Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1237: :rest

"What if there is no need to seal the magic box?" Berger asked with a smile.

"Then it can be stored for a hundred or two hundred years? The base fluid is used for preparation. If it is made into various finished products, the storage time will be longer.

"Will that cause pollution?"

"That's not, there is still recycling value, so you won't lose money if you buy it back."

"Does synthetic formula sell?" Berger asked not for the basic liquid formula, but for specific practical technical formulas.

"Weapons can be sold."

Berg nodded, but it was the city construction side, the other side did not sell, this is normal. But Metatlin also does not need to modify anything in urban construction. The other party has this technology before using this material. Metateling's urban construction is just as good, and it has its own cost allocation.

Since it is the purchase of base fluid, it is used to make weapons.

Rhode Island Ken sells weapon formulas, which saves Metateling a lot of time.

In the room below the stands, two squadrons searched one by one, and every room had corpses. Without any meticulous thinking, the information is submitted again.

"People here, their souls have been taken away. At least most of them have been taken away."

Berg frowned and asked, "How are the mages?"

Someone replied below: "The state is basically restored, mainly because the Void Magic Monument has been erected. Within the arena, including the periphery of the stands, there is no problem."

"Speed ​​up, I want to get this arena before dawn. You guys are also shot."

The remaining five legends nodded, and Phoenix simply took his command squadron and committed suicide to the stands. The Mithril Swordsman is a legendary version of this huge magic sword, just an empty shell. Inside the empty shell, there was the sword gas prepared by Medieri for him.

Enough for his profligate sword energy.

For Jianxiu, the stored sword energy is like a magician's scroll. Medierli had many swords under his command. He usually practiced this training program, which was to store the purest sword gas he made.

This process will give birth to a lot of unsatisfactory sword qi.

Not that it is not powerful, but it is not pure enough. These sword spirits were collected by Medil Lido and they were personally changed. This time to Phoenix, it was the sword spirit that Medierli had practiced.

But the upper limit, the highest is equivalent to Phoenix's own sword spirit.

The Mithril Swordsman is more than eight meters tall and the giant sword is more than seven meters long. The amount of sword energy stored inside the sword body is equivalent to a good sword bag.

Phoenix didn't shoot directly the whole time. After he went to the stands, he looked on and saw who was in danger. From afar, he urged Jian Qi to cut through and used himself as a magician.

What he mobilized was just a sword qi equivalent to Fifth Grade Jianxiu. The sword qi showed a faint golden color with only fingers. But from beginning to end, Phoenix urged this sword gas battle, it also consumed only about one fortieth.

The sword was sharp and unmatched. When it fell on the monster, the monster was cut directly, and the wound was smooth as a mirror.

The rest of the legendary mages, like him, watched the battle carefully and rarely shot. The suppression of the laws of a world has the deepest influence on the legendary mage. Although their fighting power has declined, not much.

All magicians, as well as the magical constructs that can participate in the construction, are busy.

This arena is much larger than normal. There are compartments next to the seats in the civilian area, with tables. There are also many rooms under the huge grandstand.

Construction robots dig in the cleaned area and re-plan the design. At the bottom, hundreds of meters deep underground, the magic network should be extended to create the defensive circle below.

It's bad to be penetrated from below. Fortunately, people in the main world are very skilled at doing this.

All the upper and lower water pipes that enter and exit are sealed. The constructed petrochemical technique does not throw money out like money. Layers of mud are permanently petrified. The whole underground is to be built with a thick shell. Further up, under the stands, a thick layer of rock accumulated. The room was transformed, partly as a barracks and partly as a warehouse for battleships.

The legendary mage has not yet been released for the warships brought this time, but can it always be stored in the space equipment, it is not a small consumption of the spirit of the mage, it is a pressure.

The entire arena originally had twelve doors and four expansions, and the rest remained unchanged.

The arena itself is like a huge ring castle with a height of hundreds of meters. Because the stands are increasing level by level, this structure is not a new one.

Metatron's transformation plan is to drill down caves hundreds of meters deep into the earth from above the grandstand. Then pour artificial stone in the hole.

If the artificial stone is cast, the quality will usually be slightly inferior. However, if the construction speed is fast, it will be fast.

In this way, a stone pillar with a diameter of several meters was laid down in the stands surrounding the arena. Then the robot continues to make holes underneath, so that there is also artificial stone connection between the pillars.

The entire layout of the huge magic net is also a huge project.

It seems that the Metatelin family brought such materials and originally planned to build a small fortress by themselves.

Although most souls were taken away, some surviving souls were found. In addition, those monsters themselves have IQs, although they are chaotic creatures.

The magicians pieced together and got more and more information.

This city should be completely over, because the city shrine has been destroyed. The second place to be destroyed is the Devil Arena with space channels.

The Temple of Magic God has been occupied by invaders.

This city, with a population of more than five million, is one of the largest cities in the world. There is no city of this size on the main world side.

Perhaps for some tech worlds, cities with five million people are not a big deal. But on the other side of the world, the city has never built such a large size, nor will it build any skyscrapers, and stuff people inside.

This world is not a technological world, but a world ruled by the **** of magic. The tallest building in the city is the temple, and then the magic tower. Civilians live in small houses on two or three floors. If there are more than 5 million people in such a city, the area will be particularly large.

The world of magical gods was invaded, no wonder the magical gods on the other side of the main world did not have the support of the body.

The trouble is not small, but my own group of people are trapped here. On the other side of the main world, I don't know what happened here. The entry of six people in a world is purely accidental. If other people in the main world come from the passage, they need clear coordinates.

This requires them to take the initiative to communicate, precise calculations, a year's time, it is said less.

A year of independent combat, alas ...

Berger sighed in his heart that fighting alone was not an easy task, not to mention that everyone's strength was limited.

Fortunately, around the magic tower, if you go farther, the combat power will be seriously damaged as when you first entered the world.

Such a huge arena can build a small town on the side of the main world.

Hold here first, let's talk about it, the space channel can't be lost.

At the edge of the arena stands, a large number of robots go up to defend, as well as combat equipment. Because the arena is the second place to be washed by blood, but there are not many monsters.

The monsters who completed the mission have gone elsewhere.

All that remains are monsters like Soul Eaters searching for remnant souls.

"Adult, you can communicate in the deep space!" The magician with Metatlin came to report excitedly.

Berger is also energized because he can communicate with deep space and let the magic tower release some powerful magic. This world is invaded by chaos, and if you deal with monsters, the order magic effect will be very ideal.

Such as elemental judgment, the light of order, etc.

It is quite troublesome for these magicians to be used by human mages, but it is rather simple magic if they are stimulated by magic arrays and backed by deep-space forces.

The stone pillars he cast by the mage are called pillars of order, and it is not easy for chaotic creatures to destroy.

The edge of the stands, and beyond, is actually the arena, with shops and even large hotels with accommodation. This arena should be the largest one within a thousand miles. Maybe someone from outside will come to watch it.

The arena is relatively closed and easy to clean up, but outside the arena, if you go out to fight, it is unlikely that you will not notice.

Berg thought, while checking the progress of the magic tower.

"Sir, the warehouse of the battleship is built."

"Sir, the war garage is built ..."

The following messages were passed up, and Berg said: "Everyone arranges battleships and chariots, and arranges artillery positions around the magic tower, adjusting the angle, only within ten miles of the surrounding.

Someone will naturally do things below, and Berger himself goes to the warehouses of warships and chariots, and puts out the space equipment with the same supplies.

Something as big as a battleship consumes a lot of mental energy at once.

When everyone is done, even Phoenix feels a little tired. But he didn't take the spirit liquid, just returned to his Mithril Swordsman's outfit to adjust his breath.

"Let the soldiers rest for an hour ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After an hour, clear the outside of the arena." Berg said.

The following soldiers heard the news, and there was nothing unexpected. This kind of thing happens frequently, and the training programs are fixed.

However, when you go out to fight, everyone has alchemy medicine, which can make people fall asleep quickly. When they are awakened, they can drink cold water. This potion is a valuable item on the soldiers. An hour is enough for them to recover most of their energy.

"Sir, the Vice Magic Tower is also built."

"Well, everyone will go to the vice magic tower to rest, Phoenix, you ..."

"It's the same for me, I will have a little spell-casting skills." Phoenix said. ...

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