Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1209: : Clean up first (1)

The loss of twelve squadrons is not a trivial matter. It means that more than one squadron has disappeared.

But if the space is transferred, it is equivalent to these twelve squadrons, sent to other spaces by the power of the magic god. This space should be equivalent to a small parallel space. If you can't find the entrance, there is no way to save it.

"Guice brought a void magic monument in the past, at least still able to locate."

"You make the decision." The rest of the army commanders said to Joey.

Joey is a demigod, and other army commanders are powerful legends. The Allied Forces did not mean to dispatch so many gods now, but they did not really want to enter the extreme north to kill the **** of magic.

It will pay a huge price, but it can't be solved by dying a few deities.

"Twelve squadrons, the God of Magic really wants to eat them. We are going to be too late now. First clean up the surrounding area, and solve everything that can be seen on the ground. I am close to the fortress fifty miles away. The rest, you solve it. "

"Yes." The five army commanders naturally did not complain. Fifty miles away from the fortress, that was a large area. After cleaning up, it was equivalent to the artillery unit being able to move forward. This time everyone brought the best weapons. The range of the artillery was all around 60 miles.

Emptying fifty miles, you can support hundreds of miles at the farthest.

Joey is a demigod. Although he also has special equipment, he still doesn't want to stay away from the Void Magic Tablet. This fortress, he is responsible for suppressing it. Other things are left to others to do.

"You don't have any complaints. Looking back, the Metatron family will send a legion chief specifically. I'm still guarding the fortress, so as not to be attacked by the mighty **** of magic.

"Dare not." The five legion chiefs responded one after another.

"Okay, let's get started."

After Joey finished speaking, he fell into silence, his heart was thrown into the tower of deep space, and he began to prepare for magic.

Soon, a huge eye appeared above the deep sky tower. The blood red eyes looked from any direction, as if staring at you.

After the eyes were formed, all the troops of the active magical gods, beyond the Hexagon Star Fortress, were inexplicably frightened and looked involuntarily towards the direction of the fortress.

Just glanced at ...


boom! boom……

The sound of the explosion was as dense as that of the firecrackers. Everyone who had seen that eye, no matter what level, the brain exploded. Some still squirt brains from Qiqiao, and some simply have broken skulls.

With the fortress wall as the border, and more than fifty miles outward, these blood-red eyes looked at it, and all life within more than sixty miles around them was soulless.

Far from tens of thousands of miles away, the life was constructed, and he couldn't help but glance at the extreme north.

Metatron ...

The blood-red eyes slowly disappeared as if they never existed.

Joey said: "Okay, there are no enemies outside the fortress wall, within sixty-two miles."

The heads of the legions are all surprised, what kind of spell is this, so cruel!

Joey laughed: "Still relying on the power of the Deep Space Tower, relying on myself, restricted by the law, it is impossible to do it. By the way, there are tens of thousands of corpses around, or collect it. Many people brought Warcraft, which can be used to raise Warcraft, and some creatures such as magic dragons in the magic **** army can be taken back and used as alchemy materials. "

The regiment leaders agreed, and began to command their troops to fight out of the city.

The five people discussed it and decided to focus on the west first. Their team lost contact in the west. But Joey asked everyone to clean up the surroundings first, and did not rush to save people according to the positioning, and everyone had nothing to say. Only Metatlin lost a legendary mage, the rest of the family, at most, are professionals who have sent epic realms.

Metatlyn could breathe a sigh of relief, and no one could mess up with the plan.

"Master Legion, I'm going to fight. Let me go." A young man stopped Claude outside but was a battalion from Mithril City.

"You are ..." Crowder was a little dissatisfied, and stopped the chief from speaking, what kind of system.

However, the Mithril Legion, not under his management, he did not attack.

The young battalion laughed: "I am Rog, a student of the Mithril City Master, and the battalion of the fourth battalion of the Mithril Army."

"It's Li Anna's student, no wonder dare to stop me."

Rogge smiled and said: "You are an old senior and take care of our young people. We all know that if I don't stop you, I'm afraid I won't give me a little bit of this task. We came here for practical training Encountered this opportunity, I definitely want to go. "

"The courage is not small, why, Li Anna gave you death indicators?"

"No, the soldiers lost a lot. I'm going to be removed."

"Then you are still in a hurry."

"Fighting, there must always be someone on board. The two squadrons we lost contact with are still in danger. What are we taking a bit of risk for?" Rogge looked awe-inspiring.

"Well, if you clean up in the first round, you follow me. I will dispatch five battalions."

"Is it mine?"

"No, you are the sixth battalion."

"Then I'm going to prepare, thank you!" Rogge rushed away, went to his team, and prepared.

But a battalion, tens of thousands of robot units, is not so easy to pull out. Besides, there is a flying brigade at the battalion level. The flying warship is dispatched. No matter how good the maintenance is at ordinary times, it is necessary to conduct a test before departure.

There are also various tanks and configurations that cannot be taken out casually.

The people of Rhode Island were the last legion to leave the fortress. In the night, the team slowly opened up. Because it is a battalion-level action, there are battleships in the sky for investigation, and Flore, some mages, with feather snakes, and the ground is close to the blade of the demon flying.

The battalion-level warships are operated in units of brigades, and are divided into three types: fire arrows, dragon turtles, and six-mans.

Liumang is a transport-type warship, but it can carry huge bombs without hanging pods. Because the load is too strong, the bombs that can be carried can be calculated in tons.

Although not the entire legion, Crowder assigned a small team of first-class warships to the six battalions.


Reverse scale is a battleship with the best balance. When defending, there is a huge scale-like shield floating on the surface of the battleship, which can buffer defense against powerful attacks.

This is a way of mimicking the defense of a star warship, except that the floating scales of the star warship are of a multi-layer structure, and the reverse scale has only a double-layer structure. One is the energy issue and the other is the cost issue.

However, the double-layer structure is already very stable.

The formation of a squad consists of six battleships, which are allocated to six battalions.

These six counter-scales will cooperate with the battalion-level battleship Huojia to fight. Equipped with Asra's Fury, Counterscale is much stronger than the air warhammer equipped on the Fire Arrow.

Other weapons also have gaps. Inverse scales have an advantage when facing legends, and Fire Arrow depends on the enemy's legendary level.

But these two are high-speed battleships, and the legendary ordinary flying method can only follow behind.

Xiahe is now paying attention to this. Shenhuo Flying Crow is flying at a high altitude, which is higher than that of flying against the scales. Through the reverse scale, he can also check the ground situation on the battlefield.

The six battalions of Rhode Island left the fort in batches. Two teams were in front of them to explore the way.

The two squadrons placed two standard squadrons in front, followed by a construction squadron. This is an attitude ready to fight, not marching.

This time the standard squadron carried a robot of the abyss type, Yan Mo.

The five coalition forces went in different directions. Rhode Island ’s army encountered the enemy sixty miles after leaving the fortress.

The two squadrons immediately called for artillery support. In the brigade establishment, there was a tank squadron, including self-propelled artillery and towed artillery.

The range of the self-propelled artillery also exceeded twenty miles.

After the standard squadron in front gave the coordinates, the self-propelled artillery began to roar.

This team of magic gods, more than 5,000 people, has hundreds of magic dragons. When the artillery began to roar, the soldiers of the God of Magic automatically moved closer to the Magic Dragon.

However, in the sky, the flying battleship Fire Arrow immediately launched a blow to the magic dragon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two barrels of the air war hammer flickered at the same time. After that, the flame dragged behind, hitting the ground instantly.

A shuttle-shaped metal projectile with a magic pattern floating on the surface, forming an interval as if it were a legendary realm.

The golden light flashed on the magic dragon for less than a second, and was destroyed by the burning hammer, and the entire faucet collapsed. At the wound, flames soared.

The magic dragon crashed to the ground, and a golden shot from the gun barrel on the right arrived.

Jinmang is a small arrow only about half a meter long, very thin, but the position of the arrow, there is a golden light floating, that is the magic of Xiahe, the texture of the golden blade.

The squadron leader who called for the blow, seeing this scene, felt chilled, and if it was his own blow, he might not be able to survive!

The combat unit of a magic dragon is just finished, and dozens of soldiers around it have also died cleanly.

In the sky, the control of the battleship may also feel wasteful, and no longer uses magic ballistas to attack.

Air Hammer, with a single blow, the magic dragon didn't even have the ability to resist, and was directly smashed into the head. The magic bullet in the shape of a metal shuttle has a super gravitational blow, using the gravity of the main world stars. When it is close to the ground, that power can no longer be blocked.

"Lift into the sky, rise to 10,000 meters!" The commander on the flagship ordered all warships of the flying brigade to fly high.

The magic dragons here are not high-level, and it is not necessary to strike with magic crossbows, let alone how many magic crossbows are there for a battleship. Here are more than 100 magic dragons.

The warship was quickly pulled high, and it immediately reached a height of 10,000 meters, hovered, and then mobilized a heavy magic gun to start an accurate attack on the ground.

Heavy magic guns are things that warships only equip, and the barrel is more than seven meters, which is too big for the chariot.

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