Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1284: : Absolute advantage

There are many more people thinking, let the people of the **** of magic die. Rhode Island ’s army has such a strong combat effectiveness, and it also occupies the magic tower as a backing.

No one believes that the army of magic gods can lay down the magic tower.

The Rhode Island side soon discovered anomalies and the offensive troops changed. The proportion of divine magical creatures has increased, and the warriors are all from outside world.

These troops have given up their lives and forgotten their lives, and there is also an indescribable indifference.

Ignoring the enemy and their lives is strictly prohibited in Rhode Island.

Attack methods have also changed. With the help of bunkers, the enemy attacked and harassed remotely, and after quietly approaching, suddenly sent more troops to conduct surprise attacks by means of teleportation.

However, in the army of Rhode Island, many robots have space shields, order shields, blasphemous language and other abilities. These will destroy the space transmission, so this method has been used several times. After the army was injured or killed, the enemy gave up .

However, with the help of bunkers, the team's impact is still a very annoying method.

If it is a large-scale impact, the artillery in the rear will ring again. A small-scale charge, a bombardment of artillery, may kill three or five people, or none of them may be killed.

And this time, no large magical creatures appeared, like the guns of judgment, which could only clean up the targets in the building from a high place.

Then, the enemy's long-range weapons, the attack distance exceeded 300 meters.

Fortunately, the demon has updated the firearm, and the range of the abyss musket is farther.

As a result, on Rhode Island, bunkers were built, the streets were blocked, and many houses were cleared. Then let the demon shoot after the bunker, shoot, shoot.

The magic and magic of the raid are basically done by the biochemical robot and the configuration, and they are dispelled.

However, the attack of some magic feather arrows caused a lot of trouble to the demon.

Interestingly, after this attack caused trouble, the demon learned an ability to capture magic feather arrows with his left hand wearing a gravity glove.

Magic feather arrows attack, as long as the demon judges the direction, it will stimulate the gravity gloves, reach out and catch, as long as the direction is roughly correct, the magic feather arrows will be caught in the hand.

Under the influence of gravity, the exploded magic feather arrows, at most, cause slight damage to the demon, and do not need to go back to the alchemy factory and repair it on the spot.

However, the enemy used the ruin bunker, and the close position was probably about 100 meters. When the enemy charged, the next moment was close combat. The remote attacks on both sides are not used many times.

A box of bullets dyed with evil spirits is rarely changed every hour.

The opponent ’s magician did not directly attack, but artificially created some obstacles and bunkers to allow their troops to approach and fight melee.

The head of the legion here did not understand what happened.

Isn't it a disadvantage in Rhode Island?

He asked about the life configuration, and the life configuration and the legion chief said: "It is just a long-range mutual shot, then they will die to death, and there is no possibility of winning."

The head of the army was stunned, but it was such a simple answer.

The Duke led a powerful long-range attack, forcing the enemy to find a melee. In the process of approaching, part of the troops will be lost.

However, in close combat, there is no disadvantage for demon.

High metal robots may not be as strong as biochemical robots, but the maintenance cost is low. With a spear, the enemy's strength is no longer strong enough to deform his arms. In fact, when the secondary energy node is actuated, the metal arm cannot be deformed.

The commander of the army understood this truth, and he was not worried.

The army of magic gods really had no choice. After shooting each other for half a day, none of the enemies died, but they lost thousands of themselves.

So I changed the way of fighting, using the cover of the magician to bring melee troops close and melee.

But soon, the underground bunker was cleaned up behind the ring road, and the Merrifin family's attack had to stop. Because of relying on the magic tower, the coalition forces are gathering troops, and they are no longer just defensive postures.

A pure white light shining toward the interior of the city is the light of order.

Sacrifice itself is a non-order behavior. Regardless of other universes, the magic **** of this universe is definitely not an order camp, although he has mastered the laws of magic.

In order to prevent sacrifices, the Allied forces raised the magic tower by one level to increase their strength.

The strength of the Merriffin family, how can it be compared with these families, when the coalition is preparing to attack, the forces of the Merriffin family have to continue to turn into defense and hide underground.

Frontal collision, large robots just rammed on the street, no rivals.

Whether it is Rhode Island, or the other large robots, they all have magic defense capabilities, and they are much higher than the magic defense of robots like demon. The best way to eliminate large robots is to be a warrior professional or a large robot.

In the words of the magician, it is actually a little dangerous.

Magicians who attack large robots have to use powerful magic to expose their existence in the preparation time. The first priority for coalition attacks is the magician.

Of course, it is a better choice to use construction knights to destroy large robots.

But the constructed knights of the Merrifin family are all inside the magic gear, waiting for the final battle. The situation was a little smoother than the coalition thought. The Merrifin family had no good response to the intrusion of large robots. Large robots are not alone, they are surrounded by robots, low-level construction, and chariots.

Princess Angelina was in the camp and the generals present: "At this speed, it takes less than a year and a month to hit the magic gear."

An army commander of the royal family replied: "The attack difficulty of the magic gear may be one hundred times that of attacking the magic tower."

"I ordered a lot of bad monsters, if the attack is not smooth, I will invest in it."

The commander of the army knew that Her Royal Highness had bought this metal robot for the price of one gold coin. He is also not easy to say anything, because at this price, it is not a loss to buy the inferior demon equivalent to a level one to five level professional, or even very cheap. With the weapon of twenty silver coins, there is not much money.

Is like a soldier under his hands. The bottom of it, armed with a dozen gold coins.

A multi-gold coin, at most, a soldier of the armed servant legion. The combat effectiveness of those soldiers is definitely not so high on average.

Robots do have weaknesses, but when they are fighting, they have more advantages. If the princess can devote a lot of bad magic to attack the magic gear, it will be much bigger.

And knowing the various uses of bad demons in advance, and turning back to attack Yinyan City, I also have enough experience.

After the establishment of the ring front, the coalition forces formed a sharp offensive posture, and with the magic tower as a backing, there was almost no risk behind. Everyone is calculating when they can hit the magic gear.

In the floating city, the life configuration is now just reading the battle report, and does not interfere with the command of the battalions below.

The battalion generals are fighting better, the soldiers have no casualties, and the loss of the robot is getting smaller and smaller. Now the soldiers below are accustomed to following two demon at all times, and sometimes riding a demon spider, it is difficult to be attacked. The demon's defensive power is okay, and gravity gloves can effectively interfere with magic attacks and effectively prevent physical attacks.

Of course, for too high-level attacks, there is no way. But this is the normal offensive and defensive state.

Overall, the Flame Demon, much cheaper than the Astra Apostle, is a big killer. The Flame Demon Cannon's attack power is not bad, assault and melee are very comprehensive. Because of the size advantage, the fiend's melee can cause huge pressure to the enemy.

Many times, the flame demon rushed up and the enemies on the street collapsed.

And a squadron, responsible for a short street, retired after the fight, replaced by a new squadron, the robot's loss is very small. Five enemies often solve most of the enemies.

The remaining thing is to clean up the underground.

Sure enough, things like siege must have enough troops. If only the Rhode Island family, this kind of play will not work, the entire army is invested?

It will get more and more tired, the soldiers will not get rest, and the morale will gradually decrease.

"It seems that I don't need my help here." The young Jianxiu said to life. He brought in a squadron of unicorn knights, who was originally worried about the legend of the enemy who could do whatever he wanted.

It now appears that the offensive coalition forces are sufficiently strong, and the legend of the enemy has appeared several times, all of which were destroyed by concentrated forces.

"Don't be there either. There are places for spiritual practice and large phantom arrays on the college side."

"This floating city, floating in the sky, is it expensive?"

"The most money is spent when taking off, followed by the landing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you hover here, you will not spend much money."

"Interesting, then I will turn around."

"I will give you a warrant. In some places, your identity cannot be used."

"Thank you." Jianxiu thanked him for constructing his life. Who knows, the person in front of him is not an lord.

"Well, if it is not the magic gear, the floating city appears, and the other party has already lost. Now you have to fight slowly, it is a waste of time." Life Construction suddenly complained.

Jian Xiu said with a smile: "Anyway, the money came out of the princess. It floats here. It's also very interesting. Watching the war on the spot, the students got good results. I heard that there are a lot of people sent to watch the war over Asra College. ? "

"That's natural, this opportunity is rare. If it's a place like Yinyan City, if the air attack power is strong, I wouldn't dare to let the floating city hover above it. This thing hasn't been repaired to the goblin To the extent of the times. "

"It's another family, don't you want to make a quick decision?"

"Hehe." Life is constructed, not directly answered, but the meaning is already obvious.

Everyone is unwilling to make a quick decision, otherwise it is not difficult to speed up the speed with such an absolute advantage. If you want, you can push the forward to the magic gear within three days. ...

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