Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1212: : Battle of soldiers

Flomo is known as an investigative robot, and his actual combat effectiveness is not weak. But its structure is doomed, not suitable for charging, it is better to fight alone.

In a single fight, Flo Mo can support the Flame Mo for a long time, but with five Flame Mos against five Flo Mos, the battle will end soon.

During the four-hour break, no one attacked the Rhode Island camp, but the other army camps were attacked. Although there was no danger, the artillery units fired some shells, and some of the injured people did not sleep soundly.

At the Rhode Island camp, the soldiers got up on time. The robot outside had already built a large igloo. There was no defense. It was windproof and cold. There were rows of tables inside. The soldiers walked in and received hot food.

The battalion generals started talking, the five coalition forces, set the departure time, and marching speed.

It was almost noon and everyone had to eat.

In fact, Xiahe's style of play is no different from that of the imperial nobles. They are all upright and use their own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. Any clever tricks are nonsense.

Absolute power is what makes you useless.

On Rhode Island, Li Anna ’s Mithril Corps counted six battalions, 36,000 people, and was responsible for one-fifth of the search area. If the enemies dispersed evenly, those six Battalion, as long as it faces less than 100,000 people. There are 36,000 people, and there are more than 500,000 robots and equipment.

The demon is marching silently in the team, and it looks inconspicuous. When really fighting, this ton of metal guys can be much stronger than ordinary professionals.

When the soldiers were eating, they were quiet. Soon, half an hour later, the canteen did not need to be dismantled. It was thrown here directly. The tent was already collected by the robot and placed on the tank.

This time with the army, there are also some armored Trojans and Demon Spiders are also used as combat power, and some debris are carried by Trojans.

The departure of the army is also a part of the departure, and the speed is not fast.

In the evening, it was more than two hundred and fifty miles from the fortress.

Because there are few enemies, everyone moves fast.

Several other units are not less elite than Rhode Island, and they are all magic and mechanical units. In the absence of enemies, this kind of ice plain is an ordinary march if it ran for more than 100 miles in an hour. Dozens of miles out this afternoon, purely in search of the enemy.

Rhode Island will follow you slowly. Anyway, Xiahe's army, in this state, usually maintains a speed of sixty miles. Since others are slower, the Rhode Island camp generals are also reluctant to do much.

This afternoon's battle is no different from yesterday's night. The team of the God of Magic is still a small unit with few flying units.

To deal with magic dragons, it is enough to rely on the heavy magic gun on the fire vector and the dragon turtle. The magic projectile, penetration and damage of the heavy magic gun are enough to reinvent this divine magic creature with an average level of more than 20 levels.

Once a magic dragon in a team loses its protective power, the lethal power of the demon's technological firearm rises linearly.

The fighting style on Rhode Island has become extremely monotonous. But this is exactly what the battalion generals hope. Any commander does not want how splendid the battle is, it is best to be mediocre, just crush it.

Roger himself noticed that in this battalion of the Mithril Army, the loss of the robot was slightly larger than that of others. He immediately checked the battle report and deducted the details, and found that the robot itself was hit more often by remote attacks than other camps.

It is the problem of the enemy's arms. There are many sharp shooters that I have encountered.

On the ice field, more than a dozen squadrons scattered and searched for enemies in the front. The detection power in the sky did not guarantee that every detail would be taken care of. The influence of the underground magnetic field here is intervened by the **** of magic, and there will be omissions in remote investigation.

Rogge rode a wooden horse by himself, put down the helmet mask, and looked at the battlefield data in the artificial crystal goggles.

After reading it, it was determined that it was not his own command error, and Rogge did not give any order to the following.

He pays attention to the troops in front of him and opens a real-time picture of a team in the goggles.

There are tanks in the standard squadron, but not the heavy tanks, but the armored tanks of the soldiers. There are two tank squads in a standard squadron. The tank has a magic gun on board, which is much more powerful than the soldiers. However, armored tanks for infantry usually do not have guns.

The weapons of the infantry armored chariot are one large and one small magic rifle, and then a weapon station.

In the squadron in front of the search, the soldiers did not advance in armored chariots, but on armored wooden horses. The only person on the tank is the tank squad, who personally controls the tank ’s weapons.

It is the mutants who are responsible for driving the chariot, and other robots are accompanying.

There are also some soldiers sitting on the demon spider. The wind blew from the side, and the soldiers didn't realize it. The armor is closed, the inside is relatively warm, and even the face is covered under the mask.

As long as the two layers of armor are not broken, the soldiers are not afraid of this extremely cold weather.

Discover the enemy!

There was a command from the squadron leader, and the soldiers behind him immediately jumped from the armored wood. The enemies also have strong ranged attacks. Although Trojan horses can also inspire the defense of the magic shield, but the air shield, defensive soldiers are not too relieved. Although the magic god's troops are all small stocks, there are occasionally epic powers.

After jumping off the Trojan, the soldier's speed will not be too slow. The magic pattern on the boots has an acceleration function.

This speed is not too fast, but it is also equivalent to ordinary people jogging in small steps, which consumes very little. At this speed, soldiers can maintain physical strength.

Rogge paid attention to the battle and saw that Frost swooped down and quickly pulled his body up. After a few hoverings, the battlefield intelligence was clearly transmitted back.

If it weren't for the **** of the weather, there was no need to dive.

Several explosions came out, it was the Blade Demon blew himself up, and several squadron leaders in front summoned the artillery behind to strike.

The self-propelled artillery stopped, got the coordinates, and fired a round after a few seconds.

In the distance, the flames skyrocketed, and the metal fragments were like storms, wreaking havoc in the ranks of the magic god.

I have seen this scene many times, and several squadron commanders have doubts in their minds. If the battles are to be fought like this in the future, then what significance does the soldiers exercise in their fighting power?

Demon Arena ...

A total of twelve teams were sent to this space. Rhode Island had two brigades on this side. At the beginning, Rhode Island people were a little flustered, but soon calmed down and contacted each other.

After finding out that they could not be contacted, all the soldiers, with their robots on hand, started fighting in the demon arena.

A young ordinary soldier who counted all the supplies around him. He was lucky. In addition to the ten demon, there were 22 sharp blade demon, a 5th-level mutant, and a 25th-level mutant. Assaulter configuration. The profession of this soldier is the soldier.

A warrior with a fighting spirit already has ten levels. It stands to reason that he can at least be a squad leader.

But he is too young, and in the illusion, the command points have not been promoted, and he prefers to fight alone, so now he only hangs the rank of non-commissioned officer, and has not been able to become a captain.

In addition to the 25th-level assaulter, there is an armored Trojan. On the horse, there is an additional supply of soldiers, and an additional ammo box.

Rhode Island warriors looked at the arena, and an enemy appeared and came out of the gate under the stands.

It was a giant with a height of more than four meters, green skin, and a huge stick.

Assaulter can be configured as a magic network node and has a little computing power. After the giant appeared, he immediately gave the data to the Rhode Island warriors.

A 20th-level hybrid giant without armor.


The soldier shot without hesitation. The arena was only two hundred meters in size. He stood in the middle of the field, and the giant was one hundred meters away from him.

The giant's ankle was directly beaten. The giant wailed, and as soon as his body was crooked, he fell to the ground, and boos on the stands of the arena.

The warrior directly filtered out the boos and ignored it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then he ordered the demon to shoot the giant with the least cost.

The five demon were scattered, and they were aimed from a distance with a musket. The giant was on the ground, covering his body with his arm, and a yellowish layer of light appeared on his body.

The demon robot does not shoot, waiting for the opportunity.

The warrior regretted it a long time ago. He knew that the first shot would not hit the weak point, aim directly at the head, and it is estimated that the attack can be successful?

However, this emotion was quickly suppressed by him, and he ordered the assailants to construct and attack.

Assaulter configuration is a magic configuration, using raw coal crystals, and at the core of the magic circle, there is a spare magic original stone. Raw coal crystals are still present on the wooden horse, so they will not be consumed quickly.

When the Assaulter was commanded to construct, he inspired a magic. He saw the short spear in his hand pointed forward, and a golden brilliance fell from the sky.

At the same time, the five demon were firing at the same time.

The giant yellow light of the giant was smashed by a hammer, and he hadn't waited for it to condense again. Five large bullets penetrated his brain from different angles.

The soldiers ordered the team to move forward, trying to approach the gate under the stands, but after walking a few steps, they found themselves still in the middle of the field, and they felt cold.

This situation is not impossible to get rid of, but it may deplete the energy built by the assailants.

"Mutant, attack that gate!" The soldier issued an order to the five-level configuration.

The mutant builds up and hears the command, first jumps on the back of the Trojan, then raises its magic gun. This mutant looks like a human and wears the same armor as the soldier. However, the moment it lifted the gun, it completed the aiming action and fired at the same time.


The door was suddenly shot by a magic projectile, a hole with a diameter of one foot.

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