Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1252: : Also a princess

"This is an illusion!" The female magician stood up suddenly, the room was large, she rushed to the window, looked at the distance, the strange city, the buildings are lined, the trees were lush, interspersed between the buildings.

In a completely unfamiliar city, the other party ’s illusion is realistic enough, and the scene is large enough to exceed her imagination.

The level of female magician is actually not low. After entering the illusion, everything is exposed. She has twenty-two levels. There may be many in the main world, but outside the main world, the twenty-two level is already good, at this age.

"Who are you, what's wrong with this world, where do those monsters come from?"

As soon as Berger spoke, he asked three questions.

"I am a clerk in the realm of Cuita. This is true. I am not a person in this world. My world is occupied by the megalithic dynasty of this world. My father, who had turned to the megalithic dynasty very early, so, I My father can still be a king in his world, subject to the megalithic dynasty, and I am the princess of the small kingdom. "

"Princess, really ... what are you doing here?"

"What does it mean to be at home, come here for adventure, the identity of the clerk is true, the owner of this magic shop is actually my father's. As for the world, what's wrong? I don't know how to fuck."

The female magician said dejectedly: "Yes, my name is Ke Lia. Level ... I don't know how you divide it."

"Forty level is a legend, you just need to divide it evenly."

"Then I have more than twenty levels, and I am a great magician. This city ... is the largest city in the north of the empire. Suddenly a monster appeared. I hid in a small secret realm and was not killed by the monster."

"How long have you been hiding?"

"For more than half a month, the food on my body is gone, I can't stand it anymore, so I ran out. I happened to find someone passing by and I called for help."

"Do you know who we are? Just call for help?"

"It's always humans, I don't want to make fertilizers for those monsters." Ke Liya's temperament is a little carefree, not like a princess.

"It seems that there is no useful information?" The six people exchanged opinions.

"Don't don't! I have lived in this world for more than a year, and I know a lot of things, at least it's much better than a little bit of patching up your soul search!"

"Oh, Your Royal Highness, you are really ..."

"No one taught me manners!" Ke Liya said with a sad face: "If it weren't for my temperament, I came to sell things, and I was discovered by the spy. I can't run around with my identity."

"Well, do you know who we are?" Berger asked again.

"You must be an invading stranger. I have seen this too much. My father often fought for the Boulder Dynasty and went to some worlds. They are all very small. You seem to be from a huge world. . "

"Unexpectedly, you still have this knowledge."

Keliya said: "Six super legends, it seems that they are only forward troops. This lineup, the Boulder Dynasty can't get it out."

"Big Stone Dynasty, is there no demigod?" Berger asked.

"How is it possible that the **** of magic controls the world, and demigods are not allowed to be born. There are some powerful legends, but it is estimated that it is also limited by the **** of magic. Those who don't believe in him can't exceed ... probably you 60th grade. "

"How many empires are there in this world?"

"There are four such megalithic dynasties, but the megalithic dynasty is already the largest. There are hundreds of other small countries. Some countries are inexplicable. They are not as big as this city, but they call themselves kings. Whispered.

"Is there a map?"

"In that box, didn't you see it?"

"No, what's in the box?"

"What's the value of the magic shop? What else can I do? I have a bit of my personal belongings. The map is one of them. My father asked me to come over. It must be a spy job."

"Magic map?"

"Yes, the realm of Cui Pagoda is responsible for collecting magic maps, putting them together in one place, providing them to me, and letting me take them back to my father. There are most land maps of this world, and a little ocean and island. If you do n’t kill me, can you return the map to me after copying? This is my task. "

"The world is finished, why do you want a map?"

"Let my father kill him, anyway, he has a name."

"Ah, let your father, take refuge with me ... us. In this world, the **** of magic may not be able to take it back."

"Succumb to you? How do I agree, what do you say now?"

"What is your level of magic in your world?"

"Middle up, my world, there are probably more than a hundred legends, not all casters, there are not many epics, less than a thousand people, master level, that is, more than two thousand looks, the bottom There are more professionals, hundreds of thousands of them. "

“If it ’s just over a hundred legends, every family here can take it out. So, there is nothing to say about the comparison of strength. Let your father surrender to us just to save time. And we are to this world There is no desire to occupy, only some resources are needed. If your father wants to, let him send troops, we are responsible for dealing with the strong, he will deal with the following fish. "

"and then?"

"Your father will become the king of this world. We just collect resources. Sometimes we need to recruit some troops. But we have higher requirements for soldiers. Those recruited will also need to be retrained. The number will not be too much. . "

"I really want to promise you, but I still have two brothers, I don't count."

"How is your relationship with them?"

"Don't don't! Those two idiots, people are not bad, I don't want them to die, I am willing to agree to this matter, my father is also willing to agree. It is ... Alas, I can't go back! If I If you can go back, how can you risk it again? "

"Why not? Your father can open up the territory and become the king in this world. The quality of you is okay. If you trust us any one, it is not a problem to cultivate you into a legend. For you, you still Is there any dissatisfaction? "

"Fight for you, you can!"

"Of course it won't work. You have to accept our magical ideas and be willing to do the same thing as us. Paying is more than loyalty. If you qualify and make credit, of course you can get training. If you just take money If you come to study, your achievements will not be too high. "

Phoenix hadn't experienced this, he felt that Berger's persuasion was really straightforward, and there was nothing tricky about it.

But he never thought about how the six of them would impact the female magician.

"Then what should I do?" Ke Liya asked.

After a moment of contemplation, Berger suddenly said: "Okay, over the gravitational well, I made some adjustments and the communication was restored. I also sent the battleship in the past. Now, everyone can see the battlefield picture again. Coria, you follow Look, then decide how to do it well? "

Kelia rubbed her hands and asked, "What do you think?"

Berger thought about it and waved his hand. There was an extra table by the window and a few chairs. Everyone came to the window and sat down. The scenery outside changed and became the battle picture of the city. .

Ke Liya stared at the robot army.

Impressed her with the huge spider. At that time, she felt that the cobweb was unbreakable, and now she finds it is true. A flying monster swooped down, and after being caught by the net of the demon spider, it rolled on the ground, and the corrosive acid released from the body made the stone ground potholes, but the spider web was constant.

The robot next to him shot calmly and was not close.

Before the technology, the power was indeed weakened a lot, but it was a long-range attack, the closer the attack distance, the more power was restored. Especially this close-up shot is at a distance of about ten meters, and the shell of the monster can be blasted away with a single shot.

The robots on Rhode Island, the weapons are electromagnetic short spears, technology guns, plus a melee weapon, usually an ion knife or the like.

On the flanks, Rhode Island touched the enemies, but not many.

Because the team temporarily stopped advancing, they were clearing the roots of the magic tree. The Rhode Island team, the magician is responsible for cleaning up, but the robots are also involved in the operation.

The magician took out the dragonscale scrolls, facing the dense roots, and released the wildfire.

The flames were diffused, fluttering, and the wiping roots withered away. Demon and all-attribute robots, armed with electromagnetic short spears, travel between these withered roots and cut.

Behind the demon spider, dragging a large amount of cut material, busy collecting together.

The squadron leader put these collected materials into a tank at the scene. The tank's compartment is a small alchemy device.

Here, in the manufacture of a burning agent, and then put it in an inert bottle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This chariot is used to temporarily supplement ammunition on the battlefield. The burning agent can be used as the propellant of the technology gun. Of course, the alchemy potions that reconcile the qualities of the duke's lord are explosives.

But the squadron leader is now making magic potions, burning powder.

Can be used as a medium for many magic spells, and can also be used alone. Placed in an inert bottle, the simple magic lines on the inert bottle can be transformed into a magic incendiary bomb.

Inert bottles are much cheaper than flame bottles, but they are one-off items and less lethal.

But if you deal with Mo Zhi, this kind of magic incendiary bomb will not be much better. On the inert bottle, some magic can be added to increase the power in a targeted manner.

"What are they doing?" Ke Liya couldn't help asking.

"We don't have many materials. If we want to support the battle for a whole year, we have to collect it on the spot to supplement it. This root is from Mo Zhi, and has magical properties, especially good fire properties."

A voice, instead of Berger, answered that it was a magician from the lower magic tower.

"You have so many goblin muskets, aren't you afraid to affect your melee capabilities? The army can't rely too much on this stuff, no matter how powerful the goblin muskets are, it is not humans who rule the world."

"You are really kind ..." ...

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