Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1283: : Use in advance

Rhode Island wants to set up a magic matrix here, because distrust and the ability of other families can completely eliminate the influence of the magic god.

After the underground matrix world is laid out here, the **** of magic wants to sacrifice, and it can't affect the area of ​​Rhode Island.

Life configuration, let Xia's First Citizen Corps complete as soon as possible, before others attack the bunker.

The speed at which the legion advances is so fast. Attacks were launched in many places at the same time, and no step-by-step approach was taken.

Looking at the battle report, I feel that the loss is still affordable.

The number of robots killed in battle has not exceeded his ability to bear. In the main army of Rhode Island, the loss of the robots in the establishment is considered dead. Losses outside the establishment are regarded as equipment losses.

In essence, it should be the same. The demon is a fifth-level starting robot warrior, destroying one is equivalent to dying a fifth-level human professional. Professional soldiers of the fifth level, are you willing to lose them casually?

Demon is not even a cannon fodder, it can be regarded as elite.

The devil is the cannon fodder, but Rhode Island has not yet begun to manufacture cannon fodder robots.

Because of the Taoist concept, cannon fodder is not a cost-effective arm. Rather than making ten inferior demons, it is better to make a demon.

The combat power of a demon will also exceed ten inferior demon.

The same is true in actual combat. In the battle of sweeping bunkers, only some enemies of more than 20 levels will have biomechanical robots, configuration, and human magicians. To deal with targets below level 20, it's almost the same as mobilizing the demon.

What will happen to the battle if there are a lot of bad monsters? Many inferior demons will be lost in underground battles, and the cost of loss far exceeds the loss of demon demon now.

In a series of battles, the demon is rarely completely destroyed, and the damage suffered is mostly repairable.

After all, the demon is not fighting alone. In the battle environment, the shield of order is often opened, and the magic of the enemy will be disturbed. The devil's gravity gloves will also interfere with the display of magic and physical attacks.

Biochemical robots, in a narrow range, jointly release the order shield, the effect is quite ideal.

Life constructing thought, will Princess Herald pay for ordering bad monsters?

Because in simulated battles, inferior demons are better than infecting demons, which will increase the cost of war. After the design, they are not put into production.

The melee ability of the inferior demon is much worse than that of demon, although the attack power is also quite strong.

The question is, how can the metal robots have weak attack power? Depends on the ability of sustained explosion?

The devil uses the energy matrix, which is much more explosive than high-energy batteries.

Life is still not understood, because he is not a princess. The royal family has no shortage of resources. Although the princess has little control, the wealth at hand is still unmatched in Rhode Island.

The biggest advantage of bad demons is that they can quickly enter the battle.

Even if it is a demon, the manufacturing time is too long. If you are a bad demon, you can drop it off the production line and throw it directly to the battlefield. Angelina intends to do a big fight, and will definitely damage many robots. The evil spirit really meets her requirements, and the price is not so terrible.

After the first batch was produced, she didn't have enough 20 million gold coins. It would be easier if half of the energy was paid.

In this way, you can get 10 million soldiers and attack Yinyan City, all of which are lost, which is much better than the loss of 100,000 human soldiers.

The devil's design is also for planning in the future. Sooner or later, Rhode Island will not have to plan carefully. In many cases, bad monsters are enough, and there is no need to produce so many advanced robots.

For example, attacking the outside world, the inferior demon is a good warrior.

There is a surplus of demon combat power.

For officers, of course, they hope that the higher the combat effectiveness in their hands, the better. But the lord? What about the emperor? Of course, I hope the army can fight again, and it is cheaper, so we have to find a balance. Inferior devil is a good balance point, even more significant than demon.

Life construction is not pure life. It is a little difficult to think about this issue.

The gunshots were not cut off around the city. The people of the Merifen family, who forgot to die, tried to counterattack. The armies of both sides repeatedly sawed and competed within a narrow range of several hundred meters.

People in the floating city, the Tenth Academy of Magic, have been watching the war.

At the beginning, everyone was still very relaxed. Up to now, the fighting is fierce, and soldiers of all families have died. Except Rhode Island. In Rhode Island, the proportion of robots is too high. When the environment is different, the commander will advise the human soldier to withdraw from the battle sequence.

The remaining robots are also sufficient to maintain the situation, so human soldiers have not yet died.

But the students saw the overall data. Thousands of soldiers had fallen to their positions. At first, everyone also analyzed local combat. Later, the teacher took it, and it was the regional combat analysis.

On a street near the magic tower, a summoning door was still open.

The surroundings have been huddled together, but the magician cannot disperse the portal. From the summoning door, all kinds of alien world of warcraft rush out, like crazy.

The Apostle of Asra has rushed into a maze and was trapped.

In the sky, the six-winged apostle held a gun of judgment, one shot at a time, attacking the larger summoning creatures.

Reloading the apostle, knight apostle, and the summon beast to fight together to help the demon, electromagnetic short spear flashing purple current, this is already a continuous state of explosion.

Seeing that some biochemical robots can't stand it, there are too many summoned beasts.

Five flame demons, with flames floating on the surface of the body, jumped up, flew to the ground, and rushed towards the summoning door. The instantaneous speed even exceeds the speed of most bullets.

The ion snake spear cuts against the ground, just a shock, and the flame demon rushed out of the blood path until it reached the summoning door.

"Found it!" On the magic tower, he has been monitoring the battle network and entered a data instantly.

In the labyrinth, the five trapped Asra apostles stopped at the same time, their palms were emptied, and an apostle's scepter was suspended in the palm.

The colored metal powder, wrapped in a scepter, penetrated the obstacles of the maze in the next moment and reached the front of a magician.

The magician wanted any door, and was surprised to find that the space was locked.

Five Asla scepters shot into his body at the same time.


The body of the summoning magician exploded into meat sauce. The summoning door not far away was crumbling, and there were magical creatures trying to rush out, but the space was unstable, and after rushing out, only half of the body was rushed out.

Behind the World of Warcraft, finally began to fear, soaring behind the door, wandering.

Five flame demons lined up and roared at the door.


The Warcraft in the door was suddenly unconscious and plunged into chaos. Quite a lot of them, without any care, rushed into the summon gate and were cut by unstable spaces.

In the high altitude, in a suspended battleship, a sword light fell, just slashing at the summoning door.

The sword gas exploded, and the summoned door collapsed like a mound, collapsing silently, and the surrounding space fluctuated slightly, causing little trouble.

In the magic tower, the mages looked up and looked at the sky.

Among the battleships, a sword repairman shook his head, and if he didn't shoot, the summoning door might become a trouble. Here is too close to the magic tower. Once there is space turbulence, the legendary mage has to deal with it slowly.

The legend has been suppressed too much, and this sword repair is not so much trouble.

But the teacher said, don't care about the things here, otherwise people think you are taking credit. The sword of Fang Cai is tantamount to weakening the military power of the other party.

However, if you do not shoot, it will affect the progress of the war.

"Which adult helped?" The mage in the magic tower couldn't help asking.

In the high altitude, Jianxiu lost the network and released a badge image. On the badge, an evil unicorn comes to life.

The magician suddenly had nothing to say, the men of the Knights of Medelly.

That's the Duke's cronies. They don't need any credit at all, and they won't **** it with others. Should it be passing by? This time, the duke leader did not say how strong the enemy was, and he needed the unicorn knight to help.

Just that sword ... It's really unforgettable.


Among the magic gears, the syndicate watching the battle found that the loss in the direction of attacking Rhode Island was the heaviest, and the loss on the Rhode Island side was the lightest.

Why is Rhode Island so powerful?

He hated everyone here, however, Rhode Island hated him most. At one time, Rhode Island caused humiliation to his family and was the reason for the decline of the Merrifin family.

So on offense, he threw more troops to the Rhode Island position.

Fangcai's Warcraft shock was resisted by a group of robots.

Robots, how could they fight Warcraft?

The Flame Demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are five squadrons assigned. What is Rhode Island doing?

He was very impressed with the fighting power of the Flame Demon. He flew close to the ground. When charging, the ion snake spear was cut in two, no matter what it cut.

Five flame demons can clean up the entire street.

"Adult, do you need to increase your troops? We have lost hundreds of magicians." A young magician asked in the sound array.

"From the world that ... the **** of magic has given us strength."

Although this answer was unexpected, the following people immediately executed it. The enemy's fighting power is too strong, and he quickly seized the outer magic tower.

Even if the counterattack is not down, it is impossible to not attack, at least, the enemy can not be calmly arranged positions.

The **** of magic gave him preparations, and the following people thought it was not necessary. Many people reject the **** of magic, but they have to obey Syndicate's orders. Reading network

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