Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1251: : Magic Shop Assistant

The battle mage smiled and said: "I suspect that you are a monster invading this world."

"I am a clerk!"

"You jump, guarantee that it will not die, we are cleaning up the surrounding." Combat Master said.

With a clatter, the window was smashed by a chair, and a girl in her early twenties jumped out of it, holding a wooden box, with feather drop attached to her body.

Has actually been cleared here, and she has not been attacked during her fall.

But when he saw the floor, a demon spider came up and sprayed a large net to catch her.

Several demon-robbing robots came up, and the female mage dared not resist, and could only let the robot take the box. She mumbled in her mouth, not speaking magic words.

The squadron leader looked up and down, but did not see the sign of the **** of magic on the female mage.

There are also untrusted mages, even in a world controlled by the **** of magic.

But how could he believe each other in one sentence, the squadron commander from the Rhode Island Legion, the young 30th-level mage smiled and said: "Send it to the fortress, let the leader of the legion decide how to deal with her. Send things separately, use Seal the magic box. "

Sealing the magic box not only can save the items, so that the items will not expire, but also isolates the inside and outside. It is a kind of banned item with relatively cheap price.

The female mage, as well as other magic items, were also taken down by the robot.

The combat mage finally made a check, and the female mage was quite wise, letting him search all his equipment. Then the female mage was placed on the demon spider, **** like this, and sent back to the fortress along the way.

The battle ahead must be continued. There are many black soldiers in this tower.

The robot simply opened a hole below to carry out the blasting, and the coalition forces withdrew. With the huge explosion and the fire blasting into the sky, the tower shook a few times and collapsed towards the north.

Metatlyn's squadron leader also knew that the loss would not be small if he continued to fight like this.

Along the way, hundreds of robots have been damaged, and the magician has released a lot of magic to deal with the roots emerging from the ground. The combat effectiveness of the team is actually weakened constantly.

Many people's Flasks have released two attacks.

Even if I hit that little temple, how much fighting power do you have left? Before the legendary mage attacked, it was not a small temple, but an ordinary altar, and the devil plant there was not so strong.

Out of the range of artillery attack, the roots of those demons planted in the building and merged with the building.

Fire Department magic killing roots, although the effect is okay, but the squadron leader himself knows that the power of magic is almost weakened to 20% level here.

There is more than two miles away from the target temple. The position where I came out is not straight forward.

How many enemies are there at these two miles?

However, there was no withdrawal order, artillery support, and warship support were available at any time. He could not make any claims and retreat back to the arena fortress.

Forget this hard bone, at least to provide a set of combat data to the fortress.

In the fortress, Berger said to everyone: "We entered this world. The original purpose was to see what secrets the magical **** has. Now all the people of the magical **** are killed. There are invaders in this world. From the Lord From the perspective of the world, we should not fight against them. However, these monsters will not discuss with us, so I let them attack, collect data, put pressure on opponents, and say nothing through the year. "

"Will we go to other worlds?" Phoenix asked.

"Perhaps. The humans in the main world, when they first obtained the dominant position, fought for many and many years in a different world. Now the empire's pattern was also struck down at that time. The most paid, became the nobleman. It ’s all sealed up in history, no one cares. Now, it ’s the same era as it used to be, it ’s this feeling. ”

Phoenix ponders that this universe is still in the early stages of development and is relatively young.

"Our battle will not leave this city. When the subsequent reinforcements arrive, we may also only guard this one stronghold, or only this one city, and observe those monsters instead of fighting them all. So nothing happened It ’s so troublesome and not terrible. "

It was the same reason that everyone thought about it. On the other side of the main world, the **** of magic was so big that everyone wanted to come over and see what was behind.

If more than one world of the magical **** is attacked, the body of the magical **** cannot be supported too much on the side of the main world, or even unable to communicate.

For gods, the basic plate is the most important.

"The only problem is that we have too few soldiers, only 3,000 people, and can only rely on the fortress to fight. What I worry about is that, if the devil is mad and attacks the fortress madly, our supplies will decrease rapidly.

Phoenix said at this time: "Rhode Island also carries additional supplies, I believe everyone has it. Although it can't fight for a year with high intensity, the enemy cannot have such a terrible impact."

Everyone did not hide, and they all declared to Berger that there was extra material storage.

Berg is still observing the battlefield throughout, he is looking at the following data. Two of the artillery pieces have been broken, but they are not serious. They can be repaired in place without removing the turret. The number of robots lost has exceeded 2,000, most of them are heavy armored robots, then centaurs.

This is completely lost and will always be removed from the battle sequence. There are many more robots, only minor damage, can continue to use after repairing.

"Sir, they are surrounded again!" The legendary mage below directly sent a message to Berger.

Berg looked at the battlefield map, and the withered roots renewed their vitality, and they drilled out of the ground to divide the three hundred coalition forces. The three-hundred coalition forces, with tens of thousands of robots around them, were not originally clustered together. However, the distance of the forward penetration has been four miles, and the Chinese army, two wings, have been pulled apart more.

Those roots, drilled from the cracks of the street, are like seaweed, swaying in the wind.

However, the roots are alive, and will be entangled when approaching.

"Communication is still in place, don't worry, artillery will support them at any time, Metatlyn, the warships all take off, hover over the fortress, ready to attack."

Berger calmly gave orders, and at this time, a large number of enemies popped out to the south of the fortress and scattered near the fortress. At the fortress, the robot does not need to command, and then raises a musket to test fire.

With the roar of the musket, a projectile hit the heart of a black man soldier accurately.

Large bullets were flew out by armor bullets.

Invalid rune of arrows?

The magician who observes has a headache. This thing may not be cheap. The problem is that the enemy is equipped, and your long-range attacks will destroy most of them. The projectile of the tech musket is close to the original bow and arrow in attribute.

Followed, and there were six squadrons that went out to fight, the communication was broken.

The six squadrons, besides technology communication, also have magic network communication. The last unit, only three miles away from the fortress, was cut off from the magic net!

Outside the range of the gravitational well, a large number of root hairs have formed into walls, dense and dense, as if the wind can't pass through.

The south's trial attack has successfully approached the gravitational well, but when crossing the defense line of the gravitational well, the intruding troops lost their balance one by one and were crushed by gravity.

Although was not injured, none of the ensuing ranged attacks escaped.

Hundreds of magic muskets spray magic projectiles at the same time. The magic tower's precise calculation makes all attacks not completed in one instant, but the magic projectiles are almost the key to reaching the target at the same time.

More than three hundred black soldiers, monsters, and watermen were taken away by this wave of magical muskets.

The attack was in the middle immediately, and the enemy withdrew from the gravity well. When crossing the gravitational well, all combat units are out of balance, and even adjustments are impossible to adapt. The gravity of the gravitational well is changing, anytime, anywhere. Only the nine-story magic tower knows the gravitational change data.

"Do you want to send someone to pick them up?" David asked worriedly.

This salvo, only the magic projectile, caused the damage, and the technology gun, did not kill an enemy.

He also thought of things like arrows and invalid runes.

Of course, at a distance of one kilometer, the lethality of the technology rifle is reduced. If it is placed at a position of one hundred meters, even if there is a rune body, it will cause some damage to the enemy.

Berger shook his head and sent the coordinates of the altar that had been attacked by the warship to the commander of his own family, the epic mage of the thirty-ninth level.

"Take this place ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can retreat. If you can't hit it within 12 hours, you can also retreat."


On the battlefield in the distance, with detailed commands, the Master of the Metatelin family seemed to be the command to attack.

"Sir, the captive brought it."

"Leave her in a small illusion, everyone has a meeting by the way." Berg said.

The bound female magician was directly tucked into a sleeping cabin, with a fantasy rune affixed to his head and introduced into the fantasy.

"I'm a clerk in the magic shop of Cui Ta Realm, my name is ..." The female magician woke up from a lethargy and said these words subconsciously, but the six legends around saw her wearing It was no longer the shop assistant's clothes, but a gorgeous magic dress.

This is a fantasy, she projected on her own heart.

Lear smiled and said: "Oh, the rank is not very good, but the status is quite high, look at the badge, it is the royal family."

"Maybe it's a princess."

"I just don't know, is it the princess of this country, maybe it's a spy?"

Everyone spoke, using magic words, and the female magician could understand it, so she looked down at her. ...

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