Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1244: : Wasted power

The squadron leader of the Addison family has a higher rank and has thirty-three ranks. Anyway, they come here are specially selected people with high ranks. Everyone is not here to fool around. Toss in other worlds.

I just did n’t expect that the world was huge, much higher than expected.

The squadron leader of the Addison family, the wooden staff in his hand went to the ground, and a skill on the staff was released.

Ice Kingdom!

Frost spreads under my feet, facing in all directions. Under his control, this spell bypassed his men and robots, constructed, and went straight to the enemy.

The humanoid monster formed by the rain nearby was frozen on the ground in a blink of an eye.

The bang sounded, and these frozen monsters were shot head by bullet.

It ’s just the humanoid monster made up of rainwater, not so dense. The country of ice freezes more than two hundred at a time, and the rest are too far away to be affected.

There is already a heavy armored robot warrior thrown up. This is a temptation. The robots are all joint operations. The soldiers above will command the robots to perform very well.

A single heavy armored fighter, followed by ten, forming a formation, and slowly follow up. There are ten Centaur Robot Warriors on each wing.

The rainwater has no effect on them, the movements are uniform, and it seems to have a peculiar beauty.

The bullet hit the humanoid monster made of rainwater and penetrated. The humanoid monster, still unyielding, approached the human soldier.

Those technological bullets of robots passed through the body of the water man, and the speed was obviously reduced a lot.

The squadron leader knew that these monsters could theoretically be shot with a technology musket, but the technology rifle was too slow to fire once a second.

If there is a weapon station, it will be easy, hundreds of shots can be shot in a minute.

A large robot eight meters away, taking a few steps forward and waiting for the front battle, raised a huge technological gun and fired at the distant water man.

Invisible sound waves bombarded past, just look at that piece, dozens of watermen collapsed on the spot, only a little white mist remained in place, and was suddenly washed away by the rain.

The squadron leader was overjoyed and said, "It is a sonic weapon, similar magic, and it will also work for them!"

The following Masters are very happy. The Master is most afraid of encountering something that he does not understand. If he understands it, it will be much easier to handle. Of course, they are not helpless. At least in this squadron, everyone carries at least one flame bottle. If they are used up, the humanoid monsters made up of these rains will definitely burn cleanly.

But use the flame bottle to attack other targets, the effect will be better.

The flame bottle is cheaper, that is, compared to the scroll. Rhode Island later sold the flame bottle, which can be used by any professional, and can still be used by reducing it by at least five levels. The normal version can breathe three magical flames a day, about once every eight hours, to restore the ability to use.

Service life, in one hundred times. But most of them can reach 110 times.

And this thing, if you use a longer interval, you don't need to use repair magic liquid to repair it. In this way, the cost is much lower than the reel. Anyway, Rhode Island said this when selling this thing. If it is used every eight hours, this thing will be used until it is broken, and there is no need to repair it.

It's terrible that this stuff can't be copied by others.

Very magical magic item, the demigods of the Nine Academy are all curious to buy a little research because of this characteristic, and in the end they didn't research anything. Similar things are not impossible to create. The problem is that even if the deities calculate it, it is much more expensive than the scroll.

Therefore, the flame bottle is the main product of Rhode Island.

However, everyone suspects that this thing will not have any effect on the magicians of Rhode Island.

But in the elite army, the core troops are equipped by everyone. This amount is quite huge, and Xiahe also earned a lot of resources by relying on this stuff.

Inside, there is a bit of Taoism, and magic is not a system. So the demigod mage can't understand the mystery.

And the people of Xiahe all have something similar to the Taomen refuge from the fire curse, and indeed restrain the flame bottle.

Otherwise, how could he sell on a large scale. This thing, it ’s okay for one person to use it. A group of people breathe fire at you, and the legend ca n’t stand it.

It seems that the armies that were trapped in the demon arena are basically equipped with flame bottles.

Leaning on the flame bottle, many people reached the end.

This means that when you are fighting alone, you can use it to end hundreds of battles, as long as the enemy's level does not need you to go out five levels up.

This stuff, the price of direct purchase, how can it be cheap, cheap is said to be compared with a hundred copies of the same level of reels.

The Addison family is rich, and the soldiers below are not so extravagant.

The soldier ’s equipment is not for you. Some things are used up, and you need to write a combat report. These powerful weapons are also related to merit. If you use it, the merit will be reduced accordingly.

So from top to bottom, these water figures appeared without thinking about solving them with flame bottles.

Because I was afraid that there were too many things, the flame bottle could not be solved. In the end, there was no loot and no merit, and the flame bottle was still used.

Sonic weapons are easy to use, and the squadron leader is overjoyed. In his team, there are five large robots, all of which carry such sonic weapons. Weapons on robots consume electrical energy. Electricity is considered to be the cheapest kind of energy in the military, and now electric lights are used for lighting.

There are only wealthy families, and there are magic lights in the house.

Magic lamp is exquisite and convenient, no battery or anything is needed. If you have money at home, if you don't care, you still don't want to use electricity.

The military doesn't pay attention to this, it's easy to use.

Five large robots immediately raised the sonic gun and bombarded the distant water man. The magicians are also releasing their own sonic magic, and the water figures fall one by one. Soon, the magician will be out of range.

"Captain, we have to retreat!" The mage below shouted loudly.

In the distance, there are more water people condensing, not resurrecting, but new water people are born in heavy rain.

"Look again." The squadron leader stared at the heavy armor fighter who was close to the water man. Heavy armor robot warrior, holding an electromagnetic knife, chopped down towards the water man.

The water man was slowly approaching forward, the electromagnetic knife fell, and the water man raised his arm to block it.

The electromagnetic knife of the heavy armor robot silently cut off the waterman's arm, but the speed was obviously reduced, and then he cut on the waterman's head, cut the head in half, and stopped.

The other arm of the water man, condensed into a blue cone-like weapon, pierced toward the robot's chest. The robot used a small shield to block it and made a loud noise.

The broken arm fell to the ground and melted into the standing water.

The squadron leader looked at the water man, where his arm was broken, and he did not grow a new hand, and he was relieved.

This thing is either killing or not afraid of pain.

He communicated with the flying robot and glanced around. More water figures appeared, but the movement speed was not fast, and no real encircling circle was formed.

"Go north, just stand out."

A squadron of fifty combatants, including himself, but there are nearly two thousand robots. This is also an army of medium size.

Soldiers immediately organized a breakthrough to the north, and there were actually no watermen in the north, but there would be rushing from both sides.

Heavy armored robots, since they can kill marines, fight each other as soldiers fight each other, there is nothing to worry about. The squadron leader allowed the two wings to be protected by heavy armor robots, and the centaur roamed. After the cyclops broke off.

Directly ahead, responsible for opening the road, is a large robot made by the Addison family.

A squadron carried five of them, more than eight meters tall, with a metallic luster and a heavy figure, walking forward in the rain calmly.

Fortress of Demon Arena.

The huge water man, looking at the tall wall to be raced, was originally unable to go up, but now, outside the wall, there are two steps. The huge water man hesitated for a while and ran forward.

"Not reaching the legend."

As soon as it ran, the breath of his body exposed the upper limit of power. The people inside the fortress were relieved, and they were all more afraid that this thing could be copied indefinitely.

Now that this is just epic, hundreds of copies can't be destroyed.

"He came in my direction." Phoenix said helplessly: "It's still my hands, you don't have to argue."

"We do not dispute."

"Do you still use sword gas this time?"

The rest of the legendary mages, including Berger, are waiting with some curiosity. Legendary Masters have seen them more, but they are really the first time they have seen such powerful legendary swordsmen as Phoenix.

It seemed that Berger had seen Medirelli from afar, but Medirli did not fight at the time, but was talking to people.

There is no direct shock ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's not like watching Phoenix fight.

Phoenix smiled and said: "As I said before, sonic weapons are easy to use, why waste precious sword spirit."

Said that the legendary mage in the lower magic tower launched an attack.

In the downpour, the rain suddenly shrank inward in the air, condensing a blue dragon.

Breath of the dragon, dark blue chant!

The blue dragon, with an extremely cold air coming out of his mouth, froze the running water man. Immediately, everyone heard the sound of Long Yin, the frozen water man, shattered by this sound.

From the state of ice, it turns into mist directly.

"Sorry, his control ability is not good, too much magic tower bonus, some wasted effort." Phoenix is ​​sorry, apologize to everyone, this performance is not very exciting.

He kills the enemy with a sword, he will never waste so much power.

The range of Dark Blue Aria is too large, ten water giants can kill. Even without the attack bonus of the magic tower, the magic released by this legendary mage is unreasonable.

But everyone smiles, not all legendary mages, like them, can control freely.

Mages like this are available in every family and they are also very precious. ...

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