Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1280: : Strong and weak

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The battle in the north, which was slowly planned, just happened to train the Xia's First Guard Corps. But it was too late to regret, and it was an insult to transfer this legion.

The First Guards Corps, the soldiers are also very good, just lack of experience.

It is really not afraid of death when fighting.

Whoever puts such a thing on the magic tower will hesitate. Rhode Island is over. There are still many magic towers over there.

Steady and steady play may not be good.

The life configuration is entangled with this loss. Many of the configuration of the knights are rushing and must be repaired. But the following commanders and battalions are very excited.

Their cooperation is effective, and no one is dead, although it is necessary to repair the structure, it is better than some men who died in battle.

Of course, the twenty captains are all creditable, and they can only die if they are commanded properly. If you want to say something about loss, attacking the magic tower, how can you not lose, the loss is normal.

Above the captain is the camp generals, and the camp generals are non-stop, deploying manpower to quickly repair the magic tower.

The main purpose is to modify the foundation of the magic tower, reset the magic array, and place the void magic monument. In this way, there is no need to change anything else, you can control the magic tower.

If the magic tower is at home, if the enemy attacks again, you have to use ten times the force.

The architectural design of the Merrifin family is far inferior to Rhode Island. Soon the magician cracked the underlying magic array, installed the Void Magic Tablet, and then seized control of the element pool.

Suddenly, all the magicians felt that even if they took off their magical armor, there wouldn't be so much pressure on them.

In terms of mentality, it immediately became a lot easier.

A large number of magicians poured into the magic tower to maintain the magic configuration and the knight configuration. These are the main fighting powers, biochemical robots can repair themselves, but save trouble. And this time the biochemical robots did not have much damage, including the melee bat-wing apostle.

You know, the secret doors in the magic tower also contain a lot of troops, which are cleaned up by the Batwing Apostles.

Princess Angelina finally attacked the eight magic towers, but the loss was a bit serious. Because of the dead, there are probably more than a thousand servants who died in the battle against the magic tower.

The failure to suppress the magic tower was covered by a large magic.

Just a few seconds of mistakes, so many people died, Princess Angelina was in a bad mood. Not to mention the loss of these dead people, robots and equipment, it also far exceeded her men.

You know, each of her men must attack twenty magic towers, and she only attacked eight in total.

In the floating city, Princess Angelina silently opened the combat record to see how Rhode Island did it.

Rhode Island, dispatched twenty anti-scale warships, such warships rarely come out. Each battleship specifically targeted a magic tower and released a fierce blow. Countless ice cones hit the magic tower, temporarily sealing the magic tower attack.

The anti-scale battleship did not leave in the air, and the six-winged apostle circled around the magic tower.

As long as there is something wrong, the anti-scale warship will immediately make up for the attack.

From the beginning to the end, the Magic Tower could not attack the troops assembled outside. Rhode Island ’s air power was worth the investment.

The other five are roughly the same, but they are all powerful magicians who use magic scrolls to suppress the magic tower.

Then the procedures are similar, the large robots break the door, the construction knight rushes in to sweep, and the reloaded troops follow up to clean up.

There is no trick or trick, it is just a crush on the past.

As long as there is no mistake in execution, you can win.

In the implementation, no mistakes. These words seem easy, but how much hard training is required to achieve this? Rhode Island has a large phantom array for training. I didn't take it for granted before, and felt that it was a waste of energy.

Today, she was given a lesson. Not only the servant army died, but when the magic tower attacked, the magicians of the main legion also died. The soldiers needless to say, with hundreds of casualties.

Can you say that her troops are not elite? Playing a magic tower, the average number of casualties is less than one hundred, it is already a very powerful army. But she was uncomfortable in her heart. When did the fighting force of the royal family have been thrown away by the nobility?

The bunker is still a problem when the magic tower is knocked down. Hitting one by one, there will be similar mistakes in the back, and there will be a lot of losses. Princess Angelina was a little anxious.

At this time of life configuration, she still persuaded her: "His Royal Highness, the Royal Corps is not the same as us."

"How is it different?"

"The Metatron family has carried out military reforms very early, and found that our Rhode Island configuration is simply the same. A legion is about to attack a world. We now have so many legion powers , To attack this city because behind this city, there may also be a huge world. "

"I get it. I still haven't kept up with you in the configuration of the army."

"It's because the training hasn't kept up. Our robots are super-edited this time. In fact, the loss is not small. The military operation cost alone has increased a lot. To go to Yinyan City from here, if it is like today We ca n’t stand the consumption. ”

"What do you mean?"

"It's not necessary to attack Yinyan City this year. We completely wiped out the Merrifin family and laid it down. By the way, the world controlled by the Merrifin family was also defeated."

"Many nobles are staring at Yinyan City."

"I'm talking about genocide, and the Merrifin family disappeared completely. Since the establishment of the empire, it seems that this has not happened yet?"

Princess Angelina suddenly became alert and said, "This will make ..."

"Yes, let the empire split again. But now, what can you master? At first, the nobles, the user royal family established the arcane empire, so no matter what mistakes they made, they will continue their blood. This is the unspoken rule, I know. But can all this continue today? "

"Why not!"

"Yeah, the royal family is still there, but you are Angelina. How many are in your hands? If it is your emperor, it is a fart today."

"what did you say!"

"I said that if it was the command of His Majesty the Emperor, I would not bargain with him at all. Let us whoever goes, let us die, and beat this city down to His Majesty. And you, Her Royal Highness, now control the Royal Family Is it one-tenth of the power? Not even the mysterious masters will listen to you. "

Princess Angelina stared at the life configuration, and the life configuration disapproved, saying: "Your Majesty entrusted you to me and Muses, but it did not make you lose your temper."

Princess Angelina calmed down. When the emperor was still normal, her value was very high. As long as the emperor returned, the two assistant ministers would naturally rise. But the emperor is now a god, so he is not counting on it.

My own princess has too few resources for the royal family. If the other party wants to invest, you can change someone with better control. It ’s not that I ’m not like this.

Like himself, there are several legions in his hand, and a large number of powerful wizards who are loyal to follow, but compared with these big families, the strength is not as good. And he is not weak and not easy to control. Each of those loyal people is considered troublesome.

So, what is your reason to lose your temper with these people?

"His Royal Highness, I'm helping you because of friendship. Investing in the royal family is not as interesting as self-reliance. But self-reliance hurts feelings."

"So you make Lynch king?"


"I see, what should I do after that?" Princess Angelina asked.

"If you win, you will have prestige. Now the morale of your men is okay, because the most dead is the servants. So stay here for a little longer and completely solve the Merrifin family. The rest of the Merrifin family, we Everyone will split it, but we do n’t want the territory here, including the port, and give it to you, Her Royal Highness. "

"Don't you want the port?"

"I have Red Sea City, although small."

"This is what other families mean?"

"Metatling, you still have feelings for the royal family. Your Highness does not do anything. The Metatling family is still willing to support you. If you are independent, it is too striking. Helping you fight the world, and Mei Tatlin's own battle is two different things. "

"How many other families?"

"Metatlyn is the strongest, and several other families are willing to move forward and back together. These people are good friends because they have integrity and they can do it."

"Such a person can never tolerate betrayal."

"Yes, I like working with them." Life constructs.

Princess Angelina thought for a while, then laughed and said, "You are good, I also like to work with them. Then listen to you, we completely wiped out the Merrifin family and then entered the Yinyan City."

Life constructively said: "If we can drag it to the end of the year, maybe the six of us will be able to increase our military strength."

"To attack Yinyan City, the current strength is enough."

"The site is to be guarded. These nobles in the middle of the empire are not very honest. It nominally listens to you, what happens after you leave? So the locals still need troops stationed."

Princess Angelina frowned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Life Construction laughed and said: "Your army, take root in the Merrifin family, and then our six families will attack the Yinyan City for you. Isn't your Highness against this Are you satisfied? "

"You are the Minister of Auxiliary Administration, you said very well."

"Your Highness do not believe it?"

"Yinyan City, I plan to use it as the capital city, how is it possible?"

"Then I will mobilize Rhode Island's army and guard here for your Highness."

"Rhode Island, how much is the army?"

"Squeeze, there are still some." Life pretends to laugh wildly. Princess Angelina is the Lord, they are the guests, but the guests are strong and the weak, this is not destined to get along very well.

Because, he will not be reconciled himself, to be a man, to be a minister in his life.

Not to mention, Xiahe.

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