Daomen Invasion

Chapter 130: : Xiahe's anger

Xiahe suddenly wounded her, and Ovilla was not prepared. She thought there was a danger, and she immediately had a wooden stick in her hand. EΩ novel www. ┡1XIAOSHUO. Com that is her druid weapon-the shatterer.

"It doesn't work if I want to eat something quietly. It's really wicked." Xiahe disengaged from the mage and stood up and walked out.

"Master Earl, haven't eaten yet!" Martin shouted from behind.

"There are saliva in the dishes, there are still a lot of them. If you like to eat, just leave it." Xiahetou did not return, and left the gate. He was really angry. Those professionals wanted to trouble him, they took money or got orders.

This boss is purely because of private indignation.

I am a magician and can see through this little trick. Ordinary people would never know anything.

It seems that eating some saliva is not a big deal, and it can't kill people. It is at least a bit contagious. But this kind of person is called a social destroyer in God Week, and if he is dissatisfied in his heart, he must vent it to others.

Today he spit, because he has only this ability, if he dares to poison, people who poisoned a city will not be soft. But the guilty conviction will not lead to death, and Xiahe can only punish him slightly. The boss looks miserable. If he is willing to spend money, a few gold coins can be cured.

Oville and Martin heard Xiahe's words, and both felt sick, and quickly chased them out.

"Adult ..." Martin was disturbed. He felt that the boss was spitting out, it should be something he provoked.

Ovilla also regretted that if she was willing to lose money, she would not cause these troubles, and she would not be able to eat.

"You are not doing anything wrong, Ovilla, the guy at the restaurant, indeed knows the guy who follows us. They may not have a relationship, or to say they can't cover each other. But we are outsiders, and the boss naturally faces them. The thing I am angry about is that ordinary people have nothing to do with them. "

"I get it, the boss is sick!" Ovilla felt that she understood. She had heard that the special magnifying glass developed by the magician could see many small creatures, some of which could cause diseases. , Even fatal. The magician calls this disease an infectious disease.

A person suffering from an infectious disease will carry these tiny creatures on his body, and intimate contact with them will spread.

Xia He sighed in his heart that people in this world simply do not have the social thinking of the people around Shenzhou.

"Adult, if you can make laws, how would you deal with such people?" Martin asked cautiously. He also did not know why Lord Lord was so angry.

"He's doing this kind of business and doing this kind of thing, and it may harm a lot of people. If I make a law, I will let him stay out of business like restaurants and hotels forever."

"But what if he didn't cause harm? Suppose he is healthy." Ovilla also had curiosity.

Asla said that she liked her. She didn't agree to it. It wasn't that she didn't feel good about the blood mage. It was just that her temper was more cautious. It was impossible to agree when she wasn't sure who Asla was.

"Healthy and unhealthy, he said no. If you feel too much, then we go back now, I use magic to purify the plate of swan to ensure that it will not infect diseases, do you eat or not?"

Ovilla suddenly felt sick, and he understood the meaning of Blood Mage in his heart.

"You see, neither the tracker nor the boss has caused us any substantial losses, but what is our mood now? The premise of no loss is that we have power and they are weak. If they have power, they are weak. , You guys think about it, what we are facing is tracking? Just saliva? "

Xiahe feels helpless when it comes to here.

Even in the world of Shenzhou, there are many such people, but the society of Shenzhou will despise such people. Once such people are exposed, the quality of life will drop a lot.

Even so, the Taoists cannot exterminate such people.

"When I eat later, I have to be careful." Ovilla became more and more annoyed.

Martin grimaced, he could only distinguish the toxins, but without the elemental discrimination ability of the druid and the magician, he would definitely not test the water. Do you have to be careful when you eat outside?

Or say that when you enter the restaurant, you kneel down and kowtow, thank the stir-fried ones who did n’t pour urine on the plate?

The atmosphere is very embarrassing, and no matter how good the scenery is in Juno City. This journey became far away. Fortunately, Juno City could hire vehicles on the street. Xiahe quickly spent a few silver coins and got on the carriage.

On the fifth floor of the city of Juno, the horse-drawn carriage could not enter. Xiahe walked to Earl ’s Court a few times. Now the house does not know how long it has been abandoned. The grass on the eaves is very lush. Down, pressed against the courtyard wall, the heart of the tree was rotten, and no one moved away.

Xiahe was not disappointed either. He did not plan to live in the imperial capital permanently. The house was not going to be built.

The door was locked, and Xiahe took the key from the secretary's room and opened the door.

A rabbit came out and almost hit Xiahe's leg. The grass in the yard grew to a few feet high, facing a building, the glass was mostly broken, and a few crows stood at the window, saw Xiahe and others coming in, croaking and flew away.

Xiahe circled the whole house and finally found some advantages.

There are many trees planted in the backyard. The varieties are precious, and there are one large and one small well. The water quality is good enough for alchemy. And there is a huge stone in the back garden, very high, leaning on the boundary of the fifth floor of Juno City. This boulder, like a hill, forms a third of the backyard courtyard, and then there is a building on the other side. Between the building and the boulder, there is a row of houses, and a high wall in the middle opens a back door.

Xiahe went out and walked around. There were buildings outside. He could park horses and horses. A separate road bypassed Earl's Court and led to the main road. There is also a metal fence on this path, the door is unlocked.

The mansion is relatively secluded and the interior space is large. Xiahe likes it a bit.

"Actually, Martin and I can stay." Ovi Liuya said to Xiahe.


"The Earl's Court also needs to be taken care of? You can't just throw it like this. You probably have a team of people in the Imperial Capital. At least Martin can help you find the news. I can help you deal with some interpersonal contacts."

"You won't."

"I can learn!"

"If you like it, just stay. Martin, go out and ask, hire some people, renovate the house, the secretary room of the House of Lords manages the nobility, there should be a charter, you need to get a drawing."

Ovilla listened and was very happy. The environment here is very suitable for her cultivation.

I don't know why, the breath here is free, and the whole body is full of the power that she could not draw before.

Martin went out to hire manpower. Xiahe and Ovilla cleaned up the room and cleaned the courtyard. Until it was dark, Freya and Medirelli counted back.

Xiahe cleared his mind and began to view the files.

Karolaka's document for Xiahe contains a lot of knowledge about the imperial nobility, which is tedious and detailed. Every rule is marked with its origin, exhibition, why it looks like today, how to observe it, and where is the bottom line. In fact, this is a textbook for a large nobility to train successors.

In addition to these, there is a description of the political structure of the empire, which is different from all the previous materials. It is a handwriting, not a printed matter. Xiahe looked at the handwriting and suddenly thought of Juno III.

Is this written by the emperor himself?

Since the founding of the empire, there are three magical academies that are iron supporters of the royal family. Basically, all blood nobles are also from these three academies. Juno College, Neather College, Metaline College.

Now the nobles of the House of Lords are all from these three colleges, and the other six top-level magic colleges have selected a large number of talents from the civilian population and flooded the House of Commons.

Xiahe looked at this structure, and now the House of Lords is somewhat like the cabinet of the world of God Zhou.

If the House of Lords disapproves the charter drafted by the House of Commons, it will have to go back and redo it. If the imperial power wants to balance, it is impossible to support only the upper house. In order to avoid the passage of the lower house by the emperor, the upper house often has to make some trade-offs.

And the emperor needs the support of blood and nobles, it is impossible to give up them, and will maintain the power of the House of Lords.

After all, this is a contradiction between the old nobles and the new nobility, and the royal family does not seem so innocent. Question This document was written by the emperor, and things are interesting.

It is the House of Commons that proposes to build a floating city, which is different from what Xiahe thought.

The opponent is the House of Lords, and it makes sense.

Because if the empire wars against the outside world, the new nobles will have military merits, become blood nobles, and invade the House of Lords.

No one is willing to share power.

The emperor needs the support of bloodline nobles. The three ancient magical academies are of great significance, but Juno III must not be reconciled to govern such an empire in his life. He wants to open up the territory.

That's why he valued himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was the first person to lay a new territory for the empire since Juno III took the throne.

Juno III also forged a family tree for himself, afraid of opposition from the House of Lords!

It's really a messy relationship. The emperor of this half-god realm can't be reached by law ordinance? Xiahe began to study this note page by page until dawn.

Xiahe had no position in Parliament or any official position. After staying, he recruited craftsmen and repaired the Earl's Palace. He had already declared his request to go to the Magic Academy to teach and educate people, but after six or seven days there was no news, he sent Martin to ask about the result.

After Martin returned, the news brought Xia He a little depressed.

It turned out that the matter had already been finalized. The emperor was going to send Xiahe to become a lecturer at Metaline College, but the House of Commons suddenly impeached Xiahe, saying that the Count had just wounded a civilian just after entering the imperial capital.

How can such people teach and educate people?

The lawsuit hit the emperor, and the end result was that Xiahe might have to be inquired by the noble court.

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