Daomen Invasion

Chapter 128: : Clear

Juno III did not stand with Xiahe, treating him like a prosperous fellow, quite kind. Δ 』』 』E Novel W『 W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

There is no pressure on Xiahe. Although he is vigilant, he has been able to deal with it calmly. He thought for a while and continued, "I brought this book of light with me. At that time, there were monsters invading. I don't know which god's will came, and destroyed all the monster army at the storm corner. When the spirit's will swept through, I'm merciful. "

"Because of the Book of Light?"

"Yes, if it weren't for this book of light, my body would be contaminated with a lot of power, and now it can't be eliminated, it's quite annoying."

"So, that **** fears the Lord of Dawn."

"This should be."

Juno III laughed and said to Xiahe: "It seems that there are also contradictions among the gods."

"Is the same with the empire?" Xiahe asked boldly and directly.

"Yeah, so is the empire, otherwise I would have attacked the half-elf empire long ago." Juno III said, waving his sleeves, the magic map on the desktop automatically folds up into his sleeves.

"The Storm Point is in a mess, and I can't control it, but I set a few backhands. If I'm lucky, I can harvest it when I go back."

"I heard that you are very close to the goddess of wealth." Juno III seemed to ask casually, but Xiahe was very afraid.

"At that time, I was involved in the conflict between the two gods. I teleported to the storm corner. It happened that the goddess of wealth wanted to build the first temple there, and I invested some money."

"Did you know that no temple is needed above the imperial territory?"

"Is someone ... impeaching me?"

"Yeah, but I said that you opened up the territory for me. You are helpless outside, and it is normal to use some means."

Xia He made a worried expression, Juno III said: "Although the gods can be used, but you are too involved with the gods, sooner or later they will put themselves in."

Xiahe nodded and said, "The goddess of wealth is just a weak divine power, but I think she is difficult to deal with. Because she doesn't seem to need much faith, all she needs is money. As long as the human empire is prosperous and there is a deal, there is no way to clear her. Real impact. "

"Oh? Tell me carefully."

"Most of the gods after the ancient gods are still born. For example, the master of dawn, as long as the sun and moon are running, there will be day and night changes, he will be born. But the wealth priesthood is because the intelligent life generates social structure and conducts trade. What will appear. "

Juno III meditation, this little magician, said very reasonable, just because of the characteristics of the wealth priest, it is difficult to eliminate.

Unless the empire is no longer civilized, no trading will take place.

"The goddess of wealth is not terrible. What is scary is that if she grows up, she has more priests, such as contract priests, airline priests, and road priests. Some seem weak, but they can destroy the fighting power of the empire.

"You are right, you have to guard."

"I want to make the goddess of wealth pure, and don't contaminate these messy things."

"The empire will not be an ally with the gods." Juno III can't question the tunnel.

Xia Hexin said, "Where do I need gods to be allies, but capturing gods as thugs is something that even the Arcane Empire hasn't thought about. Who will believe it?"

"But Asla, you're doing pretty well. I need the storm horn as a fulcrum, even if you lose it, but after my registration, that place is the empire. Whoever takes it, I will send a large army, Take it back. "

Xia Hexin said that this is overbearing, and every world ultimately needs to speak on strength.

Even Dao Gong had to use war to solve the problem.

"Unfortunately, the Empire does not have enough expeditionary fleets, and the floating city has not made progress." Juno III sighed.

"I dedicate to your majesty ..."

"That thing is indeed very useful. If I crack it, even without the support of those nobles, I can create a complete floating city. So it is only a matter of time to conquer the world. But the problem I am thinking is , After conquering the whole world, what should I do? "

Xiahe was not surprised at all. Juno III had great ambitions. The fifty-year-old demigod can toss for thousands of years, so he will naturally consider more distant things.

"Your Majesty, after conquering the whole world, there are more worlds waiting for you."

"Haha, we haven't even got the half-elf empire right now. It will be laughed when this word is passed out." Juno III is in a good mood. Asla's statement is very in line with his heart.

Xiahe stopped talking, he didn't know what to say.

Juno III turned sharply and said, "Asla, although I want to reuse you, but your strength is too ..."

"I am a lord, and like your majesty, you don't need to charge yourself in a row."

Xia Hexin said, give me seven or eight years to cultivate to the realm of Yangshen. In addition to encountering ordinary demigods in front of monsters like you, I have the opportunity to escape. Ordinary legends are nothing more than fire. When you can mobilize the Six Dao Shenmeng, it is when you rise.

As a lord, the most feared thing is to be chopped by the powerful enemy.

"The truth is this, it's just ... I can't help you about the goddess of wealth. Those of the House of Commons can't hold back if they see something wrong."

"I will apply and go to the college as a lecturer."

"You can be patient, Rhode Island, I will send officials to help you govern. Your salary of the third-class count, I also pay every month, in addition, you can enter the Royal Library once, I give you In three days, you can learn everything you deserve. "

Xiahe was surprised, Royal Library?

The Royal Library of the Arcane Empire is not inferior to the library of the Nine University College. The books are so vast that you can definitely find what you need.

"Can I bring my magical guardian in?" Xiahe asked boldly.

"Of course." Juno III smiled. There are many precious skill books in the Royal Library, but a fifteenth-level magician has limited mental power, and can directly use up to two or three skill books.

Compared with the book of goblins presented by Asra, that is really a bit of a scorch.

Xiahe didn't care about his face, he licked his face and said, "Your Majesty, the equipment on me is also ..."

"You and the guardian of magic, the complete set of equipment and materials, I will give you." Juno III resisted the urge to laugh, this little guy is very interesting, if there are more people like this.

"There are three thousand cavalry ..."

"That you have to raise it yourself, otherwise the empire can sustain it, the nobles of the House of Lords are like cattle, and each is like you, and I will starve to death." Juno III said with a straight face.

"I'm just the material of three thousand badges." Xiahe didn't flinch. He hoped that his elite troops would have space reserves for badges, regardless of size. However, the materials of the spatial attributes are all controlled by the empire, and there is really not so much outside.

"Give it to you, get out quickly." Juno III was not really angry. He waved his hand. A roll of paper fell into Xiahe's hands. Xiahe left the table involuntarily and walked out of the room step by step.

After Xiahe left, Juno III thought about the dialogue between the two.

Asla didn't lie, especially about the gods. The Pope of the Lord of Dawn is the most powerful of all the believers of the gods, it is not as good as himself.

Asla should have no problem with him. If he can get the book of light from the Lord of Dawn and trade with the goddess of wealth, then he should not be a monster from outside.

As for the forgery of the nobility, it doesn't matter at all. If he encloses him, then he is the blood nobility. The attack on the House of Commons was good, leaving Asla nowhere to go, and he could only rely on himself.

Xiahe came out of the room, crying and laughing, was he cleared?

After spending so much time and resisting no upgrades, I was really wise. Once the Yin God is achieved, a thought can bring the power of the spell, it is really exposed naked.

"Master Earl, please come with me." Karolaka was still waiting outside with a warm smile on his face.

When Count Asra came to the Imperial City, he was summoned by His Majesty the Emperor, and sooner or later he would become a hot figure.

What happened to the low title? What is the most important thing about bloodline nobles? It is the emperor's favor.

Xiahe nodded, opened his hand and looked at it. The emperor Xu gave it to him. The library toured for three days. The value of this document is huge, not only to access the information, but also to use the skill books collected in the library.

The emperor also promised to take the material, his own magic tarot card! ! !

Xiahe is not without money, but with a lot of materials, which cannot be bought at all. Once the magic tarot card is completed, as long as you become a Yin God, you can almost face the ordinary epic strongman.

Xiahe followed Karolaka to the secretary's office ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and spent more than an hour in the House of Lords, all of which were supplementing various files, receiving daily blank documents, signing a lot of words and covering a lot Zhang, also received a month of money. Before leaving, Xiahe stuffed Carolaca with two gold coins, but Carolaca did not refuse, and quietly took Xiahe with a tax stamp.

Xiahe received the tax receipt and did not intend to report this guy.

The empire has reached the point where it is today, and the emperor can't change anything, and he didn't come to save the empire.

The rewards of His Majesty the Emperor are all written in the documents, and there are also land contracts. In the vicinity of the Royal Palace, Xiahe got a mansion, but it is not the villa he lives in now. Xiahe went through the handover procedure again, the house was given in vain, but deed tax was in it, and this part would cost tens of thousands of gold coins.

Xiahe managed everything, and when he returned to the villa, it was already noon.

Xiahe called Medieri out of the city and brought a hundred soldiers to the Earl's Palace. Freya went to the House of Lords again to go through the Rhode Island procedures, and another hundred soldiers had to be sent.

Placed in Xizhen, you have to pay the resettlement money every day.

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