Daomen Invasion

Chapter 133: : Model

Xia He's mind was flying around, Canaan Green was the younger one of the Greens' family, and he was focused on training. He entered the House of Commons at a young age. E "" Ω novel www. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

What does he mean by releasing goodwill, to make up for the previous crack?

"Right, her name is Medieri, right? Can I change it with you?"

"No." Xiahe flatly refused. He would never do such a thing. Even if it is a rule recognized by the world, the nobles can exchange knights.

Canaan did not continue to struggle with this matter, so she smiled and said: "Then I want to associate with her, wouldn't you object?"

"Yes, she is young."

"It's really a headache, then we will not refuse, will we?"

"I don't associate with men ..." Xiahe sweated upright, wanting Canaan to roll away.

"Where do you want to go, I only like women, Earl Asla."

"Can you support me?" Xia He asked of course about the lecturer.

"I'm afraid it won't work. I only have half a vote. There is not much to say in the House of Commons. My uncle is looking down on you."

"If you will support me ..."

"Just let Medillary socialize with me?" Canaan looked excited, but Xiahe noticed that the magical fluctuations in him had not changed and remained stable and abnormal.

"This is impossible."

"Why?" Canaan? Green didn't understand.

"First of all, she will be willing to associate with you. Secondly, she is my great knight. If you associate with her, you have to leave the Green family, leave the House of Commons, join my family and change your Surname. "

"Such ..." Canaan began to think seriously.

Xia Hexin said that this man would not be a lunatic? The cost of leaving the family is too great, who can afford it?

"I'm afraid it won't work. If I leave the family, my uncle will break my legs, all my legs." Canaan Green said with disappointment.

There was a deliberate cough from the seat of the House of Commons.

Canaan's expression quickly turned into a smile, and he narrowed his eyes to Xiahe Road: "Then say that, let's meet the two of us first."

"It's calling you over there." Xiahe pouted.

"Your Majesty is coming." Canaan glanced at the door, a court guard appeared, and he quickly slipped back to his seat, like a student who was afraid of the teacher.

When Juno III entered the meeting room, all the nobles stood up.

The arcane empire is an empire established by the magician. The etiquette is different from the green forest big 6, not so cumbersome, but the atmosphere in the entire chamber immediately became dignified.

The emperor followed some people behind him, and Xiahe saw that Long was among them.

The emperor was seated, and the talents of Long sat down on both sides. Xiahe had never participated in this kind of meeting, only to study.

Different from what Xiahe thought, this imperial meeting, first of all the nobles of the House of Commons, spoke of government affairs all over the country, and not all were important matters, but they were clearly structured and coherent in content. It was over three hours.

Then the House of Lords introduced people to comment on government affairs, which only took more than an hour.

When Xiahe listened, he understood that these embarrassing things, the emperor mainly inspected the ability of the executive. Because it is a magical world, none of these messages can be faked. In three words, the emperor can judge whether a person is suitable for his position.

There are no ordinary people above Chaotang, in fact, people below level 20 are rare here.

There was no break at noon, not to mention the matter of eating, and it entered the proposal stage in the afternoon.

The House of Commons listed the proposals one by one, which were all rejected by the official documents of the House of Lords, and then decided by the emperor. If the emperor also objected, things would have to be put aside, and the emperor returned to the House of Lords to review and approve the matter.

It was only then that the two confronted each other. Xiahe was just a bystander, listening to the proposal of the House of Commons, and felt that everything was the key to benefit the country and the people.

Then the House of Lords refuted it, and after hearing it again, it made sense.

For example, in the floods in the south, the House of Commons proposed to include the victims and form an army. The recruits listed can also be organized to dredge rivers and rush to repair levees. Although they are still doing these things, the victims still have wages to get, but they are all piecemeal, and the nobles everywhere handle it themselves.

After the army is formed, it can be managed in a unified manner, wait for the flood to recede, and then concentrate on training. It can be allocated to the Southern Army to clear the bandits.

In the southeast of the empire, there are huge bandits among the mountains, and the semi-elven empire also secretly supports it. They often go out and plunder, and the war is endless year after year. The local nobility was miserable, and they did not have the financial resources to build a huge army. The Southern Army mainly defended the semi-elven empire in the northwestern frontier, and naturally refused to use elites to surrender.

Therefore, the nobility of the southeast are all huddled in the manor. Every year when the season comes, they must increase the number of people to grab food and compare with the robbers.

However, the House of Lords opposed this proposal. The army formed by the victims may be able to repel the bandits, but it is absolutely impossible to clear the army. If the result of the army is not good, should we continue to retain the establishment and establish the Southeast Army? When a new legion was formed, these victims could not go back into production and no one had planted land.

If you do n’t form a legion, just go around and try your luck, what is the point of gangsters?

In addition to such military operations, all the money must come from the national treasury, and financial expenditure cannot be afforded.

The House of Commons again filed a war controversy to attack the south and occupy the semi-elven empire. Of course, this kind of motion is mentioned every month and every month is rejected.

After the bill was proposed, it was the Lord's turn to put forward the proposal, and Xiahe's affairs were brought to the table.

"I object!"

In the seat of the House of Commons, a middle-aged nobleman ranked second raised his hand.

"You state." The emperor was upset. This matter was fixed by him, and the House of Commons should also oppose it. This is not to compete with the House of Lords.

"The first day of Earl Asra entered the imperial capital and wounded civilians. How can such a person teach and educate people, and how can he enter the nine colleges of the empire, it is ridiculous!"

"Asla, what do you have to say?" Juno III did not ask the House of Lords to refute, but asked Xiahe opposite him.

Xiahe knew the rules, he stood up, saluted Juno III, calmly said: "Up to now, I am very sure about the choice at that time, there is no mistake. I know what I did, this is Ola Marquis? In the noble court, the bottle I left should have not been touched. You can take a sip and feel my mood. "

Marquis Aura did n’t change his face and said, “However, the civilian did what he did wrong, but you are a magician and did not really eat the saliva of the civilian, so you did too much.”

"Your Majesty, please allow me to use Marquis Aura's theory to say a word to him?" Xiahe said to Juno III.

"Aura, how about you?" Juno III did not agree, but turned to look at Marquis Aura.

"Please say, I also want to know, what is wrong with my theory."

Xia He smiled and said to Marquis Aura: "Grass Nirma."

There was an uproar in the Chamber, and I didn't know how many nobles stood up, pointing angrily at Xiahe. Some old nobles also roared, and the entire Chamber suddenly became a mess.

"Quiet, what a system!" Long suddenly said, his voice in the entire chamber.

The noise of the nobles was finally suppressed, and Marquis Aura looked at Xiahe angrily, shaking with anger.

Xia He shrugged and said, "Why are you so angry? I just talked with my mouth and didn't really go to the grass. According to Marquis Aura's theory, I didn't really get drool and shouldn't be angry. However, everyone's performance proved Well, I still make more sense. "

Marquis Aura was still shaking, but there was no way to refute it.

"And this thing, I was very angry, not because I was insulted. I was just a little disappointed with the people of the Empire. If the owner of the restaurant bravely expressed his dissatisfaction with me, that was what I expected. But he did not. He used the convenience of his profession to show his inner darkness. I want to know that if a line is written at the door of a restaurant, the food in this store may be mixed with unhygienic body fluids. How many people will visit the shop? "

Xiahe glanced at the audience and said again: "Count Ola called that boss a civilian, which is a very interesting title. Because I am a nobleman, he is a civilian, so he is in conflict. Is it wrong for me?"

"You have power and strength, he has nothing!" Marquis Aura exclaimed loudly. His face was stretched with blue muscles, and it was rare for a magician to be so angry.

"My power and strength came to safeguard fairness and justice, to protect imperial laws, and to protect the dignity of all people."

Xiahe's words sounded loudly. He stared at Marquis Ola's eyes and said, "Marquis, what do you do with your power?"

Pappa ...

The seat of the House of Commons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suddenly sounded a lone applause.

Canaan Green stood up, slap his hand, and said loudly: "The Count Asra is right, Lord Count is really a model for me and other nobles!"

The third-ranked nobleman of the House of Commons widened his eyes and stared at Canaan fiercely. He was the uncle of Canaan? Green. Canaan said so, but he would offend Marquis Aura.

"People like Earl Asra should not go to the nine colleges, but should go to places where they are more needed. I propose to ask Earl Asra to go to Sky City College to teach chemistry students. There is the predecessor of all the Imperial Colleges , Is the supreme spiritual home, is ... "

Before Canaan Green finished, the applause of the House of Commons was warmly applauded, and even Marquis Aura took his seat back.

Sky City College? What does this special mean?

Canaanite still expressed his friendship, and now he stabbed himself directly?

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