Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1261: : All progress

Rogge's only thought now is that such a force is invincible.

Of course this invincibility is an adjective, but there is no such strong army in the whole world.

Standard squad, eighty with demon, what is this concept. There are sixty-four special bullets in the eighty demon abyss muskets. These 64 special bullets can kill magicians below level 20.

If this thing is known, it must be extremely vigilant to Rhode Island, and even want to seize this technology.

At least you have to figure out how to defend the abyss musket?

This thing, with the effect of breaking the devil, equipment such as the arrow drop is not very good for it, and there are some weakening, but the attack power is already super high, weakening that attack power does not affect the result much.

Rogge scanned the underlying data with a powerful divine power, and then he was a little stunned.

The Duke has the power of today, and it is really inseparable from technology. Tens of thousands of magicians engage in research day and night, from legend to elite, how many days and nights have been dedicated.

Research is one aspect, and manufacturing is another aspect.

Shan said that the Duke's most standard abyss musket, the main material of the abyss eroding iron, is almost worthless in the abyss, no one is going to mine. However, the Duke led an abyss to attack the abyss. After getting it, send it to another special world, let the thunder and lightning bombard day and night.

Eventually, the abyss erosion of iron became thunder-stripe erosion of iron, and its attributes changed greatly.

Lightning eroded iron and then made an alloy is the main material of the abyss musket. Speaking of manufacturing costs, it is all about transportation, sending materials to different worlds for processing. In the alchemy factory, the manufacturing technology beyond research is quite mature and cheap. Expensive is the alloying formula of lightning erosion iron.

Things are easy to manufacture, and raw materials are not valuable, but if you do n’t have the ability to attack the abyss, if you do n’t have the ability to transport in different worlds, these are all unnecessary.

Iron erosion in the abyss is a waste that no one wants, but the iron erosion in the lightning pattern is not a powerful family and can't be solved at all. How much you want to sell depends on your mood.

The weapon materials of the Duke's present are basically all of this characteristic, and they have been searched in different worlds.

There is also the self-synthesis, the metal powder that Li Anna engaged in last time, eventually became the source of ideas for the apostle's scepter.

Such as the bullets of the abyss musket, this technology is also used, otherwise there is no effect of breaking the devil.

The abyss musket, from the material point of view, is a tenth-level equipment, but from the cost point of view, the first-level equipment may not be so cheap. Otherwise, it is impossible to give it to Demon. The huge number of demon-stained weapons, and any weapons in its hands, will cause great pressure on logistics.

However, this thing can only be used by robots, because it needs powerful electric power to drive.

Relying on the battery inside the musket, it can only be used for normal mode attacks, and the combat distance is 300 meters. And the energy node of the excitation matrix will increase the attack distance by dozens of times, and the power will also increase. But due to the bullet's attributes, the threat is not so terrible for the strong.

Unlike the apostle scepter, there are infinite possibilities.

Rogge also conducted a series of tests, only testing the standard version of the soldier's weapons, and there was a surprise from start to finish.

The demon uses the electromagnetic short spear, while the soldiers use the demon short spear. Devilish weapons seek for perseverance and durability, while soldiers' demon-breaking short spears seek for a few minutes of attack power. When needed, throw it out in a burst, with great power, and then it will be destroyed, and it is necessary to pursue low cost.

Like Rogge, you can see the underlying data and know the power of these things.

But the soldiers below, even if they know the dress-up news, do not know the specific attributes of these equipments, only know that they will be better than the previous ones. Not many people have the same authority as Roger, so the discussion is not so intense.

However, the front-line testing began, in the extreme north, the ice field.

Not only the Shah family in Rhode Island, but several other families are testing new weapons. In the forest in the extreme north, harassment never stops. In this case, weapons for large-scale operations are not used, but individual weapons are a good opportunity for experimentation.

Unlike the enemies in the forest, the enemies in the forest city have more advanced armor, levels, and excellent defensive attributes. They do not attack the Great Wall, but only attack those who go deep into the forest for logging.

A batch of new-style demon dyeing and three demon dyeing kits were sent to the front of the icefield.

In the forest, a large robot is cutting a magic plant with a laser. In the shadow, a small black figure jumps out and pounces on the nearest demon.

In the hands of the dark shadow is a sharp long sword, with the tip of the sword piercing the demon's chest.

There was a little shimmer on the tip of the sword, and the blood was bright red. It must be something like a fighting spirit, even if the robot can prevent it, the damage to the outer armor will be huge, and it may even penetrate.

The demon retreated, and the speed was obviously not as good as the shadow of the assassin. But it lifted its left hand, and the beautifully patterned metal glove suddenly turned yellowish halo.

Gravity gloves immediately rushed the energy up.

Black Shadow felt that his body was dozens of times heavier, and he staggered under his feet, and a demon on the side had rushed up, and his short spear pierced. The black shadow long sword branched on the ground, rolling.

The demon electromagnetic short spear pierces the air, chopping down.

Black Shadow Long Sword lifted up at this time, and a horizontal line behind him. On the sword, a strange halo appeared.

Skills, block.

On the electromagnetic short spear, the red light burst, and the speed was suddenly accelerated by dozens of times. The dark shadow felt a sharp pain in the wrist. The long sword was severed by the electromagnetic short spear. The power of the short spear was not reduced, and it was split on the dark shadow's back.

With a loud sound, the defense of the leather armor was directly ignored, and the spearhead more than half a meter long, crossed the body, almost cutting the shadow completely. The backed demon, rushed back at this time, and the electromagnetic short spear exploded the shadow's head again.

The magician who was in charge of surveillance behind was quite happy and did a good job!

The two fifth-level demon are actually setting a trap. Use one to attract and the other to attack. Simple and effective tactics, beheaded a dozen-level swordsman.

The two demon, only consume a secondary energy node.

Not far away, a demon put the right arm on the edge of the weapon box protruding from the right leg. The weapon box quickly deformed and clicked, fixed on his right arm, and turned into an abyss musket.

This abyss musket changed from the weapon box form to the form of the abyss dragon, fixed on the right arm of the demon.

The abyss musket, with a slight red glow, is very dim, but it is still striking in the dark forest. The dragon is like a living creature, as if unwilling to be fixed on the robot's arm, and still twisting.

However, in less than three seconds, the weapon has been debugged.

The dragon calmed down. At a distance of more than three hundred meters from the demon, a human in dark green leather armor, carrying a short bow and a thin sword around his waist, walked lightly, and pulled a green tree from the treetops The green arrow comes.

However, this man didn't find a sharp devil lying on his trunk not far away.

The bladed demon is now disguised as the color of the bark and does not attack, but everything it sees is passed to nearby demon and human soldiers.

The demon raised his arm, and the muzzle of the abyss musket flashed silently with a blue electric light.

A bullet, decomposed in the surface of the cabin, turned into a red metal powder, and seemed to burn when passing through the barrel.

Just over three hundred meters, it didn't take a second, and the bullet wrapped in red technical powder penetrated the bow bearer's forehead. The bow bearer had just put on a feather arrow, and the bow string had already been killed before it was pulled apart.

There are many ways to aim at Demon, which is the quickest and most convenient. Observe with another robot to form a triangle.

The most extreme aiming method is that the communication is cut off, there is no optical response, and when the target cannot be collected by the collector, the gravity glove is used to change the surrounding gravity, and the skill is released five to forty times instantly. And the change of gravity during this time can depict the surrounding material structure and find the enemy.

Acoustic waves, optics, electromagnetics, and gravity are all means of collecting demon.

In theory, this robot can also fight in space.

The emergence of a large number of new types of demon has made the people in charge of defense on Rhode Island a lot easier. However, it is only easy in combat. Soldiers also have to deal with data and think about combat issues. I have to write a war report later. If there is no robot assistance, how should they handle this scene.

When going back to rest and training, there will be simulated battle scenes in the illusion, let them face the scenes that have been imagined.

Moreover, in the illusion, it is also necessary to simulate the confrontation between humans and robots.

Faced with such a powerful attack, how do human beings face it. Of course, humans will still have a robot-assisted establishment, but the number of enemy robots ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will be even larger.

Xiahe doesn't want to turn human soldiers into waste, but wants to keep pace with the times. Can their robots evolve, but not their enemies?

Just like the six coalition forces present, the remaining five have similar development plans and are also testing new weapons.

But these new weapons, they have not been taken out of Yinyan City.

For example, the Metatelin family, the technology gun, has the technology of thoroughly burning potions. With only a few potions, it can push bullets to a distance several times farther than before. Warhead programming also allows bullets to fly in an arc. Sharpening technology makes the penetration of the warhead powerful.

The Royce family also invented the second-range bullet. The Oldington family invented the thin and long long-range bullets, which can still maintain a good speed underwater.

Everyone has also studied the outbreak of the robot's strength. The cost of control may be far less than that of Rhode Island, and the killing effect is certainly good. It's just that because of the cost, Rhode Island can equip robots in large quantities. The latest chapter of the door invasion The first chapter of the latest chapter of the Daomen invasion Chapter 1261: all have progress Website:

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