Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1253: : The age of technology (1)

Keliya said: "I'm either kind or just weird."

"What's so strange, everything comes down to cost. The musket is one of the best weapons in the low-level war, and it's easy to manufacture, easy to train, and easy to replenish ammunition. Professionals below level 5 face the technological musket, It ’s also hand-to-hand, and can only rely on equipment to resist hard, close to the gunman. "

"It's getting close, isn't it done?"

"What are you afraid of? The robot's melee ability is just as good, and there are no weaknesses."

"Those are robots!"

"The world of technology, have you ever heard of it?"

"I have heard of it, but I have never seen it. The robot is so flexible, it is no different from a real person!"

"The difference is quite big, but on the battlefield, it is the best output unit. When they use muskets, they have high accuracy and aim at a speed comparable to that of human marksmen. It ’s just that the marksman is based on experience Pointing at the enemy, the skill lock is activated only when it is necessary. For the robot, the pure crush is to calculate the trajectory, various details, and then directly launch the attack. "

"Thank you, tell me so much." Keria stood up and saluted Burger.

"No need to thank, just to let you understand that the power in our hands is beyond your father's resistance."

Ke Liya carefully looked at the battle scene, every detail, I want to keep in mind. Suddenly, she turned her head and said to Phoenix: "This is you, the most elite troops?"

"Not to mention, but it is the main force."

"Then it is not easy to save this world."

Phoenix smiled and said: "Who said to save? Saving this world is for you and your father. We are only responsible for clearing up the biggest trouble."

Kelia was speechless for a while, Phoenix sneered in her heart, this is to see that he is the youngest, want to cliché?

"Then ... If my father wanted to surrender, who would he trust?"

"One of our six families, it doesn't matter who we choose, it's just a distribution of benefits, and the other five are just sitting and collecting money." Berger said lightly.

In the picture, a robot holding a hook sickle dragged a black soldier hidden in the roots.

The soldier was dying, with only one breath left. The blade of the hook sickle pierced his chest and hung him on the ground. The robot dropped the black soldier on the ground behind him, and another robot was sent to another chariot, not knowing what to refine.

"Why is this?" Ke Liya looked, not unbearable, that is, the strong will not be cruel without reason.

"This city, if it can be destroyed, it must be destroyed, because if it is not destroyed, these people, buildings, tables, chairs and everything will come alive and become monsters."


"A kind of ... monsters, which are widely distributed in the universe, there is no threat in most worlds, because the rules restrict, but in the world where the rules do not restrict them, these monsters are terrible."

Allied forces are now destroying the surrounding houses, aiming directly at the temple close to the fortress, because everyone is worried that the temple will also be demonized.

The temple is more than just a religious building.

The true deity usually lowers his will and points out where to build the temple. This position must be the easiest to absorb the essence of the world.

Daomen has a deep grasp of this.

Those temples have been soaked in divine power for a long time, absorbing the essence of the world, which is a very special thing in itself.

If demonized, it will be a very powerful demon.

More than a hundred temples, even if they ca n’t be destroyed, they ca n’t be kept nearby. It now appears that there are a large number of altars outside the temple, which are also difficult to deal with.

Call ...

A flame bottle, spraying flames at the roots of magic trees on the street. In the middle of the street, it was entangled, and there was a person inside. It was a black man warrior.

The flame of the flame bottle sprayed on it, and the roots of the magic tree slowly carbonized, but it did not ignite.

Then, with a click, the brittle roots burst, and the black man warrior wrapped in it rolled down on the spot, supporting the ground with one hand, and the body made a slap, standing like a spring.

The surface of his body, the armor has disappeared, and his skin has turned into a metallic color, with fine patterns.

In his eyes, his pupils were raised, like a trace of blood.

"This is the demon." Berger said to Keria.

"Anything special?"


The sound of the gun sounded, a projectile of a technological musket, and a projectile of a magic musket, almost hit the demon's chest at the same time.

The demon seemed to have just woken up, and the reaction was a bit slow. He lowered his head and saw the wound on his chest.

Two projectiles were embedded in the bone.

"This skin, I want to raise a demon." David exclaimed.

The bones of the demon are hard and not fake, but the toughness and strength of the skin and the resulting buffer are the reasons why the two bullets failed to penetrate.

Everyone has also judged that it can be killed with a large magic musket.

If it is medium-sized, it can also be hit hard.

Technical guns, maybe some special projectiles, can break the demon's defense. I just don't know how much it costs to make a demon. If the cost of the enemy is very low, then the coalition forces will suffer a big loss.

The demon was attacked, his body fell on the ground, and he rushed towards the human soldier.

The speed of the demon brought a residual image behind him.

A milky white light hit the demon's back instantly, a battle mage, feet several meters off the ground, launched an element of discipline from top to bottom.

This is order magic, pure elemental strike, no escape, just hard hit.

The demon was hit by elemental punishment, his body stiffened, rolled forward, and hit a root.

"Are you dead?" Ke Liya can't see the picture anymore.

"Dead, level 10 magic hits the point." Berg said.

"What level is that demon?"

"Five-level up, eight-level down, can prevent magic projectiles by skin, has exceeded the ability of this level. You can see its nails can be shot outward, very sharp. But after death, the sharpness will be Nope. You can study the inborn magic pattern above and invent a weapon. "

A lot of Warcraft, the teeth and claws of the lifetime are amazingly sharp, but after death, the sharpness disappears.

In fact, the sharpness of the minions is caused by the vitality that urges those born magic lines. These natural magic patterns have a common feature. The more they evolve, the higher the efficiency.

A robot rushed in, chopped off the surrounding beards, and dragged the demon corpse out.

The magician at the back, prepared a large-sized sealed magic box directly, and put the whole body into it. In the case of sealing the magic box, although the demon is dead, the vitality is not lost as fast as possible. The magic pattern on the body can be kept as it was before death.

In most worlds, similar things will be disassembled after death, and claws or the like will be used as weapons. However, after death, the magic pattern will change, and the weapon is not as good as it was in life.

The main world is to keep these things as fresh as possible, or catch them alive, and directly study the magic pattern.

If it is valuable, it will be studied in depth, and finally get a good weapon structure drawing. The biochemical robots of Rhode Island used similar technology.

The core of the robot's calculation adjusts the energy output, and the intensity of the biochemical robot itself is adjusted by the frequency of the energy output. In a state of battle, the muscles of a biochemical robot can explode by nearly a hundredfold.

There are also magical configurations, such as the unicorn configuration, the sky blue moon series, and the three-legged fire crow series, all have similar things.

Biochemical robots are still technology on the technology side, and the construction is pure magic.

Now the projectiles of magic projectiles and technology guns have also begun to use this technology. During the launch process, there are about a few seconds. The projectile's weight, strength, and rotation mode are very unique.

Such a design can use relatively ordinary materials to create an assault weapon with peculiar attributes.

After the attack is completed, even if the enemy picks up the warhead, it is impossible to use it. The structure has been destroyed, and it is not clear how to program energy output. This is the technical barrier.

Phoenix does not know other people. Anyway, Rhode Island technology is already trying to use it. When his army returns, the main army should start using this weapon.

This is a controllable technology, and others ca n’t learn it, but you might as well use it.

Rhode Island is still suppressing the use of technological weapons, but this technology can increase the power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will not cause any impact on the underlying law level. It is a pure gadget that does not involve the problem of leaning to the technology side, because the magic side is also using this technology, the law is balanced.

The main world, storm angle ...

Xiahe's focus is the magic pattern technology that has been fully developed this year. The college has invested a lot of money. The magician uses a large computing core to process various data, which is faster than the previous calculation. I don't know how many times. As a result, the technology was introduced in batches, and he did not dare to update his weapons.

So just use the skeleton of the weapon system to let soldiers get used to the combat mode.

A student of College has just designed a technology-side energy stove. The core is similar to a magic furnace, which can burn raw coal crystals, or charcoal crystals and magic raw stones.

The energy furnace is a three-dimensional tic-tac-toe structure, the appearance is a regular hexahedron, and the part filled is a battery.

Then at each node, there is another capacitor that can store powerful electrical energy.

This is a rough description, in fact, this thing is more complicated. In the world of technology, there is much more powerful than this, but the cost is also very different. The power of this energy stove is that the material is very common, and it will only become very strong when it is in operation.

Once it stops running, it will crash. ...

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