Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1260: : Priority equipment rights

The energy matrix also has levels. For example, the energy matrix of a biochemical robot has a higher level and can provide better defense. Of course, large robots also have shield weapons. That is not for the robots themselves, but in some cases, when a human soldier needs to be protected, a huge technological shield can protect many people.

Even so, shields are still not a good choice.

Is the chariot.

Technical tanks, with similar technology, the car will become a safer place, in case of a sneak attack, it will not break the defense at once.

The energy matrix of the tank may not be high, but it can be made slightly larger as long as space permits.

Such continued guarding time will be longer.

Even with this technology, the battery problem was not solved, and it was not used on the tank.

Demon three-piece suit is a weapon for low-level robots. However, technically, it has far exceeded the concept of level.

Under the great magician, being attacked by a demon in the distance may be shot dead.

The big magician feels it. When the distance is far, he has time to release the shield. Without breaking the defense, the big magician will not stand there stupidly waiting for you to continue.

Unless it was on the battlefield, the guns were fired at once, and there was no place for the big magician to hide. Besides, if eighty demon shots together, aiming at a target, the big magician will also be shot into a sieve.

Of course, the eight special projectiles consume a bit of energy, and the demon has to mobilize the nodes of the energy matrix to achieve the ideal power, otherwise it is not too different from the bullets in the magazine.

Can have these, is the result of a large number of masters, Taoists, and continuous research day and night. In theory, Xiahe knows much more. What kind of technological weapon that annihilates the stars can actually reach the main world, and if your warship can't fire, it will be crushed into mud by the law.

The current weapons are fully adapted to the laws of the universe, and even if they are not bound by the laws, they will become more terrifying.

Theoretically, the standard squadron is to be able to kill legendary power, but now the standard squadron is that the warriors are not too powerful, and the configuration has not reached level 60. The biochemical robots have not yet come out of the factory, and they are also a basic level. In the siege, at all costs, it is not impossible to kill the legend, but it is not worth it.

Xiahe is not a poor soldier, but the people of this world, through the training of his main army, have improved their soul source a lot. Reincarnated to the world of Taiyin Xianfu, they are all the essence.

Even if there is no war, these investments are worth it. The construction of the Daomen, unlike other development routes, cultivates people.

And through the manufacture of these weapons, it also trained a lot of people. The magician of the alchemy factory also wants to eat, not to work where the food comes from.

Xiahe now lacks circulation, not lack of materials. There is a lot of wealth in the New World. He has no one to develop it. It's not a matter of relying on the Legion to develop there.

The battle of Yinyan City, the stalemate in the extreme north, the war of the half-elf empire spread, and never extinguished, but the new continent raged by the Devil, has always been quiet, has become the most stable rear of Xiahe. Every day, just collecting resources and training troops, there is no risk at all.

Training is to enter a parallel space, collect resources, and has no competitors.

The only worrisome thing might be the six brigades that entered the world of Demon Arena.

Phoenix, but Medieri's young disciple, has good qualifications and is not far from Lynn. If such talents are damaged, everyone will feel distressed.

But there is no way to communicate in the world over there. It really takes a year to calculate the coordinates and locate.

There is a feeling in the heart of life construction, and he communicates with Roger.

"Give you priority to equip the latest weapons of a battalion, training, Demon God Arena, if the coordinates are fixed, you are responsible for responding at the first time."

Roger was inexplicably over there. He was in Mithril City. Although he knew of dress-ups, Rhode Island had many dress-ups before. He is a sword repairer, not a magician, and he doesn't pay much attention. What's the big deal with dressing up?

Also give priority to a battalion?

But Rogge was a person who was very unmovable. After getting the order, he immediately entered the magic net.

His level, you can read most of the secrets, this is surprised.

Energy matrix? Biochemical robot transformation!

Starting level 20 is really different from before. And this robot clearly writes that with the energy node, the explosive force is too strong.

Isn't that a hard work, can't compare to a machine that comes out in the factory?

But his thoughts soon turned around, the machine has no soul, just a tool. If you compare it with the robot, you will fall into the magic.

However, Roger used the permissions himself and tested the new robot.

He chose to play the test, the result was a face-to-face, almost overturned by an Astra Apostle. The colorful metal powder, wrapped in a slap-sized apostle scepter, instantly reached his chest.

Roger disappeared with a sword light, spent a lot of unknown real money, released the fastest sword escape, and then a little at night, fearing that he would be passed by.

Looks like him, even if the heart is broken, it will not die, but the weapon, strange, makes him feel a sense of fear in his heart. Jian Xiu's courage can all be afraid, so it can be seen that the gadget can kill him.

The sword light dissipated, the figure reappeared, and the Astra apostle's hands were looped, and the blue electric light flashed.

Roger directly released the twelve sword qi in a sword pocket before he attacked, crisscrossing in front of him. Then for the second time in his life, he watched his sword spirit, destroyed by a dark golden light.

The last time I tested with him, it was his teacher Li Anna.

The distant robot has been languishing, and instantly released the energy in all the nodes. Although the battery has not been radiated, it can be used for a long time, but such release will damage the body is the most troublesome.

If this apostle is in the real world, he must return to the factory for overhaul.

Even take out the matrix and computing core, rebuild a body.

Roger relied on the sword escape, fled in an instant, and won the confrontation. However, he knew that the swords he had arranged, ordinary legendary magic, could not be shaken at all. As a result, a 35-level robot was broken in a flash.

Yes, the apostle's scepter, the powerful place is that it acts on the underlying laws, and the attack power is really real.

Veteran legends, or those with a level of more than fifty, can also escape under this blow. Just run away, anyway, the robot is now obsolete. However, the low level, or the new legends, who have less experience, may be killed by this positive.

Moreover, this is not the true standard of the robot.

He immediately watched the battle diary of the robot, and this Asra apostle instantly judged that no matter how he chose the tactics, he could not win, and he broke out once. He will be killed.

Is too ruthless, the human deceased may not have such a decision.

But the robot can do it and calculate the maximum possible chance of winning.

If you encounter this thing for the first time, if there are five at the same time ...

Roger was cold in his heart. He didn't care about the five thirty-fifth magicians, but the five thirty-five asra apostles did make him nowhere to escape.

The speed of the attack is too fast.

Died with five 35th-level magicians. He refused to die with the robot. That was sick.

However, now that you know this method, your own speed is your advantage. If you do n’t give the opponent a chance to lock, you can just break each one. Even if such a robot rises to level 50, it can win by itself.

The problem is that you can win, but those magicians cannot.

One-to-one, magicians of the same level, will be killed by this robot. Was the gadget made by the patriarch too much?

He remembered the way of new weapons and equipment, a standard squadron, there are five Asla apostles.

Fifty people, ten people shared this thing. This is still the standard squadron, and the reload squadron is afraid of more.

This thing is wrong, the standard squadron is for level 30, and now there is no product of level 35, which is simulated by myself in the illusion. But level 30 is also scary. When it breaks out, I am afraid there is not much difference. Ordinary legends, besieged by an ordinary squadron, certainly don't mind, the other side does not have a legend.

Then these five things are output at the same time, and the legend of the idea can't live for a second.

Roger rejoices, give priority to equipping his troops! He happily went to check other weapons, and they were all very impressed. Then he saw the three sets of demon, and he said who designed this weapon. Even if the mentality has been adjusted before, seeing the fifth-level robot has such a strong attack power, so Roger still has some awkward feelings.

Electromagnetic short spear, abyss musket ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gravity glove.

Gravity gloves have little effect on people of his level, but targets below level 20 are deeply affected during the battle.

If the level is less than five, the demon can only solve you with this glove.

Gravity pressure, and then punch a head.

Needless to say, the electromagnetic short spear, the update of the old weapon, the energy matrix of the demon is the cheapest, and the level is also the lowest. However, even if no energy node is set, the output is much higher than the previous demon. If you use the energy node to explode power, this spear will continue, and magic equipment below level 20 can't bear it at all.

As for the abyss musket, this thing is awesome.

Even if it is a bullet in the magazine, the power is not small. The charge was completely abandoned, the electromagnetic acceleration technology was adopted, and the battery was used. The battery built into the abyss musket is also an energy matrix, but only a miniature set. When firing special bullets, it is still necessary to use the matrix nodes of the demon.

Abyssal musket, the valuable is the controller, the demon is held in the hand, and the trajectory can be adjusted.

For robots, designing an arc shooting is a simple matter. It may not be easy to hit a moving target, but to hit a fixed target, it is a hundred hits. Besides, for the demon, there is nothing to be afraid of. ...

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