Daomen Invasion

Chapter 131: : Own method

Xia He didn't expect the House of Commons to use such awkward means to disgust himself. Even if he passed the inquiry, the hope of becoming a lecturer became slim. Δ 』』 』E Novel W『 W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

I am still too young, a little impulsive.

But who blames it? His Majesty the Emperor had given himself information to look at, and he would pick up his tail and be a man. Because after being a lecturer in college, you can't change my identity even if you impeach.

The most ridiculous thing about this matter is that His Majesty the Emperor placed himself as a bloodline noble, presumably to insert a nail in the House of Lords, and if he had a seat in the future, he would support the House of Commons' question about the construction of a floating city. This is a tear in the upper house.

Did n’t the House of Commons pit themselves?

Fortunately, his goal is not to let the Arcane Empire unify the world. It doesn't matter if it's messed up. What made Xiahe depressed was that he originally wanted to be a lecturer at the college, and he looked for some suitable talents by the way, and accepted him as a disciple.

If this matter is disturbed, do you go back to Rhode Island to find talent?

Rhode Island was barren, and after it was incorporated into the empire territory, no one managed it. The wild was growing and there were not many hukou. Xiahe didn't need to think about it and knew that going to Rhode Island wouldn't be rewarding.

Really hate people!

Xiahe couldn't be so depressed, so he asked Freya to apply and enter the Royal Library. He deliberately dragged the time and chose the day when the noble court arranged to interrogate him, and Freya entered the Royal Library.

Early in the morning, Medieri took the noble court's summoning documents and brought a bottle in his hand to the court to wait.

It is estimated that the people in the House of Commons were purely disgusting people, and this time the court stayed until noon.

It didn't matter whether Medirelli was sitting on the inquiry table, she pinched a toothpick in her hand, simulating the gunfire taught to her by Xiahe, stabs left and right, and she was having fun.

Nine House of Commons inquiries were drinking and chatting in the lounge at the back, holding some snacks at noon.

"That Asra hasn't come yet?" An inquirer called the clerk.

"No, there is only a little girl in front."

"Isn't that right?" Another inquirer said indignantly. The bloodline nobles all had a nasty pride, and people wanted to slap them when they saw it.

"Havalea, don't be angry. It would be better if he didn't come. Although we can't judge his mistake, we can accuse him of contempt of court."

"The words say this, but even if he sends someone over, even if it is contempt of court, it is the lowest level of punishment, a few gold coins."

"I heard that his men still hurt people. Do you want to sue together?" A young inquirer suggested.

Everyone was silent, and many people knew that the injured female thief was sent by her own. Do n’t get involved in this matter, annoy the House of Lords, and it will definitely be investigated.

"Come on, go out and see." An old man was picking his teeth, knowing that he could not wait for Asra. I wanted to make him look ugly in the inquiry room, but I didn't expect this kid to be sly.

Nine inquiring officers dragged on and came to the front, and Medelly suddenly stood up to go.

"Stop!" Someone stopped Medieri.

Medirelli looked back and said, "Something is left on the table. By the way, my adult wants me to bring you a sentence."

"what did he say!"

"The reason for hurting the hotel owner is in that bottle. As long as you drink the contents, my adult will come over to have an inquiry."

"What's in the bottle?"

"My adult spit in it. If you can take a sip, you can prove that my adult is not insulted by the boss. By the way, the adult also said that this matter is not finished. The security of the imperial capital is too poor. God stolen gold coins. I do n’t know how the Public Security Department works, they are all a group of pigs. "

"Fart!" The oldest inquirer was furious. He pointed at Medelly, and really didn't know what to say next.

He worked hard to become a noble and entered the noble court in order to be respected. He likes the most troubled noble Zhang Zhang, who likes to see them sweating, only to promise.

"Your Excellency, I am the Grand Knight of Count Asla, Lord Empire, do you want to duel when you talk to me like this?" As Medirli spoke, the toothpick in her hand pointed at the old man's face.

The elderly inquirer immediately felt a pain in his skin, and he took two steps back, scared, knocked over the chair behind him, and almost fell.

"The dialogues of Fang Cai, the clerk, did you write them down? This is to be reported to your majesty. There is one less word ..."

Medirelli did not continue to say anything, turned and walked out the door.

It's a boring game. Medirelli lost her toothpick. She thought that what the adults said was true. If you can do it, don't fart. The old man didn't dare to do it, he could only fart and could not hurt anyone.

The inquiring officers were mad, and the bottle on the table at the inquiring place was pumping their faces.

They had investigated the matter long ago. Even if Asra came, he could not be found guilty. It was just a misconduct. If the aristocracy convicted him for misconduct, it would be difficult for him to go to the Academy of Magic.

But Asra didn't come. Not only could this matter not be finalized, but the inquiry document had to be submitted to the emperor for review, and the emperor would approve the department of the House of Lords.

If this kind of content is shown to people in the House of Lords, everyone will be laughed at for years.

In the future, where there is still a face to stay in the emperor, had to go back to the countryside to support the elderly.

"No, we have to think of a way to prevent him from escaping accountability!"

"Adult, do you want to record this?" The clerk asked beside, panicking.

"Fuck, hurry and get out of me!" The old man jumped like thunder.

Xiahe didn't know that several people were almost mad at him, but he knew that Medirelli would complete the task without any problems. He has now entered the Royal Library, a towering magic tower.

There are six such magic towers at the highest point of Juno City.

Xiahe was not particularly anxious, first visited the Magic Tower before applying to enter the library. On the top floor of the magic tower, Xiahe saw a total of sixteen element pools. Each element pool was connected to the element plane, and the elemental power was surging and almost boiling.

However, this magic tower is just one of many gears in the city of Juno.

It is a pity that Xiahe was somewhat disappointed when he did not see the magic array that drew energy from deep space in Juno City. However, this magic tower is exclusive to the Royal Library and is occasionally open to the public. His Majesty the Emperor certainly will not put the secret here.

Hopefully, if you gain the trust of the emperor in the future, you can visit the magic circle.

Although the technology of drawing deep space power is more advanced, the Taoists are always willing to learn more things to compare. Find the essence of it and transform the existing technology.

Without such a spirit, it is impossible for the Dao Palace to reach the point where it is today, occupying fifty-six worlds and cultivating so many great Luo Jinxian.

Xiahe is allowed to enter the highest level of the Royal Library. Only on this level is there a skill book that can be learned and magic notes that can perceive the law.

How many magical skills a person can learn is related to his own mental strength.

Not only did Juno III think of Xiahe and Freya, but also the administrators of Taring and the library, nor did they remind Xiahe not to be greedy. These two little guys are too low-level, how much can they learn?

The library on the top floor has a vast space, and the city of Juno has the power to open up the space alone and keep it running.

After Xiahe entered, he saw rows of bookshelves filled with precious books. Looking around, the minimum estimate was tens of millions of books.

There is no luxurious decoration, and in the huge space, only the soft magic light falls.

Such simplicity is shocking luxury!

There was no one in the library, even Taring wouldn't explore the interior, and Xiahe immediately said to Freya: "Quick, quickly search the catalog to find what we need."

"Everything is needed! Master, I want to copy it!" Freya was also very excited.

"No, there are only three days to solve our two problems first, and then copy the remaining time."

"Okay." Freya listened to Xiahe's words, released her power of consciousness, and immediately spread out thousands of kilometers away. Xiahe himself looked at the map on the wall at the door and found the location for the skill book.

He now has thirty-three classic magic, a dozen masters of magic, more than one hundred good at magic, and more knowledge of magic.

Every magic is very useful, and Freya has carefully selected it, but it still cannot be connected into a complete system. Xiahe's own power of consciousness is fully able to learn more classic magic.

When it comes to the placement of skill books, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and Xiahe is breathtaking. The skills books here are not limited to thousands, and they are simply not learnable. Using the search magic array to quickly screen, Xiahe sees that every magic book has a learning version with different realms.

For example, Juno Gear can be learned from level 10. There are master, epic, and legend versions, but there is no demigod level.

This is also normal. Demi-level skills can never be expressed in a skill book.

Just like Daomen, if you want to become a human immortal, you must rely on your own perception to take this first step. Each immortal has its own unique things in essence.

Stupidly studying others and imitating others, even if they are immortals, may be assimilated by the former.

In other words, you will become someone's avatar at the end of your cultivation. Only by independently going through this step can the human immortals be advanced to earth immortals, heaven immortals, golden immortals ...

However, Xiahe doesn't need to learn this. What Xiahe needs is to choose what he wants and let Freya learn. After Freya learns it, she will reform it and teach it to herself. Freya, as a god, can forget these things learned, no matter how much magic skills, will not cause pressure on her soul.

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