Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1231: : Voting decision

A large number of robots swarmed. In the hall, the old priest looked at the robots who had been killed from outside and sighed.

Are all mechanical creations without soul, which happens to be their nemesis.

If you are not seriously injured, you can only stay here, if you can't leave, you will definitely kill out and find the enemy's caster desperately. But now, sitting in a sleepy city.

The robot raised his technological musket and started shooting at the high priest.

No matter what power you have, after the attack power of this musket reaches a factor, you can consume the enemy.


Watching the buildings in the center of the castle collapse in the distance, the smoke was flying. On the flying battleship, the battalion that had just returned was also cold sweat.

The old guy took away hundreds of combat robots directly.

This explosion will hurt you even if you go, and if the curse is cast by the priest, the injury will get worse.

He sensed for a while, and determined that the priest must be dead, and then the warship sent him back to the camp.

"Sir, are you okay?" The magician on the battleship, which happened to be Metatlin, cared a little.

"It's okay, the law is not deeply affected, and it still maintains 80% of the combat power. Only then did I and the divine power confront each other. It takes about a few days of rest. There is no hurry to fight anyway.

Attacking the parallel space is not so safe. The legendary Master of Metatron has entered the castle directly to attack the lord of the three-eyed giant. At that time, the divine power had not completely dissipated.

But everyone has rich experience in intrusion and the protective measures have been done very well. There is really no big danger.

The battalion will withdraw, and the incoming troops cheer instead, because that means the biggest trouble has been solved. After the powerful warriors and priests have died, the role of the robot becomes more and more important.

Six large robots are still raging in the castle. The ordinary three-eyed giant has no enemy at all.

This is the idea of ​​the main world attacking small cities. After opening the defense circle, invest in large robots to create chaos inside. If the urban space is large enough, more combat robots will be dropped in the pod.

Several three-eyed giants, dressed in iron armor, tried to pounce on the distant robot warrior. However, a flaming demon with a height of more than eight meters fell from the sky. With a weapon in his hand, several three-eyed giants flew out.

This weapon is a brand new snake spear.

The front end of the snake spear is a twisted spear head more than one meter long, with sharp edges. This is an electric weapon. In addition to piercing, when the electric energy consumption is changed when sweeping, the front end will become heavier. Like a double-edged battle axe, you can use the swinging action to explode huge lethality.

The curved blade can form a shocking ion cutting effect.

The current abyss type, although not a pure melee robot, is attacked by electric energy excited by a double angle, and the attack distance is more than one hundred meters. The fireball spitting in the mouth, the attack distance is within 50 meters. The only way to attack remotely is to throw scale armor.

Abyssal scales, a pure throwing weapon. There is an electromagnetic slide on the flame demon's arm, which can accelerate the abyss scales. This gadget is more lethal, much more powerful than any large technology musket, and it can also be used for line-change attacks through the powerful computing power of robots.

All weapons are constantly improved during combat. It is one thing to design, but it is another thing to really be useful in combat.

The abyss type is gradually improved in battle.

Melee means relying on snake spear, tail, wings, fists and feet.

The flame monster flew several three-eyed giants at once. At a further distance, a three-eyed giant held a war spear and threw it at the flame monster.

The flame demon's tail flicked, rolled the spear and threw it back, and the three-eyed giant rolled on the ground, evading deftly. But behind him, a demon spider sprayed a cobweb and enveloped him inside.

The battle took place all night, but most of the time, it was in the corners and underground to clean up the survivors.

This castle is slightly higher in location and there is a small river nearby, which is actually good.

The magicians began to explore and decided whether to build a base here. However, after exploration, it was found that the geological structure under the castle is not very good, if reinforcement is not impossible, but here is a parallel space, not even a different world, and it is not worth a large-scale investment.

Therefore, Metatlin ’s general decided to strengthen the original camp. If the castle is built, the robots can be built slowly without special treatment.

The geology is loose, and there is a dark river below, which is actually not conducive to defense and it is not good to build a magic tower.

Looking back, Metatelin ’s battalion will calculate the gains and losses, and determine the right strategy to wait for the opportunity. Put pressure on the other party to let the other party take the initiative to attack, defend against the moment when the loophole appears, and then immediately put a large number of large robots into the interior to destroy.

Lost more than 80% of the direct attack.

If it is a direct attack, the opponent's castle with divine protection will cost thousands of robots, and possibly the loss of the magician to fight down.

And after the fight, the battalion might be injured. In the parallel space, it may not be possible to fight for several months.

Pack up the battlefield, find the altar, search for the soul, and translate the text.

The technology of the main world is like a precision scalpel, decomposing the secrets of this world.

"The world where the gods are dying is interesting. The human gods and the alien gods are at war, although in the end they all die together, but the humans in this space are finally defeated. The gods are dying, but the priests can still use divine power. , The demise of God is like a battery without a switch. "

"Sir, can we speed up now?"

"Yes, speed up, the priest of this castle is a legend, but the injuries are too heavy, only destroying more than one hundred of our robots. If it is a powerful legend, we will have a few more people."

Other people are also smiling. For the legend of this world, they do n’t care about it, and the number is very small.

The results obtained by this soul search prove the previous inference that there are a total of twelve legends, most of them injured, and they have never been able to cultivate themselves. There are only four legends, which were later promoted, and the body is still very good.

The words of the four legends, even if they are gathered together, there is no threat.

After the arrival of the last batch of materials, the camp has been completed, with high walls, air defense systems, expansion of the area, and protection of the passage.

The main world ...

A total of twelve parallel spaces, scattered and very open, but the coalition forces are sufficient, and the invasion mode is turned on, all of which have already stood firm.

Information was continuously sent to the fortress, and the heads of the legions were relieved.

Some of these parallel spaces do not even have legends. It is not that the space cannot be accommodated. Most of them are accidents. Legends are dead. For the intruder, it is a piece of fat.

But these spaces all have a common feature, that is, the gods perish and the divine power system is disordered.

This is also the reason why the God of Magic has not dealt with these spaces. The God of Magic in the main world is just an avatar. He dare not touch the world with disordered divine power systems.

All wealth is divided equally among the six companies. Twelve parallel spaces allow the consumption of the six-pointed star fortress to return to its original cost.

Not only pays back, but also makes a lot of money.

Parallel space for mining and collecting metals can create a large number of robots. The magician in the main world is not interested in the robot because of the cost. But if materials can be obtained from parallel spaces, then the cost factor need not be considered.

Parallel space is something that magicians don't like to use.

Moreover, the energy in the parallel space is also a big income.

Rhode Island has the technology of refining raw coal into gemstones. Raw coal gemstones can be comparable to magical rough stones. Then there is charcoal crystallization, which is better than raw coal.

Crazy plundering parallel space, everyone has no psychological pressure.

In May, the side of the parallel space has already begun to transport resources back and forth. On the other side of the Ice Great Wall, the indigenous people in the extreme north still did not organize the coalition forces, and the daily harassment continued, but the loss of a small number of robots was not a problem for the coalition forces.

But there is also bad news, that the Yinyan City, the Empire lost a lot.

The **** of magic is madly invested in the army, it seems that he is doing a big sacrifice.

Joey invited the head of the army together and said, "The **** of magic, it doesn't seem to make big moves here. He wants to destroy the empire. Yinyan City, in the middle of the empire, is not a good thing. . "

"However, it is impossible for our strength to put troops into the middle of the empire."

The heads of the four southern noblemen were also worried. Inside the empire, there are also divisions of power. They are calling for storms in the south, but they cannot put their troops in the middle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The big nobles in the middle are also unwilling.

"Those idiots, will you not fight the minions of the **** of magic?"

Joey said: "This matter, we really can't participate, we can only think of a way in the north."

"Can there be any way." Bill said: "We can't go into the extreme north, we can't even penetrate the forest. Can we go to the Devil Arena to find opportunities?"

"Yes, I want to invest in manpower and go to the demon arena, hoping to put some pressure on the middle of the empire."

"Princess, how do you say?"

Bill said again: "Princess ... there is no good way. By the hard way of the Royal Legion, it was eventually lost, and the people below will not have any good views on her."

He said something rather euphemistic, in fact, it was the central nobility, hoping that the royal family would pay more.

They originally had their own supportive royal family. If they could weaken Princess Angelina, it would be a qualified sale for them.

Joey said: "They never believed how much damage the **** of magic can do to them. The previous encounters of the two marquises did not attract their attention. But I feel bad, so I want to be in the devil arena Over there, it is possible to put in the effort, and it may be worth the loss. Let's vote for it. "...

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