Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1211: : Data is king

In more than 100 battles, no soldiers were injured, indicating that the enemy is too weak and scattered in space.

Roger thought for a while and then contacted the fortress.

"Master Cloud, are you there?"

"Yes, why?"

"The enemy ... the troops of the God of Magic are so strange. If you don't attack the fortress, don't say it. Hundreds of thousands of people are scattered apart, not like fighting."

"What do you think will be the problem?"

"A bigger trap. We had devoured our twelve squadrons before. This time, we might have swallowed dozens of battalions."

"Have you seen it underground?"

"The robots who burrowed into the ground, hit a lot of caves. They were sent with structures and feathered snakes. There are no large formations underground. The **** of magic wants to say there are traps. I don't believe I can swallow dozens of battalions."

"I'll let them all be careful. Don't take the risk. No matter what is ahead, remember your mission is to clean up the surrounding enemies step by step and clean them up."

"Yes, I remember."

The six battalions still opened their nets and cleared the enemy in the space left by the coalition forces for Rhode Island.

Rhode Island ’s army soon became accustomed to clean-up operations, each time only investing one-third of the troops, and the remaining two-thirds of the troops were responsible for vigilance.

The enemy's scale is not large. In the case of more than a hundred people, a single artillery shell can make the robot get on.

The terrain here is not so complicated, there are no enemies that appear suddenly.

Occasionally, enemies with extremely fast speed will rush up, but the high-metal robots responsible for vigilance will be killed with electromagnetic war spears. In the short-range attack of the electromagnetic war spear, there is no problem of evasion. Dozens of robots form an electromagnetic chain, and the entire area can be blocked.

Besides, the speed of the robot is not slow, especially when fighting close combat.

Robots have a battlefield network, and there is no coordination error with each other. When a team of five robots attack a target at the same time, there is really no dead end.

For humans, some of the hard-working abilities are just a program.

When this knife is cut, the error will not be wider than the blade.

This spear is definitely a weakness of the enemy's defense.

When the kinetic energy strike is launched, the instantaneous acceleration is definitely the most reasonable range of consumption, and the battery cannot be wasted.

The small enemies that are constantly appearing in front are not fully configured, and most of the defense depends on magic dragons. Without the magic dragon, the artillery bombardment will clear out the miscellaneous soldiers and injure people with weak defense.

After the artillery bombardment, there were only a dozen or so people with good combat effectiveness. A squadron with more than six hundred demon, dealing with a dozen people, is almost the same as abusive.

High-metal robots are cheap because the world is rich in metal deposits and there are large gold-making plants.

Once large-scale industrial production is formed, unless the metal reserves are not high, the price is very cheap. The lower the productivity, the more expensive the metal.

In the primitive society, if there were a rotten iron sword in the hands of primitive people, they were all magic weapons, because others still used bones and sticks.

The alloys of high-metal robots are already on the price of cabbage in Xiahe.

Therefore, within the Duke's leadership, Xiahe does not need to propose it. Some people have already suggested using their own independent currency system. But this kind of thing has too much political trouble.

Xiahe also wants to build his own credit system and directly create magic currency, which is impossible to forge anyway.

Now within the Duke's collar, there is a merit system and a point system, that is, one point of merit can be split into 100 points. Points can replace things like gold coins and buy materials inside the duke's collar.

Therefore, on the Xiahe side, gold coins are now used for foreign trade, and for domestic purposes, the amount of gold coins in circulation is not much.

Instead, there are more silver coins and copper coins, which gives Xiahe a headache.

Many people are reluctant to use merit or points to buy daily necessities and still use the old currency.

In this case, it is not conducive to economic development. Fortunately, the military has little influence. Xiahe's current alchemy factories are mostly manufacturing weapons, and only a few are needed to maintain their survival and development.

Planting factories and the like also require alchemy factories to produce materials.

Back to the high-metal robots, all the high-metal robots produced by Xiahe are made of relatively cheap raw materials. The most valuable one is a computing core.

Now, these steel monsters are sweeping the small army of magic gods.

On the battlefield, the invisible network dominates everything.

All the people in charge of the command have their own judgments. On the network, they have detailed data to allow you to decide what way to attack the enemy now.

There will be no surplus of firepower or insufficient firepower.

The soldiers are also learning, and their goggles are constantly jumping combat data. An enemy, what level it is, how dangerous it is, possible areas of weakness, etc. will be displayed.

Then make your own judgment, and look at how the robot will kill the enemy, and finally form a conclusion.

Judging from time to time, and from time to time, the soldiers' judgment ability is also improving. Even without the aid of magic equipment, they also have good battlefield response capabilities. The soldiers are not tired of this. Constantly proactively determine what the enemy is and how to strike it.

Comparing yourself with the computing core of magic equipment, if you guess right and even win the computing core, there will be rewards.

Some experienced veterans have discovered a problem. Demon is in combat and rarely makes mistakes, but it is not impossible to make mistakes. It's just that the robot warrior made a mistake, and it's not the most serious kind. And multiple robots cooperate to fight, one of them is wrong, and there are other robots that will complement.

This supplement is conscious, that is, there will be other robots who question the robot in error in advance and make up for it directly during the battle.

Just like, a demon-stained man pierced the enemy's heart with a short electromagnetic spear, and at the same time, another demon-stained electromagnetic spear also pierced the enemy's back brain.

If the enemy's defense is strong enough, the electromagnetic spear wants to penetrate the vital point, it consumes energy.

Assuming that the first demon has killed the enemy, the second demon is a waste. But if the first demon defecation fails, the second demon defecation is super patching.

Some people are curious, looking at big data, they find that the robot's tool-fixing behavior is relatively more correct, accounting for more than 60%, and the wrong behavior is only 30%.

These soldiers and low-ranking officers are certainly not clear about what is going on. The entire battle judgment has big data.

Otherwise, the computing core of the robot will not be valuable.

Xiahe looted the data from the second-level college, which made his robots more powerful in combat and had a lower turnover rate.

Originally, this kind of wrong patching behavior was as high as 80%. But for safety, this style of fighting is also necessary.

These are not what Roger cares about. He cares about the same as other battalions, not the **** of magic, what is wrong.

The problem is that each of the five battalions dispatched five or six battalions. How could nearly 30 battalions be consumed?

In each camp, there are high-level legends, wearing the best equipment of each, similar to the ring of law.

Of course, sword repairs like Roger don't need a ring of laws.

At dawn, the other legions, communicating with the Rhode Island army, have now moved to a position of two hundred miles, whether to rest or move on.

The people of Rhode Island don't care. The camps they dispatched were originally on holiday, and were sleeping during the day the day before.

And everyone is a professional. It doesn't matter if you don't sleep for three or five days.

However, several battalions of the Oldington family hope to rest for four hours before fighting.

Since some people have proposed it, everyone will not object to it. If you come out to fight, you have to take a break. It depends on when you take a break. Although the battle throughout the night is not intense, it can be very frequent. Just take a break.

It is easier to camp in an ice field. It is equipped with more magicians.

The magicians of Rhode Island immediately cast ice walls for the army because they only rested for four hours and did not need sturdy barracks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The magicians arranged arrays around the camp to build ice towers. The soldiers took out the tent and went to sleep.

Most people's armor will be removed, leaving only the soft armor next to it, which can keep warm.

The camp is a small tent, a tent for five people, there is an air cushion on the ground, there are artificial plush on the air cushion, it is quite cold. And this thing is essentially magic equipment, although it does not consume any original stone. All air cushions can be inflated with magic. If they are exhausted, they are quite fast and can be emptied in a few seconds.

The reason why it is made into magic equipment increases the cost. It is because this thing is much more supportive than a real air cushion. Wearing armor on it can also support it.

No matter what the area is, you can sleep well in the tent with this stuff.

Most robots also enter a temporary sleep state to save energy. The battalion generals talked to each other, and Roger did not sleep. He carefully checked the battle report and wanted to see something in it.

He is a first-order sword repair, Li Anna's most proud student. Very diligent and like to think.

However, no matter whether it was Roger, or with the construction of the large-scale operation, there was no way to calculate what was so nasty.

Maybe I thought too much about it myself. The God of Magic has not paid much attention to this place, otherwise, the demigods of Rhode Island will feel it.

The soldiers quickly fell asleep. Even the lowest-level soldiers had a potion blended with spiritual fluids, which allowed people to fall asleep quickly. Within an hour, they recovered most of their energy and dispelled fatigue.

It is best to sleep for more than three hours. The effect of five hours is the best, but on the battlefield, it is difficult to force.

In the camp, there was silence, and only the patrolling robots and equipment would make a sound. Flores circled in the sky, and they dragged their long tails, and occasionally the arc flashed silently.

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