Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1276: : Wear out (1)

The soldiers were caught between the robots, and then rushed to the city to command the army to advance. After clearing out a section of the city wall, the artillery fire continued to spread towards both ends and suppressed, and then, the knight was constructed and climbed up the wall.

Large robots arrayed and charged in front. Metal monsters more than eight meters high rammed and did not seek to kill the enemy. Anyway, the targets they could see were all swept down the city wall.

Syndicate found with depression that the large robot, in this environment, was unexpectedly easy to use.

The long-range magic attacks in the city were intercepted by magicians in the army, and the large robots were simply invincible.

Once a large robot was seriously damaged, it jumped down the city wall by itself, and a new robot was added later. Professional soldiers in the distance can only withdraw.

Only a few dozen people can destroy a large robot, which is not cost-effective at all.

They also know that those large robots have little money and are much cheaper than construction.

However, the coalition does not want to sacrifice too many large robots, saying that it is cheaper, and it is also comparable to the magic configuration. Let's just say that the latest model of Grim Reaper is not cheaper than the 20th grade, the cheaper is the 10th grade.

On the left wall, a heavy armored infantry tried to launch a wave of counterattacks against the robot. Hundreds of metal robots in the front opened the way, and the heavy armored infantry in the back rushed with the magic sword.

The large robot simply knelt down on the spot and suddenly released a layer of force field protection.

Almost at the same time, dozens of shells exploded at the head of the city, and the metal robots that charged were all parts.

Those large robots still didn't move, and behind them, a construction knight of the squadron rushed out.

Fifty men of the construction knights of the Metaline family, not equipped with mechanical construction knights, are such a simple squadron. The height of these structures is also about seven meters, with a shield in the left and a magic sword in the right. A charge forward, I saw a huge phantom lit up in the formation of the Cavaliers.

An illusory warhammer descended from the sky and was so huge that it crashed down.

There wasn't even a single dust splashed in the city's head, but the hearts of those heavily armored soldiers seemed to have been hit once, and the whole person was stunned. There was a constant sound echoing in the helmet.

Fifty build knights, at the head of the city, there are actually only four in a row, so many charges are just to build up build skills. In a single blow, the four front knights in the front row swept the magic sword, and dozens of heavy armor soldiers were cut by the sword and their bodies flew around.

The people in the back, who couldn't recover at all, were stepped on by the pretense.

After constructing a charge in the squadron, he turned back and back. Close to epic mages and structures, they are also easy targets to attack. Although it is difficult to break the defense, it is not necessary to cause damage to the structure.

Syndicate hated it even more. He was fully prepared. However, he lacked a knight.

His constructed knights are all in magic gear, guarding the center. I originally thought that there were enough robots in the city head, and there were magic heavy armor warriors, plus the magician, how can they resist the enemy's attack.

As a result, nothing is better than constructing a knight charge, so multiple armored soldiers are mostly cut by the waist, and a few are trampled to death.

Syndicate, this is a bad brain, and constructing a knight is originally under special circumstances and has great power. If it is in the field, such a behemoth must be specially equipped to construct a knight or a high-level magician to deal with it.

What about in Chengtou? You didn't arrange a knight, just let the magical heavy armor warrior hit, isn't it looking for death?

Fifty constructed knights, even legendary mages, can't get it with one blow. If it is a weak legend, the position is not good, and the speed is not enough. Maybe the knight will fight back.

The large robot jumped up and continued to move forward.

In front, there are also several large robots, and the magician behind, throwing rows of fireballs forward. At the head of the city, the magician of the Merrifin family desperately dispersed, and two large robots were destroyed by the fireball.

Boom ...

The magic structure was shot. The magic structure of more than 20 levels, combined with the rapid fireball, the remaining few large robots, lacking the protection of the magician, rushed to the front and were blown one by one.

The city's head is flat and open, whoever has the most firepower will take it all.

This is not an environment like a bunker. You rush in and attack the corners everywhere. Enemies may appear in all directions. The city head environment is unobstructed. As long as the magician bombs arrogantly, the fireball team is unparalleled.

The people of Rhode Island watched from a height, and they were in a good mood. The enemy's large robots had no magic defense.

The mage's fireball technique is the best attack.

This is the technical gap. The robots of the five nobles in the south have certain magic defense capabilities. It is still not good enough to bomb with a simple fireball. Just like facing a magician, you can use a complex combination of magic to kill a large robot with magic defense.

If it was Rhode Island and Metatron fighting, and a large robot encounters, Metatron cannot win.

The robot technology, Rhode Island is the best, and the Merrifin family is simply a scum.

But Metatelin's construction is really good, just before that fireball volley, absolutely beautiful. There is also the warrior skill of constructing a knight. In a narrow environment, then a warhammer smashes, spiritual shock, and also forms a mana resonance.

If you build a knight together, you will have a win or lose. Rhode Island is willing to stockpile and has also developed an explosive function. As for the magic configuration, the general configuration, Rhode Island is not as good as Metatelin, and the special configuration should have its own advantages.

But manual construction, such as the three-legged fire crow and the sky blue moon series, is the boutique of Rhode Island.

Unfortunately, this thing cannot be mass-produced, and even better, it will be overwhelmed by the huge number of opponents. Therefore, the Duke leader developed a high-level biochemical robot to supplement the lack of construction.

The current war is already a life-and-death situation, and there is no need to save strength.

Seeing Metatlin ramming here and choosing the most correct combination of forces, he dispatched the heavy troops up there, and the Rhode Island generals quickly judged in their hearts.

It turned out that Rhode Island already has the strength to compare with the old nobles!

This is not what life constructs. He knew that a giant like Metatron had occupied a lot of the world. What about the royal family?

Princess Angelina, there are more than 20 worlds, hiding very well.

How many other princes, princes, etc. are occupied by the royal family?

What about His Majesty the Emperor?

Don't look at the emperor's blockade of the city of Juno, the city of Juno, I am afraid it is the same as here, and will communicate more worlds.

Rhode Island now has more than 50 worlds in hand, and more than a dozen of them are still good.

Compared with these old aristocrats, it is incomparable. It is not necessary, as long as Xiahe achieves human immortality, there is nothing to worry about. Xiahe becomes a fairy, and Su Taizhen, who is in charge of the capital, will also become a fairy, as does Freya. Not to mention Medirelli, it is estimated that it will soon become an eighth-order sword repair.

The fighting power of the eighth-order sword repair is no different from that of a human fairy, and may be stronger.

If Mediel Li became the ninth order, no one in this world could fight her alone. Those hidden forces may not be able to sit still.

Smith's advancement may be slower, not too slow. His qualifications are better than that of Medieri, but his luck is slightly worse. Medirelli hit by mistake, the soul accepted the baptism of Thunder.

The head of the city is easy to advance, covered with artillery, large robots and structures repeatedly impact, the enemy dispatches a strong team, and then installs the structure, the magician and the magical structure bomb, the enemy is only a robot, ordinary soldiers, then large machinery People come to deal with.

Behind the large robot, followed by the small combat robot, are all firing cold guns.

However, the troops entering the city are not so easy. It is impossible for the shells to clean up such a big city. The floating city in the sky, as Syndicate calculated, can also attack three rounds.

More than 400 attacks must be aimed at more than 400 relatively strong fortresses.

There are more than tens of thousands of buildings in the city. These more than 400 attacks must be carefully calculated, and the defense power is almost handed over to the Six Wings.

From Rhode Island's point of view, although the legend of the Allied Forces did not dare to act rashly, the legend of the enemy did not dare to fly. Without air power, the ability of the six wings to destroy the building was enough to take the city slowly.

The shadow of the floating city does not look that large because it is flying too high.

The military heart in the city is not so floating, most of the troops are hidden in the underground and magic gear. Every street is a place for combat, the city is a monster with a lot of mouths, waiting for you to come over and devour you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fighting around the city walls, the speed is not so fast, a little clearing the enemy's troops There is also a small fortress for Tibetan soldiers at the head of the city.

Moving forward, it was the servant army transferred by Princess Angelina, who was exploring the way in the front, followed by the combined forces of several families. Pathfinding is quite dangerous. The status of the servants determines that they are responsible for this task.

If it's a field battle, it's elite first, they clean up the endgame.

On the street corner in front, there is a tower with a height of less than twenty meters. The Augustinians rushed up to clear the top of the tower, and then sent people up. First, they used magic plugs to reinforce the walls, and then arranged defenses around the windows. Magic circle.

The magician was stationed on the top floor, surrounded by magical structures and advanced robots. He controlled the place and started attacking the surrounding buildings.

But not far away, there is a stone house, a magical building, two floors, the structured fireball hit, first weakened, and then offset by the magic defense, the robot inside, began to fight back, attacking the tower with a firearm. The latest chapter of the door invasion The first chapter of the latest chapter of the Daomen Invasion Chapter 12272: Passing (1) Website:

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