Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1229: :steady

In the camp, war mobilization is taking place.

The battle plan has been downgraded to the level of the team leader. The team leaders of each team are explaining to their team members what will happen in the next month.

"You, this is a world where many races are mixed, but the ruler is a three-eyed giant with a height of more than three meters. If we are strong, if we are not professionals, the gap will be very large. There is no actual measurement yet. According to the statistics, we can only rely on the strength of the soldiers to fight one-on-one with our main legion and the other soldiers. "

Everyone whispered, the power of this parallel space is quite strong, and it can actually fight one-on-one with the elite of the main world?

In many places, the elite of the main world has gone, all in one place.

"However, the opponent's technology is backward, and there are no advanced long-range weapons, so ah, we don't fight the opponent, try to kill it at a long distance. They have never seen a cannon at all, and the caster rarely looks like a round. Within a thousand miles, there was no sign of the Magic Tower. "

"Captain, is there a human in this world?"

"It should be there. Human beings exist in any multi-ethnic world. However, we did not see human activities in the direction of the castle in front. Then the status of human beings in this world may be very low. There is nothing wrong with this. Possibly, maybe the humans in this world were born late, or the gods who guarded humans died early. In parallel space, without the protection of gods, this race is destined to be unlucky. Unlike our own world, humans can rely on themselves. "

"What about human beings in this world?"

"If the ruler of this world is human, we still have to fight down, and those who follow us will prosper and those who die will die without thinking."

"That is, here are parallel spaces, and they are all equivalent to alien monsters."

"Yes, just do it!"

Soldiers, fighting will be very high. In fact, if the main body of a parallel space is human, it is easy to receive surrender. Parallel space can be destroyed, and life here is not used. If you are willing to surrender, you will be sent to some less important worlds.

It is nice to say that it is to give them land and let them autonomy. Tribute regularly to the above, provide servants, and provide resources.

This free-range race has nothing to invest in, as long as it is a slightly broader low-level world.

The team leader who was in a meeting suddenly received the new information above, and still marked it with red letters. They read it carefully one by one, and then explained it carefully to the following.

"This is more important. The spirit of the three-eyed giant should be dead, but they still have the ability to worship. The priest who presided over the priest can still exchange power from the fallen **** seat. So, this is a In a bloodier world, no one should keep any fantasies. "

The soldiers below listened to the news, and all of them died. They didn't plan to have any captives or the like.

"If you accept surrender, you must first disarm all the priests. No priests are willing to kill.

This article was told by all the captains to all the soldiers face to face.

The construction time of the camp was not long. The medium-sized fortresses around the surroundings were quickly filled. The soldiers on patrol patrolled around the camp with robots. People, observe how the three-eyed giant in the city responds.

However, when the Warcraft had not been cleared, there was a wave of fighting in the camp.

Is at the leftmost position of the camp, only fifteen miles away. The patrol team hit an adventure team of three-eyed giants.

The patrol team found the opponent first, immediately called for support, and then entangled it.

The adventure team of the three-eyed giant is actually only twelve people, and four of them should be regarded as the logistics of the coolie to help the backpack. The remaining eight people are the combatants in the adventure group.

As a result, the support of the two teams around has not yet arrived, and the battle is over.

Is really unexpectedly fast, mainly because of this squad, which happens to have a battle mage as captain, with a level of up to fifteen. Even in a world full of legends, the fifteenth level is quite powerful.

Five-level magic is not equivalent to killing a forty-level legend. Do not believe you let the legend stand there without defense, try a fireball.

Why is the tenth level in the main world called elite, and the twentyth level is a master?

Because after reaching the tenth level, you can touch the essence of power. Although there is a distinction between high and low, you can touch the essence, which means that you may harm the higher-level characters.

This is the meaning of elite, you have been extraordinary, no longer an ordinary person.

In the adventure squad of the three-eyed giant, there is no caster, and the captain of the patrol squad, a burst fireball, exploded the captain. Long-range sneak attack, accelerated magic, the captain of the adventure team, died very thoroughly, died instantly.

Then, the robot drove, and the armor of the adventure squad couldn't defend the robot's musket.

The muskets of the Addison family, in Rhode Island's view, are ordinary, and even embezzled a little of Rhode Island's technology. Of course, they also gave some copyright fees.

But it was this kind of technology gun that Rhode Island could not see, and put on the opponent's magic armor.

The first wave of robots had only eleven attacks, and the second wave was all robots, using explosive projectiles.

Without the captain ’s command, the adventure team quickly collapsed. Eight were killed on the spot, and the remaining three people persisted for less than a minute, and were shot alive by the Addison family of robots.

The captain of this patrol team was also inexplicable. He detected that the opponent's captain had a higher rank than him. The adventure team even had the four bag-carrying personnel, and the rank was generally higher than that of his team members.

However, these people were shot alive by the robot!

The defense of magic armor is simply unbearable.

The captain's Master A, also has a simple database, check it, it should be that the rules of the world are incomplete. The law of parallel space is not complete, and it will not affect the use of technology muskets, which should have the power. On the side of the magic law, the defense is reduced.

The power of the main legion ’s robots, the technology gun, has generally improved a lot in the past year.

The captain of the adventure squad was attacked and killed by himself, and he failed to organize a counterattack. Those people scattered around and were chased and shot from behind. It was unreasonable not to die.

The magician squad revived and said, "Is the recording started?"

"There are flying robots in the sky, captain, our armor has no recording function, you only have it."

The magician squad quickly checked his own data. Fortunately, the whole process was recorded. You don't have to write a combat report by yourself, just take the data back and analyze it above.

This encounter may be a turning point. The invading main world legion will no longer be so cautious and will not produce any robots in this world. Instead, it will ask for low-level robots from the main world and invest a lot in this. world.

Because professionals in this world have low defense power against technology-side weapons.

First entered the camp, to deal with the powerful in this world.

The construction of the camp is mainly to ensure that the logistical support can be obtained from the side of the main world, and do not lose this channel.

However, the battle report came up, and the Metatlin battalion was still very cautious. He did not issue a mobilization order, but let the troops start to run in, debug the configuration, and get the camp first.

And other guarded large robots were in place, and all the follow-up logistics arrived, and the battle data in front of Warcraft was returned, and then the attack began.

This kind of cross-border war is not to delay the fighter.

The invasion of the main world, never fight evenly, if the enemy is strong, then call for reinforcements until you can crush your opponent.

It's just to consider the cost, this kind of rolling should be just right. For example, if the enemy has a legend, then we dispatched two instead of three or four. Legends of the same level, two playing one, the main world side, have not lost. The main reason is that the technology in the main world is more advanced and the equipment is better.

The same level, singles and singles are already dominant.

Like Metatelin, a large southern family, has accumulated countless wealth over the years, and the equipment of trusted mages is no worse than Rhode Island.

Equipped with this thing, many of them depend on mixed years, and slowly increase their level.

Although it is cool to do it at once, the cost is also very high, and the rich will not play that way. Like Metatelin, there is enough time to cultivate excellent equipment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Addison family has a deep background and well-equipped.

In this encounter, the captain of the magician killed the enemy in one blow, although it was the reason for the sneak attack, but where is the magnifying power of his magic wand, a master equipment that can be used at level 10.

And this piece of equipment, at the earliest, was just a first-class wooden stick, cut from a magic plant.

The Addison family, placed in an alchemy factory in the outside world, has been processed in the magic circle for more than fifty years. Although it is a batch product and is manufactured in the outside world, it is from level 10 to level 20. The magician in between, using this magic wand, can get a huge increase.

Many equipments on Rhode Island cost more than theirs, because they need to be quickly manufactured and upgraded quickly. What Rhode Island lacks is the accumulation of time.

Like the Addison family, there is no shortage of low-level magic equipment.

They have been doing this for thousands of years. Some of the first-level wooden sticks have grown to epic level equipment. Of course, it is not so easy to advance the legend, but time is still an important factor.

Even the Daomen sect struggle, most of the sects that have lost are also lost to time.

For example, Xiahe's teacher, Taiyin Xianfu, was defeated in Shenzhou World. ...

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