor asked Xiahe with a smile.

"The most intuitive statement is that he and His Majesty have a city of Juno, but he is still not as good as His Majesty from the problem of the city of Juno. His strength is borrowed from the gods, and His Majesty is free from the city of Juno , Is still the strongest existence in the world. The power of magic is the truth. "

Juno III smiled and said: "The strongest man in the world is not that great, but I am not scared compared to the believers of the gods. Asla, I'm asking you about Storm Point."

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