Daomen Invasion

Chapter 129: : Spill dirty water

Xiahe was originally worried that when he came to the emperor, he would face a direct conflict. When he saw the structure of Juno City, Xiahe understood that at least in the city, everything was under the control of the royal family. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

If you fight with others at most, you may have little conflict in battle.

Xiahe took Oville and Martin to take over the Earl's Palace. This Juno city has a total of six floors, the villa is only on the second floor, and the sixth floor in the innermost core is the palace. The Earl's Court is located on the fifth floor, and each floor has a special architectural isolation. The topography is higher than the first floor.

The further in, the more valuable the land is, and the conversion deed tax in Earl's Court is 14,000 gold coins. If it is a small aristocrat with a poor family, he will not be able to afford it.

The city of Juno is very clean, but it is not neat. Many streets are not straight, and the buildings are scattered. Although it looks beautiful, the carriage cannot run fast on such streets.

Xiahe has no car now, and the three of them walk in a walk in the depths of Juno City.

Xiahe carefully observed that the architectural style of the Juno City is inherently unified. No matter how the appearance changes, the main building materials are green bricks, artificial iron wood, cloud wood, and painted tiles. Seeing these cornices and arches, Xiahe mistakenly thought that he had returned to Shenzhou.

Between the buildings and on both sides of the street, trees are planted, 100% are magic plants, mostly seven-color maples, and there are also precious species such as camphor, ancient locust, cloud cherry, and four seasons apricot. Seeing the autumn, the leaves of the seven-color maple began to change color. The flowers of Yunying had fallen for a few months, and the branches became dark red. The small leaves of ancient locust hung with thin silk threads floating in the wind, that is Traces left by autumn silkworms.

Xiahe likes this atmosphere and slows down.

In front is the commercial area, with many shops, and Xiahe didn't want to buy anything, so he walked across the street.

"Sir, is it sweet?" Martin sniffed.

Xiahe looked up and saw a four-story building not far from the right hand side, facing the street. The building is decorated with huge glass windows, the courtyard door is opened on the side, and there is also a place to park horses and horses.

"Martin, are you hungry?"

The thief grunted in his throat and shook his head.

"That's greedy, let's go in and have a look." Xiahe gave you all things like meat-flavored pastries last night. The taste is not good. It was served with clean water and relieved hunger.

There are occasional nobles in the business district, but they are all small nobles like Lord Baron. Everyone is familiar with knights. The magician of the count of Xiahe would not have appeared in such a restaurant.

However, the eyes of the people in the imperial capital were sufficiently poisonous. Xiahe was wearing a half-blooded magic robe, painted with the family coat of arms, and the metal coat of arms was hung on the belt. At least in the imperial capital, no one dared to counterfeit, and misuse is death.

The waiter wore a snow-white short shirt with a tiny face and put the menu on the table.

"Honorable Master Master ..."

"I see for myself, you are busy and call you later." Xiahe interrupted the waiter.

"Yes." The waiter respectfully left Xiahe's place.

Although this restaurant is not high-end, but it is partitioned by the window and the space is still spacious. Xiahe threw the menu to Martin and said, "What's the matter now?"

"Someone followed us, came out of the house, and garnished it behind."

Xiahe nodded, and he also appeared, but Martin was the person in charge of the alert. If he didn't show up, he would be negligent, and Xiahe continued to let Martin say.

"Two people followed, the first two followed, and the people behind followed four, and when we stopped at the hotel, the two left and the four followed. Both were professional. Well, two of the six are the same as me. I think they are here to provoke. "

"It's boring." Ovilla said a little irritably.

"I think it's funny, Martin, how do you deal with them?"

Martin looked at the menu and said, "If it's at Storm Point, just kill it. It seems that you can't do it here?"

"Of course not."

"Adult, they are here to disgust you, I don't know what will be done."

"If I'm going to kill someone with disgust, then I'm not going to kill half of the people in this world?"

Martin took a few random pokes on the menu and handed them to Ovilla, then stood up and walked towards the four people who followed. The four followers, three men and one woman, are all very young, looking dressed and just civilians.

Of course, even if professionals are civilians, they will be respected, but Martin does not intend to respect them.

Ovilla greeted the waiter and said the main dishes. Martin had pulled out the dagger and pressed it against the neck of a short man.

The people around screamed and avoided. The waiter's face also changed, but when he saw Xiahe's coat of arms, he dared not say anything.

Martin pressed the man's neck with a dagger, three fingers in his left hand clasped on his skull, the man's face leaned back violently, his eyes dark, and his body was numb.

"Hand over things." Martin looked at the charming woman across the table. She was only in her early twenties, with a slightly thicker makeup on her face and a little less on her body. Seeing her look of horror, it was about to roll, Martin's dagger squeezed, and a trace of blood ran down.

"My lord's money, you stole it, I think you are poor, don't pursue it."

The woman changed color and touched the purse around her waist as soon as she reached out.

"What do you dare to do, I will slowly cut off his head, and now put the money bag on the table and open it myself."

The woman stood up suddenly, Martin sneered: "Do you want me to call the red gloves?"

Red gloves are not the people who patrol the security, they are the uniforms of the inspectors in the Imperial Capital Prison.

The woman did not expect the target person to come to the Imperial Capital for the first time, so she was so familiar with the way. They all have a criminal record. If red gloves are really called, they will be forced to confess without sin.

The woman slowly took off the money bag and placed it on the table. She was not quite sure. The other party wanted to see what the money bag meant. There was indeed money she had stolen, but what could this prove? It's just the crime of a few gold coins, the red gloves will not control.

The woman's hand was placed on the table, and Martin stabbed it in a lightning bolt. The woman howled and was nailed to the table by Martin's dagger. Martin's hand pushed the man who was still rolling his eyes, shook the corner of the purse with his left hand, and shivered. A dozen gold coins rolled out inside, and the woman's eyes straightened.

Martin gently lifted a gold coin and lifted it in front of the woman. He said: "This gold coin is my adult's land in the territory. It has not been time to enter the circulation. You would not say that you earned it from outside?"

The woman sounded, the gold coin was indeed strange, there was a magic pattern on the edge, a tetrahedron pattern on the back, and a family badge on the front. It was exactly the same as the target character, but it was a lot simpler.

When did he stuff the gold coins in his purse?

Martin put away the gold coins, grabbed the woman's head with a hand, pulled it to her, and said in her ear: "Go back and say something to your master, and then send someone to follow, and I will send you all to prison. Then slowly The trial will always involve some people. Not only will you splash dirty water, but you will not be far from smart. "


"I'll understand it when you understand it." Martin let go of the woman's head and suddenly pulled out the dagger.

The woman endured the pain this time and dared not shout out. The gold coins on the table did not dare to ask anymore. She rushed out of the restaurant with her head down.

Martin put away the dagger, collected all the gold coins on the table, turned back to Xiahe, and saluted.

"It's okay, you keep the gold coins."

Martin smiled and put away a dozen gold coins. The money was nothing for adults, but he cherished it. Martin cherished every coin. He dared not forget the days when he was poor.

"You said, will they still send someone?" Ovilla ticked his finger and called the waiter.

"Yes, but it won't be so low-level." Xiahe was also a little helpless.

"Master, what do you tell me?" The waiter trot over and asked with his head down.

"I'll pay you how much the table over there, and call two other iron hats. I want to talk about the stolen things. The security of the imperial capital is too bad."

The waiter is so eloquent, you have let go, and you still report the case?

What's so special is that people who want to get security inspections are bad for my business.

"Sir, you see ... this person is gone, it's better to forget it."

"What's the matter?" Ovilla glared coldly at the waiter, her green eyes exuding murderous intentions.

"It's the adults who are disturbed, how can you compensate the table." The waiter sweated.

"Forget it, don't blame them." Xia He spoke beside him.

Ovilla snorted. She was very keen and felt that the waiter in this shop must have known the four people.

If you are at sea, of course, no evidence is needed, but this is the city of Juno, the capital of the Arcane Empire.

After a while, a fat man with a round face came out from the back. He was wearing a high-necked gown ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the belly bulged out, the bow tie was tight, and it seemed to be held in his stomach in one breath.

"Several adults, I'm the owner of this shop. I'm really sorry."

Xiahe was too lazy to look out, looking out the window, over the glass window, the sun was wearing down from the crown of a golden pine tree, mottled and paved on the road, a few children squatted under the tree, using the branches to go to the bucket ant hole.

No children can be seen at Storm Point. Most people don't even have a home, just a bachelor.

"This is something I gave to a few adults. The specialty of our restaurant, money honey sauce burned swan."

Xiahe saw a young child scream and jump, jumping a multi-legged bug from the tree trunk, like a centipede. Several other children laughed, and two of them used branches to smoke.

The waiter brought a large plate and placed it in the center of the table. The owner of the restaurant personally set the small bowl of gold paint, and Xiahe took his gaze back, blinking at the hand of a mage.

The boss was grabbed by the mage's hand, lifted it up, and then slammed on the ground, instantly becoming half-dead, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding continuously.

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