Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1210: : Clean up first (2)

The warships of that scale are not equipped with this thing. This kind of weapon is attacked against the ground. It requires high power and low cost.

For example, if the fire encounters enemies in the air, they must still use magic ballistas to fight.

The Air Warhammer is not a weapon specifically designed for the ground. It is more effective against air targets. The Burning Warhammer has strong gravity and can stick to the target, even if the other party dodges, it can track it. The arrow of the gold is the area killing, and the penetrating power is the key.

As battalion-level equipment, Fire Arrow and Dragon Turtle have heavy magic guns that strike the ground.

As a transport warship, Liumang, in addition to the self-defense magic ballista, when on the ground, there is only a weapon workstation.

The six-mountain mounted ordinary bombs this time, flying high, relying on a big head to win.

Heavy magic gun, with various magic attributes attached to the warhead, such as penetration, tearing, heavy blow, highly toxic and so on.

This time Crowder didn't dispatch too many counterscales because the battlefield was small, only six counterscales were following, and the rest were on standby in the fortress, ready to support.

Another reason is that this time it is mainly against the ground, the enemy is not so powerful, and the heavy magic gun can have a good attack effect.

The original flight battalion should wait for a command hundreds of miles behind.

There are now six counter-scales hovering at high altitude, and each battalion's own flying brigade is enough to cope with the scene.

The heavy magic guns are all redesigned by the Academy, and the projectiles are almost as long as the adult forearm. The gun shot down, from top to bottom, penetrating from the back of the magic dragon, directly interrupting the spine of the magic dragon. As the projectile passed through the body, it shot magic fragments in all directions.

The projectile is not much thicker than the finger, but the diameter of the wound is more than half a meter.

The magic dragon wailed, not yet dead. The golden light on his body was scattered, crumbling, and dying. It was only a matter of time.

The battalion will see this scene in the goggles and be assured. The most difficult thing to fight in the field is the magic dragon. It ’s not that you ca n’t beat it. You can send an epic mage, or simply build a knight to defeat the magic dragon.

But that means the short soldiers meet, and in the face of the magic dragon with strong defense, the short soldiers mean the loss of personnel.

Even if the soldier does not die, the damage of the robot will not be less.

Without the support of the magic dragon, the weakness of the magic god's troops was immediately exposed, that is, the defense was weak. Originally not weak, but the ordnance of the main force of the empire changed every year, and its power became stronger and stronger.

The technology guns in the hands of Demon have caught up with the earliest magic firearms.

The strength of the two squadrons spread out, both low-body, and attacked with a firearm hundreds of meters away. The self-propelled artillery and tank guns in the rear began to roar again.

In the sky, Flomor passed the details of the battlefield back until the thousands of people in the front were beaten and the artillery in the back no longer attacked.

More than 5,000 enemies are no longer in shape. All the magic dragons are nearly killed by air power. The demon is at the limit of the range, and will shoot accurately at the remaining remnants.

Human soldiers have stopped attacking. They have magic muskets in their hands and only attack enemies with strong defense.

With just two brigades, more than 5,000 enemies were destroyed in a blink of an eye.

"Clean up the battlefield and continue to investigate." The battalion will begin to issue orders.

He was very satisfied. In this battle, he tested new weapons. In the field battle, he used some details to solve the first wave of enemies without constructing a knight. He was very satisfied.

Constructed Cavaliers fight on a squadron scale and are scattered among standard brigades.

In a standard squadron, there is only one construction squadron, fifty construction knights, plus fifty robots with the same appearance as the construction knights. This kind of robot, called Hucong robot, is specially made.

The strength of the squadron has been able to deal with ordinary legends.

When it is not necessary, constructing a knight is not a battle. The distribution of troops is not to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, but to consider the cost. This time, six battalions are dispatched to fight the enemy and clean up the fortress. Scattered, it takes several days to fight, and it is impossible to tell how many enemies you will encounter.

Constructed in combat, there will be damage, and when it is not necessary, this is a deterrent force.

This battalion will think so, but Rogge does not think so. He was in charge of one direction, and soon encountered more than 10,000 enemies. Then, the rear self-propelled artillery bombarded. In the sky, after the flying warship was hit with a heavy magic gun, the Mithril Swordsman began to charge.

The eight-meter-tall structure ran wildly in the snow, like silver lightning. The giant sword in their hands dragged in their hands. When they approached the enemy, the sword of the Mithril Swordsman swept up.

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal. This more than 10,000 enemies are relatively concentrated and supported by powerful magic dragons.

After the blow in the sky, there were still several epic magic dragons intact, but the Mithril Swordsman rushed up and rushed straight to the magic dragons.

A **** road.

Most enemies, Mithril Swordsmen ignored them and stepped on them with their feet.

Only a slightly more powerful enemy will move the giant sword. A team of Mithril Swordsmen is the first to approach an epic magic dragon. The magic dragon wants a dragon roar, but it cannot be shouted out because it is suppressed by five magic structures.

On the edge of the giant sword, a trace of sword energy flashed, which was no longer in the category of magic.

The golden light of the magic dragon is as fragile as straw, cut by five constructed giant swords, and split into corpses in an instant.

The Mithril Swordsmen Squadron captain couldn't help but say: "You can't rush so hard, this wave consumes too much!"

"Captain, it's an epic magic dragon. Let's not rush. Should we let the standard team rush?"

"Yes, Captain, you charged the charge ..."

"I got it?"

"Recorded, captain."

"I also think that the magic dragon of epic level is more threatening." The captain quickly covered his guilty conscience.

The Mithril Swordsman, a charge, solved the remaining magic dragon, and the standard brigade of the Mithril Legion rushed up to harvest the remaining enemies.

The six battalions moved forward slowly. No matter what enemies they saw, they were immediately attacked by artillery. They could n’t move. They called air strikes. If they could n’t be solved by heavy magic guns, they went to magic ballistas.

Can't solve the magic ballista? Construct a knight and charge!

Can it be done only by constructing a knight?

OK, the number will not be so much, it will hurt more and more, keep accumulating, and finally the knight collapses.

When there are not so many enemies, as long as one constructs a knight squadron, it can solve the problem. Large-scale legion operations still rely on basic robots, artillery, and warships.

The Mithril Legion, used to construct the knight charge, solve the enemy faster than other camps.

Seeing that he was about to bulge out, Roger quickly ordered and stopped to rest. It is impossible to rush too far forward. One is dangerous. There is no mutual support. The other is that there are gaps between the six battalions, and some enemies may be missed.

Rogge also summed up himself, is too excited, rushed too violently.

Although he was the fastest to end the battle, he spent several times more than others. Constructing knights assumed the main combat mission. This is still not using the magic cannon on the tank, only the technical artillery.

Using the camp-level configuration, he quickly calculated the specific data. After reading it, Rogge shot his head straight.

Why are you so impulsive? I want to win, not to be handsome!

It's a flat push task, not an aggressive task.

Forget it, it's not good and meaningless to just test the aggressive combat methods. At least I know what the team will look like when it advances at full speed.

The team stopped to rest. This time it was almost an enemy that was undamaged. On the Mithril Legion side, the robots did not waste half of them. The damage was some, all considered minor injuries. Deal with the damaged robots.

The soldiers wore rune equipment like the arrows, but the robot did not.

Therefore, the marksman or the like is not a threat to human soldiers. The main key to humans is well protected. With the rune exempted from long-range attacks, there is little chance of being shot on the battlefield.

However, whether the rune is in the magic category or the Daomen category, you have to activate it yourself by wearing it to make it effective.

Fortunately, the robot's defense is more solid, and the human armor is heavy, but it has to go through magic to reduce the weight, otherwise it will be difficult. Robots are not afraid. A ton of body, driven by electric energy, is also brisk.

High-metal robots, the real weight, is almost all allocated to defense and weapons and ammunition.

Even so, it is possible that a metal robot was shot by a feather arrow. The robot's collector, and part of it is an electronic eye, to record information and save image data.

All processes will be collected and analyzed by giant computers.

The magic computing core also needs these data, but that is to enrich the illusion. All illusions are real-time calculations and need strong data to support them.

Rogge's army took a full hour more than others to continue to move forward.

This time, he didn't dare to mess up. Anyway, it's already overwhelming, so fight in the normal way and reduce the loss. Otherwise, the teacher went back to chatting with himself, saying that he would not live a life.

How could I live a life so young.

Forget it, it's not easy for the teacher to save his family. Mithril City guards the mine, so he doesn't dare to spend money. Roger wondered how he could make some money and subsidize the army by coming out to train this time.

His team walked hundreds of miles, and no longer saw a large-scale enemy.

Most of the magic god's troops are more than a hundred people, more than three or five hundred, and some are just a dozen people.

Rogge did not understand what they ran out of, and if they were not formed, they could easily be eaten sporadically.

The fact is the same. He walked all the way. The troops in front of him were all squadrons, advancing drum-like, constantly changing, and fighting in cycles. So far, no soldiers were injured.

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