Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1238: : War

The position of the stands in the arena is like the six corners of the six-pointed star. With the nine-story magic tower in the center of the arena as the coordinates, Metalink built six six-story magic towers buried deep inside the stands.

The six-story magic tower is not as versatile as the nine-story magic tower, but the construction of this magic tower is so close that the function is to communicate with the nine-story magic tower and fight with the power of the nine-story magic tower.

In this way, there will be a magic tower around the entire arena, about a thousand kilometers apart.

These six magic towers use the power of the nine-layer magic tower to protect the surroundings through the magic circle.

So Metatlin didn't care about the grade of artificial stone. After the six magic towers were built around, they could naturally strengthen the entire arena.

Every moment, we will draw deep space power to transform.

Phoenix, came to the magic tower assigned to Rhode Island.

He went directly to the top floor. The magic tower was simple, but the space was okay. He felt spacious in the Mithril outfit.

Activate the magic circle, there is only one room on the top floor, there are no windows around, but after the magic circle is activated, it seems that the walls have become transparent. This is the power over the nine-story magic tower, which actually activates the mirror image. It is indeed very intuitive to see everything outside, but on this mirror image, you can also pass the sound of the picture to each other. In different magic towers, six people can meet at any time to discuss.

Phoenix looked up and saw a space channel appearing on the top of the magic tower.

Is well designed, and there is a radian. As for the direction of the radian, he can adjust it completely. There is a choice whether to jump out of the arena or out of the arena.

Phoenix learned to manipulate the screen and began to see various details around it.

There is also a command channel, which can give orders.

"Everyone, I'm Berger, now I am in charge of the command, is it okay?"

"No problem." Seeing the Berg projection projected ahead, Phoenix said.

Berge ordered the robot to throw away all the materials such as the disassembled seat table. The magician also dumped the soil from the excavation caves outside the arena, using these materials to build a slightly higher defensive platform around the arena.

The peripheral wall is more than 100 meters high, and there is no need. In addition to these waste soils, Berger also let people go outside to demolish the house and transport all the materials back. Around the arena, a blank area not less than 500 meters wide must be cleared.

The following people immediately went to the execution, Phoenix froze for a moment, that is to fight.

Do you cast a spell in the magic tower? Or, he pulls out the magic long sword, releases the sword gas here, and can be sent out of the magic tower for an increased attack. Although Jian Qi is not magic, but this magic tower, any attack will be increased. As long as you are the master of the magic tower.

Happens to be too much sword energy stored in this magical sword.

Teacher has a foresight, it is estimated that he will be in this world, fighting for a long time.

Phoenix has its own sword pocket and stores the essence of the sword spirit he cultivated by himself. The sword energy in this magical sword was given to him by the teacher, and it did not help him to practice. Without this magical sword, it would soon dissipate. Even in this special sword box, these sword qi can be stored for three to five hundred years.

Impossible to be present all the time, insufficient level. If it weren't for Medier Li's hands to condense, even in the sword box, some sword qi would dissipate after three or five years.

"How are you feeling?"

The next level of the magic tower, three legendary mage replied: "I feel much better, already in the state of the main world."

"Adult." A legendary mage said: "It's wasteful to do this, but it can immediately build a strong defense line, which is much better than we expected."

"We also have this technology, but we have never encountered this situation."

"It just feels a pity that so much magical rough stone is consumed in order to build a line of defense."

"Survival, it is worth it." Phoenix said: "Okay, you are now responsible for the following tasks, open the command channel. I will take a break."

"Yes, adult." The original captain immediately took charge and communicated with the officers below.

In the magic tower, there are mainly robots and structures, as well as a place for soldiers to rest. In addition, there is a warehouse below, close to the warehouse of the battleship.

Phenix looked out of the arena. When the robot went out, the battle broke out.

Outside the arena, it is still just a monster like a soul eater, searching for souls that have not been swallowed. Occasionally, this monster eats corpses.

But the wall outside the arena is not so high, and the battle broke out, attracting monsters from other places nearby.

The coalition forces were fighting steadily, with heavy armored robots in the front and small robots in the back using technological guns to clean up the streets.

Small flying robots began to fly far away to detect farther away.

In the Magic Tower, Phoenix finally saw a long humanoid army.

Dark skin, no closed armor, wearing a military uniform like a dress. These black people, with their hair cut short and swords on their bodies, can't see the fighting power or the fighting style.

The size of the army is only a small team of dozens of people, but there are more than 500 monsters around the team.

Those monsters, ricketing their bodies, are also more than three meters high, and their actions are uniform. The monster has scale armor and a thick tail trailing behind it, like a kangaroo with a shell.

The claws are half a foot long, like a sharp short knife.

Phoenix calculated that the picture he watched in the other direction was more than two thousand meters away. If the magic tower increased, the sword gas reached that position, and it was also very easy to control.

Jianxiu was originally not a stand-up fight, and moved faster than the magician.

But if it is like a first-order sword repair, the sword gas attack distance is also more than one kilometer. At two kilometers, the power drops, but not much.

With the magic tower, the power will be improved.

This squadron is a hybrid. There are two squadrons in Rhode Island, one of which is the caster squad, that is, the command squad. The captain is a combat mage, and the remaining four are magic net mage.

However, the level of the magician in the reloading brigade is relatively high. This team leader has 20 levels, and the rest of the magic net masters are also 15th level.

The team also carried a heavy armor magic configuration, which is a team level equipment.

Heavy equipment series configuration, can be used as a magic net node, is a general equipment inside the duke collar.

One heavy-armed warrior and two heavy-armed warrior outfits both provide support to the Magnet Master, and its casting ability is not bad.

The other one is the standard squad, but it also carries a heavy warrior outfit.

Two teams, carrying 120 demon and 50 full-attribute robots. Two cyclops, a flaming robot, ten gargoyle spiders, and ten early scorpion robot warriors.

Spellcaster squads, riding armored Trojans, standard squads, all sitting on the demon spider, following the infantry chariot.

Infantry fighting vehicles also brought follower robots, which were also early models, following chariots and large weapons.

In addition to the followers, there are also mutants. The inside of the tank should be five. It controls the tank. There are two more outside the tank, holding a magic gun.

In this squadron, other squads also carried about twice as many weapons as usual.

Sixty people, with thousands of robots.

Heavy armor robot is provided by Metatron, it is a metal lump, moving shield. The weapon is a double sword. With the great strength of the robot, this double sword made of special metal is also enough to kill.

Phenix saw that a monster more than four meters tall wanted to crush over from the heavy armor robot.

As a result, the two heavy armor robots moved forward awkwardly and stabbed the double swords. The monster scale armor over four meters high was directly pierced. The heavy armor robot shook his wrist and expanded the wound.

The next heavy armor warrior jumped, hitting the monster's chest fiercely with his fist, flying the monster out.

"Come back!" The squadron leader said angrily: "Let the robot solve it. I will not punish you this time. I will punish you next time."

The warrior from the Oldington family did not dare to refute. Only then did he seize the opportunity and hit with a punch, the monster was already disabled by him.

"The chance of fighting is that there are probably millions of monsters in this city, and the regular army is not counted. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of elites. Everyone, save their physical strength and try not to get injured."

Another large monster rushed over, this time, a large robot, wielding a warhammer rushed up, hitting the monster with a hammer. This large robot is also a product of the Oldington family ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ powerful, the Warhammer itself uses gravity technology.

A hammer down, can break the devil.

Single fight, this kind of robot is easy to solve by the magician, but on the battlefield, their killing effect is comparable to that of the magician.

The robots of the Oldington family carried the warhammer and slowly walked back. The heavy armor warrior in front gave way. At this time, on the street, a dark shadow followed with lightning, breaking through the defense line of the heavy armored robot and rushed towards the back of the large robot.

The black shadow looked closely, it was a black human, about two meters tall, bent over, as if it was a magic leopard.

He has a very short dagger in his hand, also painted in a dark color. When he was running forward, his body leaned at an angle, but instead of exerting force, he seemed to be carried by the wind and floated toward the squadron.

Phoenix smiled, and his personal bravery was really not worth mentioning in front of the army.

Thinking like this, the black man suddenly flashed more than a hundred figures behind him, all exactly like him, holding a dagger and sticking to the ground like the wind.



The magic tower of the Addison family came with an ethereal voice. ...

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