Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1278: : Tower

"Your Highness, why? If it is produced in the New World, the freight will have to be calculated separately, which is a lot of money. Follow the dream"

"I'm out. The vehicles are manufactured together. There are special vehicles, right?"

"Yes, if the bad guys can be folded away, they can be transported by large vehicles, or large airships. The cost of airships is actually not high. You can customize some special metal pods. The flying fleet escort, It should be considered safe. "

After thinking about it, the princess did not insist on transporting with a warship.

Flying warships can also carry metal pods, but this is a ten million evil.

In the case of airships, the pods can be made larger and cheaper. It does n’t matter if the speed is slower. For tens of thousands of miles, using airships will not delay too much time.

Life Construction thought for a while and said, "I can only use the Alchemy factory on the New World side. I ’m busy here. I do n’t have a affluent workshop at all. If your Highness wants 10 million bad demons, I will deliver it within six months . "

Princess Angelina said, "I am equipped with a musket, can I help me with melee weapons?"

"Yes, did we design it, or did you design it?"

"Just one piece, you designed it, must have the ability to explode."

"Poor demon, it can only erupt six to nine times. Do you want a heavy weapon or a piercing weapon?"


"Twenty silver coins in the thrashing category are cheaper than the piercing category."

"It's about to hit hard. The puncture type is damaged quickly, repaired frequently, and there is a lot of money."

The two quickly negotiated a business. Princess Angelina estimated that within half a year, she should be able to attack Yinyan City.

And life construction here, indeed made a lot of money. However, to make these bad monsters for the princess alone, you have to build a new production line, and the initial investment is a standard of millions of gold coins.

If the Duke takes the lead back and does not want to be inferior, and the princess does not continue to order, and others do not, the production line will not be able to discount much of the price.

"Pay bills with magic stones?"

"Gold coins, the turnover has been a bit difficult recently."

Life Construction has calculated that this time the business, removing the initial investment, including production lines, workers, magician deployment, etc., also has income of more than 2 million gold coins.

By the way, the alchemy factory will add a low-level weapon manufacturing workshop.

The robots of the main legion all have long lifespans, but they do need short-lived robots. Once they are on the battlefield, they will be scrapped for 100 days.

Only in this way, there will be no problem of battery life, as long as the battery can be recycled.

The battery life is designed for one year, but the cost has plummeted.

The battle on the ground did not stop for a second. The people of Rhode Island started to construct and fill the hole in the back. Some bunkers have narrow passages below the fourth floor. The sorcerer carried the equipment, equipped with space, transported the mud from outside the city, and dropped it directly in these passages, turning the mud into stone.

If you don't pursue permanence, this magic is not expensive.

Close some passages first, so that the enemy will have less way to go up from below, and there will be a lot of safe areas, so that the subsequent troops can enter the city.

In addition, there is some magic powder added to the mud, which has a restraining effect on the creatures created by the magic god.

Fortunately, the quantity is small, and as soon as the quantity is large, the field effect is formed.

It is too difficult to dig out the ten-meter-long passage if it is all this kind of stone. The effect of Rhode Island is very obvious, and the rear attack is immediately reduced.

The Xiahe Legion has a logistics battalion in the standard battalion. The 500-person scale is responsible for the logistics of a battalion. There are engineering troops in it. The engineering troops are not non-aggressive. It's just not directly reflected in melee. Now the engineering forces stepped in and quickly controlled the situation.

There are also many channels, filled with foam directly inside, instantly filled, and there is no air.

After the foam has hardened, although it is far inferior to stone, it is also very troublesome to dig. It is not too fast to clean up the garbage and the like.

Other families also have engineering troops. There are all kinds of learning materials. There are no technological materials such as foam, but there is no shortage of magicians. After the passage below the bunker became narrow, everyone simply cleared the soil, and there were many collapsed buildings on the ground, all stuffed underneath.

It is impossible to suffocate the enemy below, and all have magic arrays to create fresh air. But this thing is no problem to hinder the enemy for half a month.

Let's get the ground part done first, then the underground bunker, come back and clean up.

Seeing this, Syndicate reluctantly gave orders to let the troops fight against the enemy on the ground as much as possible. Once retreated below the fourth floor, this blocking tactic is really effective, and the cost is still very small.

Princess Angelina had always been worried about sacrifices, so she was not quick to attack, until after the outer walls were captured, this allowed the troops to enter the city from different directions.

There are eight gates in this city, two on one side of the city wall, and square and square.

These eight city gates also communicate with four main roads, dividing the city into a zigzag shape. At the center of the tic-tac-toe is the magic gear.

Everyone thinks that the layout of this city is good, but the layout time is too short.

If the wall and magic gear can be combined, the difficulty of the attack will be more than ten times greater. Now that the city wall is occupied, the attacking side gains commanding heights.

All kinds of large firearms and artillery have been moved to the city.

Thousands of meters near the city walls are covered by light and heavy firepower. Like a heavy technology gun, kilometer is the best attack distance, and the attack power is large enough. Needless to say, the artillery can directly attack the position of the magic gear. It's just that the magic gear is too strong, even if Rhode Island takes out the best artillery, it is to fight with the enemy.

All the troops of the family just took a test shot, tested the magic gear's defense, and then stopped the attack.

Now the army is focusing on clearing the area close to the city wall of one kilometer, which is also a huge area. Large cities are unmatched by small and medium cities. The princess's plan is to first clean up this piece, then clean up the underground troops here, and then advance internally to fight steadily.

Anyway, the bad guys arrived only half a year later.

The reason why I did not use the floating city and spent more money to get it was because the city gave the princess too much shock.

Use it to train troops first, hone your army here, get used to this kind of battle, and then go to fight Yinyan City. Otherwise, the losses in Yinyan City will be even greater.

Princess Angelina's thoughts, as everyone knows, other families think so too.

These people still have the idea of ​​replacing the army, and after three months of fighting, they are replaced by a new army, and it is time to train here.

Only Rhode Island has no idea.

Similar fortress groups, Rhode Island soldiers, have fought in the illusion. It is a more complex, magical building like an ant den. There are also complex cities in the high-tech world, as well as some mysterious gods.

Rhode Island soldiers are well-informed in the illusion.

Today's enemies are not so troublesome in their eyes.

The resistance of the Merrifin family here is indeed fierce, but the loss rate of the troops entered by Rhode Island, the robot, is 70% lower than expected. Moreover, most of the damaged models are derived varieties, and there is very little loss of demon. The Bleach lost a dozen, but the Flame Devils did not lose any of them.

Looking at the main robots only, Rhode Island has the smallest loss among several.

For no other reason, the defensive power of the demon is supported by energy nodes. Most of the loss of demon is to protect human soldiers. During the sudden attack, the demon around the soldier blocked the attack for the soldier.

This gives life a plan to create a guardian robot, after all, the demon is also offensive.

If each soldier is equipped with only one, the cost is not too high. But thinking about it again, the biggest trouble for logistics. Adding one model and one weapon is not that simple.

Do n’t look at Rhode Island ’s so many weapon replacements, but they all follow the same line as the original idea.

"Your Highness, go deeper and see these towers? Are they all half-buried magic towers, six-story standard. The Merrifin family is not so rich, otherwise, if the city has magic towers, we have to Think of other ways. Even now, you have to consider the cost. "

"This is ... more than a hundred seats!"

"It's just because there are many, so it's basically certain that it's not very good. Using a high-altitude gun to hit the magic tower, the effect is not very satisfactory. We used the reel sequence launcher to suppress it at close range, and then let the construction knight rush in, followed by magic Division and construction. "

"Beating layer by layer?"

"The magic tower won't destroy itself, it's ours to get in. We have a total of 128 magic towers. After they are all occupied, we will have a line around the city and the outer advantage."

"The loss will not be small." Princess Angelina said.

"Play it down and place the Void Magic Tablet directly, the Magic Tower is ours."

The princess hesitated for a long time before saying, "Let everyone stand."

In the communication channel, the rest of the army commanders almost immediately responded.

Agree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Life constructs and says "His Royal Highness, your people, haven't you practiced attacking the magic tower?"

"Not much practice."

"Then six of us divided the one hundred and twenty-eight magic towers. There are twenty of each and eight of them are left. How about the people from His Highness?"

Princess Angelina gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I attacked eight, and the rest of you are divided equally."

"That's good, Your Highness, I will prepare for two days first. I will mobilize some equipment."

This is how things are settled. The five families in the south have indeed been targeted training. They did not hesitate at all to attack the magic tower. There is nothing to worry about.

Rhode Island, prepared some robots other than standard equipment, an evolution of a previous model.

Large robot-siege hammer.

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