Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1245: : Artillery open

The legendary mage of Rhode Island has only one mistake, that is, the use of excess magic.

However, the magic he chose was completely correct. The dark blue aria, a freeze, and a dragon sound wave attack. Solve the enemy very neatly, just a moment.

Deep Blue Aria is not a pure sonic attack, it is a waste, but the dragon roar after freezing the enemy is almost uninterrupted. It is excellent dragon magic and was successfully deciphered by humans.

If the opposite is an army, classical, dense, this one can kill thousands of people.

Thousands of people may be guards of the flanks of a large army. After killing all of them, they can burst from the flanks and smash the main force at once.

The legendary wizard of Rhode Island was also a little embarrassed. He said to Phoenix: "Adult, I didn't control it too much. The increase in the magic tower is a bit too large. I worry about the instability of the magic, so I output a lot."

"During this time, you are responsible for the safety of this direction, and at the same time require you, the strength of the cast, must not exceed the 50% limit, can you do it?"

"On average."

"Then average, one day." Phoenix didn't demand too much. After all, he arranged the real coach of this army to be a temporary commander. He will not care about this kind of thing in the future, he knows that he is going to the world of Taiyin Xianfu. The real battlefield may also be the starry sky.

Things on the ground are nothing more than exercise for him.

The squadron of the Addison family highlighted the attack range of the water man. However, in a larger area, there were more water people condensed during the rainstorm.

And at first, the water man was just a vague figure, naked.

The water man who appeared later, had the form of armor condensed on his body, like a layer of blue solid ice. After the army of the Addison family had been entangled with the water man for an hour, the water man who appeared again had a metallic color on his armor.

After the water giant was defeated, there was no second one.

It may be the legendary mage of Rhode Island, who used too much power magic, the other party feels that it can't afford to build a more powerful water giant, simply forget it?

Berger said: "The accumulated water is high?"

Royce's Pixar said: "The drainage system was artificially damaged, it should be caused by those monsters."

Berger said: "Send a robot and go to the sewer to see what happened."

From the side of the arena, the sewer simply leads directly to the magic tower. Some water can be handled, and some troubles. Simply send it to the half plane.

In order to prevent the enemy from sneaking down from below, the entire underground of the arena was blocked.

And the periphery of the arena, within a range of more than 100 meters, the entire underground is solid, without any pipes.

There are more and more watermen outside, there are already tens of thousands, but no one has retired. The twelve squadrons outside, 600 people, about 20,000 robots, can still fight.

"I remember, we brought sonic bombs?" Phoenix wondered: "Why not?"

The following people will return: "Not much, nor anyone order."

Phoenix checked the logistical materials, and the sonic shells fired with the technical artillery brought a total of 100 boxes.

A box of twenty-four rounds, two thousand four hundred rounds, really not too much. This thing needs to be manufactured by the factory, and the magician can't get it, but Phoenix thinks that if it is normal, it can contact the main world in one year.

It does n’t matter if he used two hundred shots a month. He ordered that the artillery belonging to his position prepare two boxes to support the troops outside at any time.

Another hour, the number of sailors has increased to more than 50,000. This is still an outside force that has defeated tens of thousands of sailors.

The squadron of the Royce family was unknowingly cut by the water men and could not echo with other troops.

A huge encircling circle, this squadron was trapped in a large hotel.

The buildings in this world are biased towards the green forest continent, mostly of masonry structure. The building itself is elevated, even the houses of the people on the ground floor are not small.

The world controlled by the **** of magic is relatively wealthy.

But the roof of the house still has huge beams made of wood, and the structure of the vault is rarely used. How can such a structure be said, in fact, its anti-destructive ability is not worse than that of the vault, but it is a residential house after all.

The people of the Royce family placed small robots on the beams of the second floor, and the soldiers retreated to the dining room on the first floor.

There is a guest room on the second floor, also equipped with robots, imitating the enemy to break through from above. The courtyard wall of this hotel is not high, only three meters. For professionals, it is not a hindrance.

First-class professionals can easily climb up by simply borrowing their strength, and can jump over when they roll over.

However, outside the hotel, the surrounding rooms are equipped with robots, and there are many standing on the courtyard wall. The surrounding watermen slowly moved closer to the hotel, and a cannonball whizzed out of the fortress in the distance, falling among dozens of watermen and exploding.

Although it is not a sonic weapon, but a shock wave, it still shattered a dozen nearby watermen.

But the waterman who was a little further away was just blown out and flew out, only to land, slowly crawling up one by one, looking a bit painful, but gathered together and headed towards the hotel.

"Science and technology weapons, this is not good, regardless of friends and foes." Pixar of the Royce family was upset.

"Cannon, magic cannon can't distinguish between enemy and us."

"But the magician can cover it with a magic and let himself go."

"High-end mages can do it, we can do it, but low-level mages, still a magic, are dead."

"I try." Phoenix said, according to the coordinates, let two artillery of his position try to attack.

Two sonic shells flew slightly slowly in the air, and flew towards the heights to the highest point. Instead, the speed was faster, and they swooped down towards the ground and fell among hundreds of watermen.

During the heavy rain, I saw a piece of white, and all the raindrops were shattered, covering everything.

Hundreds of watermen were spared by the sound waves of these two shells.

But these hundreds of water people are also close to the robots of the Royce family. The peripheral robots are all crooked and lose their sense of balance.

After about three seconds, those mechanical talents returned to normal.

The white mist in the distance was quickly washed away by the rain. On the ground, no corpses could be seen. All the water people, together with their armor, changed into water again and melted into the accumulated water on the ground.

Phoenix shook his head. The crowd of watermen was dense. If the watermen were not gathered in one place, the sonic shells would not be much different from ordinary shells.

Works well, but it ’s even harder to make.

"If the water is crowded, I will order my men to use this weapon to support it. Now use ordinary shells, which can kill a dozen or so at a time." Phoenix said.

Pixar nodded, if the watermen were not dense, then his robot force would not be able to resist.

With this weapon, there is no need to dispatch a legendary mage.

Out of legend, epic, looks better, but the equipment against the law is also lossy. Fighting is not a win, it depends on cost-effectiveness.

Why don't you build so many artillery guns? It's not because this thing is cheap, and it is superior to low-level enemies.

The hotel is not too big, the robots ca n’t go in at all, and Pixar does n’t want their troops to take risks. If they ca n’t rush out, being trapped is a trivial matter. In the end, if there are a large number of watermen, they will die.

Inside the fortress, in addition to the fortresses responsible for the safety of the entire fortress, six magic towers, as well as forts controlled by their families. Pixar ordered his fort to use technology guns to give the trapped troops a way out.

Other technical guns do n’t have as many patterns as Rhode Island, but they are divided according to the power of the shells.

The technology of the main world is still good, all the ammunition of science and technology is a shellless structure. The cost is not more expensive than the shell structure, and the main world also chooses weapons according to cost.

The artillery roared, and soon a gap was formed in the enclosure.

Royce family, of course, will not care about cost, fifty people is the most expensive cost.

Like the enemy's black armor fighters, the monster's combat power plummeted after it died. The same is true for yourself. After the human soldier is damaged, the combat effectiveness of the robot will also be reduced.

The troops braved the rain and rushed out of the hotel. The second floor was responsible for defending the robot above it.

Both wings continued to be attacked and harassed by watermen, and heavy armored robots were dragged down and fell down. Centaur robots rush left and right to maintain the situation. Some heavy armor robots, with the help of the Centaur ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, re-killed back into the queue.

The battle is simple and cruel, even if both sides are lifeless.

Heavy armor robots, use a small shield to strike, tomahawk or electromagnetic knife to cut the water man. Fortunately, the Water Man shed his life and threw it up, violently stabbing with the blue weapon in their hands.

Long guns and short knives, no matter what, hit the robot, and the robot will frost and act slowly.

However, the heavy armor robot has not been directly breached.

Berger is satisfied. The low-cost warrior developed by Metaline has many weaknesses, but the effect is also not small.

Because these heavy armor robots protect the wings, the elite of the Royce family has not lost even the robots.

Now the losses are nothing more than low-level heavy armor warriors.

Follow the team of large robots, use heavy weapons in their hands, and the attack frequency is not fast. Especially for the Cyclops model, only when the metal long stick swings out can it see explosive force.

The long stick draws a white fan in the rain and smashes it down. The water man can not only avoid it, but also cannot resist it.

The sound of cracked metal exploded, and the waterman's armor shattered, from head to toe. The body inside turned into a transparent liquid, and was suddenly washed away by the heavy rain. ...

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