Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1277: : Wear out (2)

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The magician of the Augustine family, with a fierce attack, opened the book of magic and released a series of giant fireballs. A dozen huge fireballs flew out and exploded the stone house.

However, he had to wait two days for his magic book to restore his magic.

The most troublesome was cleared, and the surrounding low houses could not suppress the tower fire. The magician of the Augustine family has more than 20 levels, and inside the tower, there is a 30-level magic structure, and several more than 20-level robots.

But before he was happy for a minute, a lot of robots appeared under the ruins of the stone house and attacked the tower in the ruins. Under the stone house, still strong fortifications. The people on the upper level were killed and the dead were clean, and the people below got out and continued to fight.

Unexpectedly, the position of the window, the robot attacking outward, was hit, and the circuit in the head was broken.

The mage of the Augustine family had to cover the enemy with fireballs. This attack was not so ideal. The enemy robots were bombed a dozen, and the rest were drilled back.

When he rested, among the ruins, fighting units drilled out.

His fireball couldn't completely blow up the structure below, and called an artillery attack, the effect was similar.

Call the sky city? Once the gun came down, the bunker must have collapsed, even if there was a deeper fortress inside, it would be difficult to climb out again.

However, this bunker is not a big building, he called the city of the sky, he could not afford to lose this person.

In trouble, high altitude, five slender bullets swooped down at ten times the speed of sound, and the sound of metal bursting could be heard through the thick building.

The bullet of the Judgment Gun penetrated the top floor of the bunker and was shot into different rooms. The metal was torn in disorder, and most of the enemy troops were killed instantly. There are still a few broken robots that are no longer in the climate.

The people of Rhode Island disagree, and the enemy has no defense against such attacks.

Rhode Island, if it is a bunker, must be prepared for penetration attacks from above. The compartment on the top layer will have a structure that detonates various projectiles. Never let bullets explode into the room.

Five more bullets were fired to supplement the attack, and the bunker disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It ’s mainly because the building is sunken and it ’s not easy to attack. On the left side of the street, there is a stone house with the warriors of the Augustinian family, holding a special magic gun, and slammed against the wall. Explode inside.

The magic dust burned, forming a magic flame, and the robots in the whole room were solved in a flash.

After waiting for half a minute, a magic net mage, followed by a magical structure, came to the bullet hole, released a frost technique, and then checked it before the robots opened the door and went in to check it out.

After entering, it turned out that there was a tunnel in this stone house, and there were enemies hidden under it.

"Trouble ..." The captain looked at the tunnel entrance, and the black was afraid to enter casually.

In fact, the princess's striker has already penetrated hundreds of meters. There are still soldiers defending near the city wall. It can be seen how annoying the city is fighting.

The princess's servant army also opened the way with large robots in the front, and confronted the enemies. On the streets, divine magic creatures appeared, making the city like a purgatory.

The servant army only opened the 500-meter-wide front and advanced. Soon the line was shortened to two hundred meters.

Both sides are heavy armored robots, tanks, and some medium-sized robots to cover the wings. The enemy also has a large number of robots to defend. If it does not hit the computing core, the robot can continue to fight with one leg left. Robot legs can also be used to shoot.

The result is that the follow-up elite soldiers must help to expand the defense lines on both sides, otherwise this servant army will often suffer from harassment and accidental downsizing.

The task of tackling the difficult task is already very difficult. If you let them work with the enemy underground, the loss will be immeasurable.

The current situation is that more than 800 meters intruded into the front, retreated 200 meters, the wings expanded to one kilometer, and retracted 500 meters. In the occupied area, the coalition forces are still fighting the enemies hidden underground.

However, in the end, the coalition was rich and well-equipped, and the robot was quickly adjusted. The demon spider retreated and replaced with the jointly developed short-tailed scorpion robot.

The short-tailed scorpion robot is flat and very good at fighting in the dark and narrow underground environment.

And Rhode Island at the end is not right, in addition to the short-tailed scorpion robot, it also has a derivative four-arm snake magic robot. The four-armed snake-magic robot is only two meters tall. When traveling, it can also bend down like a snake and only stand up, which is suitable for tunnel operations.

The main world has a long magical civilization. These bunkers are difficult to break through. Layer by layer, even if there is a judgment gun, it will shoot through the upper two layers. Further down, there is no such impact.

Rhode Island also has magic guns through the wall, but it is really not cheap, it is impossible to see a wall and wear it once.

Now all those who use magic guns to break walls are testing battlefield data. Underground, large robots can't get in. Special magic muskets are too expensive, and a technology through the wall of the Royce family is very useful. Although this thing can only make a hole of the diameter of the wrist.

However, Rhode Island has sonic shock bombs, which can be shot through this small hole.

After the explosion, the enemy can be dizzy and comatose. The damage to the robots is not great, but the bunkers are basically melee robots. It is enough to fight against the multi-robots.

The regiment leaders are all on the ground, only the princess is in the floating city.

She assembled with life, paid attention to the battlefield, and saw that her army suffered a lot of damage, saying: "Your gun ..."

"You can view the data, and you can launch more than 400 times, and use it next to the magic gear. Now if you perform emergency maintenance, you may reach 600 attacks."

"The six-winged weapon penetrated so violently ..."

"That's the gun of trial, you didn't want to buy ..."

The princess was immediately depressed, when she thought she had a flying warship and attacked the ground without using this weapon. Who knows that there will be such cities with bunkers, every inch of land will be competing.

"His Royal Highness, this is the battle of killing. The Merrifin family wants to hold us down. If we fight like this, it will take half a year if we can solve this city?

Angelina said: "I know that it will take time, but if I don't fight, I can't march inland. I can't believe anyone."

"Now, most of the troops are outside the city and useless."

"It will always fill the city slowly."

"Then a huge sacrificial sacrifice, everyone is done together, right?"

"It will be like this!"

"It has to be guarded, the heir to the Merrifin family is very weird. Also, if the **** of magic is involved in it, how powerful the large sacrifice will be, you also know your highness."

"When you say that, I have a headache." Princess Angelina said. Although there are many magicians in her hand, the most powerful one is still herself. She can't end in person?

Or is it a good idea to let the floating city go down?

But that was a great loss, and turning back to repair the floating city's money made her very hurt. At the time of repairing the floating city, Rhode Island loaned 400 million gold coins. It's still a broken thing. Now if this is broken, 400 million gold coins can't be beaten.

"Your Highness, now you think Metatron's heavy armor robot warrior is not so redundant?"

Angelina smiled wryly. In this case, the defense is outstanding, the speed is ordinary heavy armor robots, the cost is low, and the melee attack power is strong. Everything becomes an advantage.

"Why didn't Rhode Island have such a robot?"

"Yes, both Demon Devil and Demon Spider have derivative models. Together with Metatron, they jointly developed the short-tailed scorpion robot, which is the best choice in this case."

Life Construction said that she opened the product catalog for Princess Angelina. Sure enough, the derivative models of Devil Spider and Demon Devil were listed. Seeing the sale price, Princess Angelina felt that her common sense was subverted.

"It is equivalent to the strength of a second-level professional. When it breaks out, can it be close to the tenth level. This thing can be bought for one gold coin?"

"Weapons are not counted."

"It's also very cheap, it's called ... inferior devil." Princess Angelina saw the name and thought it wasn't really inferior. One gold coin, the weapon may be much more expensive, but the robot itself, punching out with one punch, is also equivalent to the strength of a professional.

"The cost is forty silver coins. One can earn ten silver coins. It doesn't seem to be much. If ten thousand coins are sold, it is one hundred thousand silver coins, which is equivalent to ..."

"Two thousand gold coins." Princess Angelina said.

"Yes, there are 10,000 gold coins for two thousand. Who wouldn't buy 1.8 million for this thing?"

When Princess Angelina thought about it, it was really the same reason. The purchase of one million at a time was a profit of 200,000 gold coins. And the one million bad demons are not enough to attack this city.

"But, why didn't you see the inferior demon?"

"There is no order yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We don't produce it ourselves anymore. It's not available right now. This thing was originally prepared for the servant legion."

The cost of bad monsters is certainly not forty silver coins. Forty silver coins are enough to make a demon. Inferior demons are really very inferior, resulting in that the main legion will not be equipped at all, that is for the servants.

The concept of Rhode Island is that the value of human soldiers lies in wisdom.

The value of robots lies in their ability to execute.

The demon has excellent execution ability, only a large number of equipment to the main army. But the execution ability of bad monsters is much worse.

"If I open the production line, I want ten million evil spirits, how long will it take to deliver?" Princess Angelina slammed. This thing is not enough to attack this city, but what about Yinyan City?

That's a huge meat grinder, how can it be beaten without tens of millions of robots.

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