Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1228: : Invasion (2)

The camp will soon hold a meeting. The camp has not been set up yet, and it is sitting on a white stone platform.

Metatron ’s battalion said: "In this parallel space, the universe is very large, and the power level will be higher. Now calculations, the star we are in may not be the only life in this parallel space. This star is more important than our Lord. The world is much smaller, but there are also 350 days a year upwards. "

The camp will not be in a hurry. The following people are still setting up the camp. He will explain the details he deduced to everyone the same.

This parallel space is a bit more powerful, at least the number of legends is not one or two, at least a dozen or so.

The number of epics under the legend may be described by the word grand. Normally, it should be more than one hundred, but the number of epics in this parallel space may be as high as tens of thousands.

The number of masters below cannot be described. It is possible that the people here are professionals after their birth.

However, everything is a castle in the sky, a tree without roots, and water without a source.

Otherwise, the number of legends cannot be more than a dozen.

Metatlin ’s battalion said: "The level and combat power of this world ca n’t be linked, but it can be linked to lifespan. Probably myself, I can deal with all the legends here. Of course, if the number reaches a certain level, it is also threatening. , I'm reminding everyone not to damage their strength on this. "

The captains of various brigades also belong to the rank of lieutenant generals and have rich commanding experience.

The Metatlin battalion will give the information. The following people will read the information carefully. The battalion will only say the outline. There is a more detailed analysis below. The captains of the various brigades also analyzed based on the intelligence, and then gave back to the battalion general, who would then formulate a combat plan.

The process looks cumbersome and takes several hours.

However, unless you encounter a battle when you are out, it will take a few hours to set up a camp, and nothing will be delayed. In addition to camping, some robots have to be activated, and a large number of chariots have been dragged in, but have not been activated yet. Not to mention that magical construction requires a worldwide adaptation phase.

There are also some advanced robots that will only enter the combat world for activation and debugging.

This time, there were a lot of high-level robots, and there were too many large robots. On the side of the Ice Great Wall, a hundred Cyclops came over.

Because after investigation, it can be used as a permanent camp. The Cyclops will activate when it comes and build a power station on the spot. The cyclops are not very capable of field operations. This is a large robot that must rely on a power station to fight. The ability to defend the camp is excellent.

There are also a lot of magicians in the fortresses of the coalition forces, so there will be some magicians to improve their hand training methods for the materials of various robots. Many high-level robots are not easy to handle, but low-level robots such as cyclops are easy for magicians to get their hands on.

These Cyclops, after more than a month of tossing, have some magic defense abilities, even if the force field defense is not turned on, they will not be easily destroyed by magic.

The cost of this increase is basically the cost of time.

This kind of thing only happens when magicians gather and there are no experimental items. Otherwise, the magician will not waste time on a low-level robot such as Cyclops.

Because there will not be much improvement in the end, there are more changes that waste energy.

However, over there, the magician ’s daily tasks are not many, and he always has to do something.

The camp of more than 7,000 people needs a large area. The core area is where the Void Magic Monument is placed, and then the people of Metaline built a wooden magic tower. This magic tower is nine-story high, and is made of magic plant materials cut from the extreme north. It is not as strong as the seven-level magic tower built in Rhode Island.

However, the ability to increase the attack is very impressive.

Mainly in the camp, there may be many daily magic activities. If there is such a magic tower, the mage will consume much better.

In the camp, the mage built the fort around the core area.

The fort has a semi-circular protective surface, unless attacking from behind, if it is frontal, directly in front and above, there is good protection. These forts are facing the outside of the camp, and all are technological guns with a range of fifty miles. The magic cannon will surround the magic tower in the center of the camp.

The magic tower will directly increase the magic artillery. The range may not be as good as the technical artillery, and the power is most.

Twenty-four science-technical artillery pieces correspond to the twenty-four independent fortresses protruding out of the camp. These fortresses are large outposts that can accommodate soldiers patrolling nearby.

Technological artillery is in response to these fortresses. If the fort is attacked, it will immediately strike.

The defense system of the main world has been relatively perfect. Although the camp is simple at the moment, there is nothing much.

Metatelin's plan was to find a natural castle nearby, renovate it, and install the small factory brought directly in the castle to produce combat robots.

The information is constantly updated, and soon the biggest one will come. The main ruler of this world is not human!

That matter is even simpler. There is a castle in front of the camp, which is also ruled by the power of human life.

This humanoid life is more than three meters high and has a strong body. What the investigating robot sees is that this humanoid life is dressed in exquisite iron armor and has no mounts. All are infantry. In the castle in front, there are probably only more than one hundred armored warriors.

This kind of human life may be produced by mixing with giants, and is characterized by three eyes.

In size, the upper body has a higher proportion and the legs appear shorter. It doesn't look too beautiful, but this type of question is usually very flexible and has too much power.

"We still have time to send someone to try it out, um ... just near the city, drop a Warcraft to see how the city reacts and how effective it is."

The army, with the World of Warcraft carried by the army, is a consumable, with a short lifespan and fair combat effectiveness.

Three hundred and thirty miles north of the camp, a medium-sized castle.

Outside the castle, there is a lot of farmland, it is autumn, the wheat waves in the farmland roll over, a harvest scene.

In the castle, the middle-aged lord was worried, deep in the dark hall, the face of the high priest flickered in the light of the flame, as if returning to the dark age, everyone surrounded the priest, feeling the trembling.

The old priest had only one eye on his forehead, and the other two eyes had shrunk.

"In the shadow of the green field, the demon of heaven and earth has come ..." The voice of the high priest fluctuated, but every word was stabbed in the heart of the lord.

"So, respected priest, what should we do?" The lord asked, gritting his teeth.

"I don't know." The voice of the high priest became more and more empty. He said to the lord: "Sacrifice a hundred children of different races, activate the family holy weapon, we will defend with all our strength."

"Can't you attack?"

"There are too many people in the other party."

"How much is it?"

"More than five thousand, there is the same legend as your father, and it is a caster." The high priest's words, without any speculative tone, was a positive answer.

"Moreover, the demon of heaven and earth has mastered the passage of the shadow of the green field. If we kill more, there will be more evils of heaven and heaven. This is a destined thing."

"What about asking the king for help?"

"You are an independent lord. The king may not be willing to support. Even if he is willing, the king has only three thousand troops, and he can't fight against these extraterrestrial demons."

"Are you asking for the League of Saints?"

The high priest sighed, and the lord was puzzled. The high priest said: "The old **** is dead. There are strangers from other worlds trying to steal the gods. Our world is over. If you are willing to take refuge in heavenly demons, you may be able to save one death.

"Succumb to the demon!"

"However, these extraterrestrial demons will slaughter our race, and those who do not trust will die, whether they are elderly or children."

"Why, why is this!"

"Because, we are weak." The high priest replied.

The lord of the city was speechless. This answer was the most deadly. Because it doesn't make sense, only power.

"Then ... let's sacrifice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Activate the holy weapon, and I will be with the holy city." The lord's face flashed a little perseverance. Over the years, he never thought that he would have such a brave day.

"Don't you want to listen to it, and surrender to the end of the demon from heaven?" The high priest reluctantly opened the only eye and asked the middle-aged lord.

"No, if I want to sacrifice, then I will sacrifice."

"You still have children."

"I don't want my children to be slaves."

"It's not a slave, it's just ... you can't live in a world of evils outside the heavens. If you take refuge in evils outside the heavens, in my prediction, your bloodline will live in a vast world and live with many races. There is no difference between each other, there is no difference between high and low, if you have merit, you can also rule as a noble, if not, you can also take your wealth and become a rich man. "

"You ... shouldn't let me ..."

"I hope you are brave enough, the expectations I had when you were young, but this is a war doomed to victory. The invaders are extremely powerful, they have something you ca n’t understand. They do n’t even care about you, they Just to plunder the world. "

"Even, don't care about me?"

"Of course I don't care, even His Majesty the King and the Throne of Iron are no longer in the eyes of the other party."

"I won't surrender, respected priest, prepare me the holy weapon." A bit of bitterness flashed in the lord's eyes.

As a vassal with independent political power under the Iron Throne, he still has the glory to stick to.

"As you wish, after the sacrifice is ready, I will unblock the holy items for you. You must be as soon as possible, the demon of the heavens, the time of the attack, this month."

"Tomorrow, the sacrifice will arrive." The lord stood up without looking back, and walked out of the dark hall.

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