Daomen Invasion

Chapter 132: : Yuqian Conference

Xiahe and Freya spent three days in the library, and then directly transferred to another magic tower. ┡E 』Ω novel www * W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. COM

The emperor had a warrant, and Xiahe went to the royal warehouse to retrieve materials, refined his and Freya's equipment on the spot, and dragged him until the end of September.

Xiahe will not be polite at all. This time the emperor gave him the benefit, which was exchanged for the book of goblins. The value of that book Xiahe also knows great, but he has no time to explore and waste energy.

Xiahe himself upgraded all the equipment from the material to the extreme.

The most important thing is the Taoist spell box, which has expanded to twenty-four grids, and the upper limit of the ability to withstand the power of the fusi has reached the peak state. No matter how high it is, mortals can't make it. The storage time of Fu Lu has also been extended to ten years. This does not matter, except that some Fu Lu is difficult to save. Freya emphasizes this attribute.

Then there is the dragon's sorrow ring, the magic capacity increases, and asra cuts the hammer, and there is an additional skill. The skill name is the dragon's sorrow, which is a magic that weakens the enemy's all attributes.

Then a sacrificial ring, which can hold twelve soul materials, is used to cast the magic of sacrificial **** thunder. Soul materials used for sacrifices are still difficult to store. The Aoki God Thunder, a sacrificial **** Thunder born out of Daomen, was the most reliable close-range lethal spell before Xiahe did not restore the palm thunder skill.

The elven crown is transformed into a magic ring in the city, which can store two magics. It is also inlaid with two gems, a skill seal gem, and a biological seal gem.

Then there is a serial ring called the magic shooter, which can store thirty-three reels, and the use price of this thing will be slightly lower than the magic book.

Two magic books have also been upgraded, the book of Asra and the seven-page book, containing the upper limit of the magic level, and the consumption cost.

Asla's Slaying Hammer hasn't changed much, but after the material has been improved, if it is used as a heavy weapon, it's not too worried about being damaged in a collision.

The magic tarot card eats the most material, and Xiahe is gratified that this time the ninth sequence of the main card has been repaired. After another half a month, Anduzias will wake up from a deep sleep and can again call. Twenty-two main cards, sixteen yuan order cards, and forty element digital cards can all be released to form a real world.

Of course, Xiahe does not have this ability, but the first sequence of main cards has been refined, and the seventh and eighth sequence of main cards have also been basically completed, which allows Xiahe to choose a lot of tactics.

Dragon and Tiger Dao, a full set of magic robe costumes, family magic equipment, Xiahe completely shotgun for guns, according to the children of the law, he is now a mobile gift pack.

In terms of skills, not to mention Taoism, Freya completed Xiahe seventy-eight classic magic, thirty-three mastery magic, and two hundred and four master magic, thousands of master magic. This amount of magic is only available to legendary magicians.

The magician of the epic realm has only mastered two or three hundred magic.

Of course, the most reliable is the classic magic. When a strong man like Rong, against the enemy, often three or five magic can solve the problem. For example, as soon as death turns around, the enemy should almost hang.

Xiahe's purpose in mastering so much magic is still familiar with the basic rules of this world as early as possible, so the scope of magic is extremely wide, and there is no shortcoming in a certain field.

Now just waiting for the advanced fourth-grade Taoist priests, there will be a taste of the boundary in the spell, and the power will naturally increase.

When he came out of the magic tower, Xiahe received the verbal edict of the emperor and asked him to attend the Yuqian meeting in early October.

At the imperial meeting at the beginning of the month, important nobles from both the upper and lower chambers will participate. Xiahe doesn't know why the emperor wanted to annoy himself. I am a little earl, and it is very majestic to put it in a place. In places like the imperial capital, it is not enough to look at it. He and Freya returned to the Earl's Palace and held a small meeting.

Martin transferred more than 20 people and began to train them to detect intelligence.

Ovilla hired more than 20 people abroad to build a small team. There are too many nobles in the emperor, and they are all well-educated and loyal. The loyalty is much better. After surrendering to the count, it is difficult to betray them. Ovilla was also in order to be skilled in government affairs, and did not expect much from this team.

Xiahe was in the emperor's magic tower, and he made a lot of equipment for Ovilla and others. Ovilla's dragon skin was also brought to refining, making it a special druid dragon. A.

Xia He also took the time to meet the recruited officials of Earl's Court. He felt quite satisfied in his face-to-face conversation. You can also have a business in the imperial capital. In addition to taking care of daily life, these officials can also manage business. Although they have to pay a salary every month, they can still make a profit after a brief calculation.

After dealing with the affairs in the house, Xiahe and Freya came to the back garden.

Xiahe asked: "How is the armor of the Great Waste handled? Let me see."

Freya chuckled and said, "Adult has completed the classic magic list, would you like to teach me something?"

"No match, just look."

Freya nodded and stretched out her left hand. In her palm, a sharp unicorn appeared. The change of the unicorn flew, just like it used to be, it could turn into a chaotic mouth, thunder and lightning, fierce beast phantom, Only these changes will never reveal the spirit of the gods.

"That's good." Xiahe carefully observed that although Freya's former armor of the great waste was powerful, the explosive atmosphere during battle could affect or even control the enemy, but it would be seen by others at a glance. Now, even if she attacks, it is no different from the skills of this world.

"Elf suits have also been changed. Taiyin bow, shadow sword, ten palace seals, and my equipment is almost the same."

"It's really luck this time, you can refine the Ten Palace Seal. Now you can start training Ten Palace Heavenly Soldiers?"

"The previous souls were unbearable, and it was not worth fighting for a dozen or so. Adults can consider creating another god."

"I think too, but on the Imperial Capital side, it's not enough to be a god."

One person and one **** sighed relatively. Freya was originally mistaken by Xiahe's design. Later, when the trouble in the soul was removed, the road could not be reversed. It mainly emphasized personal combat effectiveness. Lu Zi, couldn't help Xiahe too much immediately.

If it is an orthodox Taoist god, now it is almost possible to create a few hundred soldiers for Xiahe, and fight for Xiahe in the battlefield.

"Build as much as possible first, and I lack the manpower to manage it. I can't rely on the nobility in this world. Heavenly soldiers create them, give them their identities, and build our own backbone strength."

"Okay, I will prepare when I leave Emperor Capital."

Xiahe and Freya talked for a while, and let Freya give everyone information, familiar with the operation of the empire, and the behavior of the upper class, so as not to lose money in the emperor.

Two more days later, Xiahe rode a horse to the palace. He took Freya and Medieri. After checking the badges and documents outside the palace gate, court officials took three people to the Imperial Chamber. .

The Chamber alone occupied a huge courtyard, Freya and Medieli were arranged to wait outside, and Xiahe was led into the Chamber.

The front of the chamber is the position of the emperor, with a long table running horizontally and two high positions behind the table, prepared for the emperor and the empress. Queen Juno III died early and did not stand up again, and that seat would definitely be empty. There are low soft stools on both sides, which are wide and have no backrest.

It is not too early for Xiahe to come. The two sides are already filled with people. The emperor has the seat of the nobles of the House of Lords on the left and the nobles of the House of Commons are arranged on the right.

In the center of the front, there is a magic circle used to create phantoms.

The military and political affairs and various documents discussed by the empire are displayed in a phantom way. Although the use of magic in the Arcane Empire is not civilian, it is also quite complicated.

Xiahe's position in the direction of the emperor is a separate chair, with no table in front. Xiahe originally thought that he was the exception, and did not expect to participate in the Yuqian Conference like himself, and there were many low-level nobles.

The emperor did not come, and Xiahe was directed to his seat, still in the front row of the lower class nobility.

After he sat down, he observed the meeting room, which is as simple as the library. It seems that the simple is the style of the royal family. The tables and chairs are cut out of logs, and the cushions are made of cotton. Apart from being thick and strong, there is nothing special about it, that is, each one is printed with the royal badge.

"Oh, this is not the Earl of Saliva."

Xiahe was looking left and right bored, and a young nobleman in a black dress came over smilingly, sitting next to Xiahe.

Xiahe Xin said how long did I stay in the magic tower, and got a nickname? Earl of saliva?

"Uh cough!" Xiahe looked at the young noble with a strange voice in his throat. The skin of the young nobility is very delicate, but it is not pale. It can be seen that he often walks outside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It becomes wheaten when exposed to sunlight. Ninety percent of the people who can enter this room are magic nobles, and this person is no exception. It seems to have a level of 20 or higher.

Xiahe's voice made the young noble laugh, and he reached out to cover his face and said, "Don't spit me, my skin is already bad."

"I'm Asra? Xia." Xia He didn't feel malicious in this young man, so he introduced himself.

"Canaan? Green." The young man really reported his name.

The Green family?

Xiahe is also an accident. Although the House of Commons is not a blood aristocrat, but many surnames have been expanded, and the scale is huge. This Green family is very powerful.

"Canaan, many people are not friendly to me. Are you afraid of getting drooling when you come over?"

"I'm here to tell you, don't mind this kind of thing, you see me talking about you, you don't lose anything. The House of Commons is now held by the old guy, what is the difference from the House of Lords. They disgust you, you go back It ’s good, and I like your big knight. "

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