Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1289: : Knight Charge

The captain of the squadron, the young legendary knight said: "Then attack, are we strong enough?"

"Enough, my squadron is full, and there are five other monsters from other squadrons trapped here, which have been transferred to my command. I am not a legend, but there is a squadron in my hand. The warships are also there, over there. "

He pointed his finger and looked at the captain of the squadron. In the sky, there were 16 battleships floating.

Flying Squadron is a combat unit subordinate to the brigade. The entire squadron has only one counter-scale, the rest are fire arrows and dragon turtles, and the main formation has a six-man. Sixteen warships are divided into four small formations, two fewer than the normal six-ship formation.

But sixteen warships are already quite a good force.

Counterscale is equipped with Asra's Fury, and the rest of the warships are equipped with air warhammers, which have considerable lethality. This unit is equipped with new weapons, and old weapons are also updated.

The legendary knight nodded. With these warships, it is much easier to attack.

Not to mention the standard squadron, there is also a tank squadron, in addition to heavy assault tanks, there are self-propelled artillery tanks. The number is not large, but the castle opposite is not large.

In addition, there is a construction squadron in this brigade, but this squadron has only fifty mechanical squadrons to follow from the knights. Unlike his own squadron, there are two hundred mechanical knights.

Fortunately, the squadron leader is a 31st-level fighter, and his combat effectiveness can be satisfactory.

The lieutenant told the surrounding officers: "We will first arrange a standard squadron to carry out a tentative attack, so that the demon robot carried on this time, the flame demon will be pressed in the rear. If the attack is not smooth and needs to retreat, the flame demon will break . On our side, construct the squadron support. If it goes well, the flames will press on. The six-man battleship listens to my orders and drops a squadron into it when needed. "


The people below promised that there was a standard squadron, and Liumang landed slowly.

This six-mand is still hung with a metal gondola. It didn't land, so it was vulnerable to attack on the ground. The other warships were okay on the ground, and the six-mans with metal pods had poor defense.

In five minutes, the brigade was ready to fight.

There was no movement in the black castle.

Lieutenant General, there is a large magical structure in the command squadron. Large-scale refers to the large-scale computing core, which is more than three meters tall.

"Prepare ... to attack."

With the order, a standard squadron approached the castle slowly. In the sky, the battleship was ready, and the magic ballista, as well as the large magic firearm, all aimed at the castle. Chengtou vaguely had some figures, shielded by magical powers, and could not see clearly.

As the standard squadron approached, the ground of the castle suddenly oscillated.


The roar of the monster, behind the wall, a huge head raised, looks like a giant snake head, fangs are five meters away.

It seems that the whole castle is full of such a thing.

With the roar of the monster, the whole sky became blood red, the scales on the neck of the monster opened, and the whole head was shrouded in halo.

"Legendary creatures, to release skills, go against scales!"

With a command from the lieutenant general, Asra's fury on the reverse scale suddenly ejected a blue electric light, which accurately shot the monster's open mouth. When the electric light hit, a dark ice cone shot into it.

The monster has never seen such a quick attack. When the reaction came, the ice cone had pierced the mouth and almost shot into the brain. Did not shoot in, but the extremely cold temperature also directly frozen the monster's head.

The army of Rhode Island is not afraid of large monsters, unless it is unable to break through defense, it is still a highly intelligent life.

Otherwise, no matter how high the level is, it is just the target of the army slaughter.

The lethality of this ice cone, if it is really a legend of the 50th or 60th level, will be shot dead in a flash. But monsters have strong defenses and vitality is exceptionally strong. A blow in the mouth, the temperature was low enough to kill the legend, but its brain did not freeze, a layer of breath was secreted instantly, protecting the brain.

But the head was frozen, and there was also an enchantment effect. The reverse scale on it turned on the burst mode.

In the burst shooting mode, the black ice cone will not condense, but the blue ice cone really falls like rain. The monster's upper body was suddenly covered with ice cones.

"Attack with all your strength!"

Did not think this was the result. The monster poked out his head and opened his mouth to expose his weakness. However, it is difficult to kill Asra's anger.

The artillery did not move this time, and Asra ’s fury failed to shoot the monsters away, the power of the artillery was too much.

Here, the legendary knight waved his hand on the flank, and his men took steps at the same time with him, and the eight-meter-high construction directed the direction of the castle and instantly accelerated.

Fifty configuration knights, two hundred mechanical slaves, let the ground underneath tremble together, with a strange frequency.

The castle walls of more than 20 meters high, in front of the knights, are like a threshold, and they leap.


The legendary knight roared, all the knights echoed, and a trace of red appeared on the spear in his hand.

Is like a meteor.

This is usually a metaphor, but now, it is an adjective. It was really like a burning meteor, constructing a squadron, burning, and rushing towards the monster. One head hit the monster's neck.

The construction of the legendary knight passed through the monster's neck instantly. The rest of the constructed knights and burning spears all penetrated the body protected by the monster scales.

Lieutenant General dumbfounded, legendary knight, so fierce? This time, even if you are a legendary mage, you can't resist even if you reach level 60!

Two hundred and fifty units, all of which are broken. This is a miracle.

But the mechanical scepter was removed from the knight's spear and was destroyed after the penetration. Most of the long guns used by humans to construct knights cannot be pulled out. The five people who can pull out their spears are all epic knights of level 30 and above.

Reloaded brigade is a battalion, in addition to command the brigade, the main attack force. The constructed squadron among the reloaded brigades is also the sharpest sword.

The legendary knight leaped to the ground and turned to look at the giant hole on the neck of the monster with a diameter of nearly ten meters. It was just that blow that broke his spine, and it was impossible to live again.

'S knights, as well as mechanical slavish knights, also landed one after another.

People who lost their spears and mechanical knights pulled out spare magic swords. Inside the castle, there is a boxy layout, with a small square at the core. There are some enemies gathered here, all being magical warriors in heavy armor, who have dealt with before.

The knights landed, and they hadn't assembled in a line yet. The enemies on the opposite side looked at it and found that it was an opportunity and they were about to shock.

But on the head of the city, twenty flame demons leaped from a height and swooped toward the square.


The monster's head exploded, and a figure flew in midair.

Angel of magic god!

The construction knight turned coldly, regardless of the enemies behind him, he raised his spear and said, "Can you still charge!"


Forty-nine knights, urged to construct, came behind him and formed a formation. In the sky, the angel of the magical **** spread his colorful wings and carried a scepter in his hand.

Twenty flame demons, regardless of the angel of the magical god, rushed to the heavy armor behind the knight.

Angel of the magic **** sneered, said: "You can also charge, I'll see how you reptiles on the ground can reach me."

Then he saw that two hundred and fifty knights launched their charge toward the sky at the same time.

The red light in the sky was suppressed by the colors of the knights as if they were burning. Only the fiery red dazzling knights were flying towards the sky, and the angel with colorful wings flew away.

"Fool." The magic angel, with a wave of wings on his body, there are two hundred and fifty colored feathers, which have detached from the wings and flew towards the two hundred and fifty knights.

The colorful feathers, the erupting light, is clearly 250 legendary magic.

"Asla!" The legendary knight was not afraid, and a small shield appeared in front of him. The colorful feathers, flashing like a loach, still hit the little shield. Not even the speed of the legendary knight.

All knights, including mechanical slave knights, also released a magic shield.

This magic shield is inspired by the energy node of the magic furnace, and consumes a lot of magic power instantly. What the mechanical knight releases is the energy node of the energy matrix, and the force field shield is made.

The shields of human constructing knights have shattered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The colored feathers also disappeared.

Mechanical slain knights, but all twelve shields were destroyed, the colorful feathers dispersed.

This is the construction itself, with its own defensive capabilities, specifically for legendary attacks. Even in flight, the formation of the knights influenced each other to form a formation, which also weakened the magic angel's attack.

Mechanical slave knight, calculated the core, and also calculated this feather in an instant. At least twelve energy nodes must be consumed to resist.

The legendary knight's bright red spear came to the magic angel and nodded on his chest.

The magical angel floated to the side like catkins.


His scepter hit the head of a knight from a mechanical stern, his head exploded. The mechanical sword from the knight also cut his feet.

On the mechanical sword, the power of twelve energy nodes was superimposed in an instant, and it shattered with a click.

Was broken at the same time, and there was a bone of magic angel.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The figure of a magic angel is as fast as lightning, and every time the attack, the scepter can smash a head. However, his body was also severely bruised by a mechanical sword. ...

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