Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1281: : Decide the position

In the world of Taiyin Xianfu, the closed Xiahe felt a sense of laughter.

Life construction is finally a bit interesting. Such things can evolve into a fairy level. If there is no consciousness at all, it will never be possible.

All Daomen fairy soldiers are self-conscious.

Immortal soldiers and generals are not magical soldiers, and they have a stronger sense of independence and more powerful fighting power. Martial arts are usually treated like disciples in the door.

It's just that the level of the Immortal Soldier is lower, and it's worse than the disciples' treatment.

However, it is definitely more than the magic soldier.

Life construction, in the end, it must be the immortal treatment, Xiahe naturally hopes he can grow up.

The main world ...

Princess Angelina left the floating city, she suddenly understood that the floating city, not hers, but Rhode Island.

Yes, she can go in and out, Rhode Island also allows her to see information and data, but people can withdraw these powers at any time. And you should not be obsessed with things that do not belong to you.

She returned to the legion. In fact, most of the royal field legions were still loyal to her.

Princess Angelina, there are two main legions here, and the remaining loyal troops are still guarding the city on the side of the half-elf empire.

These are her roots and the wealth her father left her.

The loyalty of the nobles and the loyalty of the royal legions are two different things. The nobles care more about their families.

The two sides have been in this relationship since the founding of the country.

"I'm going to completely destroy the Merrifin family and transfer his people to the New World for settlement." Princess Angelina called a meeting, and all of them were startled.

"His Royal Highness, who gave you the idea!"

"In this way, it hurts the feelings of the nobles!"

"Since the establishment of the empire, no such thing has happened!"

"Never. In this case, our war will be hindered everywhere, even the local people will not support us."

The crowd was turbulent, and Princess Angelina smiled, just as arrogantly as life was constructed.

"You, now, I am not inheriting my father's empire, but creating a new empire. Don't you understand the second arcane empire? The five families in the south and Rhode Island in the north are all our powers now. Yes. They support me to do this, then my approach is right. "

"What if they leave us?"

"Then I still have you." Princess Angelina said firmly: "This time, I will destroy the Merrifin family completely, so that everyone can understand that betray the empire and betrayal of mankind. This is the end. Things, do you still not understand? Their repeated rebellion is a good warning. "

Everyone was speechless, Princess Angelina said: "Everyone, the lack of noble support is also a good thing. In the future, you will also be imperial nobles. How did the ancestors hit the world, we will come again!"

Princess Angelina is a demigod, so he has confidence.

If the demigod is not dead, there will always be the possibility of a turnaround, and the lifespan of the demigod will also allow them to wait.

And everyone works for the princess, the princess is strong and longevity, and their descendants will also be cared for. This is also the last word. If Princess Angelina is not a demigod, how many people will be loyal to her now?

Angelina suddenly understood a lot of things today, and the floating city above her made her understand.

Even when his father was there, the Duke of Asra was all so reckless.

Today, I told her face-to-face that Rhode Island had nostalgia. When you invested in me, I will return you today. However, you don't want to expect other people on both ends of the mouse.

Either use us, or do it yourself.

The extinction of the Merrifin family is a landmark event.

After the princess left, the life was built, and she informed the southern nobility that things were done. The princess agreed to exterminate the Merrifin family and completely cut off the blood.

The southern nobles, of course, were happy, especially those four, who really could n’t admire Metatlin ’s decision.

It's good to pull Rhode Island. This matter, they raised, is not very good.

They are old nobles. When the empire was established, it was an important supporter of the empire. Rhode Island is a new force and has nothing to do with the creation of the empire. So, Duke Asra can do many things and speak for them. Rhode Island ’s reputation has always been good, and it is more particular than many old nobles.

When you interact with Rhode Island, you will have a feeling that Rhode Island is really a must. The price is clearly stated, and there is no slight flaw.

But once the covenant is signed, if you say good things, you have to do it if you lose money.

It takes a long time to interact with each other to play emotional cards. Rhode Island ’s merchandise for Metatelin is always cheaper than others. As long as Metatlin does not resell.

Everyone also judged that these low-cost things are within the production capacity. The price will only be raised if additional costs are required.

So the relationship between Rhode Island and them is getting better and better, and shopping is getting cheaper.

Whether the two sides communicate with each other has reached a level where short-term credit is possible.

Today, Duke Asra, gave them good news again. They are willing to invest in Princess Angelina, but it would be boring if too many people came to share it.

There is now a Grand Duke in the West watching, although he has promised to support Angelina.

But after this incident, it may not be necessary.

The Neisser College should be no problem, and the Neisser family does not care about this. They are the same as Metatelin, strong, huge and deeply entrenched.

Such a family can be an empire.

As for why investing in princesses, of course, it is still a matter of concern for the royal family. The nobles who refused to submit to the princess were essentially impossible to actively attack the princess unless they supported other members of the royal family.

Metatlin meant to make the princess self-defeating, and then everyone supported her as an emperor.

Rebuilding the empire, there are no more people to divide the cake.

Rebuild the empire, rebuild the rules, and redraw the sphere of influence.

Life is constructed, looking at the war on the ground, and thinking about it, it is not this. The result everyone wants is the same, but the purpose is different.

Rhode Island has actually moved further towards independence.

One day, Rhode Island will conquer the whole world, otherwise, why do so many soldiers practice. There are ten main legions, enough to protect the interests in the main world now.

Conquer the world, control all channels of the world, and use this as a center to conquer the entire universe.

Behind this center is the support of Taiyin Xianfu World.

This is the layout of Xiahe.

Even if this is not the main world anymore, the traces of the passage to all realms are still the most important strategic goal.

Walking through these world passages is better than sending a star fleet to fly slowly.

Even if your fleet has the ability to jump space.

If you don't work hard, sooner or later, Xiahe will be left behind. Cheng Xian, Cheng Xian, what are these compared to Cheng Xian?

Exterminate the Merrifin family? This kind of stuff is extinct.

The matter of surrendering to the **** of magic, placed in the door of the Tao, must be extinct. One does not stay.

Although Daomen is not a Buddha, it can also use causality to prevent the ageing of the universe. As long as your actions are in accordance with Daomen's principles, Daomen will rarely treat you as an enemy.

Therefore, there will be three thousand side gates. These side gates are also trying to protect the interests of the road gates.

The battle continued arduously, and the coalition forces were laying the front line around the city. Based on this more than one hundred magic towers, we attacked deeply inside. Right now, we are going to build the magic tower one level higher. In addition to increasing the attack power, we must also guard against the sacrifice of the Merrifin family.

If these 128 magic towers are united, at least it can ensure that the area outside the front line of the city will not be affected by the sacrifice. The area near the front line is also considered safe.

The setting of the front line around the city was a change of strategy. It was originally intended to break into the core, rush the people of the Merrifin family to a different world, and then block the passage.

Now I am planning to fight steadily, take down the entire city, and then chase down to a different world.

Princess Angelina soon convened a meeting to discuss the battle plan with the six families. The six families all said that if they enter the world and exterminate the Merrifin family, then each family can dispatch two more legions to help the princess fight. A main army, a servant army.

With so much power, it's not just against the Merrifin family.

Then all the way to the west, the family that refused to submit to it would not exist.

The engineering forces of various legions began a big move, in addition to building the magic tower, the magic tower should also be used as the boundary to remove the underground power.

The families finally showed their true strength, just like Rhode Island.

Rhode Island's demon, more and more highlights the advantages of combat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fifth-level starting high-metal robots are almost all-round models in underground battles.

Electromagnetic short spear, gravity gloves, abyss musket.

It is needless to say that the electromagnetic short spear is in close combat. The demon-breaking effect is first-class, and the armor equipment with insufficient level can be pierced with a spear. Although it is necessary to consume the energy of the secondary energy node. However, there are many secondary energy nodes of Demon, 512. Although it can't be released once compared with the advanced energy matrix, the fighting time maintained is only half a minute.

And most of the time, if you ca n’t hold on for a few seconds, you have to inspire the next secondary energy node.

There are so many devilable creatures, a standard squad is equipped with eighty.

The battle of demon can be said to be full of high energy.

Gravity gloves, which disturb gravity, are even melee killers. Those with insufficient levels will be crushed directly by gravity. Although Rhode Island is full of professional soldiers, the Merrifin family can't do this at all. Too many quasi-professionals, once pressed by gravity gloves, basically lose their fighting ability.

To clear the bunker, the biggest enemy is the robot. Reading network

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