Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1208: :trap

Outside the six-pointed star fortress, there are more than 100,000 troops of magic gods, but it is not a regular army that forms a large camp, but a small group of small units, constantly harassing the fortress.

The terrain around it is not so flat, even the ice is not so thick, and there are even a few stone mountains.

A few hundred miles further to the north, it is the real extreme north. There is not an ice field there, but a sunken green earth with huge forests.

The **** of magic is here, I don't know why there is no army stationed.

The scale of coalition hunting is squadron level, and there are usually hundreds of enemies. The squadron is fifty people, plus 500 to 800 robots and equipment.

The Xiahe side is a standard squadron, plus a joint squadron, to perform hunting missions, that is, a hundred soldiers, plus more than a thousand robots and equipment.

A joint squadron is a squadron made up of various arms, with a structure, a chariot, a flying unit, and a special treatment team.

Nor is it acting alone, usually with two squadrons from each family, scattered to find enemies who have placed orders nearby.

Xiahe's focus is also on the extreme north, not Yinyan City. The war in Yinyan City disappointed him and looked fierce. However, the imperial nobles still did not regard it as a place of life and death.

Xiahe felt that the **** of magic must win the Yinyan City.

In this case, there must be an internal reason. Anyway, he did n’t care anymore, the situation in Yinyan City was eroding, and the empire was not going to collapse. Anyway, everyone ’s confidence was not that Rhode Island was hit.

To the west of the Six-Mansions Fortress, three hundred miles, the height of the stone mountain here is only more than 100 meters, and the wall of the fortress is not yet high.

The two squadrons of Rhode Island wandered in these small mountain bags, and there were more than 600 troops of magic gods stationed here.

Between this place and the fortress, there are still no fewer than 50,000 enemies wandering.

The reason why I chose to hunt here is that a small magic ore mine was discovered here, which is still shallow. The six companies have sent manpower, intending to clean up first, and then deep exploration.

Although the former magician judged that this mine can only be mined for more than ten years, it is still a small-scale mining.

But as a front line, if you can use it here, you will save a lot of money.

But before, the people of Metaline had explored thousands of miles in the whole area, and did not find this mine, so everyone felt strange, maybe it was a trap.

Then everyone used the battleship to drop people over.

On the ground, there was strong interference. The warship was in the air, relying on magical exploration, and could not find the specific position of the enemy. But it doesn't matter anymore. The six-man battleship put down people and machinery and then withdrew. Anyway, it's not far from the fortress, so come and pick people at any time.

On the ground, mainly Metatron, one of the squadrons, carrying the legendary magic configuration, serves as a mobile magic net center and also serves as a communication relay. Although it is only more than three hundred miles, the channel over there is also available. But Metatlin still let everyone open dual channels.

"I'm Guice, all squadron leaders, can you hear me clearly?"

Commander of Metatron, test sound effects.

All the squadron leaders answered one after another, with a clear voice.

"Okay, now at this position, I set up a temporary void magic monument, mainly to stabilize the elemental environment, provide coordinates, and provide simple help to the magician. Did everyone understand?"


"After fifteen minutes, start the operation, and now everyone checks the equipment." Metterlin's mage Giess is a legend. He personally came to command this operation, which is a bit risky. The legendary mage, in this environment, relying on his equipment and facing the army is not very safe.

Although the legendary forces of the Magic God are also limited, but others have the ability to sacrifice, and it is not a problem to temporarily increase the strength.

The last time the Battle of Yinyan City was so tragic, the Empire Legend fell a little bit, for this reason.

The team dispersed and began to look for goals.

The wind here is relatively strong, and the snow that has just fallen shortly on the ground is rolled into a pale white. The soldiers of Rhode Island, because of the equipment, although walking slowly, is not difficult.

The terrain is more complicated than expected, the tank has changed its shape, the huge metal wheels have become walking, and occasionally rolling.


At the farthest position, an explosion came without warning. The soldiers of Rhode Island immediately entered the fighting state. The sound of the explosion was made by the Bladesman. The Blade Demon will attack the enemy only when the weapon is exhausted and in the state of battle.

Everyone is familiar with the robots of other teams. The Blade Demon explodes. All the commanders and soldiers know that they have encountered the enemy. But no one was nervous, just step by step, ready to fight.

A squad rushed over at the fastest speed. The squadron leader heard the squad leader's cry: "Damn, yet a snowman with such a high rank!"

The snowman was originally a very weak creature. When the frost giant was not extinct, the snowman was just a vassal race.

Snowman's combat power, how to say? Basically one-on-one, ordinary soldiers who can't beat humans, let alone professionals. The percentage of the snowman becoming a professional is also very low. The captain exclaimed because the snowman marked a red logo on his goggles, which may have reached the epic realm.

This team is very strong, the captain is a fighter of the second level.

Seeing the snowman with a stick in one hand and a stone in the other, he threw it toward the sky. In the sky, the circling sharp blade demon actually avoided it.

Not a spellcaster, so good!

The squad leader immediately ordered the attack. The squad, with sixty demon robots, five mutants, and a balancer. This balancer configuration is also level 20.

In the team, in addition to the three soldiers, the precision shooter is a spellcaster, magic net mage.

Now in Rhode Island's team, the number of magic net mages is relatively large, often acting as a precision shooter.

This magic net mage has a level of fifteen, and the balancer configuration itself acts as a magic net node, allowing him to cast spells calmly. However, the grade of this snowman was dizzy when he saw it.

However, he is a spellcaster, and the magic musket in his hand is specially made, although it is not the magic short spear, it also has a strong attack power.

The musket was raised, and the Mage Web Master directly activated the magic circle on the handle. The light at the muzzle flashed, almost imperceptible.

The three magic projectiles were almost continuously fired. At the position of the muzzle, they seemed to be connected, but the angles were different. The three projectiles seemed to fly forward in a way of intertwining.

The snowman waved his stick and hit the magic projectile. In his view, this stick is enough to block the ridiculous attack.


The three projectiles accelerated in the air, and the sticks emptied.

A snowman that made everyone worry has a hole in his chest. The real damage is in the body. After the three projectiles are injected, the biggest damage method is chosen. It rolls in the body and tears the organs in the chest of the snowman.

There are other snowmen in the distance, but they are not as high as this level. The robot raised his musket and began to attack from a distance.

The number of snowmen is about two hundred, all of them are professionals. However, these snowmen do not have an armor piercing body, and the large projectile of the technical musket easily tears the cotton coat on them.

"Master Gus, clean it up," the captain reported.

"Clean the battlefield, don't give them the opportunity to sacrifice, pay attention to whether there is a magic circle underground."


The snowman in his early 200s was cleaned up by a small team without holding on for three minutes. Others are not clear, but Guice knows that the new technology musket in the hands of the robot is more powerful than before.

However, it is really troublesome to mix the chemicals of the technology gun. Powerful, if there is no magic attribute, it is easy to explode, if there is a magic attribute, the cost is high. Guns and everything have to be matched to give full play to the advantage of projectiles.

Isn't that the magic musket? The magic musket can only be used by professionals, but the robot cannot be used.

Just buy the formula directly, and spend more money ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as the cost is almost the same as the cost of researching yourself, it can save a lot of time.

These ideas on the battlefield will be recorded and reported back.

He was doing battlefield records. Suddenly, the sky was dark, and the whole sky was covered with dark clouds.

As a legend, Guice had a sense of detachment from life and death. When danger came, he sent a distress signal without thinking.


The dome was closed, and a strong earthquake occurred in the entire rocky area.

In the ears of each soldier, a voice was heard: "Welcome to the demon arena, dedicate everything to the **** of magic!"

Even the main elite troops suddenly panicked when they found no companions.

However, each soldier immediately discovered that the robot under his command was still there!

The light and shadow around him were trance, and at the foot was an arena with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. There were stands around it, and on the stands were blurred faces.

The soldier looked at the prompt on the goggles. It was yellow and moderately dangerous.

That is to say, although there is a danger to life in this place, it is not impossible to solve by one's own strength. Besides, the robot is still there.

The soldiers of other families are not clear. Anyway, the soldiers of Rhode Island activated a device in the helmet to make sure that they were not ingested by the soul, but entered by the flesh, which was relatively easy.

These usually seem insignificant or even useless functions, this time, played a role in stabilizing the military's heart.

Hexagon Star Fortress ...

The leaders of the coalition forces discovered that the twelve squadrons that had gone to explore the original quarry lost contact. Before losing contact, Guice also sent out a distress signal. The rescue plan here was immediately opened.

"It's space transfer, they are not there anymore." Metajlin's Joey said to all the legions.

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