Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1232: : In charge

"No need." Bill took the initiative to say, "I will support, despite your order."

Joy was slightly embarrassed and said, "Bill, our five families will also have differences on this matter, not to vote against you. If the vote fails, our Metatron family will also be willing to do it alone. This matter. "

Bill said: "This matter, Rhode Island is willing to do it, it is also very simple, I can do it."

"Well, how about you?"

The heads of the four legionaries bowed their heads in contemplation. After a while, they nodded one by one. Although everyone is selfish and not so loyal to the royal family, it is about the safety of the main world. This veteran nobleman still insisted on it.

Yes, to explore in this way, the loss may not be small, but someone has to do it.

Joey said: "I think it can attract the attention of the **** of magic. We don't need to invest too many people, but we can't be weak. We hope that everyone can invest in the legend. There are legendary outfits, legendary robots. "

"Master Joey, we have no problem with this investment."

"Yes, sir, please give orders."

"Since that is the case, then everyone should contact their families and give the list a glance. I also have to contact the family and I can't make the decision."

Joey distributed the prepared list to everyone. Bill read it and thought it was acceptable.

But he still didn't make the decision without permission, so he passed the list to Little Sun City and let him speak. Soon, Life Construction agreed to the request here.

Each family specializes in sending warships to deliver the necessary supplies.

Life configuration After preparing the materials and looking at the map, Rhode Island is above the ice field, and the strength is not too much. Mainly there are two legions over the hexagram fortress, and then there is the Mithril Legion in the northeast corner of the underground world. There is an underground army in the underground city just north, and the number is even smaller.

Then, in the southern part of the underground world, a legion was stationed on the side of the magical ore vein.

This legion does not fight and cannot withdraw. When necessary, it must be desperate with others. The huge magic stone ore veins, actually in the underground world, the three goddesses have organized forces to steal at the other end.

But it is not clear to others, it is difficult to send troops to fight if it is clear.

Inside, the duke's interests are great.

The ice field is so big, the underground world is so big, but the force configuration is very small. If the underground world is invaded, the strength of the Duke's leader can be mobilized ...

Thinking about it, the life construct suddenly felt that the strength of the duke was too weak over the underground world.

The Mithril Legion, there are still two battalions on the other side of the extreme north. They are playing parallel spaces, and they cannot be transferred back. Then Lynn took two battalions and built the Black Ice City. The local strength of Mithril City becomes even more deficient.

The Mithril City is also a logistics base, providing supplies to the fortress in the extreme north.

Thinking of this, Life Construction contacted Li Anna.

"A secondary legion? I can't afford it!" Li Anna looked like a loss.

Life Construction laughed and said: "Anyway, you have to keep it. The Mithril Legion and two other battalions are being kept by me. Now you are doing logistics, sitting on the ground to collect money, and crying poorly? Lynn's side, the future income is also Very big. "

"That's the future, now I can't turn around, what should I do?"

"Don't make trouble, there is a coal mine under the ice field, it is too deep, and it is not easy to mine. In this way, I transfer you a group of engineering robots. You find a nearby coal mine to excavate, and the operation cost is not large. I provide you with a power station. , And then dig out the coal, you deal with it on the spot, causing the raw coal to crystallize, what about your military expenditure? "

"It's better to mine parallel space ..."

"Then mine the parallel space, anyway, I will give you the engineering robots, and I will give you the primary processing factory. You must have one more sub-legion on your side. Now there is someone else's power near Mithril City, right Right? "

"There are five battalions over there."

"Take your students back as soon as possible. The Mithril City is underpowered, and Lynn has taken two more battalions. Probably looking back, your Mithril Legion, want to expand."

"If you don't fight, it's a waste."

"In this way, your Mithril Corps, a reload battalion, a flying battalion, seven standard battalions, and two technology battalions. Finally add an underground battalion to a total of twelve battalions, seven of which are permanently stationed In Mithril City, the remaining five battalions, I will use them to perform tasks outside. Seven battalions stationed in Mithril City, I am responsible for the expenditure of two battalions, in fact you have twelve battalions, But there are only five of them, usually? "

"how long?"

"a hundred years."

"That's okay, for seven or eighty years, I started to make money, don't care about this." Li Anna immediately smiled. Seven more battalions, the consumption is still the same as before, of course she is willing.

"What about the secondary legion?"

"I'm in charge of daily turnover, but I can't afford to consume it. A legion of 150,000 people and a robot might be close to two million. This is really impossible."

Life Construction knows that Li Anna is really right, just said: "You come out of the daily management money, I will consume part of it. But really fight, if you want to protect the Mithril City ..."

"War consumption, I will solve it on the spot. What about the factory?"

"Construction robots, factories, I will allocate materials to you, you just go to find mine."

Life configuration arranged a secondary legion in Mithril City, and then contacted the dungeon to increase the establishment of a battalion there. Now there is only one battalion in the underground city.

The land of the extreme north, the six-pointed star fortress, the problem of the distribution of troops, now many troops are going to the Ice Great Wall.

Behind the Ice Great Wall, there are a large number of ice fortress groups. The soldiers live in the underground part. There are a lot of wood to build. The temperature is suitable. It is not as uncomfortable as before. Now the Ice Great Wall has become a real line of defense. During this period of time, it has been thickened and heightened. Even without magic treatment, such thick ice is also a real military chemical matter.

Metatling, provides each family with a piece of space equipment that can carry life.

This kind of space equipment is also available in Rhode Island, but the number is scarce. The equipment itself uses the small world's membrane. However, such equipment in Rhode Island is in the hands of Xiahe and has a large space.

This time, the six pieces provided by Metaline, can accommodate a large group of 500 troops.

The equipment itself is very expensive, and there are a lot of space equipment, but it can't be bought if it can accommodate life, even if it only accommodates one person. This kind of thing that can accommodate 500, basically will not appear in the trading market, this stuff is strategic equipment.

Although the standard of five hundred people still has a more detailed division, such as the number of legends can not be more than, etc., but Metatlin took out six pieces at a time, not even afraid of losing in the devil arena, enough to explain Mei Tatlin's power. This is not something that can be done with money.

Every piece of similar equipment consumes a small world's membrane.

Bill looked at the young man in front of him. This person was not his legion, but a first-order sword repairer transferred from Xiacheng.

Medi Li's student, Li Anna's little brother.

Bill admired him, a promising person, to do this adventurous task.

"Phoenix, is your last name, or your first name?" Bill asked politely.

"It's my name. The Duke gave me Xia's surname."

Bill frowned, which shows that this little guy is very valued!

"Sir, we are in the duke's leadership, and we receive the most resources and receive the most care. There are good things and priorities. So many privileges mean the obligation to do dangerous tasks that others cannot. "Phoenix smiled."

Bill still looked at the young Phoenix with questioning eyes.

Phoenix said: "In my heart, my teacher is the head of the Duke and a student of the Duke. The tasks she will perform will be more dangerous than the ones I met today. The Duke's leader can have today because of us. , And you, Master Bill. "

Bill nodded and said, "That's good. Have you read the information about entering the Demon Arena this time?"

"I've seen it, I might not be able to come back."

"In addition to the equipment provided by Metaline, the duke's collar is also given to you. Do you have any personal needs?"

"There is no demand, sir, what else do you ask me to pay special attention to?"

"I will give you an elemental avatar. If necessary, you can sacrifice it. Don't worry, I can recreate one in two or three years. But the elemental avatar exceeds level 75. Metatron's equipment cannot be carried."

Phoenix patted a cyan gourd hanging around him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "This is okay, originally I was planning to carry a outfit."

"Phoenix, they went to save the empire, and you went to explore the truth. So don't make unnecessary sacrifices and come back alive."

"I will come back, definitely." Phoenix paid a salute.

Bill greeted an elemental avatar and watched Phoenix get into his little gourd, which made him familiar with the team assigned to him.

This team, not Bill's men, was transferred directly from Little Sun City.

Does not belong to any main legion, but a heavy equipment brigade next to Life Construction.

Reloading brigade is usually the core of a battalion, whether it is equipment or combat power, it is one of the best. Where the camp will be, the leader must be a legend.

Life is built around him, and actually does not need any protection. He does not need to be on the battlefield. This reloaded brigade is a facade, and there is an honor guard. However, the soldier level and combat effectiveness are all solid.

The key is that these people can fight and execute, but other abilities are common.

Standard professional soldiers were born to fight. If you let them retire, they might not manage a hotel. ...

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