Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1275: : Only violence

Metatelin's proposal for joint development is only to reduce costs and obtain a better plan, not to say that there is no way to leave everyone. Metatelin ’s Ministry of Magic also has many alternatives, but it is not further practical.

On the territory of the Merrifin family, the princess pushed forward, relying on the advantages of equipment and number of people, quickly cleaned up most of the area, leaving only a main city.

The main city was newly built, and the coalition forces found it difficult to fight, but only temporarily besieged.

In the center of the main city, the Merrifin family built a five-layer magic gear. Layer by layer, the highest point is more than two hundred meters. This is a much stronger building than the magic tower, and the magic network can support the whole city.

It is terrible that the entire city was built into a fortress group by the Merrifin family.

Even if you break into the city wall and kill it, you still have to attack one by one. Street fighting is a terrible thing. The Merrifin family, arranging millions of robots in the city, looked like a dead man.

And in the center of the magic gear, there must be a passage to the outside world.

This means that there is a follow-up force, which is the most troublesome. The powerful power of the magic gear prevents the attacker from blocking the space. If it is a nine-story magic tower, you can do something.

Now you can only go into the city, surround the magic gear, arrange enough void magic monuments, and then make the magic gear unable to transfer troops from outside the world to block the space.

Even so, the huge space inside the magic gear contains a lot of troops and is not easy to attack.

Princess Angelina personally enlisted, and at this time, she did not know what to do. You can't let the helping legion attack, right? Who is responsible for such a strong attack?

But if you don't hit it, go around?

There are so many troops gathered in this city. Once you leave, the site you laid down before will be counterattacked back.

How to send someone to stay and defend? If you want to block the city, the Merrifin family will have no way to attack elsewhere, at least three or four legions will be left. Because the blocked people also need to rest, they can't stare at them day and night. Two of the four legions are on permanent rotation to maintain their combat effectiveness.

If someone doesn't come out, you have to stare.

Princess Angelina, now able to mobilize troops, is ready to attack the Yinyan City, there are seven legions in total, or get some servants to protect the whole place, and she can also draw another legion, but also It is eight legions.

If there are four left, there will be four left to attack Yinyan City?

You can't even beat the main city of the Merrifin family, and it is even more impossible for Yinyan City.

Finally, Princess Angelina also had to pull her face down to discuss with several large families how to beat the city down first.

The life configuration is right: "I can go to the floating city, have special ground weapons, plus six-wing biochemical robots in the army, and destroy their fortresses. But there are many fortresses in this city. There are huge underground facilities on the ground floor, which still need to be beaten one by one. "

"What do you want?"

"The southwestern province, there are mountains over there, we are not easy to attack now, but sooner or later we have to clean up the rebels." The people of the Metaline family said bluntly: "After the fight, the two southwest provinces , Our five are asking for it. "

"How about you?"

Life Constructed: "I want an ice field."


"Yes, I don't include the ice sheet in the extreme north, I want to own it."

"However, there is a fortress on it. You built it together."

"Outside my territory, don't they still have their new territory, we don't care." Life Construction laughed and said authentically.

Although Princess Angelina felt something was wrong, it was nothing. The ice sheet was originally not an empire, but now it was all given to Rhode Island, acknowledging the rule of Rhode Island.

The Empire actually lost nothing. Rhode Island wanted it, and it was not as good as Metatlyn's appetite.

"In addition, you will provide the magical original stone consumed by the floating city."

Only then did the princess feel normal, and if she had to leave the floating city and was going to fight, it would cost a lot. The floating city is a huge beast. It is okay to fly, take off, and land, and burn a lot of magical original stones.

"Then it is so decided, I will issue an order, and I will allocate the magic stone to you."

Several of them were quite satisfied. Rhode Island asked for an ice sheet, mainly because the underground world got it together. There are also a lot of resources that have not been exploited on the ice sheet.

Although the mining cost is much higher, it is better to hold a spare. It is better than when others need you to get your neck stuck.

The floating city of Rhode Island, immediately after the arrival of the magic stone, took off and went straight to the main city of the Merrifin family. The United Army began to lay out outside the city and was ready to attack.

A large number of void magic monuments surround the city and build up.

Around the Void Magic Monument, there are heavy guards and long-range artillery positions. The artillery's killing effect on the magic fortress is average, but it is better than nothing, and when attacking the city wall, it needs the artillery's strength.

The defenders in the city had no feeling for the flying floating city, and stood numbly at the head of the city, watching the tentative robotic troops.

No one attacked, they were cruising around two or three miles away, and they were quite scattered. It was interesting to kill a few robots.

The huge floating city hovered at a height of more than 30,000 meters. Around the floating city, the lower part of the muzzle opened, aiming at the ground.

The length of this barrel is hundreds of meters, and it is designed to attack fixed targets on the ground. In fact, it is just throwing stones, throwing 30,000 meters down, and the power is not small.

Life Construction personally sits in town. He is also a demigod, like Her Royal Highness. Like a princess, basically it is very troublesome to go, and there must be a huge void magic monument to follow.

This time the life configuration was simpler, and the princess was invited to the floating city. Both of them were quite comfortable.

In this world, the suppression of demigods is still very powerful. If life construction is just okay, he has life characteristics, and he is not a Taoist product yet. Although not as powerful as the princess was suppressed, she did not dare to walk around.

Xiahe retreat, although it is not a retreat, but Xiahe can't feel the sense of life configuration. Many things have to be decided by him.

It was his own idea to leave the floating city this time.

Without leaving the floating city, Rhode Island's army would have to go to street fighting, which is meaningless.

Open the floating city at the muzzle and wait for the princess ’s order. The princess listened to the other legions and made all preparations. Then she said: "Attack, Merrifin family, surrender to the God of Magic Stay in this world. "


The commanders of all legions were very happy when they heard the order. It's not that they are cruel, but when fighting, there are indeed a lot of scruples.

Black metal shells smashed vertically from the sky. Hundreds of magic lights lit up and intercepted in the main city.

However, these shells are superimposed with huge gravity and dispelled by magic.

After intercepting through layers, more than 400 shells hit the city wall. Seeing that dozens of huge gaps appeared on the wall of more than fifty meters. The metal shells pressed directly, and the wall below cracked and collapsed.

A gap of more than five meters appeared. In the sky, another batch of shells fell down and hit the same place.

The floating city carried out dozens of attacks in a row, and finally, in one direction, smashed the city wall into a gap equal to the ground, and the ground width exceeded 15 meters.

The people in the city couldn't think of what to do, and the earth was trembling.

The shadow of the floating city not only blocked the sunlight, but also projected on their hearts.

In the center of the city, the highest point of the magic gear, Syndicate looked heavy, looking at the scene where the city wall was opened in the magic picture. He thought he built the city wall, not less than the Great Wall of Rhode Island, but now it was torn apart like a piece of paper.

The fortress in the city is sturdy, what's the use, if the other party ...

No, it is impossible to store too much of this weapon, and there will be restrictions on its use. The problem is that the city wall has been opened, and the previous plan has to be adjusted.

Want to block the plan for a period of time against the city wall, completely bankrupt.

He desperately calculated and concluded that there are more than 400 high-altitude guns in the floating city, and there are more than 100 remaining to continue to use.

Seeing that they stopped the attack, it should be adjusted. If you shoot at such a rapid rate, all the guns will be destroyed.

However, more than one hundred guns and three more rounds can destroy more than 400 fortress buildings in the city. Damn it, why Rhode Island has such a silly weapon.

Powerful, but can only hit a fixed target, it costs a lot of money.

The army still did not invest in the force to charge the city, but concentrated the artillery and began to bombard the gap. Because the wall was damaged, the magic array was destroyed, and the intensity was not so high. The artillery simply shot all the shells that could damage the wall, and bombarded for half an hour for a continuous period of time. , Torn apart by artillery.

Who is competing with you for the city wall and can solve things that cost money, why fill it with human life.

Besides, technology shells are not expensive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Unlike heavy magic artillery, if you bomb once, you will burn a lot of magic stones.

After the gap was opened, the artillery's attack was slowed down, but the shells spread towards the rear of the city wall and were suppressed by firepower. Some of the robots who appeared on the street appeared on the street and were beaten by shrapnel.

Aerial reconnaissance found that buildings in the city would not collapse unless they were directly hit by shells. Even if it hits directly, some are quite strong.

The whole city is a huge fortress. If you want to win it, you do n’t know how much you want to lose.

The robotic forces rushed up first, with sloping slopes on both sides of the gap. The large robot is in front, followed by heavy troops, and there are engineering robots in the back, trying to build a road at the scene.

They made the collapsed wall as smooth as possible, followed by the magician who followed, cast magic, and quickly built two slopes, leading directly to the wall head.

With the artillery covered, the large robot quickly rushed up and pushed towards both sides of the city wall. The latest chapter of the door invasion The latest chapter of the door invasion The first chapter of the two thousand seven hundred and seventy-fifth chapter: violence only URL:

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